
A Sumerian Magician


Long-time practicing magician. I practice both traditional Sumerian magic and common eclectic magic. I love divination and writing sigils. Ask me for a reading, a sigil, or advice! My only true passion is magic.

hi!! so I'm doing a school project on Wicca and I'd love to get some insight from a practicing Wiccan so my information is as accurate and respectful as possible. would you mind talking a bit about how you personally practice, some common misconceptions you'd like to clear up, and anything else you feel is important to mention? thanks so much!!


Thank you for being so kind! And thanks for being patient. The reason I waited to respond is because I knew this would take five million years to write, and I didn’t want to half-ass this answer.

Because this is such a broad question to answer, I’m gonna divide it into topics and sections.

How I Personally Practice


  • Wiccans require initiation to begin the practice. Yes, initiation is an oath. There is no form of initiation that doesn’t involve an oath (this is why my version of ‘devoteeing’ is different from other users on here).
  • It is my personal belief, and many others’ as well, that self-initiations aren’t actually done by the self. The Gods initiate you. Even if you are alone, they may still initiate you into Wicca.
  • In an initiation, you swear to worship the Gods. Some people do this before the year and a day study; others, after. Many will write it down and keep it along with the date. Others do full-body blessing ceremonies as an initiation ritual. It all depends on your tradition, and what kind of circumstances you’re practicing in.


  • Balance is the core of Wicca. The goal is to keep your energies as balanced as possible. Weather, seasonal changes, constellations, spirits, and even the people you interact with can all change your balance.
  • Sabbats, or the Wheel of the Year, serve as reminders that the season and earth are changing, and that we need to change with it. The persistent holidays force us to readjust. 
  • Wicca does not shun darkness. We embrace it, acknowledge it, work with it, agree with it. 

Working with Opposites, and the Cycle

  • The sheer point of Wicca is that the earth is made of opposites. This is why the God and Goddess are split into ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, sun and moon, water and fire, etc. Nature creates and destroys. We ourselves are full of opposites. 
  • The earth runs through a cycle of creation and destruction. We are forced to love and work with opposites. Wicca is not good vs evil; it’s good and evil, accepting that the world includes both.

The God and Goddess with other pantheons

  • The Wicca believe that Divinity exists, but is far beyond our human understanding. We can only connect with Divinity through its slivers that we understand, which are Gods. In this sense, all Gods exist in Wicca, and all other religions are valid.
  • The God and Goddess were created with archetypes, in an attempt to encapsulate as much of Divinity as possible. In this sense, They’re both new and old. 
  • I, among many others, personally believe that other deities exist alongside the God and Goddess. I get many questions on where I think Hades lies since I’m His devotee. I believe He is connected to the God, but not a version of the God. Hades is His own entity. Same with every other deities.
  • Some Wiccans believe that other pantheons are all versions of the God or Goddess. There’s a ton of debate in this area (i.e., how important gender is, shoving other Gods into a box, etc). I personally don’t agree with it.
  • Wicca DOES NOT require you to worship a masculine and feminine deity. There are Wiccans who only worship the Goddess. There are Wiccans devoted to the Wiccan Gods and other deities. 

If you’d like to talk about my personal rituals, @nevi-cat, please message me privately.

Common Misconceptions

Wicca is all “Love and Light”

  • Did you just read anything that I wrote about balance and opposites?
  • This, I believe, comes from huge “white witchcraft” movement in the ‘90s. As Wicca became more mainstream, people twisted it into something more acceptable to the public eye, converting it into healing and light and sparkles.
  • There is no such thing as “white witchcraft” or “black witchcraft”. Ignore anyone who says there is. 

Wicca is a “fertility religion”

  •  … . I can’t express in words how much this phrase angers me.
  • It is true that Wicca has holidays celebrating fertility, the most famous being Beltane. However, fertility doesn’t just involve the womb. Fertility is the prosperity of the land, new animals being born, an abundance of energies, and PROSPERITY. Money, love and success spells are often cast on these holidays.
  • The phrasing “fertility religion” makes it sound like you have to have babies to be a Wiccan, which is. not. true.

“Blessed Be” comes from a fertility ritual

  1. The phrase “Blessed Be” comes from the Five Fold Kiss, which is A FULL BODY BLESSING RITUAL given during initiation in Gardnerian and Alexandrian covens. It has NOTHING to do with fertility. People only think that because genitals are involved (which I would also be uncomfortable with).
  2. The Five Fold Kiss goes as follows: The High Priest or Priestess kisses each part mentioned in the chant, saying, “Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways. Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be thy [womb/phallus], without which we would not be. Blessed be thy breasts/chest, formed in [beauty/strength]. Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.”

Wiccans don’t curse

  • Actually, Wiccans do. I’ve even heard from one Wiccan that, I quote, “The Rede is dying”.
  • There are many posts on Tumblr as to why the Rede has a shaky history, so I won’t go into it. One reason is that it was never officially incorporated, so some Wiccans choose to ignore it.

Solitary Wiccans are all New-Agey lazy trash that charge their Starbucks with citrine to make their parents understand them 

  • Okay can we just stop being assholes? The problem here is people who are lazy and misinformed. It isn’t with Wicca.
  • Many Wiccans study their history. They know the appropriation, and were sent through many stages of study while working in a coven. They read the folklore of plants and the safety precautions of essential oils. We’re not all idiots.

I’ve never asked my followers to reblog anything. But if you’ve made it this far, can you please reblog this? I’ve mentioned before how I feel helpless being a Wiccan on Tumblr, seeing so many of these misconceptions rampage about. Please do me a solid, just this once. And thank you for those who read. 


This is dearly important to me. I am not Wiccan, but this information radically changed the way I perceive one. I used to view Wicca as self-imprisonment. It sounded like a faith that wanted you to have magic and feel bad about using it. What I understood about Wicca was that you weren’t allowed to use your magic for personal gain. That there was a Sun God and a Moon Goddess and nothing else. That all you needed to be Wiccan were angst and pentacle earrings. Then I got to have a conversation with one. A long-practicing Wiccan that worships Hades and doesn’t believe in banishing the darkness. She corrected all of the misconceptions I had so effortlessly. She explained that her faith is about balance. That her faith believes you must accept the darkness and the light. That her faith never denies any Gods, and believes in all divinity. She forced me to change my mind, and its because of her that I no longer look down upon Wiccans.

TL;DR NO NO MOTHERFUCKER go back to the top and read the whole post.



This sigil represents remediation. It should be inscribed upon parchment and kept about the person. This sigil was a product of need, and is notably effective.

Illness is too varied in its targets and forms to predict. A passing cough becomes bronchitis or an insignificant smile becomes another night of tears. This serves to lessen the burden of the unexpected.


Ease Pride

This sigil represents all which chips away at pride. It can be used both for constructive and mischievous purposes. A friend had asked me to write a sigil which would bolster pride; this was created, playfully, as an antithetical to it. This sigil could be used to curb arrogance or obstinacy with ease. One afflicted with diminished pride is easily persuaded, both in heart and mind. Before you subject someone to this against their will, remember that pride and dignity are often inseparable. There are few greater crimes than forcibly taking one’s dignity.


🌟27 Ways to Develop Your Psychic Abilities🌟

1. Meditate every day for at least 10 – 15 minutes.  Raising your vibration is super important when you want to develop your psychic abilities.  This is because Spirit energy vibrates at a higher frequency. 

Meditation will allow you to be in a relaxed state and raise your energetic vibration.  You’ll begin to feel more connected to your Higher Self, Spirit, and the energy of others.  For variety and some fun, try a guided meditation!

2. Get to know your Spirit Guides.  During meditation, ask your Guides to show themselves to you.  Ask them their names.  Don’t filter anything, just go with it and trust.

3. Practice psychometry.  Psychometry is reading the energy of an object.  It’s SUPER fun and can be a great way to start practicing your abilities.  All you need to do is hold an object (preferably a metal object and something that has lots of energy on it, like a wedding ring), then, close your eyes and see if you can intuitively sense, see, or hear anything about the owner of the object.

4. Develop clairvoyance with flower visualization.  Visualization exercises will help develop your psychic abilities, specifically, clairvoyance.  Grab some flowers from your yard or a cheap bouquet from the market.  (It’s nice to have different types of flowers for this exercise.)  Place the flowers in front of you and study them for a little while.  Now, close your eyes and imagine one of the flowers.  When you can see see the flower clearly in your mind, move onto the next, and so on.

5. Develop your clairvoyance with random visualization.  This is fun, especially if you’ve mastered the flower visualization or just plain ole’ don’t like flowers.

6. Take a walk in nature.  Meditation doesn’t have to be boring – or done sitting down.  Do a mindfulness meditation by taking a walk in nature.  Concentrate on as each step as you walk.  Focus on the movement of your body and say the word “step” with each step you take.  This will help your mind clear of clutter and help increase your vibration.  Of course, taking a regular walk in nature without concentrating on your steps is also very meditative!

7. Read a few pages of a psychic development book every day. 

8. Read posts by trusted psychic and medium bloggers to continue getting educated about intuition and the Spirit world.

9. Visit an antique store.  Notice what you intuitively FEEL or sense by being in the store.

Does the energy feel wonderful?  Heavy?

Now pick up an object.  Do you sense anything?  Hear a name?  See a vision?  Using your psychic abilities in this way helps increase them!

10. Make a symbol book.  Psychic information comes to us in a variety of ways.  It’s often symbolic and not meant to be taken literally.

Your Spirit Guides will help you interpret information as you develop your psychic abilities.  Get yourself a nice journal and pen (I did this years ago and it’s an awesome keepsake!).

Sit quietly and invite your Spirit Guides and Angels in for help.

Ask them to give you symbols for things like events and occupations.  For example, for “birthday”, you may be shown a birthday cake (if you’re clairvoyant) or hear the happy birthday song (if you’re clairaudient).

Write it down in your symbol book.  Now, when you give a reading and are shown a birthday cake, you’ll know what it means!

11. If your using tarot, make your own tarot book.  Get a tarot deck that you love, such as the The Rider Tarot Deck.  Instead of looking at the meanings that come with the cards, use your intuition to make your own meanings.  Spend time with one card each day meditating on the card.  Write down all of your impressions of each card and what it means to you.  This is a great way to develop your psychic abilities and learn tarot.

12. Practice seeing auras.  ANYONE can learn to see an aura, so this is a great way to develop your psychic abilities.  Have a friend stand in front of a plain colored wall.  Step back about eight feet.  Focus on your friend’s forehead (third eye area).  Imagine you are looking through her, at the wall behind.  You will start to notice the aura layer around the head.

13. Develop your clairaudience (psychic hearing).  Each night, before you go to sleep, lay quietly in bed.  Listen to the sounds around you.  Do you hear crickets?  The wind rustling through the trees?  Focusing on the sounds that you normally ignore will sharpen this intuitive gift.

14. Practice giving readings often.  This is KEY to becoming a psychic or medium.  You can read all you want about golf, but until you get out there on the course and practice, you won’t become a great golfer.  It’s the same with developing your psychic abilities.

15. Tune-in to your pet.  When your pet is calm, sit with him and try intuitively picking up on how he feels.  This will help develop your clairsentience.

16. Practice reading old family photos.  I used to do this with my grandmother’s old black and white photos of family members that I had never met.  Look at the people in the photos.  Write down everything that you sense about them.  This is one of the most fun ways to develop your psychic abilities.

17. Journal often.  Journaling helps get you in touch with your Higher Self (soul) and spiritual helpers.  Try this:  Think of a situation you need guidance on.  Journal about it.  While you do, allow yourself to relax and let yourself be Divinely guided.

18. Pray.  This will help you continue to feel loved, supported, and connected to the Divine.

19. Ask a friend to call you – telepathically.  In your mind, hold the image on your friend.  Imagine energetically asking her to contact you within 24 hours.

20. Join a spiritual development circle or take a class.  This will give you a safe, loving environment in which to develop your psychic abilities and mediumship.

21. Get to know other psychics and mediums.  Being a psychic or medium can be pretty interesting!  It’s nice to have the support of others and, if you’re gifts are just developing, you can practice on each other.

22. Learn to turn your gifts “on”.  As soon as you start to develop your psychic abilities, you’ll want to learn how to control them.  This way you’re not “on” all the time, picking up everybody’s stuff.

Prior to any intuitive practice or giving a practice readingimagine lighting a candle in your mind.  Invite your Spirit Guides and Angels in.

The candle visualization lets your spiritual helpers know that you are open to psychic and Spirit communication.  This will help you learn to turn on your gifts when you want to use them.

23. Learn to turn your gifts “off”.  When you are done practicing, imagine blowing out the candle.  Thank your spiritual helpers for their Divine support.  This will help you control your gifts when you’re not working with Spirit or giving a reading.

24. Focus on your third eye.  Clairvoyance is one of the main psychic abilities.  To develop clairvoyance, take a few moments and focus on your third eye area (just above and between your eyebrows).  Imagine it opening up.  You may even feel your third eye begin to tingle.

25. Keep your vibration high.  Having a high vibration is important when you develop your psychic abilities.  Why?  Because:

  • Spirit vibrates at a very high frequency.
  • Living a joyful, authentic life, will help you feel more connected to the Divine and your Higher Self.
  • Like attracts like which means that you will attract other beautiful, spiritually aware souls into your life!

26. Eat high-vibrational foods.  Adding high vibration foods to your diet, such as fresh fruits and veggies will help your body feel good.  And the better you feel physically, the better you will feel psychically and it will be easier to develop your psychic abilities.

27. Keep a dream journal.  When your first start to develop your psychic abilities, you might start having really vivid dreams.  This is because our logical minds aren’t resisting Spirit energy while we are sleeping. (Our logical minds often make us second guess ourselves when we are awake.)  Keeping a dream journal can be helpful – and a nice keepsake of your intuitive journey!

Hope all this tips will help you opening your third eye 🙈

🌟Blessed be🌟

Thank You for these tips, they’re extremely practical and easy to do!! So


Overcome Great Fear

This sigil represents overcoming terror. It is to be focused upon when one is petrified in fear. The purpose it was created for is one I won’t share, for the beneficiary’s privacy.

Fear is the most powerful emotion one can feel. There is no way to ignore the trembling in one’s bones, the skips in one’s heartbeat, and the taste of copper in one’s mouth. Steel yourself, and continue.

No courageous human was born that way. They chose to fight.


Tell me one thing

Tell me one thing about yourself and tag 3 people.

I can’t really whistle @paula229 @solardanstem @blossom-howell

oh god

i still have my first bear from when i was born. he’s a mess

I’m allergic to touching cold things


true fact: when i was a young child, i used to ask my mom to draw cat whiskers on my face with eyeliner. the cat whiskers truly do come from within! @phanwithdogs @dreamdilddy @accio-phan

i cant whistle,, like,,, at all

I have multiple double joints in my hands/toes

I’m Homeschooled (God that’s a boring fact soz)

I’m homeschooled as well! :)

Éowyn was my first fictional crush.

@mama-orion, @sapphicfinn, @kai-idth 


I used to be a cartoonist for our town’s little indy newspaper.

I’m actually happy and content with my life. @sincerely-chaos @cheeseshop @chriscalledmesweetie

Thirty years ago, I buzzed all my hair down to a quarter of an inch long, and my mom’s comment was, “At least you have a nicely shaped skull.”

I like black licorice (a divisive subject in our house).


I played the theme to Chariots of Fire for a clarinet solo when I was in 5th grade (spoiler alert: my reed broke right in the middle).

I play bass in a band. (No fame or fortune, just some local good fun.)


I love calligraphy and illuminated lettering, although it’s been more than a year since the last time I tried my hand at some and it was ages before that since I had done any.

I went to college for illustration about a million years ago, but it was such a bad experience I hardly ever draw or paint now. Good thing I found fanfiction!


my feet always freeze!   Tagging:   @scrub456,  @macgyvershe , @mandysimo13


I prefer sour cream to applesauce on my latkes

I’m directing one of the plays I wrote for the very first time this year. @goingeverywitchway @bcdaily @dumblewhores-army

I can wedge my finger between my left eye and its socket until that eye is temporarily blind from the pressure, but I don’t really do that anymore cause it hurts afterwards

I can wiggle my nostrils, my ears, and heavily flex my pectoral muscles. (Aka: my boobs flop around merrily while I do this)

I use song lyrics in my spellwork a lot. Also in devotional activities; I offer songs to gods. @crystaloccult @blackforestdevil @mysticmoth

I can move my ankles so it sounds like they’re popping… @talesofnecromancy @constellations-and-energy @macabre-incarnate

I bite my lips constantly even after they start bleeding; it’s quite annoying


I can read books amazingly fast if they’re interesting. When I was 14 I read the first game of thrones book in one day (and actually retained what I read)

When I attended private school, I would eat my lunch in the library everyday and I would hang out in the section that contained books on ancient civilizations.

I changed my major 5 times because my ex-best friend went into studying what I originally wanted and I didn’t want to look like I was copying her. Hating her after the friendship ended helped me get over that stupid idea.

I draw pinup demon babes on my free time.

I eat chollula hot sauce everyday. It’s my version of ketchup and I put it on almost everything.

I did so horribly in school and did so little homework that they couldn’t determine my GPA, so for as long as I could remember it’s always been 0.0.

When I was young, I had a pet praying mantis named Moe. Turns out she was pregnant. She had tiny babies.

I sometimes have full conversations with myself out loud, wherein I speak for both “people” in this discussion. @ghosts-can-be-friends @ellusive @thelovelypotato



This sigil represents a connection between two beings. It can be inscribed or focused upon to strengthen any such link. It was created to assist in contacting and contracting with the fae.

Any manner of spirit can be oddly fickle. Humans can be just as inaccessible. Sometimes, it may feel impossible to appease one. This is intended to ease that difficulty, and encourage the creation of a legitimate and strong connection.

The only mark we leave behind is the one we left on others.


10 Random Facts

@death-witch-envy tagged me in this so~

To do - a get to know me post and write a list of 10 random facts about me and then tag 10 other blogs I want to know more about!

Sorry about the terrible formatting! I had to write this on mobile.

  • When I was about ten, I started to realize that I could gently manipulate people by thinking about them.
  • I'm studying to become a teacher. I would love to be a professor of Sumeriology.
  • I'm addicted to video games, especially RPG's and horror games.
  • I smoke a metric ton of weed. Like, I fucking love weed.
  • I was obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine when I was younger. I owned all of the playsets.
  • I'm a natural clairvoyant and empath. The former I can't control, the latter I can.
  • Nothing makes me happier than cheese. Literal cheese. Like, give me a piece of sharp cheddar.
  • I was born in the US, but Greek is my first language.
  • I was born on September 9th, 199X, so nine is my lucky number.
  • I'm devoted to Nanna and Marduk of the Sumerian Pantheon.


This sigil means curse. It can be inscribed alongside one’s name and burnt. It was created for a purpose of which I am ashamed and will not share.

The weight of a curse is easily brushed aside in wrath. Prior to acting upon the urge to cast one, allow yourself seven days from the idea’s inception afore preparing the curse. Over those seven days, answer for yourself one question: Would you be willing to walk up to this person, put a gun to their head, and pull the trigger?

Those who would not kill would not curse, for they are one in the same.



This sigil means listen. It can be written and hidden to cause one to truly listen. This was created in tandem with the understand sigil for a novice conjurer.

There is nothing more frustrating than feeling as though one  is not being heard. This will alleviate the frustration by remediating the cause. Note that this is not a sigil to command, just to turn ears.

All deserve to be heard.



This sigil symbolizes understanding. It can be focused on, or written and burned as and addition to an offering. Originally, it was created to assist a fledgling magician with spirit work.

So often we come in contact with that which we cannot understand. Then we find ourselves at a junction. One could give in and pursue other interests, or one could choose to persevere. This is for those that would travel the latter path.

Just because we cannot understand doesn’t mean we cannot try.


Ease Emotion

This sigil represents slighted emotions. It can be focused on to dull anger or sadness. Its purpose was to assist an acquaintance with talking to her mother after a rather extreme argument.

Emotions are a beautiful thing. They power our actions and our magic. However, it is all too easy to have feelings overwhelm us. The solution is not to stop feeling, but rather to allow a moment of clarity to assess our thoughts.

Breathe, and think.

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