
The Sims 2: A More Bitchin' Lesbian Simulator

@simnostalgia / simnostalgia.tumblr.com

Everyone has something they're nerdy about... for some reason, mine is the eternal garbage heap known as The Sims. (See my personal blog and Custom Content at MyOnline-PityParty.tumblr.com).

Hi there, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.

The pain is caused by a Pineal Cyst. Pineal cysts are relatively common, 1-2% of the population has one, but it is not common that they cause symptoms. Few doctors on this planet even believe they do cause symptoms.

I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again. The only hospital that offers this surgery in my country, England, is deciding whether it wants to bear the risk of offering this surgery after I was on the waiting list for 6 months. I have found two European surgeons who can perform this surgery and believe I am a good candidate for it.

Needless to say, I, being a disabled unemployed person, cannot afford the surgery. I should be able to have it free on the NHS but it is not routinely offered so they won't fund me getting it abroad.

I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain. Doctors don't care about this cyst because it's not a threat to my life. Anti-depressants can only dull the pain so much.

Can people please reblog this, no matter how small your blog is, so that it can get traction?


This is an official video from the LA Chargers??? Made in The Sims 2???

Why did they do this???

also, wait sorry there is one more thing...

Is the backing track to that promo video a remix of a song from the Nightlife soundtrack and the fucking NFL theme??? What the FUCK????


also, sorry, but imagine being EA right now. A sports team used a 20 year old game to advertise and not your current product. Like this wasn't endorsed or affiliated by EA if you look at the small text at the start of the video. That's so fucking humiliating for EA.

Like the LA Chargers literally said The Sims 4 fucking sucks.


SO many questions for the LA Chargers decision to use The Sims 2 as a marketing platform in 2024.

  1. why?

2. where did you source your CC??? Who on your team was like "Well yes, I AM familiar with MTS."

3. did you make those outfits yourselves? Because if so, you need to change your graphics file settings because the quality is so low and I KNOW it's not because of your in-game graphics settings. Someone get the LA Chargers PR team on the phone, I need to show them how to fix the texture issue with bodyshop on modern PCs.

4. Why did you include Pleasantview townies??? At first I thought they were just there to fill out shots on public lots but you actually gave some of them makeovers?? Where the fuck are you getting 4t2 converted hairs???


Still crazy to me that a few years ago if you criticized anyone on Tumblr for specific rhetoric regarding social justice the general argument was "Wow, you're saying I'm as bad as literal neonazis???"

Wild to think that line for being a good person for like most of the website was just not being a neonazi.

and it's wild too because the false dichotomy that was set up in those early years that tried to force every social ill into this rigid system of "abused and abusers" still rings true in SO much discourse. When like that's so rarely the case and in fact is generally a viewpoint that is weaponized by the right to create infighting. And in fact, this line of thinking is the basis behind a lot of sects of the left that Tumblr *hates* such as terfs. The idea that there are ONLY the oppressed and the oppressor is so far behind the times. I think it's time to shed dead weight that only serves to hold us back.

It may have served us in a different time but I think we can see the issues with it now. Hell, current events have shown us how wrong *that* particular set of ideas can be and how it can be used to justify truly heinous acts on the international stage.

And to this day, if you argue that point, you still hear something akin to 'are you comparing me to nazis??? Is this horseshoe theory"

And honestly? Most of you literally aren't better than the average 4chan user underneath. If you metric for morality is just 'better than a neonazi' then, to steal another old tumblr adage, the bar is LITERALLY on the floor.

purity culture is dead.

Also, I'd like to clarify, saying the average Tumblr user is no better than the average 4chan user isn't a statement about the average user's personal politics.

It's that you are not intrinsically more moral or principled simply because you hold 'the right' opinions. It's not even an argument about the ends justifying the means.

It's an objective truth about your capacity for maliciousness and/or ignorance no matter the context and how the rhetoric surrounding 'social justice' in the mid 2010's gave many people a terrifying amount of confidence in a reality that only consists of full time victims and perpetrators.

It's not hard to see this many years on that this was, for many, never really about the well being of the disenfranchised but rather a system of accruing social capital through performing 'wokeness' that was then resold to us by companies and by this platform itself.

A lot of the people who we were tearing apart in those early years for spouting off or using some questionable terminology hardly had anything to do with any real oppression faced by anyone. The 'your fave is problematic' girl wasn't bad because she was an example of 'political correctness gone mad'.

She was bad because she an example of the performative nature of call out culture and the way it only really served shallow takes about what oppression looked like.

Look, alls I'm saying is that I feel like some of you are holding onto some really awful mid-2010s rhetoric because confronting it would mean that yes, your racist transphobic homophobic uncle was a little bit right, actually.

Some of it WAS performative corporate politically correct bullshit that didn't serve anyone all along. Turns out being on the right side of history isn't enough to make you a good person.


Still crazy to me that a few years ago if you criticized anyone on Tumblr for specific rhetoric regarding social justice the general argument was "Wow, you're saying I'm as bad as literal neonazis???"

Wild to think that line for being a good person for like most of the website was just not being a neonazi.

and it's wild too because the false dichotomy that was set up in those early years that tried to force every social ill into this rigid system of "abused and abusers" still rings true in SO much discourse. When like that's so rarely the case and in fact is generally a viewpoint that is weaponized by the right to create infighting. And in fact, this line of thinking is the basis behind a lot of sects of the left that Tumblr *hates* such as terfs. The idea that there are ONLY the oppressed and the oppressor is so far behind the times. I think it's time to shed dead weight that only serves to hold us back.

It may have served us in a different time but I think we can see the issues with it now. Hell, current events have shown us how wrong *that* particular set of ideas can be and how it can be used to justify truly heinous acts on the international stage.

And to this day, if you argue that point, you still hear something akin to 'are you comparing me to nazis??? Is this horseshoe theory"

And honestly? Most of you literally aren't better than the average 4chan user underneath. If you metric for morality is just 'better than a neonazi' then, to steal another old tumblr adage, the bar is LITERALLY on the floor.

purity culture is dead.


Still crazy to me that a few years ago if you criticized anyone on Tumblr for specific rhetoric regarding social justice the general argument was "Wow, you're saying I'm as bad as literal neonazis???"

Wild to think that line for being a good person for like most of the website was just not being a neonazi.


Okay so, I"m looking for a Peggy Sims 2 hair. This is set 0037. It looks like PMBD doesn't have it? It also looks like they're missing a bunch of other hairs. Does anyone know where these hairs might be?

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