



that kind of love that’s “i was scared until i found you.” that kind of love that’s worth it to try romance again. the “fuck i’ll try cheesy if it just makes you smile” love, the roses and love notes and wine bottles. the twinkle light love, the “let’s go on this romantic date only to spend the whole thing being silly” love, the dancing badly to slow songs love, the “i don’t know how you make me laugh so much but seriously stop it i’m trying to drive” love. the “i trust you love,” calling late at night because a secret just welled up in my throat love, the first person i talk to so i can figure out this decision is you kind of love. the “i was hurt before and had given up but then i found you” love, the incredulous in-awe love, the wonder love, the are you actually real or am i dreaming you love. the “i didn’t believe in soulmates before you” love. that kinda love.


When the Darkness Comes

Summary: Lucien recalls the day Amarantha took his eye- and the difficult weeks that followed.

**Reassurance: Not graphic. This mostly focuses on the mental/emotional side of things; Only vague details about the removal of the eye.


Me: *turning around and looking jumpy*
Random person: Are you okay?
Me: *wide-eyed* Can't you feel it?
Random person: *confused*
Me: *completely serious* The tension?
Random person: *slightly worried* What kind of tension?
Me: Fandom tension.
Random person: *slightly mortified*
Me: NOBODY KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN ACOFAS. The whole fandom is quiet! You can feel the deadly quiet!! THEREARESOMANYUNTIEDENDS, there is NESSIAN! 3 POvs were promised, it's only in 9 days. IN NINE DAYS, WHO CAN WAIT THAT LONG!!!?! Not only the ends, but ALL THE CHARACTERS, except FEYSAND are in such a mess, I think! Just think of the triangle with Elain! LUCIEN DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT HIS FATHER AND THAT POOR WOMAN IS STILL WITH BERON!!!!!!! And I didn't even do the #1110 reread of all the three previous books! Nobody is prepARED!!
Random person: *inconspiciously backing away slowly*
Random person: *running away, faster than the wind*

After the final battle against Maeve

Dorain, speaking to all of Erilea: ...and now we will take a moment to honor the dead
Aelin: Does dead inside count?
Rowan, quietly: Now is really not the time, Aelin

I haven’t been able to sit and draw in a long time, it feels good. I’m counting down the days until summer siiiigh. Have a yrene doodle ☀️💙


moodboards: top 20 YA characters as voted by my followers (18/20) - azriel

“If I had not met a shadowsinger, I would not have known that it is the family you make, not the one you are born into, that matters. I would not have known what it is to truly hope, even when the world tells you to despair.“ 



Anonymous asked:

No. 3 (teacher/student au) for Feysand thank you! P.s. I love your writing 💜💜

Art Class

{NOTE: This isn’t an illegal teacher/student one, bc ew, so Feyre and Rhys are in their mid-twenties, and not at an actual school!}

Rhys had been going to these art classes for a month now, one a week, and yet he hadn’t improved in the slightest.

Maybe it was time to just admit art was not his forte, and he should focus on doing the things he was actually good at. Like making good business deals or running his father’s company. Fun things, you know?

Perhaps that was the real reason he’d signed up for these art classes in the first place, even though they were at the senior citizen centre, and the age range of the pupils was 50 and over, something his friends would tease him mercilessly for if they knew. But… he wanted to be good at something. Something that wasn’t taught by his father. Something creative. Something for him, not for others.

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