

@hellohollands / hellohollands.tumblr.com

19. they say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. i say the darker the flesh, then the deeper the roots.

Me like a week ago: DC fucking suck, they always fuck the characters up and never let them be happy, they keep ruining the batfam dinamic and Bruce's character and they never treat their traumas seriously

Dc: Anyway here is a webcomic about the batfam being happy



9/11 is coming up - and with it, a sharp spike of anxiety that always accompanies the anniversary. each year our community deals with attacks, threats, even deaths. each anniversary i don’t leave my house. i don’t go to the masjid.

i remember the time someone shot up the side of our mosque when we were inside

i remember the time someone chased two young hijabis with a taser

i remember the time someone intentionally swerved towards me when i was crossing the street and i stood frozen in fear

i remember the time someone slipped a knife threat into my mailbox

or the times my friends and i have been verbally assaulted in crowded public spaces and nobody said a word

call out racism and islamophobia when you see it. check in on your muslim neighbors and friends. refuse to tolerate the bigotry and hate that takes lives and spreads fear - both in public and online. stand united with us against hate.


The infographic above (courtesy of Yalla! Let's Talk) was posted only six days ago and now Palestine is trending once again following Israel's new airstrike against the people of Gaza in the middle of the night.

Besides being a violation of the "ceasefire", which Palestinians themselves said would not resolve the core issue, this new wave of bombings is once again a reminder that a free Palestinian state cannot be achieved through lukewarm, inconsistent coverage and activism.

Here is a few resources, feel free to add more:


Aperture Science Announcement Voice: “Congratulations, Homosexual! Your existence has been deemed profitable in the following regions: North America, Western Europe, and Australia.”

“To celebrate the occasion we have temporarily recolored all Aperture Science appliances in these regions to your favorite flavor of gay.”

“For further pandering on a wider area please continue fighting for basic human dignities and Aperture Science will be right there to celebrate your victory with you. Afterwards.”


honestly i’m sick of white women talking about normalizing “ugliness” when they’re talking about features that majority of people of color have and only a few white people have. like you’re gonna complain about your nose which is a little big and crooked and u’d look at other people of color who are just minding their own business and tell them we need to normalize ugliness!!!! like stop we’re not ugly, your ancestors decided that we’re ugly and now we’re still trying to unlearn it i know u thought you were saying in it in a feminist way but it’s actually racist af. like this belief that the point isn’t about being beautiful it’s about learning to accept yourself is worth nothing because u choose to give women of color a label anyway. your sentiments come from racism, like what if i tell you today that i don’t want to think of myself as ugly lmao.


The New York Times, not a random blog, The New York Times published this.

All that Dua Lipa, Gigi and Bella Hadid (who are Palestinian refugees themselves) did was attend a pro-Palestine protest and speak against Israel’s various war crimes and all of the sudden they have their faces on the cover of one of the biggest American newspapers with rockets being fired on the background and with sentences like “calling for a 2nd Holocaust” and “calls for the murder of Jews wherever they are found” and “when people criticize Zionists they mean Jews” inside the article?

This is so fucking ridiculous, these are one British pop star and two American models and they’re talked about as if they’re members of a genocidal antisemitic terrorist group and direct descendants of Hitler for daring to speak against a foreigner occupation (that directly affect 2/3 of them)? If this doesn’t show you that American/Western media has a serious problem with Palestinian human rights and that Zionist influences is a danger to free speech then I don’t know what will.  


Debunking misinformation around Palestine.

Please spread this truth!


some beginner resources on learning about the israel occupation & supporting palestine

i hope these are helpful ! i tried to list the most comprehensive and introductory resources for people who learn things better visually or by auditory respectively, or need both (like me)

please take the time to go through these resources and/or spread them to help with the palestinian struggle against media erasure and modern day colonialism


If you support disabled people, please stand with us against Discord’s redesign.

...and do more than reblog this post about it.

Chronic migraines. Dyslexia. ADHD. Autism. Vision impairment. Visual sensory processing disorder. Colorblind. & Neurotypical. Abled.

These are aspects of people that are affected by Discord’s new update to its color scheme and font, and there very well could be more I didn’t mention. Yes, you read it right, abled people and neurotypical people too. You are not immune to eyestrain.

What are the issues?

  1. A font which is both overly uniform and overly squished, with many letters that have essentially the same silhouette as others and could easily be flipped and look the same as another. ▻ This is dyslexic-unfriendly, as well as generally harder to read and an issue for people with visual impairments who may find that letters bleed together or that their eyes ‘skip’ over letters or words at times.
  2. A color scheme that is so highly saturated that it both immediately draws your attention and also makes you want to immediately look away. ▻ This is generally unfriendly, affecting people with sensory issues the most (ADHD/Autism, migraines, processing disorders), but it’s also colorblind-unfriendly. Due to the differences between the colors being exclusively the part that changes the named color (hue; “green” vs “blue”) instead of both that and the colors being different intensities (saturation; “neon green” vs “leaf green”), they look practically identical.

Aren’t there more? No. This is pretty much all that was changed.

Discord changed TWO THINGS and pretty much managed to land every single person possible to genuinely hurt with a visual design change that doesn’t add or remove any elements. Including abled and neurotypical people!!!

Discord is currently a good number of people’s lifeline and way to connect with others. And with this change, they just made using their app hurt. They know that we can’t leave their app without leaving our friends and communities behind. They know that if they can just sweep this under the rug, they won’t have to do a thing.

...So we can’t let them.

Why would Discord do this?

It’s actually fairly simple. Discord was hemorrhaging money from its very conception. Discord only exists because investors think it’ll make money in the future. If Discord doesn’t do as well, investors will push to make it “better” or they’ll drop their funding. Discord was probably forced into this situation, they probably knew exactly what would happen.

We have to show their investors that Discord was right.

What can we do to fix this?


  • Reply to Discord’s tweet about the design change. ▻ It gives Discord more attention, and if any complaints are acknowledged they are directed to Discord’s accessibility forums.
  • ONLY post on Discord’s accessibility forums. ▻ It gives Discord stats to work with, but it also means the outcry isn’t public. We need everyone to see this, not just Discord.


  • Reblog this post. ▻ Spreads the awareness, and all.
  • Retweet, reply to, and/or like this tweet: https://twitter.com/KarklesMarx/status/1393223369571586053 ▻ This tweet is part of our and our friends’ initiative to get this big and get this public.
  • Make your own posts about it on different social medias. ▻ Tumblr, Twitter, Discord servers, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, whatever ground you have, use it. You can help make this change too.
  • Find other people doing the same thing. ▻ One initiative is never enough. Look for other people making posts like these and boost their posts too.
  • IF YOU KNOW ANOTHER LANGUAGE, MAKE POSTS OF YOUR OWN BOOSTING IT IN OTHER LANGUAGES. ▻ Please. There are probably a lot of people we haven’t reached because this is an all-English post.

Wait, don’t you have pictures of what’s going on?

We do. They’re under the cut, to prevent causing issues for people reading the post.


i posted a video about this but not that many people saw it so im gonna type it out. on may 8, in afghanistan, the syed al shahda school was attacked, the young girls (aged 11-20) attending the school were just leaving for the day. the school is located in dasthe barchi, kabul- a place with a high shia population. i wont get into the history of violence against shias, but the reason it was targeted was because they were shia muslims. last year in the same area, a hospital was attacked killing new borns and their mothers. there were three explosions outside of the school. the current death count is 85, about 150 people wounded. the first blast was so powerful that some of the bodies of these children could not be found. these girls were just trying to get an education and go home to see their families, instead they were murdered. because they believe different. as far as i’m aware, this hasn’t been covered in mainstream media- the world has become so desensitized to the tragedies afghan people face. this attack happened only a few days before eid, its heartbreaking that today instead of celebrating and spending time with their daughters, these families are mourning their loss. here is a link to donate.  even if you can’t donate, it is still important for people to be informed about this. feel free to add on if i’ve missed anything or correct me. inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un


we cannot ignore that at least 3 times in the past few days, the US has effectively blocked a statement by the UN Security Council to condemn Israel’s genocide against Palestinians through not engaging in negotiations (15 nations are members, the decision is reached through consensus)


imagine someone telling you that saying your life matters is a political statement like why is me saying my life matters on a public stage so controversial ???

saying black lives matter is racial propaganda ???


Every single non-black Olympian should wear a shirt with one of the following:

  • Respect Black Lives
  • Peace for Black Lives
  • Include Black Lives
  • Solidarity with Black Lives
  • No Equality without Black Lives

This is the organization that held a Simmer Olympics in Nazi Germany and has, in its history, openly embraced eugenics.

This isn't even the first time the IOC has openly opposed black civil rights. Remember Tommie Smith and John Carlos, the gold and bronze medalists in the 200m dash at the 1968 Olympics, who raised their fists on the podium in solidarity to those oppressed at home?

The IOC had these brave men, standing up for racial injustice banned from the Olympic Village and kicked them off the US Olympic team. An IOC spokesperson said the protest was, "a deliberate and violent breach of the fundamental principles of the Olympic spirit."

The chairman of the IOC, Avery Brundage, who openly supported the 1936 Nazi games and the use of Nazi salutes during awards ceremonies, threatened to ban the entire US track team and strip them of their medals (note: Brundage was American)

The IOC will profit off of the image and accomplishments of black athletes, including Smith and Carlos in recent years, but it is fundimentally a racist organization.


The mcu has so deliberately tried to scrub the jewish origins of comics off of their pristinely polished mass consumption content because jewish creators were too left leaning so the mere idea that they could be making actual statements with their content instead of just paying lip service to the idea of subverting the modern superhero narrative while never actually changing their factory line formula is both laughable and insulting

Anonymous asked:

I really don’t get the message this show is trying to deliver. They have lines about systemic racism and have a narrative of Sam being pushed aside but then kill a black man to motivate a white man.

theyre trying to play all sides and thats why the show stands for nothing. classic mcu move actually. theyll talk about racism in one scene and then be the racism they are talking about in the next. theyll talk about killing being bad in one scene and then endorse the killing that is bad 10 minutes later. its so ridiculous

Anonymous asked:

How did I not hear about France banning hijabs? What’s going on?

long story short, there’s legislation in the process of being passed that would

  • ban girls under 18 from wearing any form of religious head covering in public, and although it’s obviously aimed at muslim women, it would also affect other faith groups that practice similar forms of modest dress
  • ban islamic swimwear in schools and public (there is already a modest swimwear ban in place at public beaches, this just extends it)
  • ban mothers wearing hijab from entering schools or participating in school field trips or extra curriculars
  • ban the slaughter of halal poultry - the cheapest and most easily accessible form of meat protein for the muslim community
  • extend school hijab bans to universities
  • prevent muslim women from choosing healthcare providers based on gender (which many muslim women prefer to do, since many exams require removal of clothing, etc)
  • ban muslim parents from homeschooling
  • force halal markets to sell pork and alcohol or face closure
  • ban foreign flags at weddings
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