
@femmelovely / femmelovely.tumblr.com

em | 24 | femme lesbian + she/they | poetry ig: femmepoem

people saying white rice is a harmful carb.. they could never make me hate you my beautiful princess..

if white rice has a million fans, i am one of them. if white rice has ten fans, i am one of them. if white rice has only one fan, then that is me. if white rice has no fans, that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against white rice, i am against the world. I love #white rice till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of white rice. Hit Like if you think white rice Best food & Good in the world


why is pride always in summer. what about the dykes that can't tolerate the heat huh. what about us. I mean them.


Kids love watching planes fly by but in Gaza it's a different story. Our children are not simply enjoying the sight of aircrafts like other babies around the world. They are just happy because if the planes are not dropping bombs on them, it means there is a chance they are delivering even the slightest amount of food they need so much. As you can see here, Omar and Salah are waving dedperately for aid planes as they are heading to aid-drop food far and deep into sea. Salah is even telling the plane to come help him. The possibility of those food parcels reaching them is little to none, but still seeing planes drop aid instead of bombs makes them somewhat hopeful.

After being dispalced again from Rafah to khan Yunis, it has become nearly impossible for my family to provide water, food and other basic necessities for their children and newborns. It is even harder for them to access humanitarian aid now that the occupation has sealed the Rafah crossing with Egypt while Israeli settlers and soldiers continue to block aid trucks at Israel's Kerem Shalom border crossing. International organizations say it has become almost impossible to deliver aid in Gaza because of the presence if the Israeli military. Despite international appeals to reopen the borders and allow humanitarian aid in, Israel keeps depriving my family and countless others of desperately needed food, water and medicine while it constantly subjects them to the torture of displacement at the same time. Airstrikes and snipershots are not the only threat to my family right now. Starvation and disease are effectively used by the occupation to further deepen our suffering and threaten the very survival of our children and families.

Your support is now needed more than ever.

Please donate when possible and reblog as frequently as you can.

We are eternally grateful to each and everyone of you 🙏


Rest in peace Morgan Spurlock and let us never forget that Super Size Me was an extremely poorly made and completely unscientific documentary that shouldn't be celebrated

Im assuming this is common knowledge at this point, but for the uninitiated, here's whats wrong with Super Size Me:

  • The methodology is horrible. Spurlock completely changed his lifestyle on top of only eating McDonalds for a month. He stopped exercising and super sized his meal every time they asked, getting close to 5k calories a day. Gaining weight from this shouldn't surprise anybody.
  • This first part is extremely important because this is how pseudoscience develops. By using seemingly methods, even though they have no scientific basis.
  • A Swedish university tried to replicate the method and found completely different results.
  • Spurlock was not transparant about the nutrition values of the food he ate.
  • A teacher who tried the same concept actually lost weight by keeping up with exercising and keeping his regular caloric intake.
  • In the movie Spurlock claims his liver started having problems, which he attributed to his McDonalds diet, however Spurlock has a history of alcohol abuse which is way more likely to cause the symptoms. (This is NOT to poke fun at people who suffer from alcohol induced problems, simply stating that he wasn't transparant in his documentary)
  • He was also (mostly) vegan before starting his experiment, which means his body likely wasn't well equipped to deal with dense meals, at least less than the average person.
  • His girlfriend at the time used Super Size Me to promote vegan detox diets. "Detoxing" is a myth and pseudoscience.

I'm well aware that this isn't the nicest thing to post shortly after his death, but Spurlock was a promoter of pseudoscience and is responsible for a big case of journalistic malpractice that is still shown in schools today. These things should be known.


I'm selfish. I want all transfems to live. You might not be happy, but I want you to live. I lack empathy. But I care about your comfort, your dignity, your feelings. I might not know what you're going through. But I support you. I want you to feel comfortable talking, existing, taking up space. It's okay to want to belong, to be selfish, to need validation, to want praise. Don't be ashamed. I love you. Sometimes from afar. Sometimes I wish I didn't love you from so far away. You're doing your best, and so am I. But remember, you're allowed to not do your best. Please, take a break. I want you to live

Allow yourself to be selfish

Veronica Mata says she can't understand how the police officers who stood in a school hallway for more than an hour while children and teachers were being slaughtered in a classroom could possibly have been doing their jobs by the book. But that was the conclusion of a new municipalreport released Thursday into the May 24, 2022, shooting at Robb Elementary School, in which a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers.  "We don't understand. Like, everybody knows what went on. Everybody was there," Mata, whose 10-year-old daughter Tess was among those killed, told As It Happens host Nil Köksal. "Everybody saw that these police officers stood there for 77 minutes and did nothing to protect our children. Nothing."

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled, repeatedly, that the police have no duty to protect you or your children.

So next time someone asks "who will help you if there are no cops and someone breaks into your house and is trying to kill you?" just spit in their face. There were DOZENS of police standing RIGHT FUCKING THERE at Uvalde, they just LET it happen, and that somehow counts as "cops doing their job" in this fucked-up mess of a country.

All cops are Uvalde.

It is not inaccurate to consider cops an occupying force.


if your kid doesn’t like your s/o there is usually a reason. 7 year olds don’t just manifest hatred and fear of adults in their life


Israeli army shells reach us. They saved the lives of me and my wife, by making a financial donation through my PayPal wallet.


this is a vetted fundraiser as seen on @/el-shab-hussein's list. i am also in contact with Alaa via whatsapp and can attest this is legitimate.

as of today (05/09/24) this fundraiser has only reached $ 2.836 out of their $ 15.000 goal.

please consider donating, even a small amount genuinely helps to save this couple from impending doom. they are only two people and this goal is comparatively easier to reach. if you feel hopeless amidst the destruction and genocide in Gaza and don't know how to help, with a small donation you can make a real impact for this family.

let's help get them to safety together!


i’m still gobsmacked at the idea of someone dating a butch but not wanting them to have leg hair like why would you play in the garden of earthly delights if you don’t like grass

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