
Irascible, fire-breathing mule.

@aegor-bamfsteel / aegor-bamfsteel.tumblr.com

I blog about: 1) ASOIAF/GoT (particularly House Stark, House Blackfyre and its allies, and Bracken women) 2) Animals, animal care, and animals in captivity (particularly elephants, horses, cats, and frogs) 3) History, art and military history, historical artifacts (particularly from antiquity and the medieval period) var sc_project=11604890; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="0afff774"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");

girl typing a very specific question into google search bar, scrunching her face as she takes time to make sure she hasn't made any spelling errors, hitting enter, shaking her head as google only presents her with unhelpful websites that don't answer her query at all, moving her cursor back to the search bar and clicking on it so she can carefully write 'reddit' at the end, hitting enter again, sighing with relief as she finds a link to a reddit post asking the exact question she needed answered posted in a subreddit for a very niche topic, finally moving her cursor to click on the link, wondering why she didn't go straight to the subreddit earlier, only to be met with a deleted comment with a reply from the OP stating 'that was very helpful, thanks', sighing with frustration as she moves her cursor back to the search bar so she can copy the link and paste it into the wayback machine,

Replace "reddit" with "reveddit" in any reddit url to reveal deleted or removed comments. If the comment/post was deleted too quickly after it was posted, it may not pull it up, but it works most of the time

girl after reading a post on tumblr dot com with a reblog by user impossiblepackage, moving her cursor over to the url of the aforementioned reddit post, using her mouse to highlight the word “reddit”, typing out the word “reveddit” in its place, hitting enter, waiting with bated breath as reveddit loads, finally content as the deleted comment is displayed in front of her eyes containing the information she sought for so long.


Elephant Trunk Snake aka Javan File Snake (Acrochordus javanicus), family Acrochordidae, Malaysia

photograph by Bryce Trevett


these things are WAYYY smaller than this photo makes them look btw

teeny lil guys.


he looks like he's about to burst into hysterical tears


Okay but why do they look like if a giant river otter was a anake??


The one in the hands is a juvenile, as most in the pet trade (they’re surprisingly difficult to get to maturity due to a common fungal disease). Acrochordus javanicus get really big; up to 2.4 metres!

Resemblance to a giant river otter is probably almost entirely coincidental. Something something countershading.


[ID: Photos of a painted clay rectangular relief sculpture of a Przewalski's horse. It starts on the left/hindquarters as a cave painting and then becomes more realistic and higher relief to the right/front. The head is fully 3D and turned to look out at the viewer. End ID]

Painted the second one. I think the black background works better for photos. I'm going to make a few more of these to sell so keep an eye out if you are interested.

Anonymous asked:

What do you think happened to Red Ralf Stonehouse?

“Instead he had broken the great fleet into squadrons, and sent each by a different route to Slaver's Bay. The swiftest ships he gave to Red Ralf Stonehouse to sail the corsair's road along the northern coast of Sothoryos. The dead cities rotting on that fervid, sweltering shore were best avoided, every seamen knew, but in the mud-and-blood towns of the Basilisks Isles, teeming with escaped slaves, slavers, skinners, whores, hunters, brindled men, and worse, there were always provisions to be had for men who were not afraid to pay the iron price.” —ADWD The Iron Suitor

So Victarion decided to split the Iron Fleet (numbering 99 ships when they departed the Stepstones) into 3 squadrons to regroup at the Isle of Cedars; 45 ships arrive, and it sounds like Stonehouse’s squadron was the least fortunate of the 3, as Victarion notes “only nine” had made it. Victarion admits that his own squadron didn’t arrive all at once, but in small groups or even alone, so it could just be Stonehouse’s squadron was caught up in storms and thus lost at sea. Furthermore, there’s a new aggressive Corsair king in the Basilisk Isles who’d recently sacked Tall Trees Town, so it could be his squadron were engaged in a fight and lost some of their number (as Corsair kings have preyed on sailors by burning their ships and selling the captives into slavers). While acknowledging that north Sothoryos is a death trap, Victarion doesn’t admit that the Basilisk Isles are “…Hot, humid, and swarming with stinging flies, sand fleas, and bloodworms, these islands have always proved singularly unhealthy for man and beast alike.” (TWOIAF) The Red Death, which originated in the Basilisk Isles, is transmitted by fly bites and has a high mortality rate. I think the most likely explanation is that disease killed most of Stonehouse’s men, so corsairs preyed on the lightly manned ships, and then storms delayed those who were able to make it out. Ralf Stonehouse, as Victarion’s standard bearer who encouraged him to press his claim rather than stay put at Moat Cailin, I imagine tried to pay “the iron price” in the Basilisk Isles and thus contracted a disease (maybe being mercy killed, maybe deciding to go out fighting.) As TWOIAF says, “the Basilisk Isles are best avoided, for no good has ever come to those who journey hence.”


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