
Returning to this abandoned/neglected Hilarity Comics tumblr to let you know that there is a NEW (sort of), four-page Hilarity Comic to read, called Villainman, right here at my NEW (really) website, and also TWO WEEKS AGO on my ko-fi page, for monthly subscribers.

Please go and check those out! If you join my ko-fi that would be tremendous and we will have a lot of fun there I reckon. There will be envelopes.

I don't know how long I can sustain these ol' tumblrs but I will try to drop in from time to time for those of you who are really committed to this fucken website!

EDIT: I figured out what went wrong with the image and had to create a new post to fix it. Very sorry to those of you who were nice enough to like and reblog and leave comments already! You were so quick! I’m so sorry!


We just love ✨CELEBRITIES✨!!! (2/2)

Hello my loves. I’d like to start making and posting Hilarity Comics again, but it seems like tumblr is no longer a suitable repository for a work that freely veers from time to time into the grotesque and/or explicit. So I’m not sure where I’ll put them — here and there I suppose. Keep an eye on my medium profile, my website, and my twitter, I reckon. And if you’d like to write me a love note and wrap it in a few bucks’ worth of encouragement, I have a ko-fi page as well.

Oh, and I’ve been putting some bits and pieces on instagram too, if that’s your scene. One way or another, you’ll find this ol’ cowboy... on Internet!!! [pshoo]

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