
le grimoire rose

@therosewitchcottage / therosewitchcottage.tumblr.com

Rose🌹| January '91| Aquarius♒| Witch| Satanist

Witches in History - Podcast Recs

If you prefer your history lessons in podcast form, here’s a list of audio treats about witches, witch trials, and witch panics, from antiquity to the modern day. Check out these shows on your favorite podcast app!

I will update this list as I find new examples. Feel free to add your own!

(Last Updated 02/07/2022 - Full post under Read More)

Witches & Witch Trials in History

BS-Free Witchcraft - Ep 03: The History of Wicca

October 06, 2018 On this episode Trae digs deep into the history of Wicca, and tries to give the most accurate history of the religion as he can. I mean, yeah, we know this is a general Witchcraft podcast, but Wicca is the most widely practiced form of Witchcraft in the US, UK, Canada and Australia… so how it got started is kind of important for the modern Witchcraft movement. And trust me, there aren’t any pulled punches here.

BS-Free Witchcraft - Ep. 28: The Burning Times May 30, 2020 On this installment of the podcast, we tackle probably one of the more controversial topics in the modern witchcraft movement: The Burning Times. What were the actual “Burning Times,” where do we get that phrase from, and what really happened? Also, how has this phrase been used in modern witchcraft? It’s a heavy one, folks.

BS-Free Witchcraft - Ep. 33: The Wheel of the Year March 27, 2021 After two fairly depressing episodes, it’s time to move on to something a little less bleak. This time around we’re talking about the Wheel of the Year! Well, at least the basic idea. Where did it come from, who slapped these eight holidays together, and are they really something every witch needs to give a crap about? (Minor spoiler, the answer to that last question is a firm “no.”)

The Dark Histories Podcast - Benandanti: Anti-Witches & The Inquisition June 20, 2020 The witch trials throughout medieval Europe have become renowned for their relentless, brutal torture and widespread execution. Whether floated as a form of class warfare, patriarchal dominance, or religious persecution, the stories that remain are pitch black with their depictions of callous violence. Likewise, the legacy of the Medieval Inquisition is too one of severe brutality and overzealous, corrupt authoritarians crushing those with differing beliefs and lifestyles. Despite this, there is one story from history of a group of individuals in Northern Italy that whilst crossing over with both The Inquisition and witch trials, somehow came out the other side with relatively few casualties. So unbelievable were the stories that came from the individuals involved that the Inquisitors themselves wrote many off as simple fantasies in the face of their sincere admissions. Known as the Benandanti, this was a group of people whose story was truly one of the strangest in the myths, legends, and lore of historical witchcraft.

Irish History Podcast - The Kilkenny Witch Trial of 1342, pts 1-3 Dec 20, 2018 - Jan 28, 2019 One of the most famous or perhaps notorious incidents in Kilkenny’s medieval history took place in 1324 when the Bishop of Ossory accused Alice Kyteler, a powerful merchant in the city, of heresy and witchcraft. This sparked a lethal struggle in the town that would end in shocking brutality. The consequences for those caught in the middle would be devastating.

Toil & Trouble: A Podcast of the Macabre A Tidbit of Trouble, Ep 6 - Grace Sherwood  (Dec 11, 2019) In this mini episode, Tori is joined by author Bree NicGarran! Bree tells the tale of Grace Sherwood, a strong independent nonconforming healer who was accused of witchcraft.

A Tidbit of Trouble, Ep 15 - The Samlesbury Witch Trials Hey everyone! Our favorite Witchstorian is back with another tale of witchery! Author and podcaster Bree NicGarran joins Tori for this mini episode about a family feud turned witch trial! Stick around for the end of the episode to hear the trailer for Bree’s new podcast, Hex Positive.

Hex Positive, Ep. 3 - Hex Positive June 1, 2020 Bree delves into what it means to be Hex Positive, as well as discussing and dismantling some of the confusion surrounding the use of hexes and curses. Just what IS the Threefold Law, anyway? The answer may surprise you.

Hex Positive, Ep. 19 - The Trouble with Tarot August 1, 2021 Tarot and tarot-reading have been a part of the modern witchcraft movement since the 1960s. But where did these cards and their meanings come from? Are they secretly Ancient Egyptian mystical texts? Do they have their origins among the Romani people? Are they a sacred closed practice that should not be used by outsiders? Nope, nope, and nope. This month, we delve into the actual history of tarot cards, discover their origins on the gaming tables of Italy and France, meet the people who developed their imagery and symbolism into the deck we know today, and debunk some of the nonsense that’s been going around lately concerning their use. The Witchstorian is putting on her research specs for this one!

Hex Positive, Ep. 20 - Witchcraft and the Law September 1, 2021 A discussion of the history of witchcraft-related laws and how changing views on magic, religion, and superstition first denied the existence of witches, then panicked over their alleged activities, and finally settled into something resembling common sense. This is a long slog, encompassing over 3000 years of history from a broomstick-height view, and I get off on a few tangents where history crosses paths with modern issues. But if you’re a history buff, you’re gonna love this episode!

Hex Positive, Ep. 21 - Witchcraft and Modern Law September 21, 2021 A follow-up to Ep. 20, this time dealing with modern legal codes that may affect our practices even if they don’t deal with witchcraft directly. There is also some discussion of 20th-century events missed in the previous episode, as well as a brief overview of witch hunts still occurring in some parts of the world today.

Hex Positive, Ep. 22 - Bree and Lozzie vs the Witch Hunters October 1, 2021 Bree NicGarran and guest host Lozzie Stardust run down the history and many misdeeds of notorious witch hunters Matthew Hopkins and John Stearne.

Hex Positive, Ep. 23 - The Name of the Game November 1, 2021 Bree delves into the history, myths, and urban legends surrounding Ouija boards. Along the way, we’ll uncover their origins in the spiritualist movement, discover the pop culture phenomenon that labeled them portals to hell, and try to separate fact from internet fiction with regard to what these talking boards can actually do.

Noble Blood - The Witch-Hunter King March 3, 2020 During a post-wedding detour in Denmark, James VI of Scotland learned of the evils of witches, and he brought his anti-witch fervor with him when he returned to Scotland.

Ridiculous History - Brooms and Witchcraft, Pt. 1 & 2 Oct. 13-15, 2020 Most people are familiar with the stereotypical image of a witch: a haggard, often older individual with a peaked hat, black robes, a demonic familiar and, oddly enough, a penchant for cruising around on broomsticks. But where did that last weirdly specific trop of flying on a broomstick actually come from?  Could the stereotype of witches on broomsticks actually be a drug reference? Join Ben, Noel, and Casey as they continue digging through the history and folklore of witchcraft - and how it affected pop culture in the modern day.

Stuff You Missed in History Class - A Brief History of Tarot Cards Oct. 26, 2020 How did a card game gain a reputation for being connected to mysticism? Tarot’s history takes a significant turn in the 18th century, but much of that shift in perception is based on one author’s suppositions and theories. (This show has many episodes on witchcraft and witch trials.)

Historical Blindness - A Rediscovery of Witches, Pt 1 & 2 Oct 13, 2020 & Oct. 27, 2020 A discussion of the early modern witch craze and the myths, misconceptions, and theories about witches spread by academics. Sarah Handley-Cousins of “Dig: A History Podcast” joins the host for both episodes.

Historical Blindness - Hermes Trismegistus, Father of Alchemy January 5, 2021 In this volume of my Encyclopedia Grimoria, I continue to seek the origin of magic in history, having followed the trail in my previous exploration from ancient Persia to ancient Egypt, where I now find the enigmatic figure of Hermes Trismegistus and his Emerald Tablet.

The Poisoner’s Cabinet - Alice Kyteler and the Kilkenny Witch Trials May 21, 2021 Witches and heresy and devils, oh my! We are heading right back into the 1300s to tell the tale of alleged murderer Alice Kyteler who was accused of being a witch - and sparked quite the row across Ireland.

Wine and Crime, Ep. 253 - Witch Hunts Jan. 20, 2022 This week, the gals conjure up some tragic tales of suspected witches. Topics include devil’s marks, near drownings, a devastating storm, and a Great Noise. Pour yourself a glass of Winc’s Fog Land Cabernet Sauvignon, put on your best Easter Hag outfit, and tune in for Witch Hunts.


How They Do...

Oh my oh my oh my, you’re going to learn very quickly, I write how I talk, thanks ADHD!
So I figured this is as good a time as any to talk about my craft/practice/religion.
Oh by the way, Hi I’m your friendly neighbourhood cottage witch that doesn’t live in a cottage, Rose!
Grab a hot drink ( or iced coffee, IYKYK) and let’s chat! Cause I’m dying to make friends and gab.
Before I start to chat your ear off let me start by telling you what I’m currently drinking, (pretend you’re sitting in my dining room and I’m offering you a drink of what I’m drinking, yeah?) I bought this delightfully yummy coffee from work, it’s Salted Caramel and oh boy is it nice~. Funny thing though, it doesn’t get me as worked up on a caffeine kick like some other coffees do. Am I disappointed? Slightly, but oh well.
Okay now on to what I wanted to talk about. My Craft, my practice, my religion.
So if you’ve read my “about me” you’ll remember me telling you I’m a Satanic Witch, and most people in the realm of where we hang out will maybe have a kind of general idea of what that means, but just every witch is different in their practice, not all Satanists practice the same.
So let me roughly define what I mean when I say I’m a Satanic Witch, yeah? Cool.
For me personally, being a Satanic Witch is being a Witch of the Left Hand Path (duh, you know that already, but bare with me), it’s being okay with the shadow, the dark, the down and dirty sh*t we tend to bury and not want to think about, let alone talk about. For me, it’s about learning how to set boundaries, and understand that people do not get a free pass to my niceness, to my friendship, to my love, or my compassion. It’s about learning to cope and move past my trauma, and understand that I am not alone in my struggles.
Side note that will help y'all understand me and my practice a bit more; I struggle with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I have most of my life and I wasn’t really taught how to navigate life with it, just told I have it and then pushed and pulled along the way. I’m not medicated (though sometimes I wish I was) and until I have a regular, easy to visit, go to family doctor I kind of just have to make it alone (though I will say, hopefully this will change this year, and in the meantime I do have a pretty awesome support system in place). Now I’m not telling you this so you feel bad for me, rather so you know if you struggle with these things, pal you’re not alone. I am telling you this, also, because it’s shaped how I practice my craft. I have a…weak spiritual Wifi connection if you will. Where other practitioners are running on High Speed Fibre Op, I’m running on the carrier pigeon system at worst and dial up at best. This means I don’t necessarily get all the whoo-whoo part of the craft. I have a hard time with meditation, hearing/feeling/seeing anything metaphysical, I can’t sit still in one place for a long time or I get antsy and agitated, and if a Deity, Entity, Spirit, etc wants to get in touch with me, I wish them all the best, cause it’s going to take a LONG time for me to clue into it. So when I say I “work” with a Deity or Entity or Spirit, I don’t actually “work” with them, I pay respect and honour to them, cause for all I know they aren’t reaching out to me, but I want them to be in my space, or on the other hand they are trying to reach me and I can’t seem to remember how to hit the “answer call” button. So this is kind of my “get out of spirituality jail free card” cause I’m never purposefully ignoring anything/anyone trying to reach out to me, I just….have a really hard time getting reception.
So now that you have a little bit of context, hopefully the rest of this post makes more sense.
For me being a Satanic Witch also means that I connect with and utilise Left Hand Deities, such as but not limited to; Hekate, Lilith, Agrat Bat Malat, Lucifer, Persephone, Hades, Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim, Aphrodite (I know you might not think of her as a Left Hand Path Deity but I feel like she is in her own special way), Nemesis, Nyx, etc etc. If you can’t tell I tend to gravitate towards the Greek Pantheon, but I’m not tied down to that one Pantheon specifically, just that I’m most familiar with these Deities. I also connect with a small selection of Demons, and Entities but those are a little more private, so for now those are for me to keep behind lock and key.
The Left Hand path has also taught me to stand up for myself. I’ve always been a little “soft”, sensitive, taking things personally when they weren’t always meant that way, or even when they were meant to hurt me. I was an emotionally delicate kid, I was bullied a lot, and while that got better now that I’m an adult, it left some big scars on my heart and psyche. Scars that I didn’t want to deal with or acknowledge, and now while travelling this path, I’m starting to feel more and more ready to address these things and heal from them. I feel as though a lot of Left Hand Deities get overlooked because many still view them as baneful or “evil”/”bad” and that they can’t possibly be able to help you through your shadows and darkness. But I personally see them as the best possible mentors and guides through this kind of work. They (metaphorically) live in the dark, in the shadow, they see the sh*t we all deal with day-to-day, so who better to guide us then them?
I also see Satanism (at least my brand that is) as a means to venture into the world of Absolute Leftest Politics. I know, I know, don’t talk about politics when you’re just starting to make friends, but really I think that is a silly statement, how are you going to know if you and another person actually vibe if you don’t talk about politics though? Cause, as someone who passionately believes everyone deserves to be taken care of in one way or another, that everyone has the right to exist, that no one should be left without a roof over their head, or food in their stomach, that children shouldn’t bare the load of Adult mistakes, etc I find it absolutely necessary to talk politics when talking about religion, spirituality, and the like. And (I know people say don’t start a sentence with “and '' but they can kiss my behind >>) I absolutely think that while I held my political beliefs before I decided to venture down the Left Hand Path, it definitely cemented my resolve. Lucifer the rebel Angel, Eisheth Zenunim their other half, and Lady of Harlotry both and all others in their realm there for the misfits, the forgotten, the uncared for, the minorities others seem to forget about, how could I not be drawn to them? Sorry I got on a tangent there. I guess what I’m trying to say is that the more I sink into this path, the more it resonates right? So with that resonation I feel more attached to my craft and my practice and the religion that blends them all together.
So now that we kind of got that out of the way (I promise if you have questions I will answer them as best I can, cause I know this is a lot to read but I hope you’re enjoying the chaos so far) let’s talk a little about my ACTUAL practice, cause I’m sure if you’re still reading this you’re probably yelling at the computer “FINALLY!”.
So I mix and blend a few styles of magickal methods together to get what I call, “Rose’s Cottage Witchery”. So let me lay it out to you this way: aesthetically I want you to picture the fantasy of my craft. Light Academia, Cottagecore, Kitchen Witchery, Domestic Goddesses, Shabby Chic, Gothic, Cemeteries, Death Witchery, Baneful Gardens, Lace, Velvet, Leather, Tafida, Knit dresses, Sweaters, Flowy Skirts, Combat boots, Spikes, Blush, Lilac, Mint, Black and Grey scale. Got all that? Okay now the reality, reusable shopping bags that currently hold pretty much everything I have on hand. Piles of books, annotated and written in and by no means are all the books on the occult/magick/witchcraft (cause honestly my romance collection does outweigh my witchy book collection at this point) that I own, an old trunk as my altar at the foot of my bed cause I wasn’t going to put it in storage while my partner and I got back on our feet. It’s not glamorous, it’s not pretty, it’s not even instagram worthy. But, it’s mine, and right now it doesn’t have to be pretty to do its job.
At this current moment in time I’m using magick for a small amount of things to help aid stuff along in my life, like using it to help with waking up in the morning, or getting myself ready for bed at night so I can actually sleep, or being used to help cement the job I am lusting after so HARD! So I’m using magick in practical, physically tangible ways.
Ways I’m pretty sure are nothing new to many of the folks in this community. With things like stirring coffee a specific way, or using certain smelling soaps and lotions or bed sprays, enchanting objects that I wear so I don’t go flying off the edge and giving someone a verbal smackdown, things like that.
I also use my self care as a means to use magick, adding affirmations or incantations, poems, song lyrics, quotes from books I love to help build back the energy or power I lost as I went about my day. I coordinate my nail colours to match intent or if I want to draw certain things to me, or repel things away from me, same with my makeup. But these things aren’t necessarily new to the community, they’re just some of the ways I work my magick.
Specific types of magick I tend to gravitate towards are styles like; candle magick, using crystals, incense, dream magick, and combinations of sacred self care and sympathetic magicks. I tend to use apps to help me with some things and I reference a lot of books for others, but a lot of the time I do what just feels right to me. I think before this post gets any bigger than it currently is, I’ll wrap it up here. If you want to talk more about anything I mentioned or have questions just let me know!

You ever just...

Think about how your personal aesthetic would look in different lifestyles?

Like Pastel pink and hyper feminine Satanism?....yeah I think about this sometimes...


What I’m currently reading ❤️

Sea Magic~ Connecting with the Ocean’s Energy by Sandra Kynes 🌊


Emoji spell to protect you by the moon, sun, and stars!




An emoji spell to clear away financial woes

Likes charge the spell and reblogs cast it



An inner peace and self love emoji spell for everyone 💕💕

Princess nighttime routine

♡ proceeding with your nighttime skincare routine, making sure to wash off your makeup (if you wear it) leaving your skin fresh and clean without any residue. After, you can opt for a face mask if you want to pamper yourself some more.

♡ run yourself a relaxing bath. Add either a bath bomb or some salts and flowers. Light a scented candle and maybe catch up on some YouTube videos or a movie/tv show for some entertainment.

♡ if you need to relax further do some meditation. Relaxing your muscles and calming your mind.

♡ put some comfy pyjamas on, it is so much easier to sleep when your all snuggly and warm. Or alternatively if its summer, wear a elegant silk nightgown.

♡ make yourself some herbal tea for a goodnight’s rest, once it’s finished brewing you can take it up to your bedroom whilst reading a book in bed or writing in your journal.

♡ apply some hand lotion and lip balm to hydrate your skin throughout the night.

♡ just before you hop into bed/drift to sleep, look out your window and up at the night sky, appreciating the glow of the moonlight.

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