

@mochisquish / mochisquish.tumblr.com

I'm Mo. I post video games, pretty scenery, and fat animals. 18+, can be NSFW-ish

1970s canned goods label designs, from The Art of the Label by Robert Opie. We can see the Helvetica type family really taking hold in this era. And that Biba can was not a regular market item; those were high-fashion baked beans. 

My favorite design of the lot: meat and liver cat food.


I love the minimal effort that goes into advertising on this website. It's comforting to me.



I’m about to expose the men. Whenever you ask a man’s height, he’ll add an inch. So if he’s 6 foot, he’ll say he’s 6’1 and if he’s 6’2, he’ll say he’s 6’3.

Not me though. I subtract 4. I say I’m 5’9. Especially when there’s other men in the room. And then I just watch them panic. Not only have you exposed his lie, but now he thinks he’s 5’3.

What I do is not a crime, but it should be.

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