
for better or for worse

@felicitymeagansmoak / felicitymeagansmoak.tumblr.com

Arrow fangirl by day, Arrow fangirl by night. Everything is #Olicity and everything hurts. Stephen Amell's face should not be legal. please excuse me while I feels.

Hey Friends!!

I know I haven't been on here in ages, but Saturday Night Live is taking suggestions for hosts, and we all know how badly Steve wants to host!! So let's all get on Twitter and tweet at @nbcsnl that we want #AmellonSNL using the #snlhost hashtag!!! Our Captain needs us!!!


I didn’t get a chance to post this yesterday. My amazing best friend, Jenny, got to meet Stephen at Wizard World Philly this past weekend. I stayed behind and worked her shifts so that she could go (it was her first con ever), so she did an amazingly nice thing and got him to make me a video. Her and I are going to Heroes and Villains in San Jose in a few months and I am so excited! Anywho, I adore him, and he is always so sweet and goes above and beyond for his fans. I also feel like we need to talk about the wink at the end, because it absolutely killed me!! 


The character I first fell in love with: Stiles
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Lydia
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Kira
The character I love that everyone else hates: Jackson? idk if everyone hates him, but I love him because Colton! 
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Scott
The character I would totally smooch: Issac!
The character I’d want to be like: Alison (minus the dead part 
The character I’d slap: Scott (idk why! he just bugs me!)
A pairing that I love: Stydia
A pairing that I don’t: Stalia?!? is that what they’re called?


Name a fandom and I’ll tell you

The character I first fell in love with The character I never expected to love as much as I do now The character everyone else loves that I don’t The character I love that everyone else hates The character I used to love but don’t any longer The character I would totally smooch The character I’d want to be like The character I’d slap A pairing that I love A pairing that I don’t

Oliver and Felicity sticking it out in Star City together?

Yeah, okay — I’d like to trade in my front row angsty-ex-fiancé tickets for every slow burn, best friend storyline on the planet, please?

Oliver and Felicity cleaning up the lair together, getting gross and sweaty doing all the heavy lifting themselves because it’s not like they can hire a crew to help them piece the top-secret Arrow cave back together.

Oliver and Felicity collapsing with water and take-out at the end of each day because I seriously cannot feel my arms anymore. Can you see them? Are they still there?

Oliver and Felicity not wanting to go home the night the lair is deemed good as new because there’s something even lonelier about dark rooms and empty beds after spending — enjoying — their days together.

Oliver and Felicity lingering awkwardly and verbally stumbling around each other until one of them blurts out movie night? 

Oliver and Felicity sitting on opposite ends of the couch in the newly-empty loft with a bowl of popcorn between them, apologizing every time their feet so much graze each other.

Oliver and Felicity running through so many movie marathons over the weeks that they revert to sickeningly cheesy and horribly filmed sequels.

(Oliver lingering a little too long every time she falls asleep, tucking a blanket up around her chin and brushing her hair back from her face before he takes his exit.)

(Felicity totally fucking faking it.)

Oliver and Felicity taking Oliver’s lunch breaks together in his new office and trading turns between strategizing his mayoral agenda and planning out how she can get her company back — working as a team.

Oliver and Felicity getting so excited when she convinces the board to reinstate her that he barely thinks twice before picking her up and spinning her around, her arms thrown around his shoulders and her grinning face buried in his neck.

Oliver and Felicity organizing and directing Star City’s clean-up volunteer groups. Oliver and Felicity visiting patients who’re in the hospital after HIVE’s attack. Oliver and Felicity selflessly picking up their city side-by-side. 

And then — Oliver and Felicity taking countless walks in the park together until Oliver slowly starts to open up to her — his hands trembling but his voice steady and sure. 

Oliver and Felicity, not so much falling in love with each other again as they are re-learning each other — growing separately but somehow healing together, the way it always should have been.

Oliver and Felicity, standing on the other side of five months with their city rebuilt and their future before them, so different and yet infuriatingly the same because I want to kiss you so badly right now but, dammit, I shouldn’t, and doesn’t that sound frustratingly familiar?

Oliver and Felicity throwing out conspicuously flirty quips as often as they shoot each other inconspicuously desperate glances, because this stupid, stubborn thing between them just will not quit.

And then finally there’s John Diggle, groaning with frustration when he enters the lair for the first time in five months because those idiotic dorks are too busy grinning stupidly at each other to even notice him and for the love of god, here we go again. 






Felicity makes Oliver lunch and brings it to him at City Hall.  He’s eyeing it nervously because she made it for him but he eats it then ends up with food poisoning later and she stays to take care of him. 

*it got better*





I feel alive as hell right now, guys! I think that there were a few things in the last couple of episodes that I may have changed, but MAN that finale... I LOVED every second of it. I think that they took care of Olicity organically and realistically. Realistically, Felicity hasn’t had time to think about anything, especially whether or not she forgives Oliver. She has been too busy with learning how to walk again, dealing with her mother, BEING A CEO, having her estranged father come back into her life, losing a close friend of hers, being the person to decide the fate of over 10,000 innocent people and trying to save the world. She hasn’t had time to even imagine what life would be like in a month, let alone for the long haul. The fact that she was still standing there, the fact that her instincts still tell her to stay by Oliver’s side, whether they are together or not; THAT is what is important. They will work it out, I have no doubts. They have an entire summer, just the two of them (and maybe Curtis and Paul) to re-learn each other. To fall in love all over again, knowing everything that they know now. This is going to be the most beautiful thing for our OTP, guys. I have so much faith, and I feel amazing about what is to come. 

And just imagine the QUALITY fanfic we will get through this hiatus... I know I’m going to write some!! 


Followers attending HVFF San Jose:

What hotels do you suggest? We’re trying to find a good one.


Let me know if find a goos. I will keep my eyes open too

The HVFF website lists the Hyatt down the street as their official one (with a special discount to get it at $159 a night). I think the Hilton connected to the convention center is around the same price. But those are the two I keep getting as recommendations.

so originally I was booked at the Hyatt, but I didn’t know it was down the street. I cancelled that reservation and I got the Hilton for $127 a night!! saved myself like $60!!

How’d you get it for $127 a night?

underneath everything it says something like “click here for packages” and I did and it was an option! I mean it’s just me and my friend and we just got a king sized bed, but still!!

Oooh wow. I’ll have to check that out!

I screenshotted it, so I could try and show you, but I'm on my phone so tumblr isn't being very cooperative! hahah. hang on, I'm gonna just try to tag you in it!


Followers attending HVFF San Jose:

What hotels do you suggest? We’re trying to find a good one.


Let me know if find a goos. I will keep my eyes open too

The HVFF website lists the Hyatt down the street as their official one (with a special discount to get it at $159 a night). I think the Hilton connected to the convention center is around the same price. But those are the two I keep getting as recommendations.

so originally I was booked at the Hyatt, but I didn’t know it was down the street. I cancelled that reservation and I got the Hilton for $127 a night!! saved myself like $60!!

How’d you get it for $127 a night?

underneath everything it says something like "click here for packages" and I did and it was an option! I mean it's just me and my friend and we just got a king sized bed, but still!!


Followers attending HVFF San Jose:

What hotels do you suggest? We’re trying to find a good one.


Let me know if find a goos. I will keep my eyes open too

The HVFF website lists the Hyatt down the street as their official one (with a special discount to get it at $159 a night). I think the Hilton connected to the convention center is around the same price. But those are the two I keep getting as recommendations.

so originally I was booked at the Hyatt, but I didn't know it was down the street. I cancelled that reservation and I got the Hilton for $127 a night!! saved myself like $60!!



Because of this: http://bigtimerushx.tumblr.com/post/144289407953/shanology-usobuki-chandri-staff-we I’m going to lose this blog entirely and it’s going to become inactive. Unfortunately I got notified of this too late. The email I used for this account is no longer accessible and I can’t log in on anything until I change my password and to do that I need to use the email I used to make this account WHICH I CAN’T ACCESS BECAUSE ITS LITERALLY NON EXISTANT NOW. Which means I have no choice but to start over and lose everything. This blog, this URL, my followers etc. Tumblr won’t help me or anyone else with this problem. I’ve already contacted them and they just send you a link telling you to start over. They don’t allow any other verification other than email because apparently they have no other ways to prove you’re the account owner. Which is bullshit. So if you don’t want to lose me and keep in touch with me follow me at my new blog/URL @bigtimerushhx

Luckily I was still logged in through my app but I can’t change my email on the app. So what does this mean? I’ll continue to use Bigtimerushx through my app until it logs me out and once it logs me out i’m moving over to the URL @bigtimerushhx thats with an extra H. Bigtimerushhx.tumblr.com

You could say i’m fairly pissed. Tears were involved because I worked so hard on this blog and I love my URL, now I’m forced to abandon it because tumblr is fucking stupid and their staff doesn’t do shit to help you. Thanks for the warning tumblr. You forcibly log people out so they don’t even have time to change their emails. Don’t let this happen to you, Make sure your email is up to date. As of right now I have no other ways to resolve this issue.

oh, girl! I'm so sorry!! ☹️

Anonymous asked:

Hello I wanted to ask if you know how Stephen met his wife Cassandra? I have been looking for some time now and can't find anything. It's weird.

uhhh, I'm not 100% sure. I know he told a story at the Men is Arrow panel about seeing her somewhere, looking up her IMDB, realizing she had been on Mad Men and then in his words "a year later she was pregnant" hahaha. but I don't know what the full, real story is!


The Hotel Room Debacle

I had to write this small little drabble about what might happen if the writers loved us enough to do the “we only have one room” trope. I might write more later, but this is all I could muster for now! Hope you enjoy! 


They had just spent a few long hours on the company jet, while it was luxurious, it didn't help with the awkward silences. All Felicity wanted to do was take a long, hot shower and spend some time getting her head and her heart ready for a long night of undercover work with her stupidly handsome ex-fiancée. However, some force of the universe just wasn't on her side tonight.

"What do you mean you lost our reservation?!"

The concierge looked at her apologetically, "I'm sorry, miss. Our computer system has been down for the last few days, we were only taking reservations over the phone. Let me do a quick check for you..."

He started skimming through the unbridled mess of paperwork on his desk and Felicity did everything she could to avoid Oliver's gaze. He had been trying to make eye contact with her all day, but she still couldn't find it in her to look into those blue orbs she had come to adore. It wasn't even that she was mad at him anymore, losing Laurel had put a lot of things in perspective for her, it was more that she was scared. She was scared that the second she looked into those eyes again she would be done for, and she didn't know if she was ready to let herself love him again.

"Ah! We are in luck, I have a room available!"

It was Oliver that spoke this time, "Just a room?" He looked at Felicity, "You said rooms, like multiple rooms, you made it a point to specify room-s, right?"

"I'm sorry, sir. We are connected to a thriving business in the basement... and we have to save a few rooms for the 'high rollers' if you know what I mean."

Oliver looked at Felicity, trying to search her face, to gauge a reaction, "What do you want to do?" he asked, finally.

"It's fine. One room is fine. We're adults, we can behave."

"...maybe you can.." Oliver said under his breath. He was then met with a glare that told him that if they were anywhere else, Felicity would be using her loud voice on him right now and his mouth slammed shut quickly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Oliver walked a few paces in front of Felicity, in order to slide the keycard into the door. She was fighting every impulse to go back downstairs and bribe the concierge or maybe just to plain run away and not look back. She was so caught up in her thoughts she hadn't realized they were standing in the foyer and Oliver was asking her something. 

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked if you wanted to use the bathroom first. Are you okay? I know this isn’t an ideal situation for you...” he trailed off. She could tell he was holding back from saying something else, and if how much he’s been acting like Oliver 2.0 lately was any indication she knew she wasn’t ready to hear what it was he had to say. It would probably only crumble whatever small amount of control she had left. 

“Yeah, that would be great. It takes a while to get all of this together,” she accentuated the statement with a general sweeping motion with her hand. 

Twenty minutes later she was fully clothed and headed back to the vanity outside of the bathroom when she came face to face with a very naked, very wet Oliver Queen. She totally meant to say something, she kept sending the signals to her brain to make words come out of her mouth, any words, anything at all, but all she could do was stand there and gawk. 

“See something you like, Felicity?” he said with the cocky smirk he always wore when she stared at him like this, but that was before.. before she.. before he... before they... in that moment she couldn’t find a single reason why she wasn’t running towards him and climbing him like a tree. 

She started walking towards him, slowly, like a lioness stalking her prey. His once cocky smile turned into a look of pure and utter shock. 

“Felicity, wha-”

“Shh, don’t say anything, don’t even think.”

She finally squared up to the front of his body. Neither of them touched each other, but since she was still in her heels she was at eye level with the underside of his jaw, she rose up to her tippy toes and pressed a light kiss there. That was his undoing. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her up so her legs wrapped around his thighs. There was no hesitation or speculation of what it meant as he began to devour her mouth with his own, taking her bottom lip in between the two of his and sucking on it lightly. They got lost in a haze of lust and barely realized that her tablet was alerting them that the casino underneath the hotel was now in full swing.

She disentangled herself from him as he set her back down onto her feet. They stared into each others eyes, they gave themselves that moment before reality came rushing back in.

Felicity said the only word that her brain could put together, “Later.”

Oliver responded with the one promise he has never broken, “Always.”

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