
Anti-Dex Broom vs Mop


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215 Positive RWBY Youtuber Channels for people to Enjoy RWBY

Ever since Roosterteeth took RWBY off of their channel, misinformation about RWBY skyrocketed. I’m sure that when you type in RWBY onto youtube, all you see is negativity.

Self-righteousness is one heck of a drug that rwby bashers are on.

Point is...it’s HARD to find RWBY Youtube channels that are actually positive and are about enjoying the show!

So I’ve built this list of 215 Youtube channels to help the fandom

This is my final list....I won’t be expanding it any further...I WILL however try to build a list of fanfic writers on AO3 next.

The rough draft was built on my deviantart

I do hope this helps everyone, as it will be the biggest list I’ve ever built for the fandom and community.

1. Ember’s Hot Takes

- What Made Me Love RWBY -By Ember Productions , a MODERATE reviewer, who focuses on CONSTRUCTIVE reviews

2. Cherished Forever: RWBY -By Diamondbolt, who appreciates each show

3. The thing that made me care about RWBY again -By AllisonAreYou who gave a pro-rwby video in v6

  4. RWBY is good, you guys are just mean. -By Garrick Shultz 

5. Let’s Talk RWBY *POSITIVE RANT* By Jo Alva


So rewatching RWBY and I’m in season 3 right now and I’m reminded of how much I actually enjoy Ozpins character. Like yes, bro effed up, but he was also so kind and funny and wise? Also I wonder how much of his decisions were influenced by the thinking of Ozpin himself or Ozma and his other lives. It’s a merge so it goes both ways. Is that why it feels weird to call Ozpin, or the guy talking to Oscar, as Ozma? There are so many questions that I have and honestly if I got the answers my brain would probably explode.


Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS

This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.

I've seen a lot of takes talk about the history of Destiel, and express shock at the anime girls they don't know about. Many people have already covered why they love Sulemio, but I want to point out I don't think Sulemio winning is all that surprising. But people are surprised because they've been limited to tumblr.

First, people arguing that Destiel raised this website are right. But that's not how people vote. People are voting for the ship they love, history or otherwise. At the end of the day it is a fan poll. Have fun. Second, is that the poll has long escaped tumblr containment. I only heard about this poll cause someone linked it on discord and twitter. Again, don't think that's wrong. Internet is an ecosystem. People are free to do as they please. Whether that's a fan heavily stanning for her followers (like a certain demon girl) on tumblr, or sharing the poll elsewhere it's fine. And while Destiel may long reign way on tumblr, Sulemio and G-witch have extensive pull on other sites. Namely twitter, where the G-witch tag was the 3rd trending keyword in japan. Not just anime or tv/media, 3rd trending over all.

Sulemio was also the most popular ship on pixiv of 2023 and 9th most popular yuri ship over all (all from one user so results may vary). They topped 3rd at the last two comikets for shipping (which if you know the history of comiket recently, is basically first).

So they are popular in japan and on other websites, so what? Well that kind of leads to the corollary of the "Destial is king" is just limited to tumblr--it's also limited to just basically American media and what's popular in America. Not only has this poll breached tumblr, it has managed to break American fandom, and notably language barriers. How much? I don't know, but I have seen nonenglish speakers in retweets on sulemio fans posting about this. And more than just "Sulemio is really popular", Sulemio is really popular because *Gundam itself is nightmarishly popular in some countries*. Japan itself used to have a full mechanized Gundam display that got taken down this past spring. They still have another life sized Gundam Statue, and Hong Kong has their own. Gundam is almost single handily responsible for modern otaku culture in japan. A BL ship from the original anime existed before BL shipping was a thing in japan.

The original set of Gundam media, made 1979-1989, is one of those anime that once you seen it you see the references everywhere. Pokemon? That's got Gundam references. Evangelion, Utena? Those pull from Gundam. Kirby? Meta-knight is a whole ass Gundam reference, hell his game in Super Star is a Gundam reference in of itself to Char's Counter Attack. Once you know Gundam, you'll never see a Blonde Haired Red anime rivals again. All you'll see is that fucking bastard man. If you consider yourself an anime fan, I genuinely recommend at least familiarizing yourself with First Gundam for the sake of contextualizing nearly every anime you've seen.

And G-Witch sits in the legacy of Gundam. It probably won't have the same cultural legacy, but G-witch did make Gundam popular again in japan (for better or for worse), to the point one of the songs of the show got sang as part of a talent/parody program. What is this to say? Gundam is basically Star Wars levels for pop culture impact in certain countries. Last summer, G-Witch trended with nearly a million tweets for it's finale, the day twitter fucking broke. Then Bandai Namco tried to water down Sulemio saying "their marriage was open to interpretation". What happened was the international g-witch fandom gave a verbal beat down to Bandai Namco. And they arguably won. So I don't think its that surprising a very recent, and very popular, ship is winning. So many Sulemios are calling, beyond the tumblr.

The destiel shippers shit-talked bumbleby.

Sulemio shippers are open to Whiterose.

I've made my decision.



It's been fascinating seeing the reaction to the poll. The Destiel fans seem to think their ship deserves to stay popular and relevant just because... it used to be popular and relevant, I guess? Reading these tags has such a flavor of entitlement, it's really something.

It's like they're not realizing that the standards for what qualifies as good representation, or even a good show, have shifted in the last 10 or so years. Not realizing that a lot of people who were here back then, like me, never cared for Supernatural, and don't agree it was important at all, and would not be interested in celebrating it. Not realizing that other fandoms have been happening around them, and that some, like in the case of Mobile Suit Gundam, have legacies that reach back to decades before Supernatural was even on the air.

Destiel is such a product of its time. It's a fanon ship that, as I recall, was strongly disliked by its show's staff, acknowledged only because the fans demanded it so much. The ending of Supernatural was widely mocked, and the show is now mostly remembered as that meme people learn the news through.

Sulemio meanwhile had the full, joyous support of its staff, and was canon since the first episode of Gundam Witch. The whole show's plot revolved around this pairing. The Gundam franchise hit record sales numbers during and after the show. Sulemio brought hundreds if not thousands of new people into the mecha audience, and got many of them interested in the hobby of building Gunpla. Suletta and Miorine being canonically married even stood out politically, because gay marriage is not legal in Japan.

Is this not progress? Is this not worth celebrating? Why cling to the old and busted when the new hotness is doing such great things?

"Be serious", they say. But I am serious. I've been serious the whole time.

Maybe it's not for me to understand.

I genuinely liked supernatural, I was a fan for the first 9 seasons, I watched the series premier with my mom the day it aired. In college my friends and I would watch it every week. I still have a lot of fond memories of the show to this day.

The fandom was horrible, though, and shippers were the worst. Every woman who appeared on screen who was around the main characters ages and interested in men were ripped apart by the fandom. Even the actresses were sent hate mail. The biggest thing that bothered me was that the fandom wasn't even obsessed with a gay ship, they were obsessed with their yaoi ship.

Sulemio had their own problems, but they were established ep 1 and their relationship is a huge focus of the series. They have ups and downs, but they are a key element to the story.

And spoilers at the end of their series they get married and have a happily ever after.

They didn't endure 12 years of queerbaiting with only jokes, often times mean spirited, to keep them going like the supernatural ship. Yes, Dean and Cas had moments, but that doesn't make them better in anyway. They had a more rabid fandom, still to this day apparently, and were part of a series that went on far too long


Lmao, okay sure, like one of the biggest mecha series of all time owes anything to an American queerbaiting series. Ya, alright. Nevermind that like it's absurd to think that Destiel has any impact on a YURI couple, who canonically get married, and who feature in GUNDAM, whereas I'd imagine outside of the West nobody knows jack shit about Supernatural. If anything, Destiel shippers probably owe something to Gundam and the whole Char/Amuro shippers or any of the other mlm ships that Gundam spawned. SuleMio deserve to win because they are wonderful women IN LOVE who get married and who save the day. What do they owe to a pair of white guys from one of the most infamous bait series in Western media? Jack shit lmao

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