
Olicity Summer Sizzle Event

OLICITY FANDOM! A new event being hosted by @lexiblackbriar, @ghostfoxlovely, @jesileighs and @callistawolf (on Twitter) is occurring this summer: The Olicity Summer Sizzle! A fic-&-art-a-thon open to all to celebrate our wonderful couple!

While it is being mainly hosted on Twitter, everybody on Tumblr is welcome to participate as well as at the end of the event, all the fics posted on AO3 with the tag Olicity Summer Sizzle will be collated into a collection.

You can find the Twitter Page HERE: @olicitysizzle.

If you post a link to your fic to your Twitter, please @ us or use the hashtag #OlicitySummerSizzle so we can retweet them! Please follow our account as well so you can see the weekly prompts and challenges we tweet!

As you would have read in the rules, bingo cards with fic prompts have been made! There are currently three cards and they can be found below! If you complete a row and achieve a bingo, @ us and we’ll retweet and celebrate it! A bonus smut themed card will be released later on during the event for all of you interested.

If you have any questions, feel free to send a DM with them or @ us in a tweet! Thank you! If you are interested in participating, let us know! 


My adult responsibilities have lodged a formal complaint regarding my participation. It has been denied.


Bloomfield 2027

by somewhereelse

AU. On a Saturday morning, the remnants of former Team Arrow, official and unofficial, gather at a not-so-quiet cabin in the woods.

A peek into the future Oliver and Felicity actually earned.

Words: 3145, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 2 of A Future Earned


In a series where people have been wailing “MY SSSSSOOOOONNNNN” for seasons and using it as justification for mayhem, murder, and who the fuck knows what else and ignoring whatever implications it has about Oliver and their relationship, it’s kind of nice to hear Mia identify herself as “Felicity’s daughter” first and foremost.


Team Colors

by somewhereelse

Alternate 7.12 family reunion.

The first Sunday of the reunited Clayton-Smoak-Queen household.

Words: 1048, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English


Things Oliver Queen Should Be Concerned About

(other than the lack of Felicity)

1. William. It’s one thing for the big bad to rewrite people’s memories/perception of reality. It’s another thing to replace half of someone’s genetic material. Does William even exist? If he does, is he a completely different person with Oliver!Barry as his sperm donor? Did William unintentionally get the Sara Diggle treatment?

2. Ivo Labs. I don’t watch The Flash so is this one of their placeholder businesses/locations like how KORD is constantly getting burglarized on Arrow? Or is Oliver completely blocking out the name of the mad scientist who killed his girlfriend(?), nearly Stockholm’ed Sara, and set Slade off on his Mirakuru nightmare journey?

3. AMAZO. Related to item two above. Name of the murder cruise where he almost died twice isn’t ringing any bells? Really?

4. Felicity. Bears repeating.


The metal is cool, almost cold, against his skin.

He doesn’t flinch.

The instinct roils in his gut, but his heart wins handily.

This is not the unforgiving metal of prison bars, of cafeteria tables and trays turned pain-inflicting devices, of a shank, of a shiv, of a faucet unnaturally jammed into his spine.

No. It’s Felicity’s—his wife’s—wedding band, the one he slipped on her finger a lifetime ago, the one she removed for witness protection (not that she ever, ever told him, but John tentatively, reluctantly confirmed his suspicions, that he sentenced her to life as a single mother without any say), the one she still wears despite having more than enough reason not to.

Felicity clutches his neck so hard, the smooth metal indents into his skin. The shock of the cold makes him shiver, but that could be her, too. Both, he corrects, letting the sensation ground him to the moment, to unbelievable reality.

The metal warms to his temperature almost instantly, and that’s how he knows he’s out. Warmth doesn’t exist in that hellhole, all of ten feet away but somehow the laws of thermodynamics know the difference. The last of his flight instinct snuffs out, and he sinks into the warmth, Felicity, his shining light. 

He drops his head down, wraps her up even tighter to stop her trembling, and does his damnedest to stop crying.

His hands—cracked, scarred, bloodied, broken—skim over her for reassurance. He finds the bumps in her ponytail, knows she must have taken it out and redone it a million times over to not even care about those imperfections, wonders how long she’s been out here, waiting and fretting and conspiring a prison break, while he was inside, fighting to end this cockroach-esque threat to their lives. His brain tries to maintain the analytical bent, but he just can’t, so very tired after being hyper-aware of every angle and every threat all day long.

A lifetime later, but always, always too soon when it means he has to leave Felicity’s embrace, she and John haul him to the car. His weight is supported by arms slung over both their shoulders, John holding up his left side which cries out for medical attention. 

It’s a reverse of the time he revealed his secret to Felicity and they dragged him out of her precious MINI and into the foundry. This time, she clambers into the backseat ahead of him, there to cradle his heavy head and shoulders. “Watch his head, doesn’t have brain cells left to lose,” is her half-hearted callback that makes them almost crack a smile. John mumbles a, “Now more than ever,” while heaving the rest of his uncooperative lower body onto the bench seat.

Felicity’s gentle, reverent, and disbelieving touch combined with her whispered reassurances that they’re heading to William lull him into drowsing. He misses the last glimpse of Slabside in the rearview mirror, Felicity heaving a sigh of relief, and John’s lips curling in a snarl. None of it’s important anymore, except for what’s in this car. 

His brother and his love, carrying him out of the darkness once more.


I watched Ocean’s 8 again, and this happened in my brain. It’s probably not going to do anything beyond this (fingers crossed), but I wanted to put it somewhere.

Usual place @ 2. O

Felicity rolls her eyes at the text. With an annoyed curse, she mumbles, “Missed you, too, jerkface.”

The rain is less a mist today and more a steady downpour. She can’t hear the radio over the persistent beat of heavy raindrops so she forfeits and cranks the heater up higher to add to the noise. Of course, he’s late. She wonders how well that habit of his went over when it came to curfew in a prison.

Finally, a shadow in a dark overcoat melts out of the trees and slips into her car, rain following him in and dripping off the fancy coat. Heedless of the moisture and her middling annoyance, Felicity leans over the center console to drag him into a fierce hug. The right lens of her glasses presses against her closed eyelid as she presses a smacking but quick kiss to the side of his face, covered in an unfamiliar dusting of stubble.

The clean cut, charming to smarmy white collar criminal she knew and lo—partnered with on occasion has disappeared. In his place is a rough-looking man, almost bearded and very well-muscled, who wouldn’t look out of place in an underground fight. Or so she assumes. Illegal sports betting has never been her thing.

In her surprise, she can’t hold back the probably unwelcome commentary. “You look—”

“Recently incarcerated?” Oliver cuts in with that quick wit she’s nearly forgotten about.

“Different,” she finishes lamely, chastened by his self-deprecation.

Just as he always has, he doesn’t bother to take offense to her faulty mouth. “I got you something,” Oliver offers, dropping a newspaper wrapped bundle in her lap.

“I’m guessing not from the same place you stole that coat,” Felicity mumbles, poking through enough of the paper to find the shiny lines of a piece of circuitry, probably a motherboard.

Her mouth twists a little, and she looks up suspiciously. Oliver is sitting there calmly with that same look he gets when he knows a job has fallen into place. Internally, she bristles at the implication of being a job and one so easily handled.

Oliver Queen doesn’t give gifts without strings. And Felicity Smoak has never met a string she hasn’t pulled. So Oliver wanted to pique her curiosity, and he’s accomplished that with one sentence and a badly wrapped “present.” She really hates how well he still knows her.

“What’s the job?” she sighs, tossing the board in the backseat. Oliver may be a master criminal but he’s never had a discerning eye for electronics. Hence why she was his favorite partner.

He hums enigmatically while she cleans the large smudge off her glasses. That would be annoying to drive with. When she has her full range of sight back, he’s still just watching her.

“Is it jewels? You know I’m not interested. Between the two of us, you’ve always been the one drawn to bright, shiny things that can’t actually feed you or keep you warm or be fenced without a laser to scrape serial numbers off of.”

“It’s not jewels,” he chuckles, obviously remembering the Geneva job.

“Oh he speaks!” Felicity exclaims. “I hate when you do this. You make me guess which makes me interested and because I’m interested, you assume that I want to be a part of it when really I just hate mys—”

“It’s Merlyn.”

That stops her cold. The glasses come off again so she can thoroughly rub at her eyes and temples and pull at her ponytail a bit. “It’s revenge,” Felicity corrects with a sharp look.

Oliver shrugs. “Partly. But I’ve had four years, ten months, and thirteen days, give or take, to plan this. It’s not just revenge, it’s retirement.”

“I’m listening,” she concedes, throwing the car into drive. “But, first, I want you to get all your shit out of my house. After all, it’s been four years, ten months, and thirteen days.”


The Principal Will See You Now

When Robert and Moira leave for a second honeymoon in a bid to save their marriage, Oliver is left in charge of teenaged Thea. He quickly realizes that Thea’s taking after him in the worst of ways, and coincidentally every teacher at Starling City Prep agrees. So the prioritized to-do list goes: keep her alive; get her to sit through a full day of school; and convince her to dump the good-for-nothing boyfriend. Frustrating his attempt at playing responsible big brother is a complicated relationship with Thea’s new principal, one Felicity Smoak.

Chapter 4/4

When he shows up one day at Felicity’s place, he’s inexplicably nervous. Probably because he’s holding a note from Thea to Felicity that she demanded he not read before shoving it into his hand. Oliver doesn’t think it’s anything bad. He knows Thea likes and respects Felicity—Principal Smoak, he means—and he knows she knows how much he likes Felicity.

Still, he gives her the folded paper with a wary look on his face that she reciprocates right back. “What’s this?”

“Not sure,” Oliver admits with a hopefully casual shrug. “It’s from Thea, but she asked me not to read it.”

“And you didn’t?” Her eyebrows raise in a teasing yet impressed way, “What a trusting older brother.”

Yeah, he kind of is, but also, “She’s come a long way. Earned some of that.”

Felicity makes a sound of agreement as she unfolds the paper. Her eyes skim back and forth across the page, line by line once then twice. Then, to his absolute horror, Felicity bursts out laughing.


The Principal Will See You Now

When Robert and Moira leave for a second honeymoon in a bid to save their marriage, Oliver is left in charge of teenaged Thea. He quickly realizes that Thea’s taking after him in the worst of ways, and coincidentally every teacher at Starling City Prep agrees. So the prioritized to-do list goes: keep her alive; get her to sit through a full day of school; and convince her to dump the good-for-nothing boyfriend. Frustrating his attempt at playing responsible big brother is a complicated relationship with Thea’s new principal, one Felicity Smoak.

Chapter 3/4

Oliver’s not really sure how he got to this point—wanting to reconnect with his ex-girlfriend, who was never explicitly his girlfriend and whom he harbored a bitter resentment towards for many years—but after the dance, he can’t stop thinking about her. God, if that’s not the most high school thing that’s happened to him in the past decade.

But it’s not like he can ask Thea for Felicity’s number, or even ask Felicity for her number. She was all too eager to walk away from him at that basketball game, and at the dance? Felicity made sure to keep her distance after they danced together, once they became aware of all the kids and other chaperones watching them. Still, he felt her eyes on him for the rest of the night, even caught her looking a time or two.

And ever since the dance, he’s seen Felicity out and about during the drop off and pick up times. Not every day, but often enough. She seems to know most of the drivers by name so he cottons onto the fact that she’s been avoiding the routine ever since he showed his face at the school. Whenever they do see each other, she offers the slightest wave and smile that he returns with the cool-guy-nod he perfected back in sophomore year. The simple interaction is enough to keep his interest, and Thea’s teasing, alive. Still, not even Thea’s teasing, can detract from the increasingly palpable promise in their short exchanges.

Now all he needs to do is figure out how to capitalize on that promise.


The Principal Will See You Now

When Robert and Moira leave for a second honeymoon in a bid to save their marriage, Oliver is left in charge of teenaged Thea. He quickly realizes that Thea’s taking after him in the worst of ways, and coincidentally every teacher at Starling City Prep agrees. So the prioritized to-do list goes: keep her alive; get her to sit through a full day of school; and convince her to dump the good-for-nothing boyfriend. Frustrating his attempt at playing responsible big brother is a complicated relationship with Thea’s new principal, one Felicity Smoak.

Chapter 2/3

Of course Thea’s easy reformation is too good to be true.  

One day he gets a call from the police station, telling him to pick up his sister. When he rushes down there, Thea’s sitting at a desk in the bullpen. She looks so small, playing with her bracelet and scuffing her sneakers on the linoleum floor.

Laurel is quick to intercept him before he reaches her. His ex-girlfriend but still friend manhandles him down the hall and into an empty interrogation room. He knows they’ve caused a scene because Thea’s head had whipped up and she smothered a smile at their antics.

When he gets his bearings, Oliver realizes he’s not in the interrogation room but the one adjacent to it. Huh. He’s never been on this side of the mirror before.

“Thea’s fine.” He opens his mouth, but Laurel holds up a hand. “Stop. She’s fine.”

God, no wonder they didn’t last. After an exaggerated eye roll, he grumbles, “Then what happened?”

“She was in the Glades.” Then it’s Laurel’s turn to roll her eyes at his reaction. “Don’t ask me. That’s a conversation you need to have with her. Some kid pulled a snatch and grab with her purse. Thea and her friend chased after him, and conveniently, they ended up in front of CNRI where Lieutenant Drake happened to be dropping off some files.” Oliver lets out a disbelieving chuckle at Thea’s luck. “It was stupid to chase after him like that—he could have had a weapon—but she’s fine.”


The Principal Will See You Now

When Robert and Moira leave for a second honeymoon in a bid to save their marriage, Oliver is left in charge of teenaged Thea. He quickly realizes that Thea’s taking after him in the worst of ways, and coincidentally every teacher at Starling City Prep agrees. So the prioritized to-do list goes: keep her alive; get her to sit through a full day of school; and convince her to dump the good-for-nothing boyfriend. Frustrating his attempt at playing responsible big brother is a complicated relationship with Thea’s new principal, one Felicity Smoak.

Chapter 1/3

“What the hell, Ollie?”

Thea’s not at all subtle when she finds him leaning against the lamppost opposite the side exit to the basketball gym. Yes, there are multiple gyms dedicated to single sports, an Olympic-sized pool, and indoor tennis courts at the school. Most of which were built courtesy of donations from the Queen and Merlyn families approximately ten years ago.

“Go back to class,” he instructs in a bored tone. When he looks up from his phone, Thea’s still standing there, embarrassed and angry. “I’m serious. If you think I have something better to do than catch you every time you try to sneak out of this school, you’re wrong. Go back to class.”

Thea scoffs, crossing her arms over chest. “You can’t just hang out at a high school all day like some pedo. They’re going to call the cops on you.”

Smugly, Oliver grins at his little sister. “I already talked to the security officer. He’s completely fine with it. Especially since I know every way out of this place. Go back to class.”

“You’re the worst!” is her final parting shot before disappearing back inside.

He jogs around the building and cuts across the soccer fields to reach the east side of the recreation area. Not three minutes later, he hears someone entering the pool area. Thea peeks through the wrought iron fence and spies him waiting.

“Go back to class.”

“I hate you!”

“That’s fine but I can do this all day!” His victory is cut short by a very distinctive voice calling his name from behind. Ah, shit.

P.S. Real hard to make gifs for your fluffy AUs when 99% of the source material takes place underground and/or at night.

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