

@failedwhispers / failedwhispers.tumblr.com

Some nights I wish I could go back in life. Not to change shit, just to feel a couple things twice. 28 at midnight, wonder what's next for me, longevity. Wonder how long they'll check for me

Advice nobody ever asks for but every time I tell someone they find it extremely useful:

If you want to get rid of ants in your house mix a cup of icing sugar and a cup of potato starch 50/50 (dry, no water) and spread it near the holes where the ants get into your house. They won’t be able to separate the sugar and starch and will feed their larvae with the mixture. The starch will kill the larvae. So you won’t see results right away but if you keep it up you’ll get rid of them over a few weeks. I make a batch every summer to combat ants in my kitchen.

Because the mixture is non-toxic to humans and other mammals it’s perfect if you have children or pets. God knows my dogs eat anything on the floor and this way my only worry is they might get cavities if they get into my pest control powder.


cats don't even unstick their claws out of things anymore they will just sit there with their claw stuck in a blanket and look at you like this until you unstick it for them


Nobody wants to work anymore


THE CASUALNESS OF THAT COLLIE SLIPPING RIGHT OUT OF THEIR COLLAR. That dude is a Willing Participant of this walk and by god everyone else is going to follow the RULES.


im a fan of the moment where the husky is like 'wait you're not authorized to do that' and the collie is like 'THE FUCK IM NOT'


Your mom finding her friend at a store is like unskippable cutscenes

The fucking worst is that as I get older i completly understand the interest to catch up an unreasonable long time because turns out adults just dont get enough time to hang with friends, so catch up next to the Aldi cheese aisle it is

you can see the increasing age of tumblr users, these posts are like tree rings.


watching my kitties groom eachother and being like “waow thats love” and then continue watching as one of them immediately pummels the shit out of the other for looking at them wrong


that is also love


reblog to give somebody a fucking hug because we are all struggling to get through it. solidarity in this tough ass world.



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