
would love it if the last god/goddess percy has to do a quest for is hestia. and all she only asks of him a simple, easy-to-do, done in two minutes task. and then that's it. no tricks or double meanings. and he just sobs into her shoulder at the end of it. and she just holds him and tells him that he's all done. he can go live his life now.

god or asking him to cook a meal with her. or some fucking thing that is just domestic and kind and literally everything he's wanted since he was like 14


So I actually do enjoy the phandom trope where Danny is suspicious that Bruce Wayne will turn out to be a billionaire fruitloop with a creepy cloning lab in the basement but I think there's untapped entertainment potential in the fact that TIM DRAKE actually is a billionaire fruitloop with a creepy cloning lab in the basement.


racists getting mad in the notes on this cute video I posted now lmao. the reason I posted it to begin with is because I was seeing too many posts about Palestine where people were talking about Palestinians as if they are a political problem to be solved and not human beings.


Of course when it comes to Palestinians who simply trying to enjoy moments of happiness they often get judged and disrespected for it!!! anyways here's the full song that they’re singing. it's a traditional folk song sung by the beloved Palestinian singer-songwriter Rim Banna, known as the voice of Palestine. (Rest in peace). her music truly captured the spirit and resilience of Palestine. May her legacy continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. ✌🏼🖤❤️🤍💚


original post date: May 18, 2021


I do like characters who do not exhibit any hint of sexuality in any way because they’re too busy being tormented by the narrative. like “yea I might be gay or whatever but the labyrinth is growing so I can’t worry about that shit rn”


my favorite bit of "rich people are Like That" ephemera that I picked up from my Russian literature binge was from a noble character who was complaining about his serfs neglecting their duties, specifically the duty of staying up all night long slapping the pond water in order to prevent the frogs from croaking so that the nobleman could enjoy his sleep at his country estate with its adorable pond. whenever I hear wealthy people's complaints in this day and age the majority of it automatically filters to "the fucking serfs won't slap the pond anymore and it's honestly so destructive and cruel of them to deny me my beauty sleep like this" type statements


Since it's election year in the US, I think everyone should check open secrets to see if the candidate they're voting for has taken money from AIPAC. Any vote cast towards a recipient of AIPAC funds is a vote cast towards the genocide of Palestinians.

HERE is a source you can use for this. TrackAIPAC tells you who (from House/Senate) has taken AIPAC money, how much they've taken, and when they're up for re-election. Time to get these Zios out of office.


newbie fic authors, shooting themselves in the foot: This fic is bad haha I suck at writing lol I am being mean to myself in the hopes that you will be nice to me but actually am dissuading anyone from even clicking on my fic because all I have done to advertise it is tell you why you shouldn't read it

me: I am King Big Dick of Fanfic Mountain and I have arrived in your fandom with the Express Intention of writing my Very Favorite Fics, which I will generously allow you to read. You're welcome.


Its me, your feral godmother

*waves a wand and grants you the teeth and claws to fuck your evil step family up*

Good luck kid you're in a reverse beauty and beast situation. Do not let that princely motherfucker fall in love with your inner humanity or the spell will fail and you'll turn human again

Good news if you bite his ass you can start a pack together. Go forth. Enjoy the ball

You can bite a princess too if you want. Or a milkmaid, or a butler or whatever. Go nuts. The more the merrier

#misread as feral hogmother

That's my girlfriend, she's rooting for you too

#investing at 70 notes

That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about a post of mine that wasn't an addition to a post of someone else's XD

#posts that will become Tumblr heritage

I wish. I don't think it's even gonna crack 500 notes


Age-old advice which is more relevant nowadays rather than less. This is the second iteration of it though. The original version is: “Never write anything in a letter you wouldn’t want to see in print.” Advice handed down by my mother from her forbears.


From the IT department. We archive EVERYTHING. And Outlook autosaves every couple seconds.


“Dance like no one is watching.  Email and text like it will one day be read in court.”



Danny has a bit of an issue, he's stopped aging completely. It was fine in high school where anyone would believe in malnourishment as an excuse. But now? When he is supposed to be a 37-year-old man? This got old the second he turned 21. It's not like anyone would believe him.

So what does Danny do? He marches himself to Gotham, where he assumes people wouldn't question a supposed 15-17-year-old trying to work. Does it hinder his career goals and life aspirations? ABSOLUTELY! Not much he can do about it though!

Danny tries to lay low, but Fenton Luck strikes! Now he gets to convince the local heroes that he is a TOTALLY NORMAL kid, not at all a low-key immortal.

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