

@homeisthestars-blog / homeisthestars-blog.tumblr.com

A multi muse blog for characters from both Stargate Universe and Star Trek Next Generation.
“You have a stargate…and a ship. I am sure you can find someone who suits my needs. Until then I’ll make myself at home in…this one” she said moving her fingers over the body as she smirked at him.  “You can still mate with it if you wish, I won’t mind” 

He hated the idea of this being inhabiting Belle’s body for any length of time, but he didn’t think that he had a choice. He wasn’t going to make a comment, until she mentioned sex. And then he was mad.

“Ye thin’ ah’d wan’ ta have sex while she cannae even consent an’ yer jus’ watchin’ the whole time? No’ e’en on a cold day in hell!”


Open starter || Amy Pond

Lips pursed in thought when he explained that his people used alien tech. It wasn’t the first time she had seen it done. The ginger nodded her head walking closer to the gate. She wondered how it worked and what distance it could go but Amy knew it was too advanced for her understanding. “So 'ets like a puddle portal? Hm.” She spoke as she examined the ring closer. She let out a low whistle. “God the doctor ’d love this.” She giggled amused that it was her turn to have an adventure alone.

“Aye, basically,” he agreed. He touched the gate then, almost reverently. It was no secret among the crew that he thought the technology was marvelous, and he may act like it was normal but there was a part of him that still managed to be awed at the gates, no matter how many times he used them. “Al’righ’, now let’s both stan’ back sum. Tha gate kin kill whin i’ firs’ opens,” he warned, waiting for her to get a safe distance away before he used the kino remote to dial the ship.


“I’ve never felt this much pain in my life.”


Data did not feel pain, but he did understand that it wasundesirable and bad for humanoids. If there was something he could do to helphe would, but currently that was not an option. “I am sorry Cyrus. I amcurrently coming up with a plan to escape, but it may take some time.” Thepeople who had captured Cyrus and him had planned this well, and seemed unlikelyto let them go easily. They seemed intrigued by each of their abilities, andthat was why Cyrus was hurt. They were conducting experiments on him, obviouslyin an entirely unethical way.

In most situations there would be some impatience, but Cyrus knew that would accomplish nothing and his companion at the moment couldn’t get them out of this predicament any faster if he snapped at him.  Centuries in a bottle had obviously taught him patience, that and he’d been good at it even as a mortal. How else could he have cheated so well in various card games?
“There is no need to apologize Data,” he softly said, smiling for a quick second before the pain returned. Of all the weaknesses to test out, they went with the cold.  The one he wasn’t overly familiar with and now that he was he hoped to never find himself in a cold climate.  How did humans withstand it?  It was agonizing.  “I admit, I am still a little confused at how you can figure everything out the way you do, but I appreciate you are trying.  A good many would think only of their own well being when it came to escape.”
Still, he did long for a way to distract himself from all of it.  Whoever these people were, he hoped once they got away to never lay eyes on them again.  “Will I be distracting you from the task at hand with conversation?  If so, I shall keep my silence.”

“It is not in my nature to be selfish,” Data stated. “I am an android, and therefore I do not have emotions. I am, however, a Star Fleet officer, and as such it is part of my job to try and assist those in need.” Especially since Cyrus was living on the Enterprise. That in essence made him a Star Fleet citizen, providing even more reason for Data to protect him.

He did not try to explain how he processed information though. He knew that Cyrus did not know enough about computers to understand, and it did not matter at the moment. Right now he had to focus most of his processing power on thinking up a plan of escape. He also made sure to keep track of how Cyrus was doing physically. He knew there was not much that he could do to help, but he could keep Cyrus conscious and focusing on something other than his predicament. Most humanoids seemed to do better in these types of situations when distracted.

“And no, conversation is not distracting. My ‘brain’ is essentially a computer, and as such it is able to process several things at once. Conversation takes very little processing power.”

Fingers clicked the dial scrolling through the data as he spoke. It troubled her when he confessed to having bad dreams again. She knew all too well how nightmares could make life difficult. she still dreamed of the lab and the tests they’d put her through. When he asked her not to tell anyone about the room she finally looked up from the monitor giving a small nod. 
“Understood.” She gave a half smile. She didn’t fully understand why the room needed to be secret, but El liked the idea of having a room they could work uninterrupted. This room must have been special for whatever reason. “Like helping.” Her smile got wider while she stepped away from the controls. Moving her hand his note pad levitated from the chair into her hand and she wiped a spot of blood from her nose before flipping through it to see if he had written anything new. 

“I like you helping too,” he admitted. It was nice, being about to trust someone. Sure that someone was a child who hardly ever talked much, and maybe it was bad that she was the only person he trusted. But he did trust her, and she was here and helping. So that was good enough for him.

But then she used her powers to bring his notepad to her and he frowned as he saw the blood. “You know if it hurts you, you shouldn’t use your powers,” he stated. He was concerned about her. He didn’t like the idea of her being hurt. And he certainly didn’t want her to think she had to use her powers, since he was sure she’d been made to feel that way before she came here. “If you want to I’m not going to stop you. Just… don’t hurt yourself too badly, alright?”


Finding a Genie

Despite his fascination with everything around him, and this strange way of traveling from one place to another, Cyrus was always acutely aware of the reactions of his master at the time.  It was handy, to be able to anticipate what may happen next, not that he was always right but that particular moment he couldn’t help some panic rising within his mind.
Looking at Picard, his mind no longer on this strange technology, his smile faded a little.  “Have I said something displeasing?”  Try as he might, he couldn’t keep the worry from seeping into his tone.  “If the way I relate your technology in terms I can understand, at least until it is explained fully, is bothersome then I shall stop.  All you need is to say that is your desire, I do not mean to cause you concern.”  Cyrus knew the man probably didn’t realize how much control he had over a genie, which was something he may have to point out in a less vague way sooner rather than later.
The genie hoped it wasn’t that much of a bother, relating technology to magic, twisting the ring on his thumb as he waited for any response.  He wasn’t normally this nervous, but everything was strange and new.  There was no way to really be sure of anything, and the last thing he wanted was to be returned to his bottle for being perceived as an annoyance that was better off confined then dealt with.
Although he felt some reassurance it wouldn’t come to that, taking some comfort in the words he turned over in his mind as the lift came to a stop.  Perhaps he jumped to conclusions, Picard seemed to understand how he was trying to relate everything in ways he could understand for now.  That didn’t stop him from startling a little when the door slid upon; this was going to take some getting used to.
Obviously if introductions were happening, it wasn’t in that moment.  Cyrus glanced at the people in the room, a touch curious as one or two did not look human to him (then he looked human and was far from it as well).  The one acknowledged what Picard said, and the genie really hoped he had a name aside from Number One, but for now there was tea and he was rather looking forward to that.
Turning, he walked over to where Picard was waiting, figuring there was time enough to find out who everyone was.  First there was tea, and possibly a couple questions.  Or a few dozen.

Riker acknowledged his statement and then he and Cyrus were alone in the room. Picard gestured to the couch that he had, figuring that sitting there would be better than sitting at the desk. He didn’t want to give off any feeling of power here. He was dealing with a genie, and he already had all of the power. The couch would be more relaxed, comfortable. And that was the tone he was going for in this conversation. “Go ahead and sit down,” Picard urged. “What kind of tea do you want?” he added as he walked to the replicator. He already knew what tea he wanted, but he wanted to know what Cyrus wanted. “The repilcator has many different kinds.”


Wrong Enterprise: Mirror Spock and Picard

“Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” The droning voice of the Enterprise’s central computer joined the cacophony of the red alert siren as Spock got up from the conn to stride over to the science station. He pulled the chair back, Science Officer Marcus knew better than to protest when the Vulcan Captain was in one of his moods. With practice every member of alpha shift knew Spock’s moods. They were subtle—but they were there.
“Where?” Spock said coldly as his long fingers danced over the station that had been his for a very long time, through two captains, and many years. “The intruder is in my ready room.”
“I’ll order security to your read room, captain,” His first officer, Commander Uhura said.
“Good.” No thank you. He would save those for privacy. One did not show gratitude before an Imperial crew. It was a sign of weakness. Once a quartet of security officers came through the turbolift, he motioned for them to follow him to his ready room along the left side of the bridge.
“Identify yourself!” Spock barked as he came into the room, phaser at the ready. The man was older, bald, and wearing an unusual costume. It might be an uniform, but Spock could not be sure. “How did you get on board the Enterprise?”

One minute Picard had been in his own ready room, looking over some reports about the original Enterprise. The next thing he’d known, Q was in the room with him. And with Q there was always trouble. The being had said something about reports being too boring. Only to say Picard should experience it. The next thing he knew he was here, in a much older looking ready room. Though even to him something didn’t seem right.

When the man who was obviously Spock entered, with a goatee and a different uniform, Picard realized what was going on. The report he’d been reading had talked of an alternate universe. That had to be where he was now. Q had gotten him into a great deal of trouble this time.

Picard had read enough to know that in this universe people were… more savage. His normal tactics would most likely be ineffective here. Probably something Q was amused by. “Well your security isn’t inadequate, though perhaps you should work on your shield strength,” he started, speaking on a whim. He had to try and convince this alternate Spoke that he’d been sent here by Star Fleet Command. Spock. The Vulcan who was extremely observant and hard to trick. “Or more accurate, frequency. I was able to beam straight through.”

From where? His ship? Which wasn’t anywhere to be seen and wouldn’t be. So that was a flaw. Too late for that though. He had to stick to his story.



Eleven shook her head when Toriel asked if she was hurt. She was tired however. Her stomach ached letting out a low rumble at the mention of food. “You…are…nice.” she smiled patting a hand on the creatures chest, again feeling the warm fur. No one had offered her such niceties, nor held her in such a way that she felt nothing could hurt her.

She heard the child’s stomach rumble and knew that she needed to find something for her to eat. And something nutritious too. She looked like she could use it. The child said she was nice then and she smiled. “Oh my child, I am glad that you think so. And I want you to know that I would do anything for you. Actually I would like to be a teacher, if there was anyone to teach in the ruins. But I will be more than happy to teach and take care of you. Now give me a moment, and I will go find something for you to eat.”



Again Elevens hand reached to feel the bone when he explained he wasn’t human. She wondered why they were put together, hoping this wasn’t a test where she had to hurt anyone again. Or worse, he was here to harm her. Though, he did seem kind. A lot kinder than many she had seen in the laboratory. In the corner a table sat with a box of children’s toys. Walking over, the girl picked up a few blocks making them levitate in her hands. “Are…you…special too?” She asked struggling to get the words out.

He smiled when he saw her levitate the blocks. He could do that too! In an instant his eyes grew dark, and then his left eye was glowing blue. He raised his left hand, which was also glowing blue, and a block floated into the air. It too was glowing. That was how Sans’ power worked after all. “yep i can do that kiddo,” he told her. He thought he might have other powers too, but he didn’t know what they were and he didn’t want the scientists too either so he didn’t mention it. “i thought i was the only one.”


Captives || Closed

It had been a relatively quiet day aboard Destiny. Most of the crew worked silently keeping the ship running smoothly. Belle had been checking the diagnostics to see if there was anything to be done when she noticed something strange in a distant corridor of the ship. Belle’s nails tapped the screen pulling up the information to read that a valve had somehow managed to turn off blocking water to one of the shower rooms. 
She briefly told Park what she was doing and to inform Rush that she would be back shortly if he returned from his work before she did. Grabbing a walkie talkie, Belle headed deeper into the ship, following the map on a screen she carried with her. Once she was away from the crew Belle slowly realized how quiet it was, and how they really only occupied a small percentage of the ship compared to how much was available. As she walked occasionally she got a strange feeling on the back of her neck as if she was being followed. A few times she would pause to look back to make sure only to find an empty hall. 
When she found the valve, Belle examined it making sure she was turning it on properly until a noise caught her attention. “H-hello? Nicholas? Is that you?” She called into the silence waiting for a response.  

Seeking Comfort

“Oh no” she said straddling him quickly as she added some intense drama to her voice;”let’s run down the corridors naken, let’s make rough beautiful love against the walls and every door” she teased him before giving him a kiss.  “Would give the crew something to talk about no?” she asked as their kiss ended, a smiled dancing over her lips as she felt his beard against her hands and face.  “I like the beard…” 

His eyes widened a bit when he heard her talking like that. He had to admit the idea was slightly appealing, though he’d want to do it in part of the ship that wasn’t inhabited. “Aye it’d give them something to talk about. And I’d never get the science team to listen to me again,” he joked, giving her a kiss.

He raised a hand to his face when she mentioned his stubble. “I’ve just been too busy to bother shaving. But if you really like it then I can just keep not shaving.”

Anonymous asked:

"You best teach that freak kid a' yers some manners." Simeon sneered as Rush walked past him. He leaned against the hall walls, holding a doll TJ had made for Eleven last week. "B'fore someone else does."

Rush turned and looked at Simeon, frowning when he saw thatthe man had El’s doll. He looked around, not seeing any soldiers. Well fine. Hedidn’t need anyone’s help for this. He stepped forward himself, glaring at the man.“You so much as lay a hand on her and you will regret it,” he warned beforesnagging the doll back.

Scott didn’t hesitate to gather the child into his arms making sure to be extra cautious not to hurt her. He knew it wasn’t his place to reprimand Rush for picking a fight with someone as low as Simeon. Now, his job was to get El to TJ and make sure she was alright. He had never seen the child do more than lift the occasional cup or pen, nothing like this. It was like she had used all her energy. 
He nodded getting to his feet and moving to sick bay as quickly as he could while not injuring Eleven. He would have normally stayed back to make sure Rush made it alright, but he trusted the man to make it there despite a few broken ribs. 
TJ was organizing supplies when she saw Scott running to her with Eleven in his arms. “Oh my god. Matt? What happened?” she ran meeting him half way. Together they set her on the cot which only made her look smaller. TJ grabbed her stethoscope placing it on El’s chest. 
“Uh-I-I don’t really know. Um, Rush said he and Simeon got into a fight. He attacked Rush then she attacked Simeon.” Scott tried to explain quickly just as the soldiers brought Simeon’s still limp body and roughly tossed it on a cot across the room. They strapped his wrists down and stood guard in case he woke back up. “Rush should be right behind us.” Scott looked over his shoulder. 
“Well her heart rate is a little fast, but I won’t be able to tell more without running more tests.” Tj wrapped the stethoscope around her neck with a sigh of relief. “We should get a blood test while she’s out cold. If you’ll recall it didn’t go well the last time I tried.” 
Rush felt terrible, but he tried to force himself to go as fast as possible. El was hurt and it was all his fault. He never should have punched Simeon. Now El was hurt and he didn’t know what was happening to her or if she’d be okay. And it had all started from wanting to protect her. How ironic.
He turned a corner and bumped into Young, crying out in surprise and pain. “Rush?” the other man asked before taking in the way he was holding his ribs. He had heard Rush was hurt of course, but he’d assumed Scott would take care of him. Apparently not.
“Let’s get you to sick bay,” he stated, wrapping an arm around Rush. The scientist huffed a sigh.
“Tha’s where ah was headed,” he argued.
“Yeah, well slow down a bit, huh?” Young stated, using his grip on Rush’s shoulder to force the man to go slower. Because yes, the man was already trying to walk off as fast as he could manage. “You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep that up.”
“Better me than El,” Rush replied instantly. Oh. Rush blamed himself for her getting hurt. That make some sense.
“No, sorry but she will be devastated if you’re hurt, you know that? And getting to sick bay a few minutes sooner will not help her recover faster.” He was right of course, even if he didn’t like it. So he let Young slow him down.
“Fine,” he mumbled. It seemed to take forever but eventually they did make it there. “How is she?” Rush asked the minute they were in the room.
Scott heard Rush’s voice and turned to the man. “I was just on my way.” He told the him before turning to his commanding officer. “Sir,” He nodded helping him assist with Rush. “TJ says she is stable, just try and take it easy..” Scott answered Rush’s question finally. “We should really get you to a cot or something though. El’s already being looked after, right now you look more bruised up than either of them.” He half joked nodding at Simeon. 
TJ had just finished applying a bandaid on Eleven’s arm, thankful she stayed asleep long enough to get a sample. “From the looks of it she fainted from exhaustion. Other than that there is nothing physically wrong with her.” She explained covering the child with a warm blanket and placing a pillow under her head to make her more comfortable. Once she was sure Eleven would be alright she stepped away to examine Rush. “Okay I’m going to need you to explain to me what happened so I can fully understand how you’ve been injured. It’ll be difficult to tell without an x-ray, so every detail matters.” 
At that moment there was a soft sigh where Eleven laid. The child began to stir, gradually beginning to wake. Mm?” Her face twitched a few times before her lids began to blink open. It took her a few moments to remember what had happened in the moments before it all went dark. When it all fell into place she shot up instantly with a gasp not quite sure where she was or who was with her. “Papa–Rush!? Rush!? ” It took less than an instant for her to correct herself the second she realized what she was saying in the half second it took to see TJ, Scott and Young in the room. The familiar green and black caught her eye making her attempt to get up before TJ scurried to stop her. 
Easy, easy, there honey.” She spoke in a tender voice. “Don’t try to move just yet. Rush is okay, I promise, but both of you need to stay in bed until you’re better.” She tried to explain hoping that the idea of helping herself would also help Rush. Tears started to form in the child’s eyes when she found herself too overwhelmed with emotion to be able to confess with her limited speech. She ached head to toe, her head felt like it had been bashed in with something heavy, and yet she was still too concerned Simeon had done too much damage to Rush. Only to feel herself filled with guilt over letting herself go too far with attacking Simeon. 
She sat back on the cot covering her eyes to hide the tears as she cried. “So sorry.” Muffled words passed between her hands. “So sorry….so sorry…” Already she could feel the weight of her body held up by her weak and shaky legs. TJ was right about her getting up too quickly, El knew it, but she just leaned against the cot crying. “This is… my fault….” She confessed with a gasp between her sobs. If she hadn’t been messing with Simeon earlier this never would have happened. He had been so rude, El didn’t see any harm in having some fun at his expense. At first it was subtle things like making him trip over his own feet while walking down the hall or his drink spilling when he ate, but the more she understood what kind of person he was, larger things started happening, like the power in his bedroom suddenly being rerouted to hydroponics.
She had snuck into the Lucian’s quarters earlier that day to find a new way to mess with him but he had returned too fast and El had to run out of the room, dropping her doll behind. She had seen it in the hall during the fight and had put it together for herself that they were fighting because of what she had done. 
Scott heard Rush’s voice and turned to the man. “I was just on my way.” He told the him before turning to his commanding officer. “Sir,” He nodded helping him assist with Rush. “TJ says she is stable, just try and take it easy..” Scott answered Rush’s question finally. “We should really get you to a cot or something though. El’s already being looked after, right now you look more bruised up than either of them.” He half joked nodding at Simeon. 
TJ had just finished applying a bandaid on Eleven’s arm, thankful she stayed asleep long enough to get a sample. “From the looks of it she fainted from exhaustion. Other than that there is nothing physically wrong with her.” She explained covering the child with a warm blanket and placing a pillow under her head to make her more comfortable. Once she was sure Eleven would be alright she stepped away to examine Rush. “Okay I’m going to need you to explain to me what happened so I can fully understand how you’ve been injured. It’ll be difficult to tell without an x-ray, so every detail matters.” 
At that moment there was a soft sigh where Eleven laid. The child began to stir, gradually beginning to wake. Mm?” Her face twitched a few times before her lids began to blink open. It took her a few moments to remember what had happened in the moments before it all went dark. When it all fell into place she shot up instantly with a gasp not quite sure where she was or who was with her. “Papa–Rush!? Rush!? ” It took less than an instant for her to correct herself the second she realized what she was saying in the half second it took to see TJ, Scott and Young in the room. The familiar green and black caught her eye making her attempt to get up before TJ scurried to stop her. 
Easy, easy, there honey.” She spoke in a tender voice. “Don’t try to move just yet. Rush is okay, I promise, but both of you need to stay in bed until you’re better.” She tried to explain hoping that the idea of helping herself would also help Rush. Tears started to form in the child’s eyes when she found herself too overwhelmed with emotion to be able to confess with her limited speech. She ached head to toe, her head felt like it had been bashed in with something heavy, and yet she was still too concerned Simeon had done too much damage to Rush. Only to feel herself filled with guilt over letting herself go too far with attacking Simeon. 
She sat back on the cot covering her eyes to hide the tears as she cried. “So sorry.” Muffled words passed between her hands. “So sorry….so sorry…” Already she could feel the weight of her body held up by her weak and shaky legs. TJ was right about her getting up too quickly, El knew it, but she just leaned against the cot crying. “This is… my fault….” She confessed with a gasp between her sobs. If she hadn’t been messing with Simeon earlier this never would have happened. He had been so rude, El didn’t see any harm in having some fun at his expense. At first it was subtle things like making him trip over his own feet while walking down the hall or his drink spilling when he ate, but the more she understood what kind of person he was, larger things started happening, like the power in his bedroom suddenly being rerouted to hydroponics.
She had snuck into the Lucian’s quarters earlier that day to find a new way to mess with him but he had returned too fast and El had to run out of the room, dropping her doll behind. She had seen it in the hall during the fight and had put it together for herself that they were fighting because of what she had done. 

Rush let Scott come over and start helping him to the cop, even if he didn’t like it. He always hated being looked after, ore more correctly needing to be looked after. Still, he had to admit that Simeon had done a number on him, and he probably needed all the help he could get. At least El was stable. He was fine so long as she was.

But then she woke, obviously distressed. She was even standing up now. Damn it. She blamed herself. And… and she’d called him Papa? That send waves of emotions through him that he didn’t want to try and decipher at the moment. Instead he moved to her side, Young coming with him so as to keep supporting him. And probably to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid and hurt himself more on accident. As if he couldn’t take care of himself.

“El, hey it’s okay,” he promised, reaching out an arm to place on her shoulder. “I’m alright and you are alright. Simeon’s restrained. Nothing else is going to happen.”

“And as for it being your fault,” Young jumped in, “I very much doubt that. For one thing Simeon was goading Rush. And Rush knows better than to get into fights he can’t win.” There was a subtle jab there, Rush thought. Since Young had beat him up on more than one occasion. But… well it didn’t seem like the statement was malicious. An attempt at a joke, perhaps? He didn’t dwell on that now. El was his focus for the moment.

“He’s right. It’s not your fault. It’s Simeon’s for punching me, and mine for not getting help.” He wanted to teach El how to act after all. Especially if she saw him as her papa. He was messing that up already, wasn’t he? He tried not to think on that though. “I should have never fought him like that.”


Freedom || Closed starter

Moving forward she took a seat staying close to Rush. She looked at the food placed before her, eyes lighting up at the new and different food. It wasn’t gray or brown and wasn’t pureed into mush. Before she ate the girl scanned the people around her like she was gathering information. 
“Uh…h-hi there…” Eli cleared his throat as he spoke to the girl as he glanced between Young and Rush for some kind of explanation. The girl just glanced at him while a hand plucked a fruit from the plate. She sniffed it curiously before taking a small bite. Eyes shot wide and soon she started to stuff the fruit in her mouth with a crunch. 
“Someone’s hungry…” Chloe smiled at her a bit stiff, not sure how a child got on the ship. 
“So um…is this the important thing Greer was talking about?” Eli kept his eyes on Eleven as he spoke to Young, leaning towards the Colonel. “Weren’t we in FTL. No way the gate just opened. What’d she knock on the front door? ” He tried to joke. Briefly the girl looked up giving him an amused look. Chloe gave Eli a light kick under the table to get him to keep his mouth shut. 
Young had debated on whether he should sit next to the girl to keep others from doing so, or if he should go to the other side and sit next to Eli. He opted on sitting next to Eli, fairly sure he and Rush could keep anyone who attempted to come close away with carefully placed glares.

Rush saw how the child started bolding down her food and felt a bit of a pang. She was obviously very hungry. “Slow down a wee bit,” he told her gently. “Yer going to make yerself sick.” His instinct was to grab a hold of her hand or move the food to stop her, but she might think he was going to take the food away and he didn’t want that. “Ye can even have a bit of mine, alright? But only if you go slower.”

Young shot Rush a look at that. Rush didn’t eat as much as he should anyway and both men knew it. But Rush ignored the look. After all, what was a few missed meals compared to the work?

And then Eli had to ask how she got here. Of course he did. Well, at least she didn’t seem nervous about his question. “When the gate gets dialed, we drop out,” Rush reminded Eli, a tiny bit of a warning in his voice. “You know that. Obviously the gate was dialed. Now either eat or food, of give it to the wee lass and get back to work.”

Anonymous asked:

Quiet and curious hands took the notebook off the controls and Eleven began to flip through them one by one. Her expression grew perplexed before she suddenly began tearing the pages out. "All wrong." The child mumbled to herself. (To Rush)

Rush looked over when he heard the voice, extremelyconcerned when he saw what the child was doing. “No, don’t do that,” he urgedher. “I need that.” He wanted to move to grab it from her but was worried thatwould scare her. He just had to hope she’d listen.

When he entered the data and the power transferred she gave a toothy grin. The kind of work she did here gave her much more satisfaction than the tests she used to do. Here she could actually help people. She was more than just a subject, she was part of the crew. 
However the joyous moment was short lived when the lights began to flicker and she felt the ship drop out of FTL. Panic washed over her when the screen went black and the lights continued to flicker until fully going out. El let out a worried noise similar to a whimper when they were fully cloaked in darkness. “I broke it…” 

He watched as the whole ship lost power. Dammit. That wasn’t good. His radio cackled almost immediately with people demanding to know what was going on. He shut it off. “That’s alright,” he promised. “We can fix it.” He’d thought that it would work too after all. He’d take the blame for it if it came down to it.

He looked back at the papers on the floor to try and see where they had gone wrong, but of course it was too dark and he didn’t have anything with him that would generate light. And then he heard it. Life support turning back on. Meaning it had been off for a bit. “It may just be taking the computers awhile to process,” he told El. “Let’s give it a minute. Life support is back, and I’m willing to bet the other systems will follow.”


Sorry guys I am here. Life got busy and I am trying to reboot my main blog @thecursedspinner. But I have so much there so I am here instead. I will get to work on my 17 drafts and 8 asks, but if anyone wants to plot give this a like and I will jump in my IM eventually.


Wolf Planet

While Rush was explaining things to his friends, Holo took those few moments to listening into their surrounding’s, she wasn’t the only wolf that lived in this forest after all. Her attention was brought back to Young, once he spoken to her. “Do not worry about it”, Holo stated with a small smile after Young had thanked her. 


“Now I believe you are looking for food?, if you want I can to you somewhere to get some. Though it would be best to stick close, I’m not the only wolf here”. After saying that Holo didn’t give the group a chance to answer, as she had already began to walk off back into the forest.

Young was stunned when she just started to walk off, and a bit uncertain as to what to do. Though they did need the food. He was wary of trusting the wolf woman, but she was the best chance they had at surviving so he was willing to trust her. “Let’s go,” he told his men, moving to follow Holo. Rush had already  started to do so, and everyone else fell in step once Young started moving.


Alice stood there patiently while Rush asked his questions, and waited for him to finish before answering. “My name is Alice”, she began to say with a smile in answer to his first question. “I used a doorway from the abyss, to get to this place. Though it’s defiantly the first time I’ve be able to leave by myself, and I got curious and wanted to see what this place was like”.

“The abyss?” he asked, confused. She was most certainly an alien then, though she didn’t really seem like a harmful one. Though that didn’t mean she couldn’t unintentionally hurt them. Or that she wasn’t faking. Though he didn’t know why she’d fake it. Surely if she could intrude the ship she could have found out everything she needed to know already. “Could you tell me what that is?”

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