
✧A Fallen Angel✧

@halostars / halostars.tumblr.com

-- "he was less of himself outloud, his native language was thought"-- || dreaming of open skyes and long lost love || || Charlie.she/they. || ||XV. Writeblr.||

broad daylight in horror is massively underused

there’s a constant feeling in nighttime horror of “this is an unnatural, liminal situation you’ve stumbled into. once you make it to the other end, or if everyone were to know the truth, you will be free of it.”

once the sun crests the horizon, however, there’s an unspoken shift in the underlying tone. this aberration of the natural order has come under all scrutiny and it is still there. you continue to cry for normalcy, but the world does not acknowledge what you believe it should be. no amount of truth or time will end this, and in my favourite of executions the very framing and narrative itself doesn’t acknowledge the dissonance. 

it all comes back to alienation, in the end. always.

if nighttime horror evokes a sense of isolation through salvation being just out of reach, then daytime horror evokes it through the realization that it never existed to begin with. that the walls and locks were all paper-thin artifice. that this is now tomorrow. forever.

broad daylight in horror is seeing the yawning abyss and knowing there’s nothing to wake up to.

I think about this a lot because I grew up on the high plains.

I maintain that while the forest is terrifying because it’s dark and you don’t where you can be attacked from, the plains are more horrifying. Imagine seeing a creature just coming toward you on the horizon. You never lose sight of the abomination as it comes closer and closer. You know it’s there the whole time. You look around, and there is no where to hide. You can only run until you can’t run anymore.


good morning to horror fans, fat bitches, people with psychosis, they/thems, people who can’t drive, trans women, witches, and single dads. the rest of you... you’re on your own



Presenting | His Imperial Highness Prince Charles vi Aetier, Imperessor of the great Aetierian Empire and heir presumptive to the Phoenix Throne

Meidther |

Second child of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Dantalion vi Aetier in his marriage to Illysandre vi Soresi, consort-premier. The child of politics, of duty, of security—born happy and hale and perfect. He is named Charles after the great kings that came before him, in hopes that he, too, will live up to that name. He is his father’s pride, his mother’s joy, and the empire’s hope for stability. The Bonny Prince, the people call him. The Awaited Heir, the courtiers say. My little lion, his mother says, gazing upon him as if he will hang the moon and stars in the sky. My little king.

Vithail |

He lives sixteen years with the world at his fingertips, learning from the wisest, eating the best, clothed in the finest a prince could ever be. But he is empty. For all that Charles is loved, for all that he is favored, he cannot help but feel hollow. He flirts, he plays, hunts, rides, loves and is loved yet still that ache remains. He yearns for that something. Something more than his life of glittering jewels and strict lessons and impossible expectations. He yearns and yearns for an idea he does not know, only that it might give him fulfillment beyond the future that has been laid out before him.

Aphel |

He is sixteen. His heart is full of yearning, his future is laid clear, and it is bright and glorious. Then— she arrives. A half-sister who is spoken of in hushed tones only when he is out of earshot and she looks upon him with such loathing that it scares him. Now, Charles is pressured to fight for his title, to defend the birthright he never wanted, never craved, because what is he but prince and heir? What else is he?

"I wonder, more often than not, what it would be like to be anyone but me."

[Taglist + psd credit under the cut]


every time i see one of those “best horror movies of 2010′s/horror movies that defined the 2010′s” posts, it’s always the same ones and like, sorry to have to be the one to tell y’all that half of those sucked and weren’t as deep or stand-out as they’re made out to be

instead, might i suggest the following titles for consideration:

  • the devil’s candy (2015)
  • happy death day (2017)
  • parasite (2019)
  • ready or not (2019)
  • the wailing (2016)
  • train to busan (2016)
  • i saw the devil (2010)
  • goodnight mommy (2014)
  • a girl walks home alone at night (2014)
  • it follows (2014)
  • we are what we are (2011)
  • under the shadow (2016)

instead of “the witch”:

  • the wicker man (1973)
  • the wailing (2016)
  • rosemary’s baby (1968)
  • the autopsy of jane doe (2016)

instead of “hereditary”:

  • under the shadow (2016)
  • goodnight mommy (2014)
  • we need to talk about kevin (2011)
  • the killing of a sacred deer (2017)

instead of “midsommar”:

  • possession (1981)
  • gaslight (1944)
  • insomnia (1997)
  • the invitation (2015)

instead of “the lighthouse”:

  • the fog (1980)
  • the others (2001)
  • the shining (1980/1997)
  • the haunting (1963)


  • martha marcy may marlene (2011)
  • the devil’s backbone (2001)
  • pan’s labyrinth (2006)
  • the orphanage (2007)
  • the crucible (1957/1996)
  • wind river (2017)
  • shutter island (2010)

@literatureladies mission 04 : antagonists — Lady Macbeth from Shakespeare’s play, ‘Macbeth’

O, never Shall sun that morrow see! Your face, my thane, is as a book where men May read strange matters. To beguile the time, Look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue. Look like th’ innocent flower, But be the serpent under ‘t. He that’s coming Must be provide for: and you shall put This night’s great business into my dispatch, Which shall to all our nights and days to come Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.


At last, after a long and difficult journey, you’ve made it beyond the magical borders that guard the world’s only demigod safe haven….


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Your journey is over, Chiron and the other campers are waiting to welcome you just on the other side of that hill!


stop using hospitals as horror settings

fun alternative: cruise ships. cruise ships exploit workers and can pollute as much as a million cars on a daily basis while dumping endless shit into the ocean and endangering all passengers on board because the on board air quality rivals some of the most polluted cities in the world while being a breeding ground for disease. cruise ships deserve to have negativity associated with them

also all crimes commited aboard a cruise ship is under the juristiction of whichever country they’re registered to once they’re a certain distance away from land so you have the added bonus of the crimes being very unlikely to be properly investigated (due to usually being physically so very far from the actual police whose juristiction they’re under)



On top of THAT cruise ships tend to have their own morgue, as people tend to die on ships all the time. Good for those spooky scenes.

plus u can just like…leave a hospital. good luck escaping a killer or a monster or a curse or w/e in the middle of the fucking ocean


Fun things to consider about cruise ships:

  • THEATERS. Usually a minimum of three, all of varying levels of #fancy
  • Grand staircases. PLURAL. Most ships have at least two massive grand halls with massive staircases and plants and indoor creeks n shit.
  • Nightclubs. Actual nightclubs. Usually segregated by age brackets. They also have attached age-segregated hangout places. Older ships (pre-2009) are all stuck in hilariously 90s era stylings.
  • Casinos. Either two of them separated by machines/tables, or one entire floor.
  • Library/board game room. Think a big old fashioned men’s smoking room. Like fat leather chairs and floor to ceiling shelves.
  • Restaurants of various levels of fancy and quality. Pick each tier of passenger (usually 3-5 tiers, but it depends) and give them each about ¾ options.
  • So. Many. Fucking. Elevators. And not all of them go to an equal number of floors.
  • Not to mention….STAIRS. ALL STAIRS ALL TIME.
  • Endless, ENDLESS identical hallways of doors to rooms. ENDLESS. These will usually span the ENTIRE length of the ship, with the middle class rooms breaking into the main staircase areas. The lower decks are monotonous in the extreme.
  • Shopping mall. Smaller than the word typically implies, but segregated by need and price. So from everyday basic necessities to extremely fancy jewelry stores. These can be entire floors.
  • Movie theaters, usually for kids. A lot of weird 90s theming.
  • Random TVs that sporadically pick up the signals from whatever island or land mass you’re nearest to. Some weird shit every once in a while.
  • The top-most deck often has a minigolf course and a running track. Usually looks like a little garden.
  • Spas. These places have full on spas.
  • The penthouse rooms. Legit some of these will be like…straight off the titanic level grandeur. Talk about some irony poisoning.
  • Surprisingly placed lifeboats to remind you of your mortality. First thing after you get a room is an evacuation plan and it takes FOR EV ER if people aren’t cooperating.
  • Legit actual doctors office. Some Big Fancy Boys have minor surgeries.
  • The rooms often also have multipurpose and hiding furniture. That room for ants actually comfortably sleeps 6 adults.
  • The cleaning crew is also Very Sneaky.
  • They will often leave little towel animals or some other cute themed gift. This is very exploitable for horror.
  • The purely utilitarian design of the non-customer sections are brutal in their simplicity. And monotonous.
  • Most of these ships, away from the money makers, are monotonous.
  • One of the BIGGEST unintentionally creepy factors is the hollow illusion of wealth these ships try to sell you.
  • Like…they have all the splendor and grandeur of a McMansion. The gold paint is faded, the jewels are plastic, the wood is worn. The lights are yellowed and dusty, but all around you the ship screams luxury. But it’s not. It’s something you notice after being on one more than a few times. You can feel the cheapness and emptiness of it all.
  • Even the highest priced areas have a sense of wear to them. Like, unless you’re the first bitch on the maiden voyage, even the biggest and most expensive penthouses have a cheap, used feel to them. It’s eerie once you notice it.
  • And lastly. Bigly. Most importantly.
  • Waves
  • Okay so like obviously waves on the ocean. And you expect to feel the swaying of the ship, but most people expect that these bad boys are too large to really get spicy.
  • Nah. I’ve been on MASSIVE ships where the waves are so large that the deck would literally be at a 45 degree angle.
  • THIS is why you see railings everywhere. You’ll be moseying along and then suddenly you’ll be walking with one foot on the wall, dizzyingly swaying back and forth and desperately clinging to the wall as your legs threaten to come out from under you when the ship leans away. I’ve even seen the crew members get sick.
  • On the lower decks and rooms, you’ll have the joy of seeing your fucking window GO UNDERWATER. I’m not kidding. Upper balcony rooms can appear to sway hideously close to the water. It’s TERRIFYING.



One of the most frustrating things about being a bilingual writer is knowing the perfect word or phrase to describe something in the language you’re not writing in. Any attempts to translate it or recreate it in the language you’re writing it just isn’t right because there’s no direct translation and it doesn’t capture the nuance perfectly like the original word or phrase does!!!

*flips table in french*

i decided to make a masterlist of photoshop resources, for those who want to start making graphics or are looking for new ways to create graphics! there’s download links, tutorials, textures, psds, and other helpful resources. 


for windows:





This or that fantasy edition!

spell or curse / abandoned mansion or haunted cemetery / vampire slayer or ghost hunter / phoenix or griffin / wrist bite or neck bite / fairy godmother or evil stepmother / herbs or potion / ghost or wraith / dragon scales or werewolf claws / druid or mage / elf or hobbit / divination or necromancy / wand magic or hand magic / centaur or unicorn / dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale / sword or bow & arrow / siren or water nymph / garlic or silver / talking animal or walking tree / demon trap or crossroads pact / enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon

Tagged by: @ortolon

Tagging a few mutuals,(sorry if it's annoying lol): @crvelgods ,@rxd-iant ,@auroustriggers ,@theleerie,@anomaly00


When Come the Dawn | excerpt

– Written 2/28/2021, minor edits 3/1/20201 [CW: Death, violence, mentions of familicide]

“You look very lovely tonight,” Aretos said. “A bit more subdued than I expected, however.”

Fenice let out a dry laugh. “Did you expect I would attend dinner in my own home dressed like one of Eftansa’s courtiers?”

He points his fork at her. “To be honest, I did. Is that not how royalty should dress?” Aretos’ smile was draconic; wide and full of teeth, an imitation of a grin that held none of its joy. His lone silver eye sparkled like the jewels on his fingers or the gold that dripped from his tawny arms. Draped across his form— loose, like the hedonist he’s trying to portray— are fabrics of made of sumptuous brocade silk. A deep crimson in contrast to Fenice’s blue.


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  • twenty-five font options
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  • 500px posts
  • supports alt text
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inspired by the magnus archives, base code by @sorrism · flexible frames by @nouvae · audio player, notecount shortener, like button & search bar scripts by @shythemes · npf image readjustment by @glenthemes · photosets by @annasthms and @eggdesign · nightmode by eggdesign

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art featured by @marixsleep


My Halo cracked,

Your eyes turned dark.

Our wings pierced,

And we both fell.

But you my love,

Aged young again.

Took the mortal hand,

Sewed the slits on your back.

While I layed there,

Drowning in an ocean.

Bleeding from my eyes,

Wailing from my core.

In the end my darling,

All that was left of us.

Was a mortal man,

And a fallen angel.

- Larose


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