
Soft Hockey Boys

@b1ttle / b1ttle.tumblr.com

Arthur | he/him
“My goal in life is to be personally responsible for every hockey boys’ Gay Awakening™️” -me circa 2019, and probably Bitty at some point
Check, Please! sideblog | main: @marc0bot. | support my work on KoFi! | read my omgcp fics on AO3!

Preview #1:

Mic Check, Please!

an OMGCP inspired album written/performed by @b1ttle


  1. eighteen
  2. closet story
  3. you and me
  4. honey
  5. this boy
  6. matters to me
  7. sweet tooth
  8. it started here

First track “eighteen” will be posted for this event, with all other songs being released throughout OMGCP Anniversary Week!

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !


OK so this post is almost 3 years old (wtf) and the album itself has been fully completed for over a year (double wtf) BUT I never posted a link to the full album?? For some reason???

So here it is!!! All 8 songs from this project in a Soundcloud playlist!

Still can't believe the initial concept for this project was almost 4 years ago 😳 and I never thought 1 of the songs let alone 3 would reach so far outside the hivemind 🥺


it's been said many times before, but i'll say it again. they fucked that pie.

Anonymous asked:

do you have a PDF of madison somehow? 😭 i couldn't afford the kickstarter/buying it because the shipping costs are more than the actual thing and ngozi won't put a pdf up for sale i wanna cry

Ahhhh i don’t cause I got it physically through the Kickstarter sorry 🥲


so "closet story" recently hit 500k streams on SoundCloud which is WILD

Thanks to everyone in the hivemind who supported the project this song was a part of and thanks to SoundCloud for making it reach outside its intended niche audience somehow 😳

I've been thinking of putting the entire project up on Bandcamp or something so let me know if y'all would be interested in something like that!


my hot takes about that era of the fandom: 

I thought it was annoying when people would write Bitty in the most out of character way that they possibly could so they could justify Jack getting with Kent later on in their fic

Relatedly, I thought it was really fucking annoying to see people actively hate Bitty, the main character of Check Please, and talk about how he shouldn’t be as prominent in Check Please, the story about Eric Bittle. I think some of that was also people having issues with Bitty having more feminine interests but I don’t want to enter that minefield tonight

I thought it was frustrating how there was so much Kent fic compared to fic featuring characters of color who were way more prominent and developed as characters in the actual comic. Ditto art. 

I thought that it was bullshit of people to claim they didn’t see a problem in their art when they were coloring Ransom like half a shade darker than the white characters, and to then act like it’s impossible to draw Black people

I thought that it was bullshit how many people infantilized Chowder in their writing, and in general there was a widespread unwillingness to write him as a fully fleshed-out character

I thought it was weird that people would call Ngozi Ukazu “N” instead of typing out her name and I don’t think they would’ve done that if she had a European name

I think some people got to a real uncomfortable level of parasociality for a while and I don’t blame her at all for stepping way back from engaging 

I think in general the fandom has gotten to a way healthier place in recent years


Check please tv adaption is making rounds on Twitter again… TIME TO START DRAMA WITH ANOTHER FANDOM TO GET THIS VIRAL


Twitter is obsessed with him being toxic erm hello has anyone met a 17 year old pro athlete figuring out their sexuality in a high pressure secret gay relationship.

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