
The Laughing Void

@amusing-void / amusing-void.tumblr.com

Mostly art/philosophy memes.

Disappointing that Hobbes’ materialism led him to believe that God is an infinite “invisible spirit corporeal” rather than the real materialist conclusion: God is a flesh-and-blood wizard-being that lives in a cave somewhere


while you studied the blade

I studied the blade too we were classmates

hey bro is there any blade homework due tomorrow


imagine if the oceans were replaced by forests and if you went into the forest the trees would get taller the deeper you went and there’d be thousands of undiscovered species and you could effectively walk across the ocean but the deeper you went, the darker it would be and the animals would get progressively scarier and more dangerous and instead of whales there’d be giant deer and just wow

you have a beautiful imagination


this gave me chills




rebogging again because damn

….also, a hundred years ago back in my college days, I also came up with this idea but then completely forgot about it for fifteen years. +_+;

character: says "I like bread" that one time
fandom: character has an obsession with bread. bread is character's true love. draws character as bread. every meta joke in fanfic is about bread. the character's room is wallpapered with bread
Tokyo Ghoul fandom: bread might be a hint to the character's past and sense of home, but most likely a troubled childhood since bread without anything can be dry and not pleasant after a while, which probably means the character had problems to the point of liking bread of all things or forcing oneself to love bread while the character most likely had nothing else to eat or maybe they were unable to eat bread and the desire remained like a would, also the color of bread is a sophisticated color with warmth of brown and coolness of white and can often evoke a sense of history, which further proves its relation with the character's childhood and possibly what will happen later, furthermore upon decoding the letter of the word 'bread' you'd get 2+18+5+1+4 which is 30 which would be 3+0=3 tarot card number 'The Empress' which means initial achievement of goals, growth, creativity, abundance, expression, communication and friendships and since the number 3 is the cementing factor of 1 and 2 and goes through to 4 to bring about that which is desired and envisioned, and another reading would be the door or gate by which an entrance is obtained into this life, as into the Garden of Venus; and then the way which leads out therefrom, into that which is beyond, is the secret known to the High Priestess: it is communicated by her to the elect, and other ideas might indicate character's decisive behavior since the character might not be able to eat bread but is pretending to be able to do so and lies saying they like bread because the action of eating bread is something the suspect of the story cannot do.
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