
Power In The Words Of Gods


The power of the gods, cast into being by the hands of the mortal races, and inscribed by the Runecaster, to last for eternity
Part of the @weareadventurers Collective


List 4 PCs you have played by alignment, ancestry, occupation, and class. Include on you haven’t played. People guess which one is the ringer. NG, Asimar, Healer/ Priest, Cleric/ Druid NG, Gnome, Adventurer/ Noble, Ranger/ Illusionist Wizard LN, Elf, Adventurer/ Researcher, Universalist Wizard LE, Human, Nobel, Rogue LG, Half-Orc, Chef/ Bouncer, Fighter

CG, Half-orc, Mercenary, Barbarian

NG, Dwarf, Priest, Cleric

NG, Dwarf, Mushroom farmer, Druid

LN, Dwarf, Mortician, Monk

N, Dragonborn, Hermit, Rogue


Sigilus (Magus Archetype)

Rune magic is a fun way to add flavor and mechanics to a game or setting. After all, they say that words have power, so the idea of having a special writing system dedicated solely to magical spells and the like only makes sense.

In the real world, the runes that are most well-known are those used in the earliest forms of various Germanic languages, and were indeed said to have some mystical power, with those who had mastered the form of writing using them to invoke spells onto objects.

The runes used by today’s archetype, the sigilus, come from a different source. Specifically the runes of sin of Pathfinder’s Thassilon, seven of which are keyed to seven schools of magic, while an eighth exists in the form of the sihedron rune, representing all schools coming together, and as a sign of protection.

Of course, outside of the core setting, they might not be associated with sins, but rather with simply the schools of magic (though that would then beg the question of why there is no divination rune)

The point being is that these magi are masters of inscribing these runes on their weapons in addition to the enchanments they normally apply, granting them an edge in combat.

Using arcane power, a sigilus can mark a weapon with one of the runes associated with a single school of magic, attuning the weapon to that magic. For as long as the rune lasts, the magus finds the act of casting spells of that school while also attacking to be exceptionally easy, though spells of other schools become even harder to cast, and spells of the opposition schools (according to the sin magic rules) cannot be cast at all. While these mystical warriors can use all 7 types of runes, the limitations of their spell list makes certain schools less effective to focus on, and are not recommended, such as abjuration, enchantment, and necromancy. However, a clever magus with the right spells might still make use of them.

They do, however, learn an eighth rune, the sihedron, or seven-pointed star, which they can draw on their armor, increasing its protective qualities and granting themselves resistance to two energy types, which they can change the next time they inscribe it as part of their spell memorization. As they grow in power, the depth of these protections increases.

A relatively simple archetype, this one can be used quite effectively to make it easier to provide situational spells throughout the day. Understand what spells you’re going to prepare in a single day and choose your runes accordingly. Consider taking a familiar or divination spells to help scout ahead and further prepare yourself as well. Beyond that, avoid touch spells since you lose spellstrike, as well as look into a more mobile build with magical protections, as you lose out on training with medium and heavy armor.

A fun thing you could do with this archetype is flavor that not only do they use runes with the archetype’s abilities, but also with other various abilities the magus class retains, such as enchanting weapons, various arcana abilities, and spells cast upon objects, weapons, and armor.

 While a fusion of wizarding ways and martial prowess, the way of the magus is very old indeed. So old that some secrets have been lost to the ages. It is for this purpose that the party has been hired to explore the ruins of an ancient city, to try and recover evidence of the “way of the runed blade”.

Wyvaran culture has been on the decline for hundreds of years, but there are still those who fight to hold onto it, including by making new traditions. One such experiment has been for mystical warriors to imbue their weapons with draconic runes of power, proclamations of their desires and intent given mystical weight.

While clearing out a giant crab spider infestation is hardly the picture of heroic work, it can bear surprising fruit. In this case, a tome detailing an arcane fighting form involving the etching of runes. It would seem that their employer knows a bit more about magic than they had revealed thus far…


D&D Spell Scrolls

image credit: Tira-Owl

Random Scroll Appearance

Roll on the following tables for unique scrolls!

Scroll Shape (d12)

  1. Rectangular
  2. Triangular
  3. Star-Shaped
  4. Square
  5. Circular
  6. Spiral
  7. Ribbon
  8. Small Card
  9. Zig-zag
  10. Impossibly Long (when unrolled)
  11. Irregular Shape
  12. Folded Dimensional Shape

Scroll Material (d20)

  1. Paper
  2. Parchment
  3. Papyrus
  4. Bamboo Slats
  5. Stone Tablet or Slats
  6. Iron Tablet or Slats
  7. Copper Tablet or Slats
  8. Gold Tablet or Slats
  9. Silver Tablet or Slats
  10. Bone Slats
  11. Ice Sheet
  12. Monster Skin
  13. Cloth/Canvas
  14. Leather
  15. Magically Suspended Cloud
  16. Large Plant Leaf
  17. Woven Grass or Palms
  18. Magically Suspended Water
  19. Eternally Burning Paper
  20. Translucent Arcane Sheet

Ink Material (d12)

  1. Creature’s Blood
  2. Kraken Ink
  3. Powdered Gemstone
  4. Powdered Dragon Scales
  5. Ash or Charcoal
  6. Pigments of Rare Plants
  7. Glowing Arcane Lines
  8. Magical Fire
  9. Magical Lightning
  10. Etched with Acid
  11. Invisible Ink
  12. Frozen Water (case keeps it magically frozen)

Scroll Case (d20)

  1. Hollowed Bone
  2. Hard or Soft Leather
  3. Metal Container
  4. Magical Fire or Water
  5. Rolled in Leaves
  6. Wire Spiral
  7. Bamboo Rod
  8. Ceramic Cylinder
  9. Permanently Frozen Ice
  10. Magically Invisible Material
  11. Stone Cylinder
  12. Glowing Arcane Material
  13. Strips of Tree Bark
  14. Jeweled Gold or Silver
  15. Dried Humanoid Skin
  16. Wrapped in Colored Ribbon
  17. Animal Fur
  18. Chainmail
  19. Encased in Candle Wax
  20. Hollowed Weapon Hilt/Haft

Scroll Contents (d20)

  1. Complex geometric patterns
  2. Concentric geometry with arcane symbols between
  3. Incantation written in an obscure language. It must be translated to be used
  4. Instructions detailing the spell’s formula
  5. Incantation written in code that requires a cipher key. It must be decoded with an Intelligence check to be used
  6. Animated imagery of the spellcasting process
  7. Symbols that gain meaning only when certain conditions are met
  8. Calligraphic manuscript with illuminated margins
  9. Animated geometry, symbols, and patterns
  10. Lines detailing the specifics of the weave of magic used in its creation
  11. Animated advertisement for the scroll’s scribe and print shop
  12. Repeating pattern whose shapes change colors seemingly at random
  13. Incantation written in Common for the lay man to understand. Anyone can use this scroll if they can read it
  14. Words that only appear under running water
  15. The scroll is incomplete and requires an Intelligence (Arcana) check to finish it
  16. A musical composition with lyrics that comprise the incantation
  17. Floating text that hovers an inch above the page
  18. Text that flies out to spiral around your head at eye level to read it
  19. Text that tries to fly away if the scroll is opened for too long. Lost text must be recaptured with successful Dexterity checks.
  20. Text that can only be read when the reader is blinded or has their eyes closed

How to Use the Scroll (d12)

  1. Read the incantation detailed in the scroll
  2. Trace the text or patterns with your finger
  3. Charge magical energy into the scroll
  4. Simply laying eyes on the scroll for a few seconds causes it to go off
  5. Follow the scroll’s complex instructions for incantations and body movements.
  6. Trace the text or patterns in arcane energy suspended in the air before you
  7. Use magic to create music detailed by the scroll
  8. Invoke deities that were involved in the scroll’s creation
  9. Expose the scroll to a certain element (fire, water, air, earth) to release its power
  10. Present the scroll to the spell’s target and speak the spell’s name with confidence
  11. You use a material component required by the scroll’s text
  12. Throw the scroll at the spell’s target

Alternative Scrolls

Scrolls can take many forms other than a simple slip of parchment. All a scroll really needs to do to work is be a one-time-use consumable spell. Try making your scrolls unique, so they might not even look like a scroll. Perhaps your character could create scrolls as these sorts of items.

Art. Carefully crafted artwork, whether a painting, sculpture, sketch, or piece of jewelry, that serves as the scroll. The materials are made from arcane reagents and the scroll can be read using the art’s depiction or perhaps patterns hidden within.

Cloth. The scroll is a woven textile that can be worn, with precious metal threads and rhinestones serving as the costly arcane components. The patterns in the cloth help you read the scroll.

Fetish. A scroll made with various natural and manufactured spell components and artistic reagents all carefully pulled into a totem or fetish. For instance, a staff’s crown, a dreamcatcher, a headdress, a decorated skull, or other such assemblage could serve as the scroll. Interpreting the meaning of the items’ arrangement and choice reads the scroll.

Gemstones. I once had a city of dwarves that didn’t use scrolls but instead stored spells in crystals and gemstones. The gem can be read by observing the arcane energy refracting within. They shine brightly in a flare of radiant light when they cast their spell before disappearing.

Plants. Tended plants that have been grown and infused with the scroll’s magic. It can be read by the patterns in the leaves or petals.

Tattoo/Henna. The scroll is tattooed or drawn onto the body of the user. It could either be the literal scroll or artistic interpretation using arcane geometric patterns.


describe the d&d campaign you’re in right now in the shittiest way possible

right now mine are:

-The Gang Loses A Baby

-Fighting Eldritch Gods With The Power Of Women In STEM Fields

3 nerds and 2 emos have a disagreement with bones over some treasure and have to head back to town after 1 day

Wait who’s the emos?

The trickster god of tricks tricks them all.

-Religion, religion everywhere.

-We’re fighting a litch?!

-Dont listen to dead kids.

All the redheads are related

We are the bad guys

- three short dorks Stick It To The Colonists

- Everything’s Stressful in the Underdark

  • How do we get UN-undead?
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark in Space, but everytime we meet an NPC there’s a 29-minute argument

- Everyone dies, but there is cake

- Why taking advice from strangers in dark alleys is the BEST idea


I think that because they don’t get to shoot or kill anyone nearly as much as everybody else, Mercy mains just build up a lot of frustration that they can’t get out, which manifests as pure, unadulterated rage whenever they get an excuse to use the pistol.

It’s why Mercy players in particular seem to just snap and go all bloodthirsty every now and again. They just oscillate between friendly and chill and absolutely not friendly or chill. Gradually shift from “Do your best! :)” to “eat shit and die” you know

Not gonna lie, this is a mmo healer problem. Too many people don’t focus on the issues caused by lack of patience and outright ignorance of playing a role like DPS/ damage, where the only thing many people focus on is the amount of damage they can generate, and any time the healer or support players encourage caution or ask for assistance, it’s met with derision and/ or “git gud scrub”.

I’d love a game where you have to spend five levels or so as a support player before you can progress on a different spec, give peeps who only run one spec some perspective on the other tasks.

Anonymous asked:

Do you know if there are any Nightmare before Christmas themed dice?

I’ve seen dice made to look like Oogie Boogie’s before! Couldn’t tell you where to get them, though


I know that one! My buddy makes em, he is PretzelBot Props

He does some other really neat stuff too, check out his shop. I wish I could link it proper but I’m on mobile and it is being less than helpful

Anonymous asked:

Do you know if there are any Nightmare before Christmas themed dice?

I’ve seen dice made to look like Oogie Boogie’s before! Couldn’t tell you where to get them, though


I know that one! My buddy makes em, he is PretzelBot Props

He does some other really neat stuff too, check out his shop. I wish I could link it proper but I’m on mobile and it is being less than helpful


Ancient Lunar Runic Calendar from Sāmsala (the island of the Sami or the isle of Ösel). It is of 13 four-week months, consisting of 28 days each. The days read from right to left, like the Hebrew, and in every case the week commences with Monday and ends with Sunday. Øsel is the name of the island when it was under Danish rule in the Medieval period, and the Swedish with the name Ösel. The ancient Greek - Phonicians and culture of the pre-christian Roman Empire likely influenced the Baltic and Nordic Runic scripts. People came to the Nordic and Estonian - Baltic areas with the Iron Age Indo-European people connected to the Early Roman Empire. This period is archaeologically named: The Roman Nordic Iron-Age. The people were likely the ancient Nordic Goths - a people that from early on merged with the indigenous people and that later were displaced from the areas they inhabiated in the Nordic by the Dacian people that came from Eastern Europe to the northwestern and the Nordic areas during the Medieval period.


Preparing for the Future/The Collective’s Public Discord.

I come back from vacation in Puerto Vallarta for one day and its CHAOS. Well, I honestly don’t want to get into the whole nonsense, but at this point it would be irresponsible to ignore the possibility that this branch of Social Media might not work as the Collective’s primary branch in the near future. In the face of that uncertainty, some changes will have to be mae.

First and foremost, The Collective has made a new public Discord for posting news and content and should it be necessary where you will all interested learn where we’ve set up shop. So, with much thanks for @we-are-lawyer and the others, We’ve chosen to make a public Discord Community. We invite you all to join, and I hope you all take the time to join us and that this community we’ve built continues to grow in positive ways. Regardless, walk in the Light my friends.


From the mun

So, I know I have not been the most active of blogs in a while, mostly due to life and stuff getting in the way. I have been unable to get online consistently, which has limited many things, including my ability to work consistently. However, there is a plus side to it; I have been able to do a significant amount of homestead work, and now am able to do things I love like baking, canning, and writing, and to get my hand back into both pyrography and carving. As time goes on, I intend on using my own work to fill the void in my blog that has occurred from lack of hours to spend online.

With that said, I still have bills to pay, and I’m looking for opportunities to craft things I love, so I figured I would use this platform of mine to gauge interest. So I need your imput, my followers; should the Runecaster set up an Etsy or other online shop for carved/ pyrographed tunes and other items? Would folks be interested in purchasing items?

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