
Gracie Hams


In love with fictional men.

and this is when he knew he definitely fucked up cause he lost his nerdy romance loving book Pen trying to convince her (and himself) to be like others and she is no longer her nerdy self with him BUT WITH ANOTHER MAN WHO WASNT AFRAID TO BE DIFFERENT 😭😭😭


Francesca Bridgerton really info dumped about her special interest to John Stirling and he said, “I can’t think of anything witty to say in response but I can leave abruptly to give her a grand gesture relating to what she just told me.”

And Francesca really said, “I’m so grateful I literally cannot wait to perform this piece. I’m gonna leave abruptly even though both my suitors are in front of me.”

This is the kind of autistic x autistic relationship I dream about.


The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 8

summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…

notes & tropes: fem reader, slow burn, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers

a/n: I am NOT in control of myself when I write, this chapter took on a mind of it's own. I didn't plan for it to go this way, but boy do I love the drama that unfolded anyway. I hope you all suffer just as much as I did lmao~~

wc: 4.9k

Chapter Eight

Instead of your usual midmorning trek to fourth period with Eddie, the two of you - and the rest of the student body - were making your way to the gymnasium for another redundant pep assembly come Monday morning.

Even before you became disenchanted with the superficiality of the popular crowd, you detested assemblies. You actually preferred being in class over being crammed into the gym with a bunch of sweaty teenagers all halfheartedly cheering for the next upcoming sports game or student council election. Even when you were considered an It Girl, even when you were dating Duncan, you still found the whole school spirit thing to be total bullshit. You never cared for the false excitement and encouragement; it was a waste of your time.


Blindsided | G.W.

Summary: As the Gryffindor Quidditch team celebrates their win on the field, Malfoy begins to openly throw insults in front of George and Fred towards them, their parents, Harry, and you. George isn’t able to ignore and shrug off his mockery. It only ends in a shocking altercation between the Redheaded Gryffindor and sneering Slytherin.

Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader

Category: hurt/comfort, fluff

WC: 2.9k

CWs: physical fighting, depictions of violence/fighting, blood, yelling, injuries

A/N: this fic is based off that one part in OOTP (chapter eleven), i’m still so upset they didn’t include it in the movie </3

The Gryffindor section of the stadium roared with applause and hollered once Harry caught the Golden Snitch, getting the team 30 points ahead of Slytherin, causing Gryffindor to win and finally end the game.

Harry flew to the middle of the stadium, flying high up, smiling as he held up the snitch in his hand with two fingers wrapped tightly around it, presenting it to the entire stadium. He flew down and landed carefully on the field, Fred and George went down after him, then the rest of the Gryffindor team did as well.

Fred and George abandoned their brooms and ran over to Harry, Fred was giving him aggressive pats on the back while George ruffled his hair as they praised him. You grinned at their brotherly behavior towards Harry. The proud athletes began to grin and cheer loudly while punching their fists in the air in victory, hugging each other tightly, giving each other high-fives and handshakes all in celebration.

But of course, Draco landed by, ready to ruin this happy moment, and started to sneer about something towards the Gryffindor team, it seemed that Harry was the only one to notice, he turned around to look at Draco, then turned back towards his team when he stopped talking, he was trying his best to ignore him and not bark back at the Slytherin boy.

You smiled and applauded along with everyone else, you decided to leave your spot and excitedly walk down the stairs to go and congratulate Harry and the rest of the team on the field, also because you mostly wanted to see George. You were too impatient and too excited to wait an hour or so because George had to clean up.

You completely forgot that Draco was spitting something at the other team and constantly pointing at Harry, George, and Fred.

While Fred was squeezing Harry’s shoulder and George was in the midst of a handshake with Harry, you watched the twins’ heads snap up at Draco and their bodies stiffen, the big grins they previously had on their faces disappeared immediately. Yours did as well.

Pairings: George Weasley x fem!reader Summary: George's girlfriend broke up with him, and he tells you why Warnings: mentions of a break up Note: I'M ALIVE!

you were sat on the gryffindor couch, next to Fred and Angelina as you waited for George to show up.

no one had seen him since the morning and you were starting to get worried.

you had been informed that he got broken up with earlier that day by his now ex after you were looking for him.

her response was short and rushed, making it more than clear to you that she didn't want to be talking about it.

but it was her cold and harsh tone that made you believe something bad happened.

after a while of just sitting around you sighed and got up

"that's it, i'm looking for him" you looked at your two friends as they looked up with a look that asked 'are you sure?'

"something might of happened to him, or he just needs someone right now, you guys head to bed" you grabbed your sweater and headed out of the common room

you looked around corridors and courtyards, trying to find his large, lanky figure somewhere sitting around, moping

you sighed before climbing up the steep stairs of the astronomy tower

you had thrown on your sweater well before leaving the main castle to escape the winters' night

you finally got to the top and noticed his dark figure leaning against the side, his back to you as he stared off into the mountains in the distance

you walked over to him and held your breath, not sure what reaction you would get from him for being here

"Georgie?" you whispered as you stood behind him,

you heard him sigh "hey, love"

his tone didn't hold the amount of sadness you would of expected

"i heard what happened, are you alright?" you said quietly as you went beside him, looking at his face as he stared up at the stars

"yeah I'm fine" usually, you wouldn't believe that statement, but from the look on his face when he said it, almost made you think he really was ok

"did she tell you why she... you know?" you spoke carefully

"i never loved her the way i should of.." he clicked his tongue

he really didn't seem sad or disappointed, although you sensed a tone of regret

George had been your best friend since childhood, your fathers working together in the ministry meant going over for dinner a few times a month to almost once a week when you and the twins complained about not seeing each other for a while, having connected instantly.

you knew him like the back of your hand, but right now, you couldn't. you couldn't read him, he just seemed, dull, or deep in thought

"what do you mean? it seemed like you loved her a lot" you frowned

he shook his head with a chuckle

"she never compared" was all he said

"George?" you tilted your head

for the first time tonight, he looked down at you, but with a smile

he chuckled again dryly before looking back up at the sky

"of course she didn't compare" he murmured

"compare to what, George?"

George took a deep breath before speaking "to you"

you looked down at your feet, confused by his words, what did he mean?

after a moment of silence he spoke up again, taking it that you didn't understand

"I didn't love her, hell how could I?"

you looked up and saw him already staring at you

you were still frowning, not computing any of this

"how could I possibly love her when you're right there?" he shook his head, towering over you

it was only then when you realised how close you were, you felt his cold breath fanning over your face as he stared at you intently, but softly

"I don't-" you started before he cut you off

"-she told me she loved me, guess what i said" he huffed

you shrugged "what'd you say?" you asked softly

"i said 'i love you too, Y/n' can you believe that? all the times throughout all the 6 months of us dating and all the i love yous, i chose today to say your name instead of hers" he smiled in amusement

you opened your mouth to speak but he beat you to it

"i mean sure, i cared about her.. but at the end of the day, it's always been you, it would never be her and she realised that, i feel like she always knew"

"George..." you looked up at him in surprise as he gazed at you.

his eyes held a longing that almost made you weak in the knees, they held a passion and a type of love that made butterflies fly around your stomach

they held such care and softness that made you want to fall into his arms and stay there forever

you've had feelings for George ever since you can remember, but never acted upon it in fear he only saw you as a friend, or worse, a sister.

it could of been the way he teased you over everything, but in a nice way

or it could of been they way he always made you laugh

or the way he kissed your cheek before going off to bed

or the way he always got you your favourite treat from honeydukes without asking

or the way he always stood up for you.

you don't know what it was that made you fall for him, but you did, hard

"i should've known, all these years i've felt something for you, how could it of taken me a girlfriend to realise that i couldn't love anyone but you?" he shook his head in disappointment

"George..." you smiled sadly

"my heart calls your name, even without me knowing it, without me having to try.. my heart belongs to you, it always has" he stepped forward

you smiled up at him but raised your eyebrows, realising he's said all these beautiful things except the 3 words he's been trying to say this whole time

he saw your smile and grinned before pulling you into his arms

you instantly relaxed into his warmth as his strong arms wrapped around you

"i love you" he whispered

"I couldn't tell" you said sarcastically with a teasing smile on your face

"shut up" he shook his head with a laugh

you look up at him, resting your chin on his chest as he holds you

"i love you too, George" you smiled, emphasising his name, still teasing him

"since when are you the tease?" he raised an eyebrow

"ever since you became a softy" you smirked

"I'd rather be soft for you than anyone else" he shrugged

"we should get back to the castle, it's probably way past curfew now" you tried pulling away but he wouldn't let you

"not so fast love, are you forgetting something?" he raised his eyebrows

"what am i forgetting?" you tilted your head

"the best way of showing love and affection" he smirked

you frowned before you felt his lips on yours

the kiss was short and sweet before he let you go to hold your hand and leading you down the tower, going back to the castle.



That moment when you realize that you won't get an Adam or a Josh because this is real life...


Are we not going to talk about how in the movie 👑 King 👑 Joshua Templeman held a menstrual cup in his hand & didn’t flinch or get grossed out? He really said “toxic masculinity, who?”

(I firmly believe BOOK! Josh would have done the same btw.)

(((Also, Lucy, babe - please stop letting your m.c. bounce around your hand bag unprotected 🤭)))


Favorite Book Moodboards - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

I have a theory. Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them. I've had a lot of time to compare love and hate, and these are my observations.
Love and hate are visceral. Your stomach twists at the thought of that person. The heart in your chest beats heavy and bright, nearly visible through your flesh and clothes. Your appetite and sleep are schredded. Every interaction spikes your blood with adrenaline, and you're in the brink of fight or flight. Your body is barely under your control. You're consumed, and it scares you.
Both love and hate are mirror versions of the same game - and you háve to win. Why? Your heart and your ego. Trust me, I should know.

I love him so much it’s like a thread piercing me. Punching holes. Dragging through. Stitching love into me. I’ll never be able to untangle myself from this feeling. The color of love is surely this robin’s-egg blue.


Let Me Help You

Luke Morrow x Wife!Reader

A/N: I looooved this movie, so I had to write a fic for Luke! In this fic, the reader is his real wife (no fake marriage thing)! Enjoy!

Summary: When Luke gets home after a long day, a scary situation leads to the couple having a heart to heart.

Warnings: none!

(y/e/c) - your eye color

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Luke woke at the repetitive sound of the alarm clock beside him that read 7:00am. Running a hand down his face, he silently peeled back the covers and grabbed his brace from the side of the bed. He worried about the sound from the velcro straps waking you up, but little did he know that you were already awake, a headache waking you up at 5 that morning.

With a suppressed grunt, he stood up and reached for his cane, slowly walking towards the bathroom. He got ready in silence before walking back into their bedroom.

"I love you, baby. I'll see you later," he whispered, leaning down and kissing her temple.

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