


I am a fanfic lover/writer, gamer woman, fire hooping and poi spinning lady, art lover, tie-dyer, and Mama to two kiddos! Oh, I'm also a mermaid. Life is always busy! This is my de-stress. :-)

the crushing guilt of being unproductive vs the exhaustion of being burned out. fight.


Plot twist: if you are tired and burned out, resting is literally the most productive thing you can do. You ain’t gonna get shit done when you’re burned out. If you do, it’ll take three times as long, take even more energy out of you, and will also suck because you were too tired to do it well. When you’re too tired to do the things you want/need to do, resting is the first step.



What if you can't rest because you're an essential worker but you're both emotionally and physically exhausted and love your job but don't think you can help others when your own mental health is failing? Do you still rest even though the guilt crushes down harder then?


Absurdthirst 3000 Follower Give-away!!!

GUESS WHAT PEOPLE!Β I am one follower away from 3000 followers and I decided to do a give away! Because this blog started off as a Mandalorian specific blog and with the wonderful new season, the prizes are Mandalorian/Child based. (I regret nothing)


1) You must LIKE AND REBLOG to be entered for the give-away drawing.

2) You must be willing to give me your address or P.O. Box for shipping

3) I am not opposed to international shipping so do not worry about that!!!!

4) Drawing will happen November 30th and winners will be announced with the tag #absurdthirst follower giveaway. If winner does not DM within 36 hours, a new winner will be chosen.Β 

1st Place Prize: Throw blanket, 2021 calendar, posters, bobble head, socks, car/refrigerator magnet, key chair, buttons, lanyard.

2nd Place Prize: Throw blanket, 2021 calendar, key chain.Β 

3rd Place Prize:

A fic of your choice for any of the characters that I write for. You can request any plot/troupe you would like.Β 


Just had to delete all my save data for Fallout 4 and reinstall the game. It was corrupted and unsavable. I have an entire fanfic based on all that data I can no longer access. 😭😭😭

Gonna restart and maybe start another new story.

Cuz I need another wip. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


just saw a post that was like β€œif you’re not in america, pls examine the narrative you’re being told about america, we’re not all terrible :)” and its like no i will hate americans as much as i want. you guys are the most dominant culture in the world and you don’t even have anything to show for it, and you’ve somehow managed to brainwash the world into thinking you guys are the good guys and should lead even though your country is responsible directly or inderectly for like half the evil in the world over the last century. so if you don’t like the international narrative about yall becoming bad, then tough.

I am American and I approve this message.

America is terrible y'all. There's bad people everywhere. Yeah, there's us good ones, but TBH it doesn't really matter cuz all the bad people are in power. And the rest of us are bugs beneath their far too expensive that could feed a family for a week shoes.

I'm ready to bail y'all. Any suggestions?


this man just CHECKEDβ„’ his privilege im living

this is what i mean when i say β€œactually tolerance isn’t all that bad” this guy says several times that he doesn’t understand and even is uncomfortable, but that that isn’t what matters. imo, that’s how tolerance works.

true tolerance is, β€œi don’t have to understand, because you don’t need my permission to live. my job as a member of your community is to have your back, whether i understand your situation or not.”

Yasssssss to all this!!!


mcu meme Β - 4/10 scenes.

It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation.

I see this scene reblogged a lot off the one Hiddleston blog I follow, but it almost always ends with Loki’s β€œThere are no men like me” line, which is completely missing the fucking point of the scene. And I get that it’s about the Hiddleslove, which is great, but it’s completely missing the fucking point of the scene. And it is a very important point.

This is one of my favourite moments in the whole MCU because of its incredible power and strength. This is not Captain America with his super soldier serum juice standing up to a god. This isn’t even a young man who might think he’s somehow got a chance against the prick with the horns. This is an old, old man who knows, who knows, that he’s probably going to die because of what he’s doing, but he is not going to kneel to another man like Hitler.

Maybe he did, seventy years ago. Maybe that’s why he would rather die now than remain on his knees. Maybe he *didn’t*. Maybe he fought against his own countrymen, because he wouldn’t kneel to a man like this. Maybe he’s always been one to stand up. Maybe he lost everything once because of it. Everything except his integrity, and maybe he’s ready to die instead of risking losing that now, at the end of his life. Maybe his integrity cost him so fucking much seventy years ago that he hopes he’s going to die for it now because he almost wishes he’d have died for it then, but if he’s going to die for it, he’s goddamn well going to die with it.

Maybe he’s a Holocaust survivor. Maybe he’s Jewish. Maybe he’s gay. Maybe he’s Romani. We don’t know.

We don’t know anything about this man, except he’s the bravest goddamn person in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

And that’s why it bothers me every time I see this scene go by with his response cut from it. Because it’s missing. the. point.

I love this moment. It always, always gives me goosebumps. It's so powerful.

And it's so frustrating. Because there are always men like Loki was trying to be. Someone who craves power. Usually a man. And the 'little people', us common folk who don't have shit pots of money or family names or political ties or whatever gets you into corrupted power these days, we get stepped on and squished.

I'm with this gentleman. I will not kneel to anyone.

'cept in sexual circumstances with my consent. Shhhhh


Heyo! ()

I wanted to ask because you might also be into it: Could I share or submit a song I wrote for Bellarke to your blog please? (It has spoilers for Season 7 though) And if you'd like, we could exchange something creative, perhaps! ^_^


Ooo this would be my first ever ask to do something like this ever! Lol

Or first ever ask at all! Yay! Thanks!

Would it be a song back or something in reply to the song? Or something else entirely? Either way, I am down. 😁πŸ₯°πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅


I just keep rolling my eyes guys. Like this is nice and all, but damn. What a terrible way to get to this end of the story. We got 7-8 minutes left? Yay short teeny happy ending if they even get that in "Transcendence".

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