
I Only Wanna Be Happy From Now On

@imaginewerecats / imaginewerecats.tumblr.com

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I respond to Nyao and Strange~23~he/him or they/them~
Japanese major~Bisexual~Trans Masc~forever-a-goat-kid’s Super Special Best Friend <3
Don’t wanna hafta say it but, if you’re a terf, nazi, pedophile or looking to engage in hate or harassment of any kind, get off my blog.
Just tryin to have a good time.

You think you're an ally or whatever and then you hear another language with a gender system refer to a noun in a different gender than you're used to and all of a sudden you're like "NO. CHAIRS ARE GIRLS"

It's all "radical queer acceptance" until someone says the moon is a boy and then it's just malding and screaming about how everyone knows the moon HAS to be a girl and the sun is OBVIOUSLY a boy yes this is now about "la luna" vs "der Mond" don't fucking touch me rn


A fae being stands before you.

“Every day you will receive one thousand dollars in your bank account. But every time you lift a glass to your lips to take a drink, you will hit your front teeth on the first try. Every. Time. Do you accept this deal?”


Yes. Quite easily so. You see, making deals with the Fae is down to very specific word choices. They shot themselves in the foot with their own words here while making this deal, even though they thought their word choice was so very, very clever. The Fae specifically uses the word “glass”. This, in turn, limits the person that agrees to the deal to the “hit your front teeth on the first try every time” to only be hitting their teeth on the first try every time if they drink out of a glass. If the person decides to drink out of a container that isn’t made out of glass, like, say for example… A paper cup. Or a soda can. A plastic bottle. Styrofoam cup. Yeti Tumbler. Their own hand. A bowl. Who knows, a person can get hella creative when they realize there are ways to get around the rules without actually breaking them. So. A Fae being stands before me, and offers me this deal. I smile, wide and unassuming, offer my hand to shake. “I accept this deal and all of it’s terms unconditionally.”

I was in a swing accident as a child and lost my front teeth, the ones in my head are implants. That glass is gonna WORK to hit some Mound of medical waste in Tacoma, Washington

Also like. It says lift a glass. What if you leave it on the table and use a straw? I feel like that’s a work-around if you’re like at a fancier restaurant that only uses glasses too. Which you might be a lot if you’re getting $1000 a day.


Also, straws exist. That glass never needs to touch your lips in the first place.

Either that fae is new at this, or they really want you to get $1000 per day. I wonder what they think you’ll do with it.


Trans allyship leaving y’all’s body the moment a trans man has a unique relationship with masculinity/manhood and doesn’t want to look like a cis man

Trans allyship leaving y’all’s body the moment a trans women has a unique relationship with femininity/womanhood and doesn’t want to look like a cis women

“Why would you even transition if you don’t even want to look cis?”

Because I’m happy the way I am and I love being silly with how I present myself. The world needs more men with tits and women with beards. We deserve to be treated as humans with respect. We should be free to be our own people instead of trying to fit into ideas of gender made by cis people. Love and peace ❤️

Transfems and transmascs in the notes of this posts talking about how they don’t want to look like cis people. Yaaa transgender happiness and joy win!!


An anguished question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’

Peni Delina Bedard · August 31, 2019  ·  The serious answer: Here’s what we really think about Trump supporters - the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don’t… That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought “Fine.” That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, “Okay.” That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, “No problem.” That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, “Not an issue.” That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn’t care, you chirped, “He sure knows me.” That when you heard him illustrate his own character by telling that cute story about the elderly guest bleeding on the floor at his country club, the story about how he turned his back and how it was all an imposition on him, you said, “That’s cool!” That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw. That when you heard him brag that he doesn’t read books, you said, “Well, who has time?” That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn’t commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, “That makes sense.” That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, “Yes!” That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man’s coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, “What a great guy!” That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, “Thumbs up!” That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, “That’s the way I want my President to be.” That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they’re supposed to be regulating and you have said, “What a genius!” That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, “That’s smart!” That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was in the middle of water and you have said, “That makes sense.” That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, “falling in love” with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, “That’s statesmanship!” That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids, has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “Well, OK then.” That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise. What you don’t get, Trump supporters in 2019, is that succumbing to frustration and thinking of you as stupid may be wrong and unhelpful, but it’s also…hear me…charitable. Because if you’re NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.



I’m sure I reblogged this before, but it’s well worth reblogging again.



when i was a kid my parents bought me an inflatable doll of the Scream by Edvard Munch (??) that was significantly taller than i was at the time and i used to slow-dance with it and pretend it was my boyfriend. It had its hands attached to its head obviously so it felt like he was always a bit horrified to be forced to dance with me

i didn't need no imaginary friends i had Screaming Joe right here !


I love this website I love it when people tell us what's wrong with them


"If stuff was just handed to me I'd have no motivation to do anything! That's human nature!" No, babe, that's depression. Psychologically healthy people are still motivated to do things even when their survival isn't being actively threatened.


[Image description: tweet by Roxi Horror @roxiqt on March 30, 2022 at 11:13 AM: “’Oh, so you think everyone should just be handed enough money to live?’ lol. lmao. yeah.”]

okay so like, we all know that housekeeping in a hotel is a Shit Job, right?

I worked with a woman who was independently wealthy. But she liked working housekeeping. So she did. And if the manager got bitchy with her, she’d just shrug and be like “Okay, I can quit.”

Like the manager treated her like a human being because she knew she had to because otherwise she’d lose one of her best workers.

Yes, everyone should be just handed the money to live.


I worked with a lady who’s husband made more than enough to support them both.  She just did the retail to have something to do with herself part-time.

There’s a lot of people who’d happily do the same sort of thing.  Honestly?  A lot of the jobs we consider “shitty” jobs?  Are shitty because the employees are treated like garbage.

If employees weren’t being screwed over by people higher up the chain constantly or being forced to kiss the asses of customers currently shitting all over them, those jobs would by and large be a whole lot more bearable, and appealing to more people!!


Plus rich people are just handed a lot of money, whether they earn it or not, and no one questions that. Only poor people getting money gets interrogated over and over and over again.

I’d like to add a footnote to this thread that the US gives more money (by way of the income tax reduction) to homeowners than it does to poor people who need subsidized housing.

My best teacher in high school was the guy who had previously made a ton of money that he could’ve retired at like 30. Man just wanted to teach teenagers.

If people as a whole were handed enough money to live on, maybe more people like him wouldn’t be put off by the poor salary teachers make. (also teachers should be paid a lot more)

There's also this assumption that if people were just handed enough money to live that they'd do absolutely nothing, as if they'd be satisfied being completely bored all the time. They'd still buy food. They'd still buy video games. They'd still go out and get coffee and put money into the economy even if they didn't want to work because they still want to LIVE. They'd buy movies. They'd go DO stuff. I review comic books on the internet and I love doing it, but I often have to compromise on some things because I just can't afford to do otherwise and I stress out about stuff because I need to earn money.


"Psychologically healthy people are still motivated to do things even when their survival isn't being actively threatened."

Speaking for myself, I would be even MORE motivated to do things if my basic needs were guaranteed met. IJS



What I think some people miss about stuff like UBI (universal basic income, the idea that everyone gets a staple amount of money that could cover basic housing and food needs) is that... It doesn't really need to be a lot of money. The idea isn't "give everyone so much money they're now rich and can do whatever they want forever." The idea is to provide enough for their most basic needs (food water shelter). It's enough that if your job mistreats you, you are safe enough to leave it without the threat of becoming unhoused or starving. This, in turn, forces employers to treat their workers better because if they don't, then they don't get workers.

But the other side of this coin is that ONLY a person's basic needs are covered. As someone above said, people still want to do fun stuff! Fancy coffee and vacations and doing leisure activities like movies or bowling or whatever. Keeping pets. Having get togethers. If someone wants the extras in life, THAT'S the stuff they "should" be working for. That's the "well if they don't want to work then they don't get [whatever]!" that is the consequence of not working. Are some people gonna be fine not doing any extra stuff and just living basically? Sure! And that's okay. But most people DO want extra stuff and will work for it if they can (and if they can't they should still get extra basic income! Humans deserve enrichment!)

But "You don't get the vacation" is not the same consequence as "you don't get to live in a home or eat food today." The consequence of not working should NEVER be no longer having your basic needs met. And it's absolutely ridiculous that so many people have normalized that you work or you perish. We live in a society! We invented civilization to make it easier to care for one another and ensure everyone's basic needs get met! Human civilization began when we decided it's not "survival of the fittest" on our watch, but "survival of everyone we care about." We have lost our way if we cannot protect each other.


AI defenders will make it seem as if art is this gatekept pastime that only the most elite can partake in and they’re making it possible for the “normies” to create meanwhile one of the most memorable pieces of recent art I’ve ever seen is “My son’s drawing of safe”


Can't decide whether it's funnier to say "my hungry ass could never work at a" and then say something that implies you're eating something truly grotesque or something that just, makes no sense

"my hungry ass could never be a brain surgeon" awful. 10/10

"my hungry ass could never be a truck driver" ????? 10/10



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