
RWBY,Anime and More


Fine with both SFW and NSFW things just don't go overboard

An unfortunate meeting when heading back to the farm.

I’ve accidentally ran into Elliott a time or two coming out of the sewer while he’s heading back from the beach and find it funny every time. Uh oh, stinky!


guys I've been assigned two tasks at once ,please pray for me

don't worry everyone I have settled for the secret third option

I have done neither task and I am just sitting here


Hey tumblr who the fuck do you think I am ???????

Pukicho just fucking exists, he doesn't need tags for people to find him


it amuses me to think of both jason and tim being equally very jealous over each other; except jason is absolutely justified because tim pulls mad bitches, and tim is just too besotted to realise that nobody wants his man but him


This is a distance of roughly 625 miles and we are going to assume that the speed does not include the time penalty of Spain having a different Rail Gauge than France.

At 890 miles of rail you can get New York to Chicago which would be the ideal first route, but what can you get with 625 miles that makes more since than Columbus?

Well at that distance you can get Raleigh-DC-Philadelphia-NYC- Boston

With intermediate stops in Richmond, Baltimore, New Haven, and Providence

That is a route that is not only good, but has potential to be one of the most used rail lines in the world if it were at high speeds and a cheap price


How about putting some more rails, especially high speed, out here in the midwest, so those of us stuck out here can travel without hours in a car or spending hundreds on a plane ticket?

I guess another route of equivalent length would be St.Paul-Madison-Milwaukee-Chicago- -Indianapolis-louisville


I remember when Obama put aside the money for a rapid light rail system from Chicago to Minneapolis. And the loathsome then Governor of Wisconsin gave the money back, and blocked the project.

Planetary High Speed Rail for the world


i just watched the omen (1976) and while i really enjoyed it, i couldn’t stop myself from laughing at JUST how much neil and terry stole from it when writing good omens 😭😭


When we wrote the book the film The Omen was popular currency, much like Jaws or Star Wars, and people knew we were (among other things) parodying it. These days people have forgotten. It’s as if Spaceballs had gone on to have a longer media life than Star Wars.


Marcille is so funny to me. she's such a bait and switch. when we're first introduced to her you see this cute girl who's totally distraught at everything Laios does and you think she's gonna be the tropey token girl in the party who does the healing and stays out of the fights and has to be the designated Team Mom. but that's not Marcille at all. she's only on healing duty because Falin isn't around. she's a frontline attacker and she's constantly thinking about murder and explosions.

dungeon meshi really said "so there's this incredibly powerful black mage whose signature spell is "explode your skull" and she loves necromancy and is wanted in 5 countries. she can heal in a pinch but when she does it, it hurts, because there isn't a gentle bone in her body" and then she looks like this. i love her so much


Prime Video: So, Good Omens Season 2 

Neil Gaiman: Yes

Prime Video: What‘s the Story? 

Neil Gaiman: No story, just vibes.

Prime Video: Neil, we need a little more to work with. 

Neil Gaiman: Okay, do you remember Sister Theresa Garrulous and Sister Loquacious from Season 1?

Prime Video: Yes?

Neil Gaiman: They‘re in a coffee shop AU.

Prime Video: Aaaand?

Neil Gaiman: And they need to fall in love. 

Prime Video: But Neil what about Crowley and Aziraphale?

Neil Gaiman: Oh, don‘t worry. They‘re already in love. 


Prime Video: Not sure this is enough.

Neil Gaiman: Naked Jon Hamm.

Prime Video: OK, yeah, sold.


Actually I started with Naked Jon Hamm. But otherwise, yeah, more or less accurate.


Arthur: *crashing into the room where Merlin is reading* holy shit, Merlin, I need you to kiss me!

Merlin: oh *blushes* okay

Arthur: so the thing is - wait, 'okay'? You're not asking me why?

Merlin: ? Do you need a special reason to want to kiss someone?

Arthur: But I - I just - Morgana had this whole idea of me needing to hide from King Edwin and his daughter and this would be the - we staged a whole thing so I could - 'okay'?

Merlin: that desperate, huh?

Arthur: *melts from embarrassment*


This is a sign of a good hotel. Housekeepers are paid enough to care about small details and have enough time per room to goof around a little. If you have your stuffed animal tucked into bed you know there was enough time to pay attention to all the details of the room and that the rooms are cleaned well.


Housekeepers having both the time and physical & emotional energy to be a little silly with your room is a good sign

Drew: I buy my box wine in the convenient, individual-sized 5-liter serving, don't you? Will: Did you just call 5 liters of wine an individual serving?
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