
incorrect merlin quotes

@incorrectmerlinquotes / incorrectmerlinquotes.tumblr.com

what do you mean this didn't happen in the series??? // sideblog // main: writerofberk
Morgana: All right, I got a clown costume, a power drill, and twelve gallons of blood. Think that should do it?
Gwen, laughing: In what Halloween store did you find twelve entire gallons of fake blood?
Morgana: Wait
Morgana: You wanted FAKE blood??
Percival: Lancelot, I know that you hate Halloween, but stick with me, and I promise you, you will love it.
Lancelot: Can you magically make everyone kind, sober, and fully dressed?
Gwaine: “Kind, sober, and fully dressed”. Good news, everyone, we found the name of Lancelot’s sex tape!
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