
Did You Just Smell Me?

@hannigram-a-b-o-library / hannigram-a-b-o-library.tumblr.com

Welcome to the Hannigram A-B-O Library on Tumblr // We are a fandom based omegaverse blog primarily based on Pillowfort and Twitter. Tag us for reblogs of Hannibal, Hannigram and Hannibal Extended Universe A/B/O content. VISIT THE LIBRARY - Currently stocked to August 2020
Anonymous asked:

Hiii! I adore your blog so much! I was wondering if you know about this Hannigram fic where it's young Omega Will and he called a crisis line on his first heat, and he ended up getting Alpha Hannibal on the line, who talks him through getting himself off. I've read it too long ago and I wanted to revisit it but I can't find it. I wonder if you've read it. Thank you in advance if could find it <3

Thank you! We're hoping to revive a little more over here now that twitter is dying, and please do check out our (still being updated) website:

We think what you're looking for is the Suicide Watch series by Edgelord (lostlikeme).

Happy reading!


Whispers from the dead

As far as Will can think back, he could always see his past lives. It hadn’t taken him long to realize that the events of the past had the tendency to repeat in the present. It never meant anything good for him- until he remembers his life during the Viking Age.

It’s Hannigram A/B/O Big Bang 2021 season and it’s finally time to share my fic! I got to collaborate with @kishafisha (link to art in fic).

Check it out on Ao3


Hannigram A/B/O Big Bang 2021

Hello everyone - long time no post! I am super excited to share my art for this year’s Hannigram A/B/O Big Bang, put on by the amazing @hannigram-a-b-o-library. I was paired with Indy Brave When Fearful, who wrote a really cool fic titled The Ghost of Lecter Castle. It’s a gothic romance with a spooky twist! I wanted to create a classic romance novel cover vibe with the art. I really hope you will check out the amazing fic and that you enjoy the art!


Had the pleasure of working with @laynavile for the @hannigram-a-b-o-library bigbang!

Don't Turn Away Now

"Will has always been an excellent fisherman, and so when it comes time to catch Hannibal the Cannibal, Will knows the perfect bait to use - himself. But the one thing Will never anticipated was falling in love. Misunderstandings and Betrayal ends with a knife in Will's belly. But that can't be the end of their story and so Will follows Hannibal to Florence, hoping the find out the truth and have his alpha back. Surprises and Obstacles stand in his way, but Will refuses to give up."


I present my fic for the 2021 @hannigram-a-b-o-library​‘s Big Bang! I had the luck of being partnered with the amazing @desperatelyseekingcannibals​ <3

  • Fandom: Hannibal
  • Relationship: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
  • Summary: When Hannibal hears a commotion down the hall at the hospital, naturally he goes to investigate. When he finds out that the omega patient, a Mr. Will Graham, is struggling so hard that the doctors are having difficulties handling him, naturally he is intrigued. And when he finds out that the on-call OBGYN has been delayed, naturally he steps in to deliver Will’s baby himself. Dr. Hannibal Lecter can do anything, after all. Including deliver someone else’s baby while minutes away from going into labor himself.
  • Inspired By: this Twitter poll of shop fic AUs
  • Fanvid: Check out TigerPrawn’s awesome fanvid!!!
  • Wordcount: 13.9k

Things Hannibal does like, in no particular order: fine wines, succulent foods, well-tailored clothing, high quality sheets, blankets as soft as clouds, warm fires. All manner of the comfortable and fine things in life.

Things Hannibal does not like, in no particular order: cursing, unfounded accusations, petty gossip, pointless messes. All manner of rudeness that he finds unspeakably, awfully, terribly ugly.

Like, for example, receiving a summons by automated text just before bed.

When Hannibal walks over to the night stand and picks up his phone, he silences the cheery alert noise – which is certainly not his usual text message tone – and thumbs it open to the messages section. The number is not one he is familiar with, but the preview does state To Hannibal Lecter followed by his correct date of birth and address, so at the very least he is not on the receiving end of a message not even meant for him.

He opens it, reads the message, and has the urge to dash the phone against the wall or floor. It’s a fleeting urge, useless and base, but he still has it.


I present my fic for the 2021 @hannigram-a-b-o-library​‘s Big Bang! I had the luck of being partnered with the amazing @desperatelyseekingcannibals​ <3

  • Fandom: Hannibal
  • Relationship: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
  • Summary: When Hannibal hears a commotion down the hall at the hospital, naturally he goes to investigate. When he finds out that the omega patient, a Mr. Will Graham, is struggling so hard that the doctors are having difficulties handling him, naturally he is intrigued. And when he finds out that the on-call OBGYN has been delayed, naturally he steps in to deliver Will’s baby himself. Dr. Hannibal Lecter can do anything, after all. Including deliver someone else’s baby while minutes away from going into labor himself.
  • Inspired By: this Twitter poll of shop fic AUs
  • Fanvid: Check out TigerPrawn’s awesome fanvid!!!
  • Wordcount: 13.9k

Things Hannibal does like, in no particular order: fine wines, succulent foods, well-tailored clothing, high quality sheets, blankets as soft as clouds, warm fires. All manner of the comfortable and fine things in life.

Things Hannibal does not like, in no particular order: cursing, unfounded accusations, petty gossip, pointless messes. All manner of rudeness that he finds unspeakably, awfully, terribly ugly.

Like, for example, receiving a summons by automated text just before bed.

When Hannibal walks over to the night stand and picks up his phone, he silences the cheery alert noise – which is certainly not his usual text message tone – and thumbs it open to the messages section. The number is not one he is familiar with, but the preview does state To Hannibal Lecter followed by his correct date of birth and address, so at the very least he is not on the receiving end of a message not even meant for him.

He opens it, reads the message, and has the urge to dash the phone against the wall or floor. It’s a fleeting urge, useless and base, but he still has it.


Goodbye Tumblr

We’ve tried to stick it out here as long as possible as we know some creators are only on this platform. However it has been a time consuming struggle. 

The last few months the search tool has become less and less usable to the point where now, despite knowing there are posts out there tagged the same way we are searching, they are not coming up in searches. 

We suspect this is still a left over from Tumblrgeddon, one of the results of which was that Tumblr restricted search results on things it considers adult content. 

We are at the point today, for the third time in a row, that nothing is coming up in the searches, and we just don’t have the resource to trawl all of Hannibal/Hannigram/Hannibal Extended Universe tumblr. 

What we knew would likely happen finally has, we can no longer effectively function on this platform. 

For now you can still find us on Twitter and Pillowfort

Take care Tumblrlings, hopefully we’ll see you on other platforms. 


Five years ago, Hannibal’s mate died, leaving him with their young daughter. He’s tried to move on, but Abigail keeps interrupting his sleep and insisting that she can see her mother in her room at night. Hannibal turns to Alana for help, and Alana gives Abigail a doll, someone to talk to and help her accept her mother’s passing. Once the doll arrives, though, strange things start happening in Hannibal’s house. It’s impossible to consider, of course, but if anyone could defy death and return to them from beyond the grave, it would be Will.


Ok I can’t get this out of my head, so have some Hannibal/Will Graham A/B/O.

This is my first time writing either of these sooooo…..???? Idk have fun I guess?

Summary: Will goes into heat and heads to the safehouse for unmated omegas.

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

Waking up in a sweat was nothing new for Will. Hell, it happened most nights anyway. But tonight was different. Tonight, it was accompanied by rolling waves of pain and slick. All of which made Will horribly uncomfortable and embarrassed.

As an unmated Omega in heat, Will knew he might as well have a giant bullseye on his back with a note that said “Come one, come all!” Fortunately, there was a place he’d heard of from his friend Alana. A safehouse of sorts for Omegas to ride out their heat in peace and (relative) quiet.

Will clenched a blanket around his waist, grimacing as he felt a trickle of slick make its way down the back of his thigh. He fumbled with his phone before finally putting in the correct number and hitting call.

Pick up pick up pick up

“Blackcrest Haven, this is Miriam speaking. How can I help you?”

“H-hello. My name—My name is Will Graham and I–” Will’s stomach rolled. A sickening wave of nausea and heat tore through his abdomen. “Fuck,” he hissed.

“Sir? Are you an Omega in need of assistance?”

“Yes,” Will breathed out, gripping his stomach.

“Are you currently in danger?”

“What? No. No I’m,” a stream of slick poured down his leg as his body clenched. “I’m in heat. I’m alone, I don’t have an Al–”

“If you’d give me your address I can have a certified Beta retrieve you and bring you to our facility, sir.”

Will chewed his bottom lip as he looked at his dogs. “Yeah. Yeah ok.”


Title: Commencer Par La Faim Chapters: 8/? Rating: Explicit Warnings: Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Main Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Abigail Hobbs, Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Jimmy Price, Brian Zeller Other Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Beta/Omega, Beta Hannibal Lecter, Omega Will Graham, season 1 AU, Mpreg, Unplanned Pregnancy, Fuck First Feelings Later, Unless You’re Hannibal: Fuck First Fascination Always, Cute Moments and Murder, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Alana Bloom/Will Graham, Minor Alana Bloom/Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Dream threesomes, Fucked-up Erotic Body Horror Dreams(ex), Will lets an alarming number of things slide as long as people feed him, Other Additional Tags to Be Added

Summary: Though he doesn’t particularly like the beta, for many reasons, sleeping with Dr. Hannibal Lecter had seemed like a good idea to Will at the time - not least of all that doing so prevented Lecter from ethically providing analysis of him to the FBI. But then, somehow, it seems that Hannibal can actually understand the way Will thinks, and that, in a world of madness, gore and shockingly beautiful murder, Will might have actually found a true friend. Whom he is still painfully attracted to despite all their differences, despite society and everyone telling them they’re unsuited for each other, and who still seems to be deeply attracted to him. Discovering he’s pregnant just complicates matters, because that’s just what Will needs when he’s already got murderers to catch, a demanding boss to appease, a surrogate daughter to defend and a brain on fire. Complications. [A Season 1 AU: loosely follows events after Apéritif, with a large omegaverse jump to the left.]

Chapter 8: cocotte Weird dreams are made of peach. Curiosity - and a few terrible assumptions - severely displeases the cat. (Hannibal certainly displays a great deal of cattiness anyway.)


Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Freddie Lounds, Abigail Hobbs, Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Georgia Madchen Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Artificial Insemination, Omega Will Graham, Alpha Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Dark Will Graham, Murder Husbands, Kidnapping, Courting Rituals, Mating Bites, Protective Hannibal Lecter, Pregnant Will Graham, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, POV Alternating, Scenting, True Mates, Biological Compatibility, Handcuffs, Hate to Love, Murder, Short Chapters, Attempted Murder Summary:

Will stared down at his belly, and then back up at the both of them. “Are you telling me I’m having a cannibal’s baby?” 


We’re excited to bring back SeasonsSlick fest for 2020!

This year we’ve changed up the format. As always feel free to do as many or as few days as you want, it is not compulsory to post something for every day of the fest but you’re more than welcome to!

All media accepted - tag your fics, art, gifs, vids, playlists, headcanons, fic recs of older fics that fit the themes and any other imaginings and creations that relate to #SeasonsSlick!


  • Choose one of the three daily prompts and create!

When posting please make clear which prompt your chose. e.g.

Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates

  • Must be Festive themed, or at the least wintery themed if not specifically referencing seasonal festivities.
  • There must be an A/B/O element
  • All Hannibal and Hannibal Extended Universe pairings, any AUs thereof, and all dynamic combinations are welcome!
  • No word limit/restrictions (drabbles to epics are welcome!)
  • All genres welcome
  • All ratings welcome, please tag responsibly

Our AO3 Collection is open and ready for posting from the 19th December! Please note that you can also post art and other media to AO3!

We’ll be reblogging/retweeting on Twitter, Pillowfort and Tumblr. Please tag us so we don’t miss you!



19 Dec: Decorations / Hunting / Stalking

20 Dec: Scenting / Candles / Wax Play

21 Dec: Christmas Stockings / Lingerie / Chastity

22 Dec: Snow / Ice Play / Creature Fic

23 Dec: Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates

24 Dec: Festive Feast / Oral Knotting / Cannibalism


We’re excited to bring back SeasonsSlick fest for 2020!

This year we’ve changed up the format. As always feel free to do as many or as few days as you want, it is not compulsory to post something for every day of the fest but you’re more than welcome to!

All media accepted - tag your fics, art, gifs, vids, playlists, headcanons, fic recs of older fics that fit the themes and any other imaginings and creations that relate to #SeasonsSlick!


  • Choose one of the three daily prompts and create!

When posting please make clear which prompt your chose. e.g.

Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates

  • Must be Festive themed, or at the least wintery themed if not specifically referencing seasonal festivities.
  • There must be an A/B/O element
  • All Hannibal and Hannibal Extended Universe pairings, any AUs thereof, and all dynamic combinations are welcome!
  • No word limit/restrictions (drabbles to epics are welcome!)
  • All genres welcome
  • All ratings welcome, please tag responsibly

Our AO3 Collection is open and ready for posting from the 19th December! Please note that you can also post art and other media to AO3!

We’ll be reblogging/retweeting on Twitter, Pillowfort and Tumblr. Please tag us so we don’t miss you!



19 Dec: Decorations / Hunting / Stalking

20 Dec: Scenting / Candles / Wax Play

21 Dec: Christmas Stockings / Lingerie / Chastity

22 Dec: Snow / Ice Play / Creature Fic

23 Dec: Mistletoe / Kissing / True Mates

24 Dec: Festive Feast / Oral Knotting / Cannibalism


I present my third chapter in my good doctors fic!

  • Fandom: Hannibal Extended Universe = A Royal Affair & Hysteria
  • Relationship: Mortimer Granville/Johann Struensee
  • Summary: At the last minute, Johann Struensee is spared death - but instead, he is sold into Service, where alphas, betas, and omegas serve out contracts to pay off debts or prison sentences. Unfortunately, most customers are wary about buying an alpha, and so Johann languishes in prison for weeks and weeks. That is, until an enterprising young omega doctor named Mortimer Granville decides to take a chance on Johann.
  • Inspired By: What if Doctor Johann met Dr. Mortimer and fell in love? Also as a gift for my darling @victorineb <3
  • Wordcount: 3.6k

On Johann’s first day in the clinic, Mortimer takes him an hour early, so that he can conduct a little tour and explain how everything works. He’s managed, at least, to expand the clinic, so he now has the waiting room, with a desk and plenty of chairs; two patient rooms with the appropriate screens and patient privacy equipment; an office where he can receive patients for initial consultations and keep his records; and a little washroom, in case anyone needs to splash some water on their face or use the toilet.

Johann, who is now dressed in proper clothing and out of his chains, listens with a very patient expression, not at all seeming nonplussed to being told what to do by an omega. He asks pertinent questions, laughs a little when Mortimer shows him where some of the money is kept, and even helps draw back the curtains to prepare the office.

When everything is said and done, Mortimer leads Johann to the little reception desk. He pulls out the patient book and tells Johann, “I update the list of appointments here every day, or every other day. You can check off each patient as they arrive. That ensures that my bookkeeping can be accurate.”

“Will any of your patients be offended if I am not familiar with them?”

Mortimer shrugs. “They can find another physician to treat them if they are. And I’m sure you can handle anyone.”


Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Freddie Lounds, Abigail Hobbs, Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Georgia Madchen Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Artificial Insemination, Omega Will Graham, Alpha Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Dark Will Graham, Murder Husbands, Kidnapping, Courting Rituals, Mating Bites, Protective Hannibal Lecter, Pregnant Will Graham, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, POV Alternating, Scenting, True Mates, Biological Compatibility, Handcuffs, Hate to Love, Murder, Fighting Lots of Fighting, Short Chapters, Attempted Murder Summary:

Will stared down at his belly, and then back up at the both of them. “Are you telling me I’m having a cannibal’s baby?” 


I just want to say thank you again to everyone who have shown me so much love for this fic. I was honestly shocked by how quickly it rose in up in my most hits/kudos fics and the support has been overwhelming. 

I wrote this one for myself and did not expect anyone else to like it very much so thank you. 

This particular chapter I rewrote THREE times but I finally got them right where I want them so I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. *hugs*

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