
@lupocuore / lupocuore.tumblr.com

read rules before interacting

So. It’s been an Experience TM on this blog, with this url, but it’s time to for changes.

I’m moving blogs and I will only be keeping 5 muses from here, and adding one muse as a sideblog.

Stiles did not make the cut. I love him, we’ve been through a lot, but it’s time we broke up for good. 

For those of you still interesting in interacting with Aion, Jamie, Jophiel, Derek, and Sarah Rogers, we shall be over at @justlxstsouls.

I’m not deleting this blog because I got a shit ton of good headcanons and posts, there is QUITE a lot of material on here, but please feel free to unfollow cause imma just use it as a resource blog. 

The new blogs are just about ready. There’s some last minute posts and bios I need to add but that should be up by this weekend, Monday at the latest. 

I’ll see ya’ll there.


an authority figure: [expresses slight, arguable disappointment in me]

me, shaking: Wow. Can’t Believe I’m The Worst Person Alive

an open support server for people of color in the roleplay community.
created and admined by hex. please do not join if you are white, but feel free to reblog and boost for the use of others. the poc rpc support server is intended to offer a place to discuss racism in the rpc, support those in need, as well as network with other writers of color.

not sure when i’ll be back here. I’ve already thrown my schedule way out of wack, but I just don’t feel good being here. Steve is my security blanket rn and I’m not ashamed of that. I wanna do things here but I also want to revamp some things. but. i don’t know. 


Tumblr Boycott to Protest Continued Lack of Movement to Ban White Nationalists

Tumblr @staff have been silent about the use of this site by white nationalist bloggers, while numerous other sites (see this post) have made actions to ban nazis/white nationalists/”alt-right”/fascists. Tumblr needs to know their lack of action is unacceptable. I love my tumblr community and want to stay, but if this continues, I will have to considering leaving.

I suggest we push back, and unite to boycott on a certain date. I’m arbitrarily suggesting September 1st - it’s nine days from this post, and that gives it enough time to hopefully get spread as far as possible. Boycotts only work if lots of people do it. Please consider joining me and logging off tumblr on September 1st, to let them know we’re serious about their apathy towards white nationalism.

Great idea.

Let’s also let @staff know that as they’re trying to increase advertiser spend, they should be well-aware of most ad tech companies (on the buy and sell side) have explicit rules against hate speech. You can tell Tumblr is aware of this because they’ve doubled-down on trying to locate the NSFW posts (quite badly based on how their technology fails so often) for what I imagine is brand safety for advertisers.

Given groups like Sleeping Giants has been successful in amplifying the voices of users protesting brands appearing on Breitbart, any other platform could be next in having their advertisers signaled with a screenshot of said posts where hate speech is proudly displayed against an ad served… well, you get the drift.

1.) Boycott

2.) Screenshot and tweet, byeeeeee 


this is the one thing that might have an effect. all our @staff and emails and million-note posts don’t do shit, so hit ‘em where it hurts - their wallets. 

one day - no posts, no replies, no hits. turn off tumblr. September 1st.



Do not accept a friend request from Chrisopeer Davies and Jessica Davies. They are hackers. Tell everyone on your friends list because if somebody on your list adds one of them, they’ll be on your list too. They will figure out your personal computer’s IP and address, so copy & paste this message wherever you can

Heads Up: Also look out for a Discord user by the name of “KeirStarmer” or often just “Keir”. He is going around sending friend requests to random Discord users, and those who accept his friend requests will have their accounts DDoSed and their IP Addresses revealed to him.

Spread the word and send this to as many discord servers as you can. If you see this user, DO NOT accept his friend request and immediately block him.

Please be warned there is a user going around called “KurtStarmer” or just “Kurt” who is mass spamming terribly graphic gore and of such(he is also a hacker). Please spread the word of this to your other servers

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