
always annoyed

@anangstyblackgirl / anangstyblackgirl.tumblr.com

AN ANGSTY BLACK GIRL IS 27. chicagoan. writer/musician/photographer/artist. a late 90s/early 2000s enthusiast. black lives will always matter. ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
Reblog if your a TS2 Simblr

Since the Sims 2 Community is getting small I am looking to follow TS2 Simblrs and for TS2 Simblrs to follow me as well! If your a TS2 Simblr acct and I follow you. Follow me back I post a lot more Sims 2 than Sims 3 or Sims 4 and the more Simblr that follow the more I post Sims 2 cause I been a Sims 2 fan since 2009!

I decided why not the Follow train since other Simblrs have done it.

So reblog if your a TS2 Simblr!! :D

4t2 Queen Braids up Bun I never thought that I would convert a hair to TS2, but here I am with my first hair conversion. I choose to do poppet v2 recolors (or at least tried to), but feel free to recolor! Made by xxBlackSims - Original Available for all ages, except for toddlers | 10 Head Band Recolours | 15k poly ☆ Downloads SimFileShare MediaFire If you have requests, problems or anything else you want to discuss with me, feel free to message/ask me about it! :)

your conversions ARE EVERYTHING.


2x9 - The Dating Game

Original Air Date: November 12, 1997.


Now I know why Yvette needed those self defense classes. It was to defend herself against the most annoying little shit to ever re-occuringly appear on this show.

Deion, who honestly should have gotten his ass whooped for everything he eventually ends up doing in B-plot land and who is currently in the running for most frequent future member of the Black Manosphere, has set his sights on Yvette. Yvette understandably doesn’t want to go out with him though, as she is hiding from him. But I get it because like in the last episode, we all are aware of what happens when a woman says no to a man.

In fact, this episode actually makes me kind of sad because Yvette has to resort to so many methods of gently letting him down since Deion just cannot take a hint. While it’s bogus that she has to use TJ as a buffer, it just goes to show you the fear a lot of women have when it comes to rejecting men.

Anyway, Yvette goes poof and Deion asks TJ where she is. After he leaves, Yvette comes back from her hiding spot behind a Penguin cardboard and asks how many times she has to tell that guy ‘no.’ Girl, not enough.

Deion pops back up after TJ is giving Yvette an unnecessary lesson about the word ‘no’ in different languages although I’m sure no matter what language it was told in, the response from a toxic male was always the same.

Because Yvette has run out of excuses, she is now using TJ as a buffer. After claiming he has a bladder infection, she ushers a confused TJ away from Deion. Glad that’s over!

Sike. When she gets home, Deion has left her a shitload of messages on the Henderson family answering machine. Now I understand that for the sake of the plot, everyone’s number just seems to be available for public consumption, but Yvette probably did give Deion her real number to get him to go away for a little bit. Although Adult Aspyn would have given him a fake number, this is high school. She unfortunately has to see her stalker everyday so she most likely figured giving him her real number and then simply ignoring him would suffice. It doesn’t.

TJ is concerned but for the wrong reasons. First, TJ says Yvette has to do something about this guy because although TJ is already 10 or 11 and in high school, the absolute most traumatic thing that could happen to him is a bout with urinary incontinence. I get it, TJ is a kid, but honestly, this is exactly how most adult men would react. Fuck you and your safety, my ego is at risk here!

Outside, Mo has just arrived to see Marcus outside freezing his buns off. He has a way bigger problem than Yvette right now: his scholarly ineptitude is about to be exposed to his father unless he can intercept the mail before his pappy gets home. The plan backfires.

Floyd is big mad because Marcus did an average at best job on his grades. I personally don’t understand his rage, though. I get it, C’s aren’t the best thing in the world, but he’s not failing. I understand, Floyd just wants the best for his kids but I wish he’d realize that college isn’t for everyone and there is literally no shame in being an average student but learning a trade or something. He unknowingly sets him up just for this when, as punishment, Floyd tells Marcus that he’s going to be working with him, fixing roofs after school and on weekends. 

The next day at school, Mr. Millitich, someone we’ll actually see again and who has zero bedside manner, comes up to TJ at lunch and recommends a cream for his imaginary ass rash. Then some students come up to TJ and start scanning his head for lice. Yvette is really putting TJ through a fake ringer but in a few episodes, he’ll totally deserve it.

Like the leftover glitter from an art project that just never goes away, here comes Deion, this time with a mute, obviously-not-teenage bodyguard in tow. I guess his strategy here was that if Yvette rejected him, he would make this dark-skinned Random Task beat up Yvette.

Yvette rejects him again, now using TJ’s webbed feet as an excuse. TJ has had enough. He actually pushes Random Task aside and tells Deion that Yvette can’t go out with him because she already has a man. Deion then says he “respects turf” which is bullshit as we will later find out. But since TJ needs an appropriate, bigger male to intimidate Deion, he selects Mo.

Next, we cut to Marcus hating his job and complaining about his body hurting. Considering that he was used as a human dummy in the previous episode, I’m  honestly not shocked. However, that was his own damn fault. Floyd is hoping this punishment will make him want to go to college. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

We cut back to the Henderson crib where TJ is coaching Yvette and Mo on how to act like a couple to throw off Deion’s scent. For the sake of the episode, we will pretend that these teenagers have no idea how to act like a couple and need TJ to show them. They squabble back and forth about what Yvette will and won’t accept. After a few clips of Mo expressing his thirst and Yvette shooting him down, they agree on the terms, minus kissing. Sorry, Mo. I do like that this episode sets up Mo x Yvette which I lowkey wish would have happened because they actually have awesome chemistry. 

The next day, Yvette and Mo are acting like a couple at lunch and really selling it. Mo even hands her Hershey’s Kiss chocolates and  OmG ThEy aRe sO CuTe tOgEtHeR EeK. He leaves to get her a soda and the moment is immediately ruined by Deion ‘I-respect-turf’ White. Here he comes, throwing Yvette a lone rose, back with his mute, 35-year-old bodyguard, bragging about spending a whole $6 on her. Although I’m sure he’s heard that Yvette and Mo are an item, as TJ is mentioning in passing, he is still trying to pursue her. Look, I get it, Yvette is pretty and smart and you think you deserve a woman like her but you don’t. Ok, you just don’t.

When Yvette refuses and very politely I may add, Deion immediately catches an attitude. But here comes Mo, swooping in to save his damsel in distress from this dumb dusty. This heroic act earns Mo a kiss on the lips although it wasn’t part of the deal. Turns out women actually like when men respect them and keep them safe. Who knew?

So Yvette leaves and I just can’t, Mo is so cute and it’s obvious he’s really into Yvette and so much so that he pays a stunt double to do three backflips for him to exacerbate the point. Aww. Almost makes me forget that he was sexually assaulting women with his best friend in the previous episode.

We cut to Marcus actually enjoying life, not being tired after working. Floyd’s plan is definitely unraveling faster than a punctured Rodarte sweater circa 2008. Once he tells Marcus that he gets paid on Fridays, he’s already doing the math in his head. Marcus would net $800/month, yes, a month, working this job

That is all. 

Anyways, it’s enough to make Marcus give a permanent middle finger to his already nonexistent college dreams. This only gives Floyd more rage fuel to make the job seem as terrible as possible. However, he is realistic when he factors in how long he’ll have to be working there to make half a million.

Oh inflation, how I loathe thee.

Anyways, Mo is just making me ship he and Yvette even harder. Apparently, he is going above and beyond with this role because he came with Yvette to her poetry club. Listen ladies, when a man is really into you, he will do anything for you. He’s even holding her bag for her! What a gentleman! Maybe all that ass-kicking from his time spent as a dummy actually taught him a lesson on how to respect women!

Mo thanks TJ for setting them up and it really sounds like Mo is falling for our Yvette but TJ has to remind him that it’s a PR relationship. I don’t know why, seeing as Mo threatened to split Deion’s wig and he thankfully hasn’t popped back up, but I also think Yvette is hesitant to be with him although their ship gets teased a lot through the series.

TJ’s hormones haven’t kicked in just yet, so he doesn’t get why dancing would make a woman fall for a guy–it doesn’t, it’s just a prelude to sex–but Mo is convinced Yvette will be forever his after their tango. He even pantomimes the dance with his backpack. 

Back at Piedmont, the dance is revving up. There’s about 30-40 students here ready to get crunk. TJ is DJ-ing and Mo is still flitting about trying to make the scene right for his lady. Y’all, I really love Mo, he’s so cute. He even shouts her out over the microphone. This man is sprung.com.

However, another tall light-skinned dude pulls a very seemingly spoken for Yvette right from under Mo’s nose and Yvette just goes along with it and lets him know it was a PR relationship. Boo, Yvette. I know you don’t owe any man anything but why not Mo? He actually became fine to me in this episode.

TJ begins covering for Mo, who bought a freaking necklace for Yvette–beat that, Deion!–but left it in the car, by playing anything but Boyz II Men and Brian McKnight. 

Back in B-plot land, Marcus is hanging out with his fellow roofers, scoffing at the thought of returning to high school life. Once the roofer dude starts making the job sound like hell, especially the ‘no women’ part, that’s all the motivation Marcus needs to run back to high school. Floyd’s plan worked but I’m actually annoyed with Floyd. If being a roofer is so terrible, why is he one? What’s wrong with Marcus skipping college and learning a trade while he pursues his music? Plus, the guy has three kids, you think he’d be a little more relieved that he only has to shell out money for two FAFSA applications. 

So Marcus runs back to school and sees Mo and Yvette dancing. I’m surprised he’s so okay with it, seeing as most guys hate the thought of their best friends even breathing near their sisters. Pretty mature of him, not going to lie. Again, Mo’s fineness spiked to astronomical levels during this dance. He’s having so much fun with Yvette.

Even after this sultry ass dance, Yvette still wants to dance with Garrett. I personally would have said Garrett who, but can’t knock the girl for having options! Mo actually does seem heartbroken when Yvette dumps him but Mo kisses her on the cheek and tells her good luck with Garrett. I fucking love Mo, y’all. We’ll never see Garrett again. Well, technically we will, but he’ll have a different name.

TJ is also an Yvette x Mo shipper! He says that he and Yvette looked better on the dance floor. His heartbrokenness wears off two seconds later when a PYT in a velvet skater dress asks for a dance. 

Something tells me Mo will be just fine. 

This would have been a solid ending but then, and I wish I was fucking joking, this episode literally ends with Marcus being overly aggressive with a girl who clearly doesn’t want him! It’s played as a joke but this girl seriously does not want Marcus anywhere near her and he’s still being handsy.

Somebody slingshot his ass back on the roof where he belongs. 

Things I Noticed:

- The actor who plays Deion is actually Mr. Dig from Lizzie McGuire and I swear I was today years old when I realized it. 

- The actor who plays Garrett plays another love interest of Yvette’s in a future episode. They are really bad with recycling actors on this show. 

- Floyd tells Marcus to bring in whatever groceries Mo hasn’t eaten after delivering his punishment. I really have too much proof to support my theory that Mo lives in an abusive, neglectful household.

- Piedmont has the tackiest decorations ever.


2x8 - Book Smart

Original Air Date: November 5th, 1997

*Trigger Warning - Themes of Sexual Assault/Rape Culture

Okay. This might be a long ass review because when I finally decided to continue on with this blog A WHOLE ASS YEAR LATER, I naturally had to check to see what the next episodes are.

Lo and behold, what follows is a string of extremely unsettling and high-key problematic behavior towards women that happens in multiple episodes. In fact, there are three episodes in a row! They followed each other like the Human Centipede! Yvette is unfortunately the victim, either directly or indirectly, in a few of them, in fact. 

We begin this episode with Marcus and Mo talking about stupid basketball or something. I don’t even know why they care because their team is a joke and only won games when TJ coached. Their little basketball plans get interrupted because Yvette is pulling out mats for her women’s self defense class. 

Finally, a decision made by Piedmont that I actually agree with! Every woman should definitely learn how to protect herself and this should be something mandated in high schools so we can prevent more women from experiencing sexual assault until rape culture is dismantled. Good job, Piedmont! Naturally, the boys are okay with this, knowing that they are men and a part of the problem whether they like it or not. They graciously apologize and head out to find another location to shoot hoops.

Sike. Did we really expect anything noble from this dumb duo? Marcus is the horniest boy on the show and Mo more than likely would become an active–and enthusiastic–participant in his own statutory rape. 

Marcus and Mo proceed to belittle their self defense class, treating it as if it’s just a big ass slumber party, not a series of techniques that have to be taught to women because men simply cannot process the word “no” without throwing a tantrum in which either someone’s life is at risk or someone gets hurt. Yvette has to remind “these jokers” that their teacher is an ex-Navy Seal with lethal popsicle stick skills for them to pipe down.

You would think they’d keep the same energy when the rest of the ladies walk in, but nope! Mo’s wee-wee starts tingling at the sight of the girls doing some light stretching before learning how to fend off an attacker for being rejected or whatever ego-bruising was done. The two then decide to finagle their way into this class to…what? What the fuck do they want to do, exactly? It’s a self defense class. What, do you want to play the role of the guy she has to fend off? Do you think this ex-Navy Seal is going to teach these men the moves that women need to learn to defend themselves from them? That’s literally like giving your enemy the gun. I just…what? I’m literally rolling my eyes watching these two. I’m pretty sure they didn’t think they’d be used as human dummies, an excellent choice, in my opinion. I get it, they’re stupid Horny Teenage Boyz ™ but this is exactly where the shit starts. And the lawsuits begin.

Mo and Marcus are now discussing their problematic plan with TJ, who usually plays along with whatever misogynistic moment is unfolding. Maybe it’s to fit in with the guys, maybe it’s because TJ just hates women and/or has mommy issues since his succumbed to the Dead Mom disease. Seriously, moms in Disney movies really just go poof and there’s no real explanation. We still don’t know how their mom passed.

TJ suggests they use the law of reverse disenfranchisement in which they argue that it’s sexist to not permit them to join a women’s self defense class just as it would be sexist for men to cut them out of something simply because of gender.

I want to jump through this screen because it’s a false equivalence and because things that exclude the majority of a group exist for a reason. HBCUs exist for a reason even though white people still attend and manage to steal the spotlight from the people who are supposed to be benefitting from attending. Gay/queer clubs exist for a reason, besides hosting amazing drag shows. Women-only things exist for a reason. Ugh. Fuck these clowns.

Apparently, Marcus suggested dressing like a girl to get in, probably unknowingly inspiring the plot of a movie that would be released 5 years later. Once he begins describing what slingbacks are, the guys look at Marcus like he’s sus. 

Anyways, the teacher enters the classroom and orders Marcus to take off his hat because of a rule that I’m more than certain he has expressed before: no hats in class. Is it a little racist? Yes, at least maybe I think so because damn, what if you’re having a bad hair day? The times in between my last retwist and my upcoming retwist warrant a hat sometimes, just saying…

Marcus surrenders his beanie but Mr. Delk, yet another teacher we’ll never see again, is going to be bothered more by TJ than Marcus’s stupid banana yellow hat. I guess he was really inspired by P. Diddy or something.

TJ doesn’t belong in public school at all but his dad most likely cannot afford elite education for him. So TJ is left to outsmart his teacher and bring up facts and other tidbits that most of them probably don’t know because they’re only doing this teenage babysitting gig to get out of paying their student loans and are just reciting shit from an outdated textbook since they teach in a low income–aka Black–area and are giving you quizzes and tests to measure your reading comprehension. Am I a little bitter over the shit education I received? No, what makes you think that? 

Now granted, TJ actually did have a good argument with the establishment of colonies and whatnot and I’m sure he would make for great reading material on Reddit comment boards, but TJ, like most boys/men, don’t know how to read the room. We’re in school. It’s boring, it’s pointless, we know you’re still not being challened enough, but just let this man do his job. I know TJ is a child but sometimes he acts like an adult who obviously knows better but switches back and forth frequently. Please don’t call me insensitive, it’s just hard to empathize with him sometimes because he’s so damn cunning.

Of course, TJ doesn’t stop and continues pretending to be the teacher. Mr. Delk rightfully tells TJ to just write down his bountiful musings. So he does. With a whole ass laptop that he’s typing furiously loud on. I know this man is probably racist but I actually feel bad for him.

We’re at the Henderson crib now. TJ and Marcus are both butthurt over the confiscation of their personal items, namely Marcus’s P. Diddy-esque hat and TJ’s gigantic laptop. Of course, TJ is not telling the whole story, so Papa Floyd is tight. Naturally, he doesn’t give a shit about Marcus’s hat because of its trivial nature. Fuck that hat.

Jeez, nobody in this family has learned anything when it comes to this white man. Yvette comes in and Floyd asks her about this Mr. Delk. Yvette says he has 12, count ‘em, twelve of her hats. Look, I know it’s the 90s and things are not astronomically priced yet, but if you can help it, at least stop wearing the damn hats to class? Take 'em off and then put them back on later? I don’t know if I’m on the teacher’s side or the student’s side, but maybe there’s a dress code or something? I take my fashion seriously as well, but geez.

It’s the next day. Marcus is actually waiting for Yvette outside of the girl’s bathroom to pester her to let he and Mo in the women’s self defense class. Yvette already knows, hip to her brother’s asshattery and declines instantly. The two attempt to use the whole double standard narrative on Yvette, who is smarter than both of them and figures out the best way to utilize them.

Now, I understand–actually, no, I don’t–how teenage boys operate when it comes to even the microscopic chance of getting laid, but to become a dummy for a woman’s self defense class? Even Mo asks if this is even worth it. No. It is not worth it. You’re being creeps. Yvette thanks them by walking over Marcus and Mo’s stomachs respectively. I love Yvette. 

It’s early morning as I write this and I am trying my hardest not to raise my cortisol levels but these idiots are walking into Mr. Delk’s classroom discussing which girl is cuter, the one who used mace or the one with the chokehold. This is literally rape culture defined. A girl tells you no or fights you off and you take that as a cue to keep trying until she changes her mind because fuck what the meat popsicle with titties has to say. She’s not an actual person. The fact that they’re doing all of this just to ask them out later is the exact reason why they even need this defense class to begin with.

Mackey’s dumb ass also decided to wear a hat to this man’s classroom. Ok, I take it back, he’s not racist, these kids are just really uncooperative. 

TJ begins disrupting the class yet again, arguing back and forth about the Declaration of Independence. The school ends up calling Floyd because duh, TJ is preventing his teacher from doing his job. He’s also preventing the other students from learning, too. Floyd has to know that TJ isn’t telling the whole story. When he emerges from Mr. Delk’s classroom, hatless–I really hope a grown man didn’t force another grown man to take off his hat…–and upset with TJ. TJ ends up running away after complaining that his dad is taking Mr. Delk’s side.

Back at the Henderson crib, Marcus is pondering whether or not his future wife broke his rib. TJ asks if there’s a less dangerous way he can get his dick wet. This is the only time I agree with TJ in this episode. Marcus asks what TJ is doing and it turns out the lil’ narcissist is simply not going to just take this L and keep it pushing. Oh no, now he’s doing research and getting written proof to prove this poor, underpaid man wrong. Marcus doesn’t think he can accomplish this feat of getting a teacher to admit he’s wrong, but he clearly doesn’t know his little brother.

Floyd comes in and TJ is being shitty towards him. Not surprising at all. You disagree with TJ, you’re on his bad side for life until you kiss his ass again. Afterwards, we cut to Mo and Marcus flirting with the women who are kicking their asses. And the girls are actually going along with it? What? But then I thought about it. Knowing Yvette, she told the girls about them and they’re just pretending to be interested. This girl is so over the top and fake with her delivery that I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s just helping Yvette teach them a lesson.

Mo shoots his shot with this gorgeous dark-skinned girl who blows him off at first because she made him cry and she feels bad. Mo is persistent, however, and she relents. I really hope this part of the act. Yvette walks past and tells the boys that they’re both “going to hell for this,” and in true hetero male fashion, Marcus tells her that at least they’re going with dates. I cannah.

It’s a new day in Mr. Delk’s classroom and before this man can even say 'good morning’ to his students, TJ is already revved up. He presents Mr. Delk with proof that we’ve all been barbequing on the wrong day and that we should be getting August 2nd off instead.

Unfortunately, after TJ’s win, the class gets disrespectful as fuck for no reason. Again, I actually feel bad for this guy. He just wants to do his job and now that he’s lost control of these kids, he can’t. They don’t trust anything he says. Just kidding, they don’t wanna do any work, that’s all.

A defeated Delk calls TJ to the class and although I’m sure he wished corporal punishment was still a thing, he instead just hands the pointer to TJ and leaves the classroom. With the little guy in charge, the class is finally free to not learn, yay! TJ does try to teach the class but they are so not taking orders from a preteen. Everyone proceeds to defiantly put their hats back on. These kids really take their headwear seriously.

TJ sulks back to the teacher’s lounge where he and Mr. Delk have a heart to heart. He actually seems like a nice guy, still open to hearing out TJ and even teaching him a lesson in the process. However, we never see him again so I assume this was the final straw and he just wanted to make nice with the kid before he quit or transferred to another district.

Marcus and Mo are back at the Henderson crib preparing for their dates but they’re sore from being beat the fuck up by their future baby mamas. The girls come over, dressed in their adorable 90s outfits and help the boys get comfy since they can’t move. Then they bounce. I love it. They were in on the plan. I really can’t believe the boys thought these two queens would sit at home with them when they were clearly dressed to go out but more hetero male things have happened. They end up watching the Golden Girls together. Hey, at least they have each other.

A bewildered Floyd comes home as the ladies are leaving, confused as to why they’re not with the boys. Floyd doesn’t even bother to ask. He’s come to settle things with TJ. However, TJ is finally being level-headed and admits to his wrongdoings. This was funny. Floyd was preparing to go back and forth with TJ for about 120 minutes so he decides to fill that time with a movie instead. They even share a cute little moment where Floyd gives him a piggyback ride. Aww.

Things I noticed:

- “Trust me Morris, the Medieval Saxons did not invent the Saxophone.” The dryness in the way Mr. Delk delivered that line took me out.

-  TJ imitates Mo sleeping with his eyes open. Later on in the series, Mo will fall asleep, not only with his eyes open but standing up. What the fuck has this teenage boy been through where he can dissociate on the spot and fall asleep without closing his goddamn eyelids? First he’s breaking into their house to eat and now this?

- The girl who was choking Marcus was the perky drive-thru lady in the Disney horror film Under Wraps! She was also in Power Rangers Turbo.


2x7 - Big Picture

Original air date: October 29th, 1997

Usually, the B plot is reserved for silly nonsense that has little to do with the A plot, which is driving the story. To me, a B plot just gives a side character something to do for about 7-10 minutes of screentime. But this time, Yvette is being used to show viewers a very common dilemma when dating, at least for women anyway. If the genders were reversed, it would probably be treated as normal. 

Yvette is doing her normal maternal routine of entertaining TJ’s outlandish ideas about an upcoming video project when she runs into her episode-appointed white friend. She has a few of these who we’ll never see again but Nina manages to stick around the longest. This one is joining Yvette while she tears down another woman for being dumber than her. No, just kidding. She’s tearing her down for being dumber than her AND snagging an intellectual hottie.

Literally the minute Yvette finishes her rant, she bumps into a sexy tall guy and proceeds to malfunction. She can’t even tell him where chemistry class is because she was too busy soaking her panties. TJ smirks at the camera, realizing his sister is just like the boys she was complaining about no less than a minute ago. Thanks for the thumbnail shot, Teej!

Remember that video project? Mackie is about to get a shitty grade because all he did was film his alcoholic dad sleeping. TJ informs yet another teacher we’ll never see again that his group has chosen to use historical Washington D.C. buildings as the backdrop of their project for this juxtaposition narrative. Of course, TJ is a control freak and has not bothered to mention this to his group members, one of which, includes Taraji P. Henson, who would go on to also play an Yvette herself.

When TJ chastises them for being too lazy to come up with ideas, Mo offers one. Because it’s Mo, we already know it’s not going to work. He reiterates the plot of “Do the Right Thing.” Teacher lady tells him to sit his ass down. Marcus actually offers an idea that makes sense and one I don’t know why he didn’t just offer earlier? A music video with his band!

TJ immediately shuts it down because it wasn’t his idea, although this underpaid teacher is on board. This is one of the things I really despise about TJ. If it wasn’t his idea, he’s immediately against it. I see a little narcissist in the making.

Back at the Henderson crib, Yvette is gushing about Xavier’s swim meet. Just as she’s clearly about to take him upstairs so he can do a different version of diving, Floyd comes in and totally cockblocks. He demands Xavier sit down although Yvette tells him not to. He does anyway. You better listen to Papa Floyd!

Once Xavier starts talking, we see why Yvette probably wanted to dodge her father in the first place. Xavier begs to leave once Floyd, just by asking a couple of questions, has already deemed this man a complete moron. Welp, at least he has goals and will end up at the Olympics one day! Just don’t ask him where they’ll take place. Although, to be fair, he could have just been anxious here. Hot people get nervous too!

Yvette lets Xavier dip out even though I’m sure they had “other” plans. She says she’ll see him tomorrow and he actually asks “where?” After he leaves, Yvette starts to feel bad because she knows she’s a hypocrite. Who is she to judge other women for being dumb and dating smart guys when she’s smart and is dating this dumb guy just because he’s tall and hot and has abs? After Yvette leaves, unfairly comparing him to TJ, Floyd then insults Marcus and Mo by saying Xavier is not even as smart as them. Another unfair comparison as Marcus and Mo are just lazy, if anything. We see in a later episode that Mo can get good grades as long as he thinks he’s on drugs. And we all know Marcus only applies himself when it comes to music.

When Marcus and TJ come home, they’re arguing about the project. TJ thinks Marcus should be happy with just having his music playing but Marcus wants his band in the video. Eventually, Floyd steps in to remind his son that he needs to consider everyone’s opinion. Right. The next scene is TJ going over the storyboards for the video. Instead of actually listening to the gang’s stupid ideas, TJ just goes with the automated response of “I’ll think about it” which usually means no. However, it’s better than TJ unfairly flexing his power or trying to jump start his brother’s nervous breakdown so I guess we should be happy.

Not for too long, though! When TJ gets home, he sees that Marcus has gone and held a damn casting session for the video. TJ is understandably annoyed because the only thing more powerful than TJ’s high IQ and manipulation skills is a teenage boy’s hormones.

Yvette lauds TJ for not succumbing to the perils of superficiality until Xavier starts posing, reducing himself to what Yvette was just talking against. Marcus calls her out because he sees Yvette is finally doing what he’s been doing: treating the opposite sex like a carbon meat popsicle. He even calls him Flipper and Yvette accidentally repeats it. When Yvette retreats into the house, TJ announces that he’s the director and asks if anyone has a problem with it.

Gilligan cut to TJ talking to his episode-appointed teacher telling him that people have smoke with him for being a control freak. His teacher threatens to replace him unless he tightens up and begins collaborating with his teammates. TJ pleads with his teacher and pretends to enjoy receiving criticism. I low-key want to make a .gif of him going, "I’m listening to criticism and I’m liking it!”

The next day, Yvette is spoiling her man with gifts at school. I’m assuming the sex is good because they have to have only been dating a few days. Weeks maybe? I assume episodes are usually on a day-by-day timeframe. Anyways, dumb ass Xavier is literally trying to find his gift by pulling the gifts out of the bag. See, he’s not bright, so he doesn’t realize that the books are the gift. He actually thinks Yvette is pissed at him. I would love guys who get that pissed off at me.

Yvette becomes exasperated at the thought that yes, sweetie, you’re dating an aquatic dumb jock. A nice one, but still. Yvette confesses to her episode-appointed white bestie that she feels bad because she’s willingly decided to date someone who doesn’t challenge her intellectually.

We cut to TJ and the gang chatting in Mr. Feeny’s classroom about their video project, TJ’s effort to be more collaborative. First, Monique, AKA Taraji, vetoes the leather hats idea because she is a vegetarian, I assume. As everyone begins putting their two cents in, we see that TJ is now equating collaboration with giving in to all of their ideas. But remember, TJ is a control freak, so he can only stand listening to someone else’s ideas for so long. He hides behind Mr. Feeny’s desk and sulks.

Meanwhile, Yvette attempts to dump Xavier with her friend–apparently her name is Tammy–in tow. She literally admits to Yvette that the moment he’s back on the market, she’s shooting her shot because she knows most successful Black athletes don’t believe in condoms. Now I see why she only lasted one episode. When Xavier comes out of the locker room, body glistening, Yvette obviously can’t even continue with the dumping. She says she’ll see him later, fully clothed, and drags her drooling soon-to-be-ex-friend away with her.

Cut to the filming of the video. I actually did like this concept and the song choice does illustrate the nature of America, pimping people out, “dogging them” if you will, but asking its victims not to hate them, as it is the nature of the game. Everything is going well until the slides are projected and literally everyone has a problem with each one. The only one that made sense to me was one of the dancers saying to remove the Jefferson memorial, as he owned slaves. The dancers + Monique begin arguing about imperialism! We love to see it. TJ leaves. He’s over this shit.

We cut back to the Henderson crib where Yvette is about to dump Xavier. But this fool can’t hear her because he has his earplugs in. Poor Yvette. She’s just been yapping and yapping and he’s just staring at her, watching her mouth move but not putting two and two together. She’s exasperated but Xavier sees nothing wrong with what they have. TJ barges in and starts whining about his group, demanding an audience. In the midst of his rant, he says that everyone is always overthinking everything and won’t just let things be. This is what makes Yvette decide to continue seeing Xavier because although he’s a dumb jock, he is sweet. He even admits to her that he likes how intellectual she is. Aww. We’ll never see him again. Guess Yvette got sick of reading him those books she gifted.

TJ is now whining to his long-suffering father who is about to help him see the faults in his approach and suggests that TJ find a happy middle ground where he isn’t a tyrant nor a pushover. He returns to school two hours later–I guess they’re within walking distance because they literally come and go as they please–and sees the group is now arguing over what to order. None of them noticed TJ left but he is about to assert his presence for sure. He finally asks each member what they want to contribute and they all have a level-headed discussion. TJ turns on the camera and then presents this whole conversation as his video project. I personally would have gone with the music video idea, but the episode-appointed teacher liked it so, whatever. Roll cred–I mean, the video!

Things I Noticed:

- TJ agrees to cut the hats because he doesn’t want Monique to wear a “face on her head.” That line still cracks me up.

- TJ doesn’t even hesitate to explain the meaning of rhetorical because he knows Xavier is a moron.

- Apparently the actor who plays Xavier is a recurring character on Tyler Perry’s For Better or Worse.

a whole ass year later lmao

i will commit to doing these at least once a week. enjoy!


Show Stopper - Fresh-n-Fly - Head Turner - Homies Hangin - Triple Threat  & 

 A Queen’s prize possession’s in her  Bee Hive!!

“I wanna b a sim sooooooo bad”……



i love your smart guy reviews.


OMG thank you!!! that really means a lot. sorry for replying so late. i really need to work on my procrastination!

the blog isn't dead, it's just been on an indefinite hiatus but i do plan on posting more this year. stay tuned and thanks for your sweet message!


Recolors of @syboubou’s Apolline storage, record player and records.

Get the meshes in the set: HERE

And…yes, it’s all music that I own, though not on vinyl. But it sure says something about my age. :-)

this needs to be in my sims 2 game!!!! love these.


Why y’all be so mad when women are independent? Y’all feminist hate men but y’all sure love their money. I don’t get it.

If the money is meant to support the child, why tf wouldn’t she take it? You can’t be that independent that you’re not taking money that is needed to financial assist your child. C’mon now.

a lot of these women have been brainwashed into thinking that they don’t have to hold men responsible for anything, even their own children so of course he’d agree. i really wish men would stop conveniently leaving out the fact that women were forced to become inherently independent because the men they had children with were abandoning them. do y’all really think men are relentlessly begging their girlfriends/wives to allow them to take care of their kids and the mothers are flat out refusing out of spite? don’t you know sperm banks exist and if a woman wanted to get pregnant and raise a child on her own, she could easily just impregnate herself and skip the sex part altogether? please stop it with this independent bullshit fantasy narrative especially when you also conveniently ignore that mainstream--aka “white”--feminism does not benefit Black women whatsoever and conveniently ignores issues that are unique to just us. 


Hi! Thank you so much for doing what you do. I've been looking for lindasims' CCs outside of boosty for weeks, and I just happened to find your account today. Thank you so much!!!!!


Thank you hon! I hope you enjoy 😊 I’ll see if I can get access to more of her boosty stuff this weekend!

(Does boosty even work for Americans does anyone know?)


I can get on the site but it can be like a maze sometimes. 

Btw I also love what you’re doing! I hate LindaSim’s quality with a passion (always flashes pink sometimes) but it makes the game look more current. Would totally also be on board with more of their cc. <3


LindaSims Patreon Content Free

First Patreon content creator I will be sharing will be LindaSims aka biggest thief in the community. Pictures are included in each folder. You will need winrar/7zip to open these file.

I suggest going through the folders in bodyshop/in game [for furniture] by themselves not with your current downloads folder. Lots of swatches that will clog up your game.


Enjoy. :)


2x6 - Trial and Error

Original air date: Oct 15, 1997

Okay, so we begin this infuriating episode with Floyd coming home and calling out for his biological children. None of them are home. Except for Mo. Mo broke into the house. No, seriously. He broke into the house and started eating somebody’s leftovers. Now in any other case, this would warrant a passionate ass whooping and a call to the parents of this child because what the fuck are you doing so wrong to have your son breaking into houses and not stealing anything except for food? However, this is sitcom world and Floyd just seems more annoyed than anything since Mo is always there anyway.

Mo tells Floyd he needs to be more careful about locking the windows. So linebacker ass Mo really needed to eat and somehow oozed through a window just to get food? Ok, I take back what I said about him needing his ass kicked. Mo is clearly malnourished even though he’s huge. His parents must be poor and therefore can’t afford to feed him. Holy shit was that dark. Moving on. 

Food and TJ’s brain are the reasons for his crime. His parents are going to kill him if he brings home another D. This is really helping me build a theory that Mo’s parents are abusive, so let’s assume his parents are literal this time about the kill thing. Floyd then realizes that Mo’s punishment would equal him not being over again to eat up their food and casually break in so he tells Mo that TJ joined the Marines. Nice, Floyd.

Just then, the rest of Floyd’s flock comes in babbling about who got what part in a play. TJ is naturally upset because he wanted a bigger role, still not getting used to the idea that he’s a 10 year old and unless he’s playing the role of a character with dwarfism, it wouldn’t make sense for him to have a huge part. TJ storms off in a huff. Typical TJ things.

The next day, everyone is atwitter over a test from their more over it than Lisa Simpson teacher. This man wants all of his students to fail. He hates his students. He’s a teacher and yet he hates teaching. Maybe this is the wrong profession for you, bruh? And it’s evident his ‘over it’ level is on a million from the way he comes in and tells his class to “get ready to hate me.” The deadpan, dry delivery was funny though. 

His first task is to give his students an assignment so hard that even he doesn’t know all the answers. Um, why? If you don’t know the answers, how are you gonna grade the tests? Isn’t this just creating more work for you, someone who already hates his job? Why the fuck does Piedmont hire such bad teachers and faculty, dammit?

Even TJ is intimidated by this test! Mo asks Mr. Bringleman why stuff from another chapter he previously said wouldn’t be on the test is on the test. He simply says he lied. This man is evil. I hated teachers who did that bitch ass shit. Yes, I only studied for what you said was going to be on the test because I have other classes too, ya know. I’m a teenager, not a machine!

I’m just gonna call him Mr. B for the rest of this review because fuck this most likely racist white man. His ass was listening to the boys talking about how hard the test was and then Mo says he wishes he could do to Mr. B what he does to all of them. Mr. B asks if he’s threatening him and Mo stammers. Then Mr. B insults his intelligence by asking if he ever has a complete thought. Before he can even fix his mouth to call him the N word, not Linda Ellerbee shows up to see what’s going on. Oh yeah, and she’s the new principal. She’s the third one so far and this is only the first half of the second season.

Anyways, she needs someone to cover a class and outright forces him to do it. Ha-ha. When the boys laugh at him, Mr. B says he’s going to grade Mo’s test. Nice, I just love seeing teachers bully students.

At the play rehearsal, TJ is still campaigning for a lead role. Mackey has to be the one to humble him, asking for duct tape. Marcus’s play related arc in this episode is pursuing acting seriously in case music doesn’t work out. His part has no lines so he’s trying to act with his face. He can just feel the SAG membership card in his hands.

Just then, Yvette bursts in wearing a Prince-inspired outfit and lets everyone know there was a fire in the chem lab. Dun du–pause. Why the fuck is she telling everyone? Wouldn’t they have had a fire drill? Are there no fire alarms in this blasted school? How the fuck did nobody know about it or smell smoke and why is Yvette bursting in like the town crier in this Purple Rain ass outfit???

All the students are happy until Linda Ellerbee hands Mo his charred playbook and asks him to come into her office. Dun dun dun. Later we find out that Mo was expelled. Because he is an abused child who only feels safe at the Hendersons, Mo has once again broke into their house and begun working out in their garage. Floyd is over it.

TJ comes home and talks to Mo. He is sad to learn that nobody thinks he’s innocent but says that TJ has to believe him because he has the “wide-eyed innocence of a child.” He follows this up with shitty examples of kids trusting adults who end up being assholes. Once they finally get on a good example, TJ is able to see that Mo is innocent and decides to help Mo get back into school.

The next day, TJ is in the principal’s office waiting for Linda Ellerbee. She has mice in her office because Piedmont is the worst public school ever and is resorting to playing the Spice Girls to get them out. Is that supposed to be a diss to the Spice Girls? Fuck anyone who disses the Spice Girls.

Sis is not budging when it comes to letting Mo back in the school. Sounds like a job for TJ’s cuteness and persistence! He gets her to agree to a mock trial where Mo would have to come back to the school. I…whatever. Order in the courtroom!

TJ is Mo’s defense. The opposinjg side calls Marcus to the stand so we already know this will end in disaster. It takes less than a minute for Marcus to admit that Mo threatened Mr. B. Ugh! Stupid Marcus. But he doesn’t even do the worst on the stand. Mo actually manages to fuck it all up! Marcus and TJ are trying to paint Mo out to be, what the kids today would call it, a “punk ass bitch.” Rather than play along and accept it, dumb ass Mo puts his stupid, fragile masculinity ahead of his chance to get back into school and says that he follows through on all threats. Once he realizes his gaffe, he immediately sits his ass down. Yvette is annoyed.

Vice principal Millitch, who will later replace Linda Ellerbee in one of the only sensical things I’ve seen regarding Piedmont, qualifies that Mo’s playbook was found at the scene next to Mr. B’s burnt gradebook. It was nice knowing ya, Mo. We know how the legal system works.

So then the loser teacher gets on the stand and tries to make it seem like he doesn’t intentionally make his students suffer by giving them ridiculously hard tests and lying about what’s even going to be on the test. To him, Mo is just a stupid, violent nigger so of course he’d want to commit a crime instead of studying harder. And then he lays it on thicker by insulting his intelligence again, explaining what the word combust means in the most smug ass, irritating way. It’s fucked up upon re-watch but at least it’s super realistic how predominately black public schools get racist white teachers often. They’re usually there for the tuition reimbursement.

TJ is now realizing that he may not be able to help Mo out of this jam. While eating dinner, Yvette comes in and apologizes for her lateness, saying the trial is over and now the school can continue with the play rehearsals. She tells an adamant TJ that Mr. B, also assuming the trial’s conclusion, was chain smoking cigarettes and humming “Don’t Worry Be Happy.” Floyd is appalled at the latter. TJ’s gears begin shifting. Side note but doesn’t Mr. B just look like a miserable ass teacher who smokes in the classroom?

TJ and Mo break into the school. Geez, so much trespassing in this episode! Mo isn’t even worried about being caught because what are they gonna do, “expel him from college?” Slapstick ensues while TJ collects samples from the gradebook. Mo, on the other hand, is battling a mouse trap. I was super high when I watched this last night but this scene had me in stitches. Omar Gooding is really good with physical comedy. Look, even TJ gets stuck to him when they’re leaving! Priceless!

At court the next morning, TJ calls Mr. B to the stand. He brilliantly examines him and exposes him for smoking in the classroom, which was the actual cause for the fire. This man is fucking evil! He was actually about to get away with very possibly ruining a teenager’s life until a fucking 10 year old stepped in and dug deeper. He could have seriously gotten him disowned by his parents, making him homeless, forcing him to turn to the streets for survival. All because he’s an asshole and didn’t have the heart to own up to what he did. Hell, it’s fucking Piedmont! I’m sure they would have kept him!

Seeing as he just gets sent to Linda’s office, he’s most likely getting a slap on the wrist and paid vacation leave. Oh well. Also frustratingly realistic. At least Mo isn’t expelled anymore. Too bad Mo’s unwashed hands are still sticky when he shakes the principal’s hand and the joke continues.

At the end, Marcus gets bumped up to the illustrious Juror #2. Gotta love a true thespian! Case dismissed. Bring out the dancing lobsters.

Things I noticed:

- Stinky Steve is Mr. B’s defense.

- Piedmont has no respect for their students’ time. The mock trial began at 8am. Assuming that their school day begins at 9am, I bet the play participants probably hate TJ for forcing them to get up an hour earlier than normal, on top of having to do the play after school.

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