

@juneerah / juneerah.tumblr.com

she/her | 30+ | Pokemon, dinosaur, mythology, and OC enthusiast. | Hades and Loki Apologist. | Saemajimako Hell | Sometimes I draw. | Minors begone! 🔞 |

in b4 95% of all websites in june 2024 announce that "for security" they will only work with browsers that use manifest v3


The more people who use Firefox the better! It's got versions for the desktop, android, and iphone, all free. In addition to ublock origin there are thousands of addons. You could also consider using one of Mozilla's paid products, such as their VPN, or donating to the Mozilla Foundation, in order to ensure they're able to keep going.


Not to be Old on main but I remember this exact thing happening in the late 90s and early 00s. I remember it very well. Microsoft pushed out all the browser competition with Internet Explorer, at which point both browser and web innovation stagnated for years because why fix something that's broken if everyone is using the broken thing anyway because there are hardly any other options. If you want to know how bad it was, Internet Explorer did not have browser tabs and it certainly did not have any sort of adblock. And everyone just lived with it.

I am watching the exact same thing happen with Chrome in real time today and that's why I always reblog these posts and sometimes am extra annoying and add on to them. I don't want to see it happen again because it sucked. Please use Firefox. Use it on mobile too (it has browser extensions!!! Including ad blockers!!!) And reminder that Edge/Brave/Vivaldi are all built on Chromium and you should not be using those either. Those browsers will show up as Chrome on tracking analytics and it does not help the overall project, which is showing web developers that Chrome is not the only browser people are using.

Your passwords and other useful things transfer to Firefox, btw. Go make the switch. You have nothing to lose.


Yet another reason (there are So Many) to use Firefox as Browser of Choice.


Prehistoric Planet finally gives us the True Rival to the Tyrant Lizard King and it’s NOT a Dinosaur.

Absolutely amazing scene, I am consistently impressed with how this show does fights between prehistoric creatures. There’s been more action and physical confrontations in this season but every one of them feels totally natural and like a real animal interaction!

Idk I just love to see dinosaurs that have like, a Normal Animal level of self-preservation instinct. Like, could a T. rex totally wreck a Quetzalcoatlus in an all out brawl? probably yeah. But also is it worth it for this particular individual? probably not, and so he retreats! I’ll take this any day over a Dino Fight™ that’s basically just a kaiju battle.

Also yeah just to illustrate the sheer scale of Creature that is going on here:

Here’s a guy



The cum tanks by e-girl street. Yeah you can't miss them.


I’m messing around with making a (very, very) simple conlang for my Sewgard world and it’s paiiiiiin. I don’t care too much about grammar and the like, I just want a naming language so I can move away from using real world name for OCs in that world.

Update: I have given up. It's too complicated for my idiot brain.


I'm messing around with making a (very, very) simple conlang for my Sewgard world and it's paiiiiiin. I don't care too much about grammar and the like, I just want a naming language so I can move away from using real world name for OCs in that world.


Alien-like chatter of the world’s deepest lake as photographer shares eerie sounds of newly-formed ice. Alexey Kolganov films himself skating on transparent ice of lake Baikal, as new cracks form under his skates


Bro that is literally nature telling you to stop


always fucking something with this lake


“As Alexey skates, the ice cracks under his feet giving a feeling that he is just about to fall through. In fact there is half a metre of transparent frozen water separating him from the chilly depths of Baikal, while cracks seen on the video form right near the surface and pose no danger.”

thank you @frisktastic for this context


Gremlins is the best Christmas movie. Thank you.


Yo, just letting everyone know this is duckhuntthylacine. I just changed my username (and icon) to match my usually username.

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