
I'm Shy



Moon & Mars: Experiencing Emotions and Expressing Them

Our moon placements speaks to the inner dialogue of how we feel and experience emotions. However, emotional expressions can manifest in our Mars placement when experiencing raw and strong emotions. This creates an interesting dynamic between moon and Mars; the moon can explain the basic instincts when it comes to interpreting feelings while Mars is how we may act it out. 

Below is how these two placements may be portrayed elementally wise when it comes to ones emotional state vs how they may unleash that to the world. 

Fire moon ☽ (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)-

Fire moons experience emotions quickly. Emotions can be like a wave, it hits them hard but can disappear just as quickly as it surfaced. However, when strong emotions come they are okay with experiencing and owning it. Their passionate minds make it easier for them to feel defensive when the ego is under attack. They can be prone to having their emotional state eat up their entire mind if expression is not released. 

+ Fire Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and fire Mars means strong emotions surface fast and are openly expressed. They own what they are feeling and aren’t as concern as how it may come across at first. They are probably the most honest about how they feel even if the execution isn’t ideal.

+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and earth Mars means they take the raw emotions they are feeling and try to make practical use out of it. The energy gained from emotions can be expressive more productively. They may struggle with the contradictions these elements bring because their fire moon calls for impulsivity, but their earth Mars makes them patient with it.

+ Air Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and air Mars means they sit on their emotions before expressing them outwardly. They can take their spontaneous emotions and intellectualize them quicker than others. They are very adaptable to the situation their emotions may have brought them in, but because their fire moons they may need to make damage control a priority. 

+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of fire moon and water Mars means they are well aware with how they are feeling, but don’t want to admit it to others. They are strongly invested with their emotions, but are afraid with how others will view them so expression is passive. However, they are like a boiling pot of water, eventually get them heated enough they will burst. 

Earth moon ☽ (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)-

Earth moons have the tendency to suppress emotions in favor of a more practical view. They aren’t emotionless but may come across stoic or indifferent. They seek stability for themselves and others as well so when that is threaten they may feel the most discomfort with their emotions. It takes a lot for them to be honest with emotions and often only shares them with those deemed worthy enough. 

+ Fire Mars ♂️:  A combination of earth moon and fire Mars means they put their emotions into passion and have a strong drive. They handle pain and hurt with productivity, but it may not apparent to others as to why they are behaving the way they are. They may battle with themselves of holding high standards to itheir emotions while craving the desire of it being shown to others. 

+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of earth moon and earth Mars means they come off as well discipline and hard to sway. This can be intimidating or even inspiring to some. They can have the most control over their emotions and how they are executed. However, they can be the most dishonest about their feelings to themselves and others. 

+ Air Mars ♂️:  A combination of earth moon and Air Mars means they have strong control of emotions and knows how to execute them in a smart and polished way. It takes a lot for them to show aggression and sometimes the way they talk about emotions may seem robotic and rehearsed. Their air Mars allows their more stubborn earth minds to be adaptable in this area as well.

+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of earth moon and water Mars means they struggle being direct with their feelings. They will hold back sharing them and then dance around the truth when it needs to be released. However, it can be scary once tested too far because of how important they take guarding themselves and others they love. 

Air moon ☽ (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)-

Air moons hold emotions to the same standard as oxygen: they know it’s there but they don’t need to really acknowledge its presence. With this standard it can make an air moon feel like they need to intellectualize their emotions so they hold validity. When they actively think about them then it consumes them. Emotional state become unideal when communication is rough with others and they feel others have grown disdain for them.  

+ Fire Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and Fire Mars means the moment their emotions override their control it may be expressed abruptly and unrefined. This can create frustration for them, however they are adept individuals who can get out of the situation they may have created by mistake. They are also skilled in making the outcome desirable for themselves when conflict is resolved. 

+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and earth Mars means they might not communicate all their emotions which could be a good thing cause they say what’s necessary. They have strong filters and are hard to break. They are observant from their air moon which is a resource that the earth Mars utilizes to end tension. 

+ Air Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and air Mars means they come off as more graceful with emotions. They can communicate them to be viewed as attractive so it may be received well. This isn’t without consequence however for they may be the most detached to their emotions. They may think a thousand words, but not all of them will be acknowledged and expressed. 

+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of air moon and water Mars means once the emotions have been analyzed they know how to strategically use them to their advantage. Gaining sympathy is their talent, but they do recognize others feelings. Though this should all be taken account after they are honest with themselves and are brave enough to confront it.

Water moon ☽ (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)-

Water moon experience emotions deeper and can understand the layers and complexity it brings. While their strength is admirable, their weakness is holding emotions in until it becomes too much to handle. This isn’t because they avoid emotions, it is the conflicts they may cause to those around they don’t want. Emotions guide what they would and should do. Emotions becomes too much to handle when they feel they are being treated poorly.  

+ Fire Mars ♂️:  A combination of water moon and fire Mars means they navigate life with emotions more openly. Their fire Mars encourage their water moon to let the floodgate open which can be refreshing and necessary for them. Though the lack of premeditation may cause the results they don’t desire. 

+ Earth Mars ♂️: A combination of water moon and earth Mars means they value comfort and stability in their emotions greatly and when it becomes disturbed is when they will act on it. They don’t want to be seen as uncomposed so they shed their strong emotions through a shakey voice. They have to fight their imagination in these situations in order to prove they are realistic beings. 

+ Air Mars ♂️: A combination of water moon and air Mars means they will hide their emotions until somebody makes them show it. They can manipulate the situation in their favor. On the flip side, an individual who is more developed with these placements may use this power to understand others emotions better. Their air Mars refines what they are thinking before it’s expressed as well. 

+ Water Mars ♂️: A combination of water moon and water Mars means they intuitive with emotions, but struggle with showing the more negative ones. They don’t suppress them they just don’t want them to escalate drama. They be more likely to deal with their emotional state alone because of this. When feelings are expressed to other the result can be the most devastating to see because of how expressive they become. 


My opinion of specific placements

Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion


🌼at the start of getting to know them, they will already tell you what they think YOUR predjudge opinions of them are

🌼like they will do it for you out of fear that you are already doing that (judging them)

🌼so at least they want to be the one in the control and be the first to tell you THEIR faults before you notice them


🌺always some controversial opinions, but will always say after "don't get too offended"

🌺they will only allow you to see a PART of what they do on the daily basis, you might never truly know what their daily routine looks like

🌺they will confuse you a lot with their action, but you'll wonder how is that even possible since they are SO straight-forward otherwise??


🌸ahhh, this one

🌸they never open up emotionally, but that ONE TIME they DO, you better listen to them and be emphatic, otherwise they will remember to not to open up to you emotionally EVER again

🌸AND they will hold a grudge against you. Because now, they got an impression that you are a heartless, mean, cruel person


🌟you will always want to know what does their BAD side look like

🌟because they are always just so nice?? It will be very hard for you to comprehend why are they being so nice all the time

🌟but you'll see them doing something more Scorpio like, something more manipulative and you'll be like "now, I get it"

🌟when they show their no-so-nice side, it's always so low-key about it, you might not even notice it if you don't observe them well

🌟that's why you're under impression that they are just always smiley, nice and agreeable

Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion

🌙🌈✨Astrology Notes✨☄️🌟

*Based on things I’ve noticed about different placements as a Leo sun/Virgo moon/Capricorn rising... these notes may not resonate for everyone but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles baby* MADE BY SONDERASTROLOGY
🧿I see the people I’m close with more as their moon sign with a dash of their sun, almost as if the placements were reversed. This is because the moon sign is sort of hidden at first whereas the sun sign is the core energy. When you befriend or love someone, the moon sign (emotions, mental processes) is slowly uncovered and in my opinion, takes over the general energy of the sun. Of course, all signs, houses, and aspects are important... this is just the way I look at it idk.
🧿Everyone needs a best friend with the same rising sign as your moon sign... they just *get* you.
🧿Also having friends with the same mars sign as you is so important! They can hype you up like no other and vice versa.. your vibes just click.
🧿I’ve noticed that people with opposite sun signs but rising signs in the same element take AMAZING pictures together. For example; A Pisces sun w a Leo rising and a Virgo sun w a Sagittarius rising would make eachother look bomb in photos.
🧿Pisces, cancer, Virgo, and libra placements are proned to being stalked and hit on by weird men... I’ve seen it too many times, protect yourselves!!!
🧿People always tell me that they were intimidated by me at first or even “scared”, and that I give off a bitchy vibe. My placements that indicate this?Capricorn rising (Uranus, Neptune, Lilith in 1st house), Leo venus and Virgo moon in my 8th house, Scorpio MC, Scorpio and Pluto in my 11th house. Other placements that can have this effect: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Earth signs in personal planets/MC/Rising signs. Personal planets aspecting mars, Pluto, saturn, sometimes Neptune, and Lilith. Mars/Aries, Saturn/Capricorn Pluto/Scorpio in the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th house. 8th house placements and Chart Ruler in the 8th, 10th, and maybe 12th house. There’s definitely a whole lot more placements not just these.
🧿Aquarius/Air dominant people (esp mixed with fire) along with an array of other placements I’m sure, have a VERY hard time with forced structure and routine... it brings out their rebellious nature.My best friend from high school is an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon (with an Aries mars), and she DESPISED going to school for 7 hours a day, she just couldn’t do it. She would skip school all the time and eventually enrolled in night school. Same went for my other friend who was a Sag sun Gemini moon, both of them would act TF out in class. They’d fight with teachers, the principle, other students... and I really believe it was due to the forced schedules and the power dynamic between teachers and students in high school. The Aquarius sun person is my best friend today, and she’s one of the smartest people I know. Just because you weren’t “good” at school does NOT mean you aren’t smart. Fuck the system is an air sign BRAND.
🧿I’ve noticed A LOT of Gemini sun, moon, and rising people have light shades of hair... mostly blonde or dirty blonde.
🧿I’ve met 4 people born on the 28th of the month and all of them are incredibly beautiful... no matter what sign. Same goes for July Leo’s although I’ve noticed that they’re more arrogant and self centered than August Leo’s who are more generous and outgoing
🧿Your Jupiter sign can help you work with law of attraction and manifestation more effectively. If you have Jupiter in an air sign, try manifesting things by; writing it down, saying it out loud, visualization, and meditation. If you have Jupiter in a fire sign; manifest under the sun, write out a plan even if it’s unrealistic. If you want money, hold even a penny or a dollar and act as if it’s the amount you want. Act as if everything you want is already yours. If you have Jupiter in an earth sign; manifest while doing yoga or on a walk. Manifest outside or read/listen to positive affirmations. Jupiter in a water sign; manifest using crystals and rocks with guidance from tarot. Manifest through the arts and hobbies; draw what you want or make a song. Something where you can use your creativity. *All of these methods for manifestation are effective for all of the signs I just think that certain ways can help certain signs more*
🧿Based off of people I’ve met, air risings aren’t as friendly and bubbly as you’d think they’d be when you first meet them. Even their vibe seems nervous and closed off at first; standing with arms crossed, shoulders inward, I dont know just sort of shy. Once they open up a bit more then their weird side comes out and they become more goofy and carefree. I think air signs of all placements struggle deeply with anxiety even though they are often portrayed as outgoing and quirky, which they are but a thin viel covers it. No matter what, air placements keep an open mind and I’ve always felt like I could be myself around them.
🧿Libra placements are known for disliking confrontational disputes but I’ve noticed that these are the same people to whisper nasty things under their breathe when you start to walk away from an argument... they have you whip back around like “do you have something to say?!”
🧿I’ve seen this before and imo it’s true! Signs in the 8th house rule addictions... I saw someone post that having a water sign in the 8th house could indicate addictions to liquid, more specifically; caffeine and alcohol. Being addicted to something is in other words creating a bond with it- water signs are naturally bonded with liquid so it makes sense that their prone to being addicted to them. Water signs occupying the 8th house might always drink water or have water with them. Since the 8th house also rules finances to an extent, most of their money might go to coffee, drinks, beach vacations etc. For fire signs over the 8th house, they could be addicted and/or spend a lot of money on smoking, spicy foods, or anything that gives them a rush; rollercoasters, haunted houses, skydiving or even drugs like esctacy/cocaine... anything that gives them that thrill or lights a match in their stomach. Earth signs in the 8th house may be addicted to physical things; money, work, food, looks,... things that give them value or that call on their senses and ego. They could hoard/collect items such as coins, cars, beauty products, etc., or generational items passed down... due to bonding with things that they can bulid/see/show off overtime. They are very attached to the physical because as an earth sign it feeds their ego and value, like a tree growing in soil. Money could mostly go to eating, gambling, plastic surgery, materialistic stuff. They could be addicted to buying things and selling them for a higher price. Air signs occupying the 8th house could point to spending a lot of money on or being addicted to technology or all things ‘relevant’. These individuals might be addicted to their phones/social media and the attention they get from it. These people are always posting stories throughout the day or online shopping or even just browsing different apps. They’re addicted to getting information via books, the internet, and through talking to other people... oftentimes these individuals are very good at making money through the internet (depending on other placements ofc). They may spend a lot of money on books, new gadgets, music, tattoos and puzzles. These people are addicted to all things new! They have a thirst for knowledge and experiences and will seek it out effectively. 🧿When I look at a person’s birth chart, whatever gender, I especially pay close attention to their Mars sign and house. To me, Mars represents the overall energy and vibe a person gives off and the house placement is where it’s most naturally acted out. For example ; Aries Mars in the 6th house. Aries Mars person would give off a hyper, motivated, impulsive energy. Physically this could manifest as shaking their leg while sitting, quick movements,standing/walking instead of sitting down, gives off a more to the point and carefree attitude (keep in mind all of this is affected by many other aspects and placements in a chart). Being in the 6th house, ruling day to day routine, health, how we act at work, etc., this means that the Aries Mars characteristics are more prominent during work and day to day rituals (quicker to learn, effectively performing daily tasks, gets shit done, or they could get into arguments at work easily, constantly rush around, might be stubborn about seeing a doctor/health professional, might be more prone to getting headaches at work or in general) again, depending on the rest of the chart

I loved reading about signs over the 8th house!


Leo risings definitely have an obnoxious laugh, it's not horrible but it can make ur ears feel a typa way ☺😶

#leo #leorisings #astrology #idk😹


The Planets, Elevated


As the Most Elevated indicates a drive to express one’s creative essence and core ego values before the world. This individual will shine amongst their circle of peers. This person’s 15 minutes of fame can extend to a lifetime of fame in one area of life or another. The world is a stage they play on. They were put here on earth to display their creative gifts and talents. They tend to be leaders. Tend to be worshipped. Popular. If the elevated planet is conjunct the Midheaven, this is a strong indicator of celebrity. Martin Luther King had his Sun in Capricorn as the Zenith of his chart. Albert Einstein’s Sun was his most elevated as well.


As the Most Elevated is more inverted than the Sun. Whereas those born with the Sun highest in the chart can feel an urge toward leadership or expressing their egoic and creative impulses in a public way, those with the Moon highest are more often drawn to project their personality or their emotions into the spotlight. Many actors and musicians have this placement. Individuals with the Moon at the Zenith of their chart can become well-known for their nurturing talents. Their emotions. Their moods and the creativity surrounding them. Their temperament and what they create with them/ expressing their emotions to the public can gain them notoriety. The late John Lennon of Beatles fame had his Moon as his most elevated. Academy Award winner, Meryl Streep’s most elevated planet is the moon as well.


As the Most Elevated indicates a native with an urge to project one’s ideas or verbal skills before the world. They will find many ways to get their voices out there or “broadcasted to the public”. The sign the Planet is in indicates how this will be done. This individual will be renowned for their linguistic, mental, and/or intellectual talents. Could become well known for their teaching abilities, writing abilities, communications abilities, or public relation abilities. Writer Sylvia Plath had Mercury in intense Scorpio as the highest planet in her chart.  


As the most elevated indicates a desire to project beauty and/or harmony in some way before the public. Widely desired/admired.  Marilyn Monroe was born with Venus as her highest planet, and she became virtually synonymous with mainstream ideals of beauty. They will be the Models, the creatives, The fashionistas, the person with a “nice girl or nice guy” persona.  This placement often leads to occupations directly or indirectly involved with aesthetics and design. Tom Hanks, widely considered as Hollywood’s nicest leading man [A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, anyone?] has Venus as his most elevated. Marilyn Monroe and David Bowie both did as well.


As the most elevated Indicates a drive to project energy and strength before the world. Muhammed Ali had Mars as his most elevated planet. Ruthless ambition. Renowned undefeated heavyweight champion in boxing. Martial arts ruled his life and where he received the most notoriety. Definitely a feisty placement as well as one that will make the native hard to ignore. This placement indicates a leader. The types to set shit off. The type to be the “boss” in whatever field of work they choose. Spearhead some sort of militant movement. The ‘Gangster” placement. Very often seen in the charts of those who take part in sports. Franklin D. Roosevelt had Mars as his most elevated planet and he was the driving for behind America’s decision to partake in WWII. Founding father of the Mafia Lucky Luciano also had Mars at the zenith of his chart.


As the most elevated Indicates there is confidence about matters of career or dealings with the public. As a result, this is one of the leading chart indicators of popularity and success, as well as general “good luck,”. Global awareness, travel, teaching, and philosophical/spiritual matters will be their forte. The “prophet” or “guru” aspect. Someone who’s calling in life may involve lots of travel or they can be a “citizen of the world”. Angelina Jolie has Jupiter at the highest point in her chart and not only was her film career a huge success, but she also became a bit of a 2nd Mother Teresa, traveling internationally to adopt children, and doing humanitarian work worldwide. There is also an interest in different spiritual teachings [i.e the Cambodian prayer tattoo on her left shoulder blade.]  This is one of the hardest-hitting horoscopic indicators of popularity and success, as well as general “fortune/luck” in life. Basketball heavyweight Michael Jordan has Jupiter at the Zenith of his chart as does Kim Kardashian. This is also an indicator of one who can become famous or well known for their ideas/thoughts on spirituality. If Jupiter is in Virgo, the native can become renowned for their writings on esoteric or spiritual matters.


As the most elevated Like Jupiter, Saturn near the top of one’s chart can show considerable success and prominence in one’s life. But unlike Jupiter, this usually involves far more work and a few tough building blocks along the way. There’s a “late bloomer” quality to the lives of these natives. Many instances, they can experience great struggle in building their career and reputation — that constant ‘between a rock and a hard place”. Yet these people often live to see great rewards and prestige as a result of said hard work. The types to be in inevitable positions of authority in whatever they do but also the types to hold themselves to impossible standards. They must be the best. They will often become well known/ be in positions that involve structure. For example, Queen Elizabeth has this placement, I don’t know a life more structured than the life of a monarch. Spanish artist Picasso was born with Saturn in Taurus as his highest planet; he was subject to enormous criticism regarding his art early on, but eventually found prosperity and fame as a result of his discipline and productivity. Bill Clinton has Saturn at his Zenith and became the leader of the free world. Jazz musician Louis Armstrong rose from an intensely difficult childhood in Louisiana to become a pioneering artist admired by audiences all over the world.


As the most elevated indicates a native who possesses a fiercely independent streak and a desire to pursue uniquely personal or unconventional life paths. The weirdo who becomes famous for being.. well, a weirdo. Needless to say, this generally makes it difficult for these people to adapt to rigid routines and structured environments, and in terms of career, they like to have/need as long a leash as possible. They think outside the box and as a result, can gain prestige for doing just that. The “fuck it I do what I want” aspect. This attitude may make them famous and even admired. Geniuses. Actor Steve McQueen had Uranus in Aries as his highest planet, and virtually became Hollywood’s poster boy for the ‘Rebel’ archetype. He also spent time in reform school as an adolescent. The late great Nipsey Hussle had Uranus at the Zenith of his chart and he lived his life in unapologetic opposition to the law being part of the Rolling 60′s Crip gang. You can see this rebel spirit in many of his songs that went platinum. Many Astronauts including Edgar Mitchell have this placement. Those with Uranus as their most elevated see “beyond”. This also indicates the maverick spirit of innovation. This placement is often connected to technology or the media [remember, Uranus has an ‘electric’ energy to it]. A prime example is Apple computer founder Steve Jobs who had Jupiter and Uranus in conjunction as his highest point.


As the most elevated indicates a spirit of “reaching for the stars”. I see this planet most elevated in the charts of those renowned for their artistic talents. ESPECIALLY in music and the arts. Many actors have this placement, which is fitting considering Neptune is the planet of dreams/fantasy, and actors are paid to pretend to be someone else. Famous for the mask they wear. Powerful spiritual impulses. An inspiring individual. Can become famous/well known for their idealism or the spiritual messages they send out to the world. When well aspected or unafflicted it can indicate an individual who can become revered for their fantastical ideas. Walt Disney’s most elevated planet was Neptune and I feel many of us can agree that his classic works of fantasy shaped our childhoods. His billion-dollar empire still stands today decades after his death. Elevated Neptunian Bruce Lee not only brought martial arts to the attention of thousands but also expounded on its spiritual philosophy in writings and interviews. He even created Jeet Kune Do, a martial art deeply rooted in spirituality, wrote a book about it, too. 44th President Barack Obama has Neptune as his most elevated planet and his campaign slogan “hope” gave many just that during the 2008 election. An affliction to this most elevated planet can still make one very well known but not necessarily for the best reasons.  When afflicted it can be a dangerous placement and one can suffer or make others suffer from fanatical or delusional teachings. Cult leader Jim Jones had Neptune has his most elevated and his spiritual teachings resulted in the death of hundreds of naive and innocent people due to drugged [Neptune] kool-aid.


As the most elevated indicates that an individual’s career or sense of “calling” will be involved with any or all 8th house dealings. Sexuality, death, transformation, secrets, the occult. Megan Fox has Pluto at the highest degree in her chart, though she is a Taurus, her MC is in Scorpio and conjunct her Pluto which is the most elevated. She comes off an undeniable Sex [Plutonic/8th house] symbol. Same for the late great musician Prince, who was very public about sexuality. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia has his Pluto closest to his MC and he was a KGB spy. This is definitely a placement of someone with considerable power. Not one to be underestimated. Capable of covert manipulation and may/can become famous for it. They may also become well known for dealing with dark matters. Jack Kerouac, who celebrated the bohemian “underworld” had his Pluto elevated. Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein became renowned for a book that had to do with a monster made of dead bodies transformed through supernatural means. It is now one of the first books parents will read to their children on Halloween.

Honorable Mentions

There’s been an ongoing discourse about Asteroids/Hypothetical Points being considered “elevated.” It’s a topic of debate within the astrological community. However, if we are to entertain them, this is what they can mean:


As the most elevated indicates a calling in life dealing with healing. Dealing with the pain of others and making things better for them. A teacher that is known for helping others find their way.


As the most elevated indicates an individual feared and admired for their rebellious sexual spirit. The seductress/seducer. The individual can become loved or hated for their ability to put their wily charms on both men and women. Audrey Hepburn had Lilith at the zenith of her chart, quite close to Saturn near the MC.


As the most elevated planet may become famous for their marriages or whom they are married to.


Famous for their devotion or well known for becoming homemakers.


As the most elevated can indicate someone known for their wisdom. How they temper their instincts with discretion.


If you are an astrology blog and have a stellium, reblog this and say what stellium you have so I can make a masterpost of blogs with stelliums 💕


8th house & Aqua


6th house & Sagittarius


11th house



9th house & Sagittarius 💋

Capricorn and 11th house.

4th house , 11th house and Virgo.


1st house and Aries


2nd house and Pisces.

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