

@starker1975 / starker1975.tumblr.com

I’ve only got one job here today, and I gotta impress Mr. Stark.
~ The 1975 Stan ~


Here are links to all my main fics. You can visit ao3 for more!! xx




Can I Keep You (rom howney)




Man it’s literally crazy how I can avoid writing for days and weeks at a time, like I’m scared the word document is going to kill me, and then I finally force myself to work on my WIP and realize I was being ridiculous and that I missed writing. And even crazier, I have this realization over and over and still forget and repeat the behaviour. 😅


Tony Stark in every Starker Fic:

  • "I did it all for you, kid."
  • "What do you want? Tell me, I'll give it to you."
  • "You're my it."
  • "I would let the world burn for you."
  • "I would lay the whole world at your feet, you just have to tell me."
  • "You're the one good thing in my shitty life."
  • "Your safety is my priority."
  • All in all, he's the overprotective, obsessive, possessive, semi-toxic boyfriend-dad.

We love Tony and his "overprotective, obsessive, possessive, semi-toxic" tendencies 🤭


Heavy on the boyfriend-dad. 🎀✨


you ever see a ship you love so much and saying "i ship them" isn't enough. like no you don't understand they give me mental illness

Anonymous asked:

Hii. 💗I hope you had a fantastic birthday!!🎂🎉 Happy belated birthday. I wanted to tell you that your fanfic AFS is great and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.😆

Thank you so much!!! It was one of the better ones tbh!! 🖤🖤🥳

Eek I’m excited to update!! It’s very close to being done, I just have to get my ass in gear and finish it off. 🖤🖤🖤

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