
life update:

marron’s lymphoma that nearly killed her this past summer has relapsed, and i can’t watch her suffer anymore.

this is my last week with her.


Studio Orange didn't have to, there was absolutely no reason to but these are the details that shows love, dedication, and experience.

Vash has proper rein holding; show this to any equestrian you know, they'll be utterly surprised.

Far better than a lot of equestrians I've seen in my 15+ years of horseriding...


My desire need, no seriously, it's started to spill out my sides for a Trigun blog coincided on the same day with wondering what the fuck TOMBI meant XD

Tombi is the title of the opening theme song for Trigun Stampede, and as I sifted through the internet, I doubted the results I was seeing, unsure if my research skills were up to snuff.

UNTIL! I came across this description: In Japan, people call the Black Kite “Tobi” or “Tombi,” and neither is wrong.

The moment I saw the pic, I heard in my head the piercing bird cry from the song. EUREKA! What else could it be!? Mystery solved, right!? I think so. ^^

But I wanted to dig deeper. Why the Tombi? What could the symbolism be here?

On Bird Life International, I turned up an article about the Black Kite by none other than HIH Princess Takamado.

Notable quotes are as follows: "Reviled in Japanese culture and beyond for its scavenging behaviour, the Black Kite is a misunderstood raptor. Find out how its biggest flaws are actually its biggest advantages - both for its own survival, and ours."

"In Nihon Shoki, or the Chronicle of Japan, there is a story of a certain golden-colored Black Kite. It perched at the tip of Emperor Jinmu’s arrow, blinded the eyes of the enemies by emitting light and finally led the emperor to victory. Thus the Black Kite used to be a sacred bird, but has come to assume a negative image - probably since it became dependent on human lives. The bird is able to coexist with human beings only because it is too cautious to us to be tamed. This characteristic may give it even more of a negative image."

Sacred. Dependent. Reviled.

I can't help but connect this symbolism back to Vash through the song title. whispers Also the golden color. pats babygirl's head

Nai accuses him of becoming dependent on human lives in ep 11. And Vash himself repeated what he heard from Rem in ep 9, that plants can't survive without humans.

Look, am I super projecting? Maybe. But that's the whole point. My Trigun ferality has bubbled over to the point of escape XD

TL;DR Vash iz birb


Something caught my attention while watching Vash launching the rock upward in episode 1.

His arm flashes neon green from shoulder to wrist while he's swinging it up; likely, a power surge to assure the rock would have gone in position quickly.

But then, when the shot widens and focuses on him pointing the gun, he has only his right arm raised.

In fact, for a brief moment, you can see him looking down at his left limb, which is kinda flopping dead, like on...cool-down? Sort of?

It seems he waited (or had to wait) some seconds to hold it up again to stabilise the shot.

I wonder if the arm overheated. If it did, boy that would have felt not comfortable on both the nerves and the arm-lock.

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