


수정 | Soojeong | Crystal
21yrs | Univ student in Korea

|| 6 . 2 0 . 1 7 ||

Here’s the journal entry I did yesterday about my trip to a cat cafe~ My friends and I also stopped by Paper Source and I picked up a new washi and a stamp! I got an Amy Tangerine roller stamp as well yee


✨Days 99-100/100 Days of Productivity Challenge!!! ✨

I actually completed the 100 DoP Challenge!! 😳😱😭I’m so proud of myself for not being a lazy ass most of the time. 😂

The tracker by @emmastudies basically saved my ass several times from losing track of where I was in the challenge, so I must thank you, Emma! You’re so amazing, keep doing what you do best! ❤️🤗

🎧Listening to: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy 🎧

Anonymous asked:

You study chemical engineering? Why/how did you decide on that subject? 😊

I like chemistry the most, and honestly I chose engineering because I need to get a job here lmao

Anonymous asked:

I hope this question doesn't seem ignorant or stupid but I wondered as you learn hanja in school how good can you read/understand Chinese/mandarin? Or is it just for idioms? 😊

Most can't read chinese/mandarin and probably only get an idea of what the word means if we recognize a hanja or two haha

Anonymous asked:

The word 수정 itself doesn't mean Crystal. It has to be the Hanja meanings of your name.

The hanja meanings is just the meaning of the name, and even if my name meaning isn't crystal, 수정 translates to crystal.

Anonymous asked:

AAAHH MY NAME IS CRYSTAL TOO!!!! YAAAAHHH :D !! So is Soo-jeong Korean for Crystal?????? Dumb question maybe but just making sure hehe

Yes it is!! :)


I think a big part of what makes procrastination so common is that we underestimate how hard it is to “just get out your books and study.”

I always see tips for not procrastinating, and maybe they are really helpful to people with good self-discipline but I read them and feel worse about myself bc for some reason I had a preconceived idea that I just couldn’t do those things…maybe seeing all those tips and tricks made me believe that studying was an easy task, only suitable for people with the newest stationery, most aesthetic study spaces or prettiest notebooks.

I thought studying was just something i couldn’t do well, like my brain wasn’t built for that. I felt like I was destined to always procrastinate and be a failure.

A big part of getting over procrastination was realizing that studying is one of the most difficult things to do as a student. for procrastinators, it takes a huge amount of effort to stop scrolling through social media and get out books. personally there is a huge fear and anxiety associated with “studying” and it makes my stomach churn and heart race just thinking about it. to get out from the safe space of distractions to facing our fears is immensely difficult.

if you want to study, it takes a LOT of effort to turn off your phone, get out your books & pens and do questions that make you feel dread and anxiety and inadequacy.

it takes a great deal of effort to confront the habitual thoughts in your brain that say “you’re stupid” or “what’s the point” or “this is too hard” or “i’ll never understand this” or “this essay will never be perfect so why even try.” 

it’s immensely difficult to fight your inner perfectionism, denial, avoidance, making excuses, or feelings of inadequacy as they are deeply ingrained defense mechanisms all created to avoid studying.

for some people like me these voices are even louder because they’ve procrastinated so much that there’s an overwhelmingly huge pile of studying they need to catch up on.

People regard studying as some sort of common thing that “anyone knows how to do.” but it’s actually a difficult skill that needs to be learned and practiced, like learning a musical instrument. you wouldn’t give up on that if you weren’t good after 2 days, why feel the same about studying?

but like any difficult task it is 100% possible and it will be worth it, you might even enjoy studying after a while. I promise that it will be freaking uncomfortable and stressful and terrifying at first to face your fear of studying. you might feel sick and every inch of you wants to procrastinate. But try to force yourself to study on a routine for maybe 3 weeks and it will get easier I promise. I’m trying to do that right now and you should too, I believe in you.

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