

@rkhyeon-blog / rkhyeon-blog.tumblr.com

lee hohyeon . 17 . SOPA

. drop notice

this is a general announcement to let you know i have requested to drop hohyeon here. i love the kid, but i just don't have the time for two characters and getting threads and keeping muse constant for him has just been pretty hard. so i think it's best if i let him go and just focus on donghyun for the time being. but he has been a joy to handle over the past year+ and i want to thank everyone who has taken the time to plot and thread with him during the time i have handled him. but, for now, this is the end of the line for lee hohyeon. 

thank you.

[ ✉  → クールな弟 ] →  why are you so mean to me?  ༼☯﹏☯༽ → but i’m not talented though! → kt just made a mistake or something. they’ll phone back in a minute and take back the offer → why would anyone ever want to sign me? → i can’t do it.  

{ sms to  ✉  skater boy }

- i do it because i care - yes 😒 you 😒 are - how many do i got to tell you you’re talented? - they want to sign you because you’ll be a great idol some day - yes you can. and you will - because remember, i will beat you up

[ ✉  → クールな弟 ] → (T⌓T)   (T⌓T)   (T⌓T)   → don’t beat me up  ༼☯﹏☯༽ → but i’m not the one who wants to be an idol, you are  → i’m just going to mess everything up. i can’t be a trainee → (ಥ﹏ಥ)

{ sms to  ✉  skater boy }

- okay, i won’t beat you up - but listen here you little shit - believe in yourself a little more. you are a super talented kid and even kt can see that - do you think they want to sign you for no reason? - just have a little bit of self confidence. you can do this. 

[ ✉  → クールな弟 ] → hohyeon the worst thing happened (T⌓T) → kt just phoned… → they offered me a contract  →  what do i do???? (⋟﹏⋞)

{ sms to  ✉  skater boy }

- OH MY GOD HARU!!!! - okay it’s really easy - what you do is GO TO KT AND SIGN THAT GODDAMN CONTRACT - because if you don’t, I WILL COME TO UR HOUSE AND BEAT U UP FOR BEING A DUMMY😤😤😤 -  you’re going to kill it, though 💕 - i’m a proud hyung 😊😊😊


✿ Bad Decisions ✿



tw: underaged drinking
taking her time to take her shoes off as well she eventually trotted after him, scanning the apartment for any sign that kiwi may be coming home earlier than she had calculated. knowing her brother well enough, the student council president could easily calculate the unlikeliness of her plan failing however.
getting into the kitchen it was her turn to roll her eyes, hand on her hips as she stood in the doorway and looked back at him. I’m not too keen on sharing any kind of germs with you. so yes, glasses would be preferred. 
lily watched him struggle to follow her description for only a few seconds longer before she was moving again, crossing the distance to the right cabinet and taking two shot glasses our of it. how about we try these? you’re supposed to drink soju from shot glasses, right?

tw: underage drinking

hohyeon really didn’t see the bi deal in sharing from the same bottle. so, he simply scoffed as she said she was worried about sharing germs of all things. “i’m not contagious or anything,” he almost wasn’t sure if he should be offended by the fact she was completely unwilling just to drink from the same bottle as him. it was not like he was ill or had some sort of bug or cooties or anything. but he wasn’t in the mood to argue about it, just rolling his eyes as he had his back to her so she wouldn’t be able to to complain about it. 

but, apparently, he was being slow in finding the correct glasses and, before he knew it, she was next to him pulling them out of the cupboard. “i would have gotten there eventually,” he muttered as he gave her a look, “someone is a little impatient, huh?” and he thought he had been anxious earlier. clearly she wasn’t willing to take this slow or anything. 

“i don’t really care, so long as it holds liquid and i can drink out of it, then it works,” he really didn’t know why she was making a big deal of drinking from a glass or not. in the end, it wouldn’t even matter. 


✿ Undercover ✿



a person as temperamental as hyeon really was a challenge for the rational student council president to deal with. not even so much as a word of reconciliation from his part in return made it hard for lily to not snap at him again. instead she rose herself, brushing her hair back over her shoulder and tugging her work out clothes back into place.
at his inquiry she couldn’t help but roll her eyes however. “I care about you. we’re not friends but we’re also not strangers. it’s only natural for me to worry, isn’t it?” raising a brow towards his general direction she reached for her phone to start the music up again, determined to close this conversation instead of wasting more time arguing with him solely cause he was in a sore mood.
trying to remember the moves they had just studied, lily tested out moving accordingly, monitoring her movements in the mirror to ensure they actually looked the same, for now not caring if hyeon would follow along or not.

hyeon just really couldn’t help but be incredibly confused. why did she worry about him when she had just said themselves that they weren’t friends? because he certainly wouldn’t extend the same worry if he thought she was upset about something. the most likely thing he would do would to avoid her until the upset feeling had passed or simply tell her to ‘get over it’. 

“uh, not really, no,” well, he didn’t know the rest of the world, but it certainly wasn’t normal for him to care about people you didn’t really consider friends. but he supposed that there were actually people out there who cared deeply about strangers and would try and comfort them or make them feel better if they were down despite not even knowing who they were. it was just, hohyeon was not one of those people and he really didn’t appreciate people feeling sorry for him. that just made him feel worse than before. 

he just turned his eyes to the large mirror in front of them, mostly focusing on what he was doing and letting lily do her own thing. not really the best method when they were supposed to be doing this together, but he was not in the mood to care about what she might be doing wrong right about then. 


✿ Bad Decisions ✿



tw: mention of underaged drinking
despite her manners a cocky smirk widens over lily’s features. there was no use to keep the proper girl facade up now that she was already committed to the crime and this guy was her partner. opening the door she let the handle fall from her fingers with a slight shove, wrist bending for dramatic effect.
after you, dear sir, she mocks but does wait for him to head in first if only to do a double check on their surroundings before heading inside herself. a glance across the place made her exhale a sigh. there was something about her brother’s place which made her feel oddly at ease and a lot more at home than her own room.
soon, she calms herself. soon she will move out and be her own person once university starts. the kitchen is to your left. glasses are in the cabinet left above the stove.

tw: underage drinking

now they had actually reached a secluded place, which even included a couch and a tv to boot, hyeon was feeling a lot more relaxed about the whole thing. it was less likely they were ever going to be caught here, however, lily could end up being wrong and they could be interrupted by her brother. and he couldn’t say how he was going to react seeing as he had never met the guy before. 

when lily offered for him to go and first and called him a ‘dear sir’, hohyeon just rolled his eyes rather dramatically at her, but didn’t say anything about it as he walked through the door. and, of course, kicked off his shoes and left them by the door before going any further. it would simply be rude to track mud into this guy’s house and cause a mess. 

“you want to drink from a glass? what’s wrong with drinking from the bottle? so high class of you,” he was mostly joking as he wandered into the kitchen, still trying to find the correct cupboard in question to grab a couple of glasses for them. 


✿ Undercover ✿



hyeon was still a mystery to her at times. despite the two of them seemingly always bickering and always arguing from different point of views, at the end of the day it seemed that both had the same key-components that made them find to a common ground at the end of the day. both of them were diligent and dedicated to their work and both of them were ambitious and goal orientated. she understood as much about him at this point.
so before snapping at him another time she re-considered his words and realized that her own bitterness had seeped into her words. at least hyeon had had the chance to try out for the global auditions whereas lily had been blocked by her parents and their agreement again. chewing on her lip she thus lowered her gaze and exhaled a heavy sigh. alright. I apologize for snapping back at you, she admitted, legs folded beneath her and hands folded in her lap.
I do worry about you though. not because of the project but because I value you as a person. I will respect your boundaries though. so let us just get back to studying the choreography? attempting to reconcile despite still being slightly frustrated with his attitude, lily sets up the laptop again, ready to play their reference video again.

the only thing hohyeon was worried about was just getting this cover out already. it had been months in the planning and it was about time they all came together and actually put in the work to get it done so he could post it. the last thing he wanted to be thinking about was his stinking time on the mgas and how that had turned out for him. life would simply be better if people forgot he was even on that show and never brought it up again. 

“good,” was all he muttered when lily eventually apologized to him for snapping. though he didn’t really mind about that, he was more hurt by the fact she had even brought up why he might be in a bad mood and not concentrating. it was not like they were friends or anything. at this point, they were more like acquaintances who simply somehow managed to put up with each other without wanting to kill each other. at least, that is how hohyeon saw her, not sure if lily agreed with that statement or not. 

“value me as a person,” he repeated, blinking a little at the phrase as he stood and watched the girl for a moment, “what on earth are you going about there?” 

lee hohyeon song: grace - zombie high (0:05-1:35) skills: rapping & dancing

if anyone were to ask how he was feeling, he wouldn’t be able to tell you. the whole thing still seemed so surreal. it was absolutely maddening to think that companies could be watching his youtube channel, that they had stumbled across it and decided that: ‘hey, this kid might make a good trainee’. it sounded like something that happened to other people, not to him. and yet, there he was on the sunday for his scheduled audition, having to do something at the weekend to avoid clashing with school. though he supposed he could have very easily done something after school or simply skipped to go and do an audition, but part of him didn’t want to wait that long. and also he didn’t really want to miss his lessons or do anything nerve wracking after a long day.

On November 1st, your phone receives a notification about a new email. The sender is the account of a man you do not know, and he introduces himself as an employee of Sphere Entertainment. “We saw the recent video cover you posted on YouTube and think you may fit the profile we’re looking for.” He tells you to phone a given number in case you’re interested in a private audition for Sphere Entertainment. In case you search for his name, all the information given seem to check out, and the phone number is the same one as the one listed on Sphere’s official website. “I believe you have the potential to grow in our company.”

hyeon felt the phone vibrating in his pocket in the middle of his class, so he supposed it was a good thing he was hiding at the back. keeping his eyes on the teacher just to make sure he wasn’t looking, it was easy enough to slip his phone out under the desk, unlocking it with a quick swipe to look at what was there. an e-mail, nothing interesting there. 


❛ switching sides

he did often wonder what it would actually be like to be an older siblings to someone. most of his life he was used to being babied around by people, often finding himself to be younger than everyone else around him. even back in his old dance troupe in tokyo he was the baby. just once he wanted the chance to be older. not that he thought he would be as annoying as hohyeon was currently being, but it would still be nice to act older than someone. heck, he would think he would actually be a pretty good older brother to a younger sibling. but he supposed he would never have the chance. that was, unless his new step-father got any ideas. 
“well, it’s not fun for me,” he simply huffed, narrowing his eyes at the  boy currently wearing his school uniform. why would he enjoy being messed with and pushed around and treated like a child? sure he was actually a child, but hohyeon was hardly much older. apparently, turning seventeen was getting to his head or something. “commemorate what? you wearing my uniform?” he didn’t particularly want to be here right now, so wasn’t all too fond of the idea of getting a picture so he had to remember it for a long time. and his eyes only narrowed further when hyeon switched over to korean. haruto hated when he did that. “no, i’ll stop being difficult when you stop being difficult,” he pointedly responded, deciding to keep up with the japanese. he knew hohyeon could understand him anyway and he simply didn’t feel like speaking korean. 

“it’s not supposed to be fun for you, silly,” he had enough of talking japanese, deciding just to stick with the korean because he found it easier. and maybe it would actually coax haruto into speaking some as well. unless he chose just to continue replying in japanese, that would probably get some weird looks if anyone happened to overhear the current conversation. “if it’s fun for you, then i’m clearly doing something wrong.” teasing a younger sibling wasn’t supposed to be fun for the sibling, it was sort of the point. “and we need to commemorate out friendship, coming to this event. i’m hardly being difficult. i’m not even asking for much. it’s a picture.” just a simple picture and then maybe he would let haruto go on being a grumpy child. 

but he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, holding tightly onto the younger boy’s wrist with a hand as he led him towards the photobooth and basically shoved him inside. “now, was that so hard?” well, it actually had been to drag the younger boy along by the wrist, but now they were inside the photobooth. but hyeon supposed that actually taking the picture was going to be the harder part, giving the younger boy a stern look for a moment, deciding to switch back over to japanese just for one comment, “smile for a picture or i will make you life a living hell. okay?”


❛ switching sides

one of these days, haruto was actually going to say no to hohyeon and his, frankly, stupid ideas. one of these days, just not today. because it was a little late to change his mind seeing as he was already wearing the older boy’s uniform and they were already here. but just because he hadn’t come to his senses about how completely dumb this was a little sooner didn’t meant that he was going to be happy about this. he was sure he could come up with a cooler outfit than this, something that was actually in the spirit of halloween and not a joke many people were going to get. haruto honestly didn’t want to think about how many people were going to call him ‘hohyeon’ that evening. because, if they didn’t know who he really was, what reason would they have to think he was wearing someone else’s uniform. 
shut up,” he muttered, anxiously fiddling with the uniform a little. wearing it still felt strange, and while he would love to go sopa next year, either that on hanlim, he did have to wonder if he was good enough. he certainly didn’t think so, especially with the awkward language problem he was still refusing to fix completely. but, next thing he was aware of, hohyeon had an arm over his shoulders and was guiding him towards the photo booth. “we don’t need a picture,” he was rather quick to complain, trying to wiggle his way out of the older  boy’s grip. 

hohyeon really didn’t know why he enjoyed pushing the younger boy around like this. maybe it was because it was a chance to actually act like the older for a change, haruto was sort of like the little brother he never had, so hyeon was just acting like a typical big brother. sometimes he did want a younger sibling, or any sibling, really. being an only child with a single obviously struggling mother was hard. then again, he doubted that his mother would be able to look after two kids, so maybe it was better if he didn’t have any actual siblings. but it was alright, he had haruto to bother and boss around and that was good enough for him. 

“no,” he teased with a small grin, “it’s just so fun to mess with you, haru.” though he wasn’t doing it to be mean, he was doing it because he very obviously cared about the boy and felt as though he needed protecting. “yes we do, we need to commemorate this,” and nothing was going to change his mind, keeping his grip on the younger boy quite tight as he pushed him towards the photo booth, deciding to switch over to korean again to make his next point, “stop being difficult and take a picture with your hyung.” he would amuse the boy and speak in japanese to make him comfortable, but haruto really did need to use korean more if he ever wanted to get anywhere in this country. 


❛ switching sides

attending zombie night with @rkhyeon
haruto still didn’t like this, scowling the whole time he awkwardly walked besides hohyeon. it felt weird to be wearing a sopa uniform, especially one which didn’t have his name on it, wrinkling his nose as he glanced down at the name badge, reading the korean writing of ‘lee hohyeon’ upside down. because it was hyeon’s uniform, just as how the older boy was currently wearing haruto’s own school uniform. and that was their costumes. they had decided to go as each other and haruto still felt the whole idea was incredibly stupid. at least they were around the same height so the uniform fit. 
this is dumb, we should have come as something else,” he was huffed in japanese, side eyeing the boy striding a lot more casually beside him, “people think we haven’t dressed up or anything.” they simply looked like two school kids coming after a late night study session or something. and he didn’t like people thinking that, the whole point of this was to dress up, it was halloween, and there he was looking like he hadn’t even bothered. this was all hohyeon’s fault, haruto should really stop letting the other boy talk him into stuff like this. at least wearing this uniform he looked like the older one out of the two, but that was really the only benefit. 

hohyeon had some rather brilliant ideas sometimes, though he was quite sure the younger japanese male next to him would somewhat disagree with him. but, this particular idea was genius and nothing haruto said was going to change his mind about that. who else was going to come up with the idea to come as their friend and vice-versa? well, he supposed that someone else might have happened to have the same idea as him, but it was unlikely. so he was smiling, hands shoved into the pockets of his trousers as he wandered around in haruto’s middle school uniform, and he really couldn’t help but smirk a little as he glanced over at haruto wearing the bright yellow of sopa. 

“don’t be like that, sopa suits you,”  and maybe one more year and the younger boy would be joining him in those halls. hyeon certainly thought the other boy was talented enough to make it. but he wasn’t going to stand for haruto being so grumpy about the whole thing, leaning over to lazily sling an arm around the boy’s shoulders, steering him forward, “come on, we need a picture.” 


✿ Bad Decisions ✿



tw: mention of underaged drinking
lily rolled her eyes at his worries. for someone who mindlessly judges people based on their origin he sure knew how to develop a healthy amount of doubts. even if said doubts were completely uncalled for. “you absolutely are. did anyone ever tell you that lying isn’t your strongest suit? voice mocking she exhaled a sigh and picked up her step now that she had a goal in mind.
and you honestly worry too much. a healthy amount of worry is good of course but reason and logic is on our side here. the bag isn’t that see, through. the labels are obscured, so calm down. if you really worry this much then walk faster. my brother is almost only ever home to sleep so there is a 98% chance he won’t be there. furthermore he was performing at this event as well. I’m sure he left with his friends to catch a drink. now come on.
leaving him little room to object the rebel stalks off, hurrying all the way to her brother’s place. once there lily rings the bell just to be certain her brother truly wasn’t home and then reaches for the spare key when there is no answer from inside. see? told you so.

tw: underage drinking

“i am a great liar, actually,” he was rather quick to lie, playing it off with a small scowl at the girl he was currently walking next to. hyeon really did like to believe that he was a good liar and could get away with anything, but the truth of the matter was that he did get pretty bad at it when he was anxious about something. and currently, he was incredibly anxious about the both of them getting caught wandering around with alcohol with the intent to consume it. they could get into trouble for this. serious trouble. 

the girl’s logic sounded fair enough, though hyeon still couldn’t help but steal a glance towards the bag just to double check that everything was actually alright. though he was still sure they could easily be caught, the boy tried to calm himself down with a long drawn out breath, shaking his head just a little. “they might be drinking at his place, ever think about that?” walking in on her brother would be bad enough, but walking in on him and all of his drunk friends as well? he would rather avoid that. 

though when they did arrive and lily run the doorbell, hohyeon was ready to make a run for it if her brother did open the door. but, nothing happened and he scowled. he didn’t like not being right about something, “whatever.” 

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