
Big fan of .hack so of course I'm on the discord! One artist is making a comic that takes place at the end of GU and I absolutely love it! So of course when I found out her birthday is in the same month as me (20 days after mine :O) I HAD to write a one-shot to celebrate!

Ryou/Chigusa in case you haven't read the comics. And that's okay! I added a link to her Tumblr and comic masterwork in the story too so you can read it! You should because she puts a lot of work into it and it's really good!

@dokidokimaster I'm tagging her too for yall :D

YIPPEEEEE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! EVERYONE CHECK THIS OUT! it's a big chungus wholesome RyouChigusa date fanfic. food for the soul <3

Anonymous asked:

gave the promise card to atoli

good work soldier


Over the next year, CC2 is going to release Birthday merch with new art for each Epitaph User. I'm turning it into a fun drawing exercise as each character's birthday comes around! November 8 is Kuhn's, so here he is! You can buy his merch online (international shipping available) here!

Anonymous asked:

i just realized haseo never reached the 20s in levels to change form before being placed in 3rd form and becoming a pkk

Is this about what happened in Roots? I think it had to do with the Forest of Pain event but ngl I only watched the second half of Roots once years ago and I never wish to see it again LOL

Anonymous asked:

any tips for new .hack//gu players?

send every greeting card you unlock to Atoli

Anonymous asked:

will we eventually see a reunion of haseo and tsukasa?

I have one in mind, but it would be EXTREMELY late in the story, as kind of a final resolution to that plot thread. I can't say whether I'll get that far before burning out on the project, but that's the current plan!


Parts 5 and 6 (out of 9) for Chapter 4 of my .Hack//G.U. Comic Series! We're taking an Atoli Detour before going back to Haseo's side! This will all make sense in the end!!!

Chapter 4 Links: Parts 1+2, Parts 3+4, Parts 7+8, Part 9

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