
Just a Potato Girl


Header by my roomate

Me: Here let me help you lift that so I don’t feel useless.

Friend: Hey, never say you’re worthless.

Me: I didn’t say worthless, I said useless. I have a great deal of worth, just very little use. Like a beautiful vase.

Anonymous asked:

Why do you need your earbuds to have a wire so badly?

I am assuming this is about a post I reblogged like six months ago when I went off on forced technological enshitification and the slow erosion of consumer options. But sure, I'll bite.

Why do I "need" my earbuds to have a wire? I dunno, Anon, maybe I:

  • Don't want to have to worry about recharging my earbuds.
  • Don't want my earbuds to be even easier to lose.
  • Don't want my earbuds to need separate accessories that are as easy to lose as the earbuds.
  • Prefer to have bluetooth turned off on my devices for security and safety reasons.
  • Like being able to seamlessly plug my earbuds into my computer, my MP3 player, or any other device with a headphone jack.
  • Don't want to spend 50 dollars on decent wireless earbuds when I can do all the above things with a pair of solid earbuds that cost me like $12 during the Obama administration.
  • Don't care about what kinds of headphones or earbuds people wear but don't like what it says about our society when other people apparently care what kind of earbuds I'm wearing so much they have send an Anonymous ask to interrogate me about it.

And I guess, more abstractly, because fuck Apple. That's why.


I’m not a classicist, but I suspect one of the reasons so many of the Greek gods are portrayed so unflatteringly was less because they were seen as villains than because they represented their domains.  Of course Zeus sometimes misuses his power, that’s what a king does.  Of course Artemis’s wrath is wild and painful, that’s what nature can be.  Of course Hades snatched away a young girl from her mother’s arms, that’s what death does.  This is one of the reasons callout posts for some gods comparing them negatively to ‘nicer’ gods are kind of missing the point.

as someone who is partially a classicist, this is a better analysis of Greek mythology as a whole than 99.95% of the takes I’ve seen on here (and a substantial number of the takes I’ve seen in ~academia~)


I am always disarmed realizing that I have an impact in somebody else’s life. You laughed bc of me?? Smiled bc of me???? Was happy bc of me???? I exist and I have a bearing on how you feel and I’ve evoked positive emotions in you???? Truly wild to me


Observation #1: The prefix "a-" means "none", such as in "asexual", "apolitical" and "Atheism".

Observation: The word "unicorn" is a combination of "uni", meaning "one", and "cornus", meaning "horn".


This is an acorn.

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