

@letliv3 / letliv3.tumblr.com

Here is where I flail about Naruto and sometimes write about it

Do not forget it was Arizona's Indigenous tribes that pulled through and turned the state blue. They didn't *have* to participate in a government that colonized them and oppressed them for centuries. But they did anyway. Thank them.


**Two Senate runoff elections in Georgia means WE CAN STILL TAKE BACK THE SENATE!**


**It’s a long shot, but if Democrats win both seats, the Senate will be 50-50.**

If you live in Georgia, go to votesaveamerica.com/register to register to vote if you haven’t already. Then remind three friends to register or check their registration and VOTE AGAIN! The special election for both seats will be on January 5th. 

Everyone else, get ready to organize/volunteer/call every single voter in Georgia! Let’s take back the Senate!


hi my name is destiel nevada putin elec’tion covid way and i have long ebony black hair


this is it. this is peak meme. do you have any idea the specific culmination of absurd and unlikely events that needed to happen in order for this one single awful sentence to live comfortably, no, effortlessly within the general populace of human comprehension?

it's beautiful. it's hideous. it's everything.


seeing people actually saying ‘don’t mock trump supporters, some are your friends’ like….no they’re fucking not, i promise you that.

democrats with no spine: Stop mocking trump supporters…have some sympathy…some of these people are your friends .



yeah there’s a lot of work we still need to do but i am literally begging y’all to let people celebrate. let us just have one day of happiness before we return to the grime truth of reality

Defeating an incumbent president is hard. Getting people to participate in politics when it’s just been hopeless chaos and noise for the last four years is hard. Getting out the vote when you can’t campaign door-to-door and relying on a newly widespread voting form across the country instead of in-person voting is hard. Voting when an entire political party in the country has committed themselves to making it difficult or impossible for certain groups to vote is hard. Defeating a president who has an entire propaganda media machine behind him with no obligation to the truth or decency is hard

All the caveats apply - it was closer than it should have been, this win is not joe biden’s but the hundreds of thousands of grassroots organizers who worked tirelesly, there is still work to be done on the georgia senate race run offs, joe biden being a democrat doesn’t mean he is perfect nor exempt from criticism, etc etc etc etc. 

But this victory is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. And it’s NOT A GIVEN. People across this country worked very, very, very hard for today. Our problems will not all be fixed tomorrow, or when biden is sworn in in january - but the united states of america is a brighter, safer place today than it was yesterday or the day before. This is a big fucking deal. And we should be allowed to take a moment to BREATHE and experience it. 


i know all eyes are on the presidential candidates for this election, and rightfully so, but some very wonderful and important things are happening statewide that should be celebrated and highlighted, so here’s a few:

  • Florida passed Amendment 2, which will raise minimum wage to $15/hour by 2026
  • South Dakota, Montana, Arizona and New Jersey both passed an Amendment that legalized marijuana 
  • Utah will now be removing gendered language in the Utah Constitution and will replace it with gender-neutral language
  • California passed Prop 17, which restores voting rights to previously imprisoned citizens
  • Delaware elected the first ever openly trans state senator
  • Ritchie Torres and Mondaire Jones are the first ever openly gay black members of congress
  • Cori Bush is the first ever woman of color to win a seat in Congress in Missouri
  • Mauree Turner became the first non-binary state lawmaker in America and the first Muslim member of the Oklahoma state house
  • Oregon has become the first state to decriminalize all drugs
  • Kim Jackson is the first out LGBTQ+ state senator in Georgia

i dont understand this at all and america scares the fuck out of me

This is the america they don’t want you to see

i love america

This is what you call Waffle House at 2 am when the bars close and everyone is drunk and hungry

*group of people having fun* this site: wtf this is so scary

People having safe fun at a waffle house is scary for most Tumblr bloggers, reports say.

Some context for those not familiar with Waffle House Culture: 

  • Waffle House is one of the few chains in America that’s open 24/7/365, and where you can get both breakfast and lunch/dinner options at any time (I have had so many Breakfast Cheeseburgers at Waffle Houses). The food is really good, and people eat there at all times of the day or night, but it’s particularly popular as a late-night post-drinking spot because it’s all that’s open and it’s the kind of food that tastes especially good when you’re hammered.
  • Part of Waffle House Protocol is that all the servers and cooks greet every single customer as they come through the door. It sounds lame, but I’ve never been to a Waffle House where that greeting didn’t feel completely heartfelt. My mom is a health nut who could barely find anything on the menu she was willing to eat and yet she describes the Christmas Day lunch we had there one year as one of the nicest meals she’s ever had because everyone was so warm and welcoming. That sense of camaraderie gets turned up to 11, of course, at 2 a.m. when everyone’s shitfaced.
  • The jukeboxes have Waffle-House-themed songs on them (once you have heard “Raisins in my Toast” you will be earwormed forever) and there is an arcane system of hash brown ordering: scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, topped, diced, peppered, and/or capped. The hot sauce bottles say “Casa de Waffle.” 
  • Once, in Oxford (UK), my husband and I walked past a kebab van very late one night and he said “why do I smell Waffle House”
  • The location of most Waffle Houses means there’s some… classism that tends to get tied up with Anti-Waffle House Discourse, which is probably lending itself, in part, to this being such a fraught topic. (I’m looking at a map and apparently I was born and raised right in the middle of the Peak Waffle House Density Zone)
  • It is, in the words of chef Anthony Bourdain, “indeed marvelous— an irony-free zone where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts; where everybody regardless of race, creed, color or degree of inebriation is welcomed.”

We’re not even gonna mention FEMA’s Waffle House Index where they determine how bad a natural disaster is by calling the local Waffle House to see if they’re open?


There are characters you like but then there are characters you end up thinking about in the middle of the night with a cosmic ache in your chest because they resonate with you so much


a guy at my work said telling your wife/gf that they’re the most beautiful woman in the world to you is just “something you say” and i almost went apeshit. imagine not genuinely believing the woman you’re supposed to love is a work of art. fucking weak. dare i even say pathetic.

he told me this in a very obnoxious wink wink nudge nudge sort of way too like we were sharing an inside joke and got annoyed when i was like “I don’t just say that because i think I’m supposed to mark. i really feel that way about the women i love.” like lol imagine thinking my lesbian ass is gonna co-sign your toxic straight boy bullshit attitude

oh what’s that mark? you lie about how you feel to the women in your life to emotionally manipulate them into staying with you until you feel like moving on? and you think this is normal and not something that’s gonna make me want to beat you with my clipboard? is that what you think you shitty little egg man?


Don’t leave out any hard of hearing children who come to your door this Halloween, take a minute out of your day to learn a few seasonal asl signs!  These are two different variations of “Happy Halloween” Click here for my source.

halloween is for everyone!!!!!!

this is honestly the cutest thing ever 10/10 will do this year💗💗

And here are the British Sign Language versions. (I love the BLS sign for Halloween. It’s so cute.) 

Deaf inclusion for every holiday!

Love this! I also posted a video the other day of different signs from about 90+ countries for “Happy Halloween” :)

Two years ago, I had a Deaf girl show up in my drivethru on Halloween. Her mom was kind of sad when I tried to offer the girl candy, and you could tell it’d been a rough night. I asked her to get the girl’s attention, and then signed to her the way I learned from those top gifs. She started laughing and clapping her hands at once, and when I held out the bowl of candy she was DELIGHTED. I think there’s a very serious possibility I was the only person all night who was able to share with her that way.

It matters. Learn.

IT MATTERS. ASL is the THIRD most used language in the US yet most schools don’t offer it as a language course.

If you are at all interested, even in self-study online, check out www.lifeprint.com. It’s free and an absolutely marvelous program.


I tried to learn how to sign Trick or Treat so I could teach it to my severe non verbal ASD Daughter, but no one knew how to sign it. If anyone can post it, that would be awesome


I like ASLMeredith because she’s thorough and amazing! I wasn’t sure @grlnxtdr30 if it’s ASL you’re searching for or another country’s though. If so, there’s several words here. Also search her on YouTube, she had so many intro to ASL videos. She takes her time and I think your daughter will enjoy them.

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