
Incorrect Inkworld Quotes

@incorrect-inkworld-quotes / incorrect-inkworld-quotes.tumblr.com

incorrect quotes featuring characters of the Inkworld and Mirrorworld submissions & rules

Here comes the prompt calender for Inkworld Appreciation Week 2024! 

25.05.: Words of Comfort | Animals

26.05.: Dancing Through the Night | Slice of Life

27.05.: Lost Between Pages | Misfortune

28.05.: Deep in the Woods | Trust

29.05.: Another Fire | Shadows

30.05.: A Kind of Magic | Revenge

31.05.: The Story's End | Acceptance | Wildcard

Please take a look at the event rules. Remember to use the tag #inkworld appreciation week 2024 or directly tag @inkworld-appreciation-week. You can also post your fanworks to the collection on Ao3. If you have any questions regarding the event, please reach out to me.  I'm so excited to see what you will create! : )


Alright so, Inkfam has decided to organise our own Inktober since most of us missed the first one. Here's a list of prompts we came up with.

Rules to follow are the same as regular Inktober would have with a few adjustments.

  • You are not limited to only drawing, all kind of art is welcome. Be it a one-shot story or digital artwork it's all good.
  • Posting every prompt on end is not mandatory, the important thing is to have fun.

Feel free to reach out to me on here or our inkfam discord for any questions. :)

Anonymous asked:

Do you know of anymore blogs that post Inkheart content?

Check out this post! : D It's a bit old by now, but still great for finding Inkheart blogs.

There's also takahero and kyra7, who both like Basta a lot, if that's for you?

lonnson and painted-fanbird have recently posted some nice fanart, too, so maybe you'd like to follow them?


i post inkheart stuff sometimes???

dont do art or anything... but...

:( ...

No, no, no, don't be sorry, I was absolutely hoping that people would add to this! : )

@inkworld-mirrorworld, @inkweaver, @incorrect-inkworld-quotes, @firejugglinghobo is dustfinger rp blog, @schleierkauz, @c4p7ch4 has recently made basta's character analysis, @bluejayfiredancer etc


Okay. So.

I learned from a random tiktok that the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke will get a fourth book in 2023 (at least in German, idk about other languages). (Which itself is… uhhh,,, idk didn’t have time to think about it).

They also announced that because of the fourth book, the whole series will be re-released with a new cover.

Here is how the current covers are looking:

(Correction: apparently mine are very old and in the current version the first one is red, the second green and the third one I have is the current one. But the differences are minor and I’m too lazy to search them up in the internet)

They are beautiful and classy and carry a very fantasy-esque vibe with them that fits the actual story perfectly.

This is how the new books will look like:

This… this is a war crime. I should be protected from this under the Geneva convention laws.

I already thought the current American covers are so damn ugly that I would never pick them up unless you put a gun to my head. (Sorry not sorry those are an atrocity.)

BUT THIS. Why are they just random primarily colors? What are the random scribbles? Why those the unicorn have a septum piercing?

I hate it so much I could literally cry. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover but I KNOW that I love the books and wouldn’t pick them up in a bookstore. How am I supposed to recommend these books when they look like this?

Even without the frankly ridiculous amount of nostalgia I have for the books and the original covers these are just UGLY.

My mum even suggested I should write a letter to Cornelia Funke and tell her that it’s a bad idea. (Thanks mom, I’m sure that will work…)

26€ for a book no one wanted and it’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. An insult to all books I own.

Anyway. Just needed to rant


It’s probably obvious from looking at my blog that I’m entirely pro-TCoR. I trust Cornelia too much to not be into the idea of it.

That said.


excuse me HELP?! why are the first two books matching just the same two colours? and the third and fourth are different? also why does it look like modern street art, those doodles on book 3 are killing me?! this isn't even worth the sprayed edges. also the fox (?) on book four pops way too much and doesn't match the first three books either which defies the purpose. this would match maybe some urban fantasy? idk? but this does not match the tone and aesthetic of the story at all, those covers simply do not match, where is the book binding art in this i am going mad i don't understand

First of all, same. Literally crying punching the wall and throwing up over here.

And yea, despite seeing the current books in a million bookshops and even owning the audio books I never noticed that Tintenherz and Titenblut look different. But they are similar enough to not annoy me, have the same height and everything.

I think they are first editions but I really don’t know. I assume they got a re-release at some point. (Idk how well you can see it in the pic but mine are pretty old, I had to use tape to keep them from falling apart completely)

ah okay yes that would explain it! i think my editions are slightly older, perhaps from around 2009/2010-ish? they also changed the cover design for the mirrorworld series so i would not be too surprised.

but also mine fell apart too hehe i think it's a running theme with these books, aah i felt so much like a book binder when i carefully taped them together again x)


Okay. So.

I learned from a random tiktok that the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke will get a fourth book in 2023 (at least in German, idk about other languages). (Which itself is… uhhh,,, idk didn’t have time to think about it).

They also announced that because of the fourth book, the whole series will be re-released with a new cover.

Here is how the current covers are looking:

(Correction: apparently mine are very old and in the current version the first one is red, the second green and the third one I have is the current one. But the differences are minor and I’m too lazy to search them up in the internet)

They are beautiful and classy and carry a very fantasy-esque vibe with them that fits the actual story perfectly.

This is how the new books will look like:

This… this is a war crime. I should be protected from this under the Geneva convention laws.

I already thought the current American covers are so damn ugly that I would never pick them up unless you put a gun to my head. (Sorry not sorry those are an atrocity.)

BUT THIS. Why are they just random primarily colors? What are the random scribbles? Why those the unicorn have a septum piercing?

I hate it so much I could literally cry. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover but I KNOW that I love the books and wouldn’t pick them up in a bookstore. How am I supposed to recommend these books when they look like this?

Even without the frankly ridiculous amount of nostalgia I have for the books and the original covers these are just UGLY.

My mum even suggested I should write a letter to Cornelia Funke and tell her that it’s a bad idea. (Thanks mom, I’m sure that will work…)

26€ for a book no one wanted and it’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. An insult to all books I own.

Anyway. Just needed to rant


It’s probably obvious from looking at my blog that I’m entirely pro-TCoR. I trust Cornelia too much to not be into the idea of it.

That said.


excuse me HELP?! why are the first two books matching just the same two colours? and the third and fourth are different? also why does it look like modern street art, those doodles on book 3 are killing me?! this isn't even worth the sprayed edges. also the fox (?) on book four pops way too much and doesn't match the first three books either which defies the purpose. this would match maybe some urban fantasy? idk? but this does not match the tone and aesthetic of the story at all, those covers simply do not match, where is the book binding art in this i am going mad i don't understand


Here comes the prompt calender for Inkworld Appreciation Week 2022! 

25.05.: Home | Fantastical Creatures and Beings

26.05.: Keeping Secrets | Alternative Universe

27.05.: Feathers | Rarepair

28.05.: Transformation | Left Behind

29.05.:  Flying Sparks | Confession

30.05.: The Power of Words | First Meeting

31.05.: The Power of Images | Friendship | Wild Card

Remember to use the tag #inkworld appreciation week 2022 or directly tag @inkworld-appreciation-week. If you have any questions regarding the event, please reach out to me.  I can’t wait to see what you will create : )


Cornelia Funke Q&A - 11.04.22

- …as well as a trans saxophone player called Sara(h?) who plays beautifully, often right outside Cornelia’s window and it’s very distracting to her productivity. They’re working on a christmas project together

- Despite wanting to stay in Italy, Cornelia realised that she’ll have to spend time in the USA regularly so she won’t lose her Green Card and it’s all very complicated - she thinks it’s worth it, though

- Right now Cornelia feels like helping younger artists begin their careers is just as important as working on her own books

- The library is not yet finished but it already doubles as a recording studio for visiting musicians. Cornelia says she can even record radio shows in there. It works great because all the books everywhere help with the sound quality

- A british publisher has asked Cornelia to translate 15 of Grimm’s Fairytales from the original German into English and “tell them her way”. So she’s currently translating/retelling one fairytale per month. She is doing this by introducing the book itself as the narrator, who is a little upset at how the Brothers Grimm told its stories.  The last one she finished was “Jorinde & Joringel”.

- Porcupines sound like Ewoks. Cornelia demonstrates it for us and highly recommends googling “porcupine noises”


- Cornelia shows us a bit of her writing room. It has no door, because she likes to “write while anyone can come in” (I think she’s probably talking about characters but still - couldn’t be me)

- There’s a painting of a centaur that she made for Reckless on the wall, a cozy little corner to sit down, her desk and a bunch of books mainly related to Inkheart and Reckless, which are her current projects


polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:


as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.

Polish person here, I’ve been on the website, it looks legit! Adding the full link here:

Information is available in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English

Please get the help available!

Other people, please boost this!!!!

Gov.pl is a legit website connected to the polish government i use it to look at tax info and school stuff (it has the lessons for the teachers written out) and driving license info. So this is legit!!!

Ukrainian friends, you can also cross the border to Slovakia, with or without a passport, or at least that’s the latest update from our Ministry of Interior. You must prepare yourselves for waiting in lines as they check every individual vehicle upon entering (waiting times according to our news are hours long because of shitty capacities but hopefully after today the officials will figure out a more effective system). If anybody has a link too, I’d be grateful as I haven’t found anything useful prior to adding to the post. I hope you all stay safe.

Romania is also willing to accept up to 500,000 refugees from Ukraine. Be prepared for long waiting times at the Siret border crossing.

If you can reach Germany, they are willing to accept refugees as well. Our minister of the interior, Nancy Fraeser, said that all Ukranians with a biometric passport can come to Germany even without a visa and stay there for 90 days.


sooo i’m reading the second reckless book right now, which- first of all, i love how the first dozen or so chapter are just our protagonist trying to come to terms with his own imminent death.

but really… so far this story is confirming a feeling i already had with the first book and that feeling is… the mirrorworld fucking sucks.

not as a setting but as a place to live, i mean.

like, okay, there’s magic and shapeshifting and fairytale treasure but the people in the cities are working themselves to death because workers’ rights haven’t been invented yet. fairies are being factory farmed so people can spike their drinks with fairy dust. penicillin still isn’t a thing. will you die because a feral cinderella or whatever rips your throat out or will you die because there are no safety protocolls at your workplace? it’s like the worst of both worlds.

“schleierkauz i think you just hate civilisation-” YEAH. AND? listen. if my life is ruined because some lord decides to sell my family to a witch i want untouched nature and unicorns. if my life is ruined because of capitalism and pollution i want a fridge and video games.

not to sound like dustfinger but knowing that this is where the inkworld is headed is making me sad.


Inky Holiday Exchange

Breaking my ‘no posting, only lurking’ streak of over a year on this blog because I have a gift for @incorrect-inkworld-quotes (surprise, it was me all along!) as a part of the @inkyholidayexchange. You mentioned being interested in the natural beauty of the Inkworld so I tried doing something a little different than what I usually write. Did I make make a water nymph sentient? Maybe??? I hope that doesn’t make me an Orpheus! You’re a great mod for us over on discord and I hope you enjoy this little drabble. Happy holidays!

From the depths

The pond was her whole world.

Cool, greenish waters were all that she had known and all that she had ever desired. Outside, the world of the humans was of little consequence to her. Leaves fell from trees and grass changed to frost, yet in the stillness of her pool the world remained relatively unchanged. She had never desired to leave the waters, but still she enjoyed watching the humans through the distorted lens of the water.

Sometimes, they were loud and joyful. A group of them had come through on some occasion with their brightly colored fabrics and loud voices, settling nearby. They hadn’t disturbed her pool, and in the night she had heard voices turn to melodies as the fire began to burn low. Above her, the lights of the sky had twinkled and she had let herself float as she tried to take in the music sung in a language she barely understood.

Sometimes, they were harsh and angry. A group of humans had gone past, riding the great beasts they had tamed. They had carried flames on pieces of wood that had likely been a tree once and shouted at one another about things she could never hope to understand. In their other hands, they had carried a long piece of material that glinted in the sun and she had wondered what it was for until one ran it through the body of the other and left him where he fell. She had retreated to the depths of the water that time, putting as much distance as she could between herself and the world of humans.

It was a rare occasion when someone approached the pool where she and her sisters lived, but one day a man did. He emerged from the forest quite suddenly and walked up to the pond slowly before kneeling at the water’s edge. Three pale lines ran down a face that seemed to contrast the harshness of such marks. Softly, the man explained that he had a request, something that he was trying to acquire in the surrounding areas of the forest. Something that he needed her help with.

No human had ever asked anything of her before. She dove deeper into the pool, in search of her sisters. She found them among the rocks, bubbles floating around their heads as they laughed. Quickly, she relayed the man’s request and watched as their black and gold eyes filled with interest. Her eldest sister quickly made for the surface, followed by the other and she was left with nothing to do but follow them both back to the surface.

With more bubbles of laughter, they lifted their arms above the water’s surface and ran their hands over his arms, face and neck, leaving behind a filmy deposit that glinted in the morning sun. She had never felt the sun directly on her skin. It seemed odd to her, but soon realized she was simply unused to the warmth of it.

With a small smile on his face, the man whispered his thanks and was on his way. She was left to look up at the sky again.

Sometimes, she saw other creatures. Little ones, with blue skin and chittering voices that chased one another and sometimes hovered over the surface as if hoping to see what lay below it. Other creatures went by her pool too. Large ones that only emerged at night and blended with the shadows, yellow eyes that peered out from the leaves, rustling sounds and howling so terrible it made her flee to the depths of the pool with the hope that the water would muffle the sounds.

All were part of the harmony of the forest. She knew she would not trade it for anything. Not the way the summer sun would warm the pool, nor the view of the forest as the dreary fall rain turned to crisp winter white. Definitely not the spring flowers that danced on the breeze before landing on the water’s surface, or the rare sights of fire elves and glass men.

Not the bubbles of her sisters’ laughter rising up to the surface, or the way the bottom of the pool shone on nights when the moon was full.

She knew she would miss it too much.

Thank you so so much! This is so vibrant and beautiful, absolutely perfect <3 I really love the whole forest's vibe so much and you totally captured it here. And no worries, I also think the nymphs were sentient, so no Orpheus-writing on your part.


Inky Holiday Exchange 2021

I had the great honour to gift a little something to @schleierkauz for the @inkyholidayexchange. I tried to incorporate what you like as best as I could and I really hope you’ll enjoy! Without further ado, here’s the thing ✨

I’d Come Home For You Too

“Brianna…”, Roxane interrupted, the tone barely chiding. Brianna stayed silent then, ate her food instead and Dustfinger couldn’t find better words to save himself from his faults. Something death hadn’t been able to wash away. His faults stayed, they would stay. Always.
When Brianna comes home for a week, Dustfinger is reminded of his guilt of leaving again and again. It’s not that he doesn’t want to fix their relationship, it’s just that he doesn’t know how to.

3594 words, no warnings, just Dustfinger trying very, very hard to be a father. 




thank you so much! i love it!!

I'm very glad! ✨ ✨✨


Inky Holiday Exchange 2021

I had the great honour to gift a little something to @schleierkauz for the @inkyholidayexchange. I tried to incorporate what you like as best as I could and I really hope you’ll enjoy! Without further ado, here’s the thing ✨

I’d Come Home For You Too

“Brianna…”, Roxane interrupted, the tone barely chiding. Brianna stayed silent then, ate her food instead and Dustfinger couldn’t find better words to save himself from his faults. Something death hadn’t been able to wash away. His faults stayed, they would stay. Always.
When Brianna comes home for a week, Dustfinger is reminded of his guilt of leaving again and again. It's not that he doesn't want to fix their relationship, it's just that he doesn't know how to.

3594 words, no warnings, just Dustfinger trying very, very hard to be a father. 


There are only paperbacks of Reckless #4 available where I am, is this happening to anyone else or is it just me? I would like the hardcover so all my books match, you know how it is lol

I got a hardcover?

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