


she/her • 20

The people of Gaza are asking for YOUR help today. Here are some VETTED campaigns you should donate to and share widely.

(may 23rd):

This list is supposed to call you to action. Please do not scroll past without contributing. Choose at least one fundraiser to support today. $5 can save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.


gazafunds seeks to uplift stagnant or otherwise struggling fundraisers for gazans seeking evacuation or simple necessities. i know many of the images crossing your feeds today are harrowing and impossible to fathom, but those in the line of fire need your help, not your complacency. gazafunds also urges those who are able to adopt a fundraiser to amplify to do so (you can contact them via their twitter.)


it’s looking like the iof have officially breached rafah. every palestinian i follow, most of whom have now been displaced to rafah, are posting that there’s non-stop bombing and sounds of clashes between the resistance and the israeli army (x, x, x). the rnn telegram is also reporting that armed clashes are taking place in northwest of the city and israeli bombing is concentrated around al-kuwaiti hospital (x, x). many martyrs already (x, x, x). in palestine, the time is currently just past 2am on 12th february 2024.

”There’s nothing I could do to help” WRONG

the least you could do is :


REBLOGGING the postings (updates about palestine, links for donations, videos and pictures & many more)

SHARE LINKS such as for donations, ways to help, link to educate people for people who still have zero knowledge about it

TAKE PART IN GLOBAL STRIKE FOR PALESTINE that held in FEB 18 til FEB 25 that is like a few weeks til now and if you’re seeing this in global strike please participate even if you’re few days late, it still counts ! therefore if your beloved author haven’t publish or post fics for you to read, don’t be mad at them but be ashamed of yourself!

there’s a genocide going on and you think about reading smut (or other than that)???

is your fics WAY MORE IMPORTANT than palestine??? if you said yes, i wish you well (in hell ^_^)

NOT BUYING TLOU2 REMASTERED, idc how HOT both ellie and abby are in their skins but you do know that neil is a fucking zionist right? and not forget to mention he donated to israel MORE THAN ONCE. oh i wonder where he got his money from 💭? OH WAIT FROM THE MONEY THAT YOU USE TO PAY TLOU2 REMASTERED!!!!!

BOYCOTTING BRANDS, there are A LOT brands that support israel and donate to them for examples starbucks, mcdonalds, pizza hut and many more. my question is that some of you guys said that starbucks is expensice and the food is not full filling YET you still buy them???

here are some links that could help you guys !!

DONATION (if you don’t have a bank acc / still a student / cant afford donating)

i hope this helps even just a little but it still counts, and i wish you use your voice to speak up about this.



I actually can not with humanity right now. I keep seeing photos and videos of literal dead children!! What the actual fuck why are we killing innocent children who didn’t do shit to you? Killing new born baby’s. Why?

Think about how you would feel if you lost your child this way. Think about what it would, could, and and does to a person, to a mother, to a father, to a sibling!!!

And all the children who have to watch their parents die and visa verse. It’s just so fucking horrible and vile and disgusting. All the siblings who have to become guardians to their siblings because their parents are dead. Think about what that does to a child knowing that their parents are dead!!

It’s just so disgusting to me and I just can’t watch that happened. We all need to do something about this, we all need to stop the killings of innocent Palestinians. None of them deserve to die. The ones that have sadly passed away to this genocide will always have a special place in my heart even if I didn’t personally know them or know them at all they did not deserve to be killed the way that they were! 

And don’t get me started on the women who have no, zero hygiene products that they need. Necessity that every woman needs. The woman in Palestine don’t have any pads or tampons to use that they desperately need, because periods are no joke speaking from experience!! And not having anything to use as a pad or tampon and having to use just the most outrageous things they can find is bizarre to me. That’s why we need to help the women in Palestine right now!!! We need to help everyone in Palestine.

How to help the people of Palestine:

These are very important for everyone in Palestine so if you can please donate and if you can’t, repost it so people who can, donate!

If you want some information about Palestine, and what’s happening there and what to boycott and what you can do to spread awareness about the situation there. Click here

Also know the smallest things still be a lot!

🇵🇸From the river to the sea Palestine will be free🇵🇸


‘if i was orpheus i would have just not looked back.’

yeah but would you tho? would you really be able to wait so long. euridice is dead. your wife is dead. you were so sad your song of lament moved the gods. even hades himself felt sorry for you. and so he made you a deal, that you could take her back into the land of the living. but there was one catch. ‘anything!’ you say, ‘ill do anything! i just want her back!’

and so hades says there is one condition. she will follow behind you. and you cannot look back. if you do, she will stay here in the underworld.

‘ok’ you say, ‘thank you.’ and you start leaving. my dear euridice, you think, i can save her. we can have a life together, everything we wanted.

but. something’s wrong. you can’t hear her footsteps.

its ok. shes dead. she won’t be for long, but shes dead. she is a ghost, a shadow, beautifully ethereal. her feet would make no sound. she is coming alive, soon you will hear her footsteps.

but you keep walking, and you dont. you can see the exit to the underworld, and she is still not alive.

could hades have tricked you? surely not, he had so much compassion for you. but you can’t hear her footsteps.

and the gods are tricky. theyre not fair all the time. after all, they took her from you. so whos to say this isnt some sick joke. all you wanted was to see her again. and you do see her. because you looked back.


is it freedom?

▹— spiderverse (future) found family x platonic!reader

▹— summary: after losing everything, you struggle to accept the one thing you needed all along.

▹— a/n: ok i have been enabled by exactly two (2!) people. (thank you both) SO dare i start a spiderverse series??? IF YALL WANT MORE OF THIS… I WILL DO IT. this is really just a set up thing idk but i feel like arachnid has potential for further parts and ACTUAL found family!! also haven’t tagged people on my general taglist bc idk if you guys want to be tagged in ALL works or just all pedro works :(

▹— warnings: slight across the spiderverse spoilers, not really found family yet, injuries, blood, treating own injuries, stitches, fighting (canon-typical violence yall), dead parents (mentioned a LOT), a whole lot of angst (it’s a spider-person so what do we expect), reader has a whole lot of bad thoughts, loneliness, isolation

∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘

Had you known what this, this thing, would lead to, you would have never started it. Not that you had done so purposely, at least to begin with, more so happening as an event of pure chance. You were in the right place at the right time, and since then, you had been addicted.

But if you could go back, look at yourself just a year younger than you are now, tell that kid what would come if you went through with saving a life for the first time, you wondered. It was a question that scratched deep in your brain, sending you off balance the more you thought about it; would you have still done it? Would you have saved that person’s life, knowing it would lead to your own falling apart?


anyone who said ryan gosling couldn’t pull off ken apologize NOW

“he’s too old” “he’s not enough of a himbo” “he won’t put his all into it” this one photo just proved u wrong

Ovid’s The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice (trans. Rolfe Humphries)
Spirited Away dir. Hayao Miyazaki

u mean to tell me that tallulah "attracted to half the people in any room she's in" "knows where all the gay bars in seattle are" hart isn't gay??? be fr.


all that's been found

pairing: joel miller x platonic!f!reader

summary: joel would do anything to bring you home.

warnings: angst, swearinggg, descriptions of past injuries, mentions of kidnapping

a/n: sorry this took so long and it feels kinda rushed agh oomf (sorry but i am tireddd) but on a brighter note THANK YOU for all the support, i read each and every one of your comments and inbox messages and i am so so grateful, this is dedicated to all of you beautiful people mwuah

part two of all that's been lost

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Joel Miller was exceptional at many things.

His aim was impeccable, his strength and speed were more than enough to knock out opponents in a fight, and he could think on his feet faster than most people. In terms of survival, he had little to improve on, despite his damaged hearing and his weary joints, courtesy of age and injury.

But it turns out that maybe fatherhood wasn't like riding a bike, and he still had a lot of room to improve.

When the two of you had arrived in Jackson, there hadn't been much time spent before Maria was already whisking you away, leaving him alone with the brother he had travelled the country for, the brother he hadn't seen in years. And yet as soon as you were taken out of his sight, all he could focus on was your safety, old instincts already rolling in, his nerves still in hyperdrive from all the danger you had encountered together over the past few months. It took Tommy almost two hours to finally get Joel to focus, to properly talk to him, to stop paying attention to every sound in the distance in case it was you screaming for help.

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