
Faking Competent

@puff-the-evil-dragon / puff-the-evil-dragon.tumblr.com

Kayla. She/her. Existing.


this post has been up for five hours and has two notes. i think tumblr shitcanned it because it has pictures of women wearing bras on it. very cool. no censorship message, just vanishing it

AHHHHHH someone put all the info from the now-extremely-hard-to-read, 10+ year old bra post into one nice infograph! THAT POST WAS MY BOOB BIBLE. Yay Boob New Testament!


lovely story from a friend today.


Look, this post has been wildly more popular than I thought it deserved, apparently at least in part because "don't burden others; be independent" is far more ingrained in people than I realized. So here's the thing: society works when people help each other. Helping others gives people a chance to know each other, and gives them an investment in the people they help. Helping creates bonds. People enjoy helping, and you are doing a good by letting them help you if they so wish.

Offer help; accept help. You will be a part of creating a helping culture. Which, incidentally, weakens capitalism and the fractionation between people that benefits those who would use us.

Someone once advised me not to ask "do you need help", but rather "would you like help". The reason was that it assumes that they're perfectly capable but would just find it more convenient.


absolutely criminal how falling into bad habits is the easiest thing in the world while developing positive habits feels like fighting a literal war

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