
I wasn’t asked to a single dance in high school and didn’t have a serious romantic relationship until I was 22. And like, yeah that shit hurt when I was younger. I had a lot of fears that I was unlovable and that I didn’t deserve to be happy. And every time I would try to talk to anyone about it, the conversation became, “you’ll find someone”, when it should have been, “you don’t need a relationship or a date, you’re lovable & complete & beautiful on your own”.

So yeah, please normalize young people not dating, and please stop shaming them for it. There’s more to life than romance, despite what the media wants us to think.

Needed to read this way more than I realised


me: how am i single

me: *emotionally detached, picky af, doesn’t go out at all, has disgusting habits, too shy to talk to anyone they find cute, etc.*

me: how am i single


i love student housing. i’m in the common room waiting for a friend and there’s some dude crying on the couch w a bunch of his friends around him and i can only hear bits and pieces but someone asked him “who gets the minecraft server if you guys break up?” and he started crying harder and a 3rd person reached over to smack the guy who asked it on the back of the head

university is the best place on earth bc everyone has like 400 iq points but we’re all collectively only using 18 of them (7 on weekends but we have to share them)

I can’t wait to go to uni 😂😂😂


hey since louis tomlinson admitted that larries made him and harry’s friendship fall apart and dan howell said phannies digging into his relationship w phil made him experience ptsd symptoms and brought him to a terrible place, can u all stop w the shipping bullshit now


Look at the tongue, he’s so proud of himself lmaoooooo. He snapped faster than Thanos did (credit: instagram)

tom: roasted



I can’t believe they oblitered straight men like that


Anonymous asked:

Tom is already in a relationship though. I know it’s never been confirmed but it’s very obvious and a lot of proof

Unfollow me right now. On this blog, when a celebrity CONSISTENTLY tells EVERYONE they are friends with someone, we believe them. There is no “digging for proof and evidence” because it is creepy as hell and incredibly invasive. There’s no invading his privacy. No assuming sexualities, because sorry anon, he treats her the same way he treats his friends that are guys and he lives with at least one of them. Tom’s never once actually said that he was straight.

When a celebrity says they aren’t dating someone, it doesn’t matter if that celebrity outright starts playing tonsil hockey with someone in front of you. They arent dating. You, a stranger that doesnt know them, a stranger they don’t even know exists, don’t get to decide if a celebrity is dating someone or not.

Celebrities get to decide who they’re dating and who they’re not, what to call what they have with someone, and if the public knows. So, please, lose your entitlement and stop forcing two people together.


Living for thissss 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


who’s putting washing machines in their kitchen

British people, apparently

tag with where you live and where your washing machines reside

I am British and I can confirm that I do have my washing machine in my kitchen...literally makes no sense 🤦🏻‍♀️

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