
Empowered Submissive


A submissive woman..Over 40. Empowered.
South Eastern US
A little bit of a little.
Asks are welcome.
Over 21 only. I prefer you be over 30, actually.
Posts about myself are marked #Tuesdaytruth

With the passing of my beloved teacher, who saved my life, I feel more clarity in the decision I’d been contemplating to leave tumblr. At least for several months. Perhaps for always. I hope I have contributed in some positive way to those seeking a healthy and positive life. Tumblr distracts me from the moment in which I am truly living. Peace to all.

Breathing in, I am love.

Breathing out, I am peace.



When you’re sick in bed all day and PBS Kids is the most appealing thing on TV…..and it has NOTHING to do with your inner little.

Gonna try ‘Behind Her Eyes’ and hope I can follow along.


Best post


This is oddly satisfying.


Los cables de los centros de datos completamente ordenados y clasificados por colores…


The one that gets me, is the pic of the folded T-shirts 😃 brilliant. 👍

My love of symmetry would leap out of my soul and do something terrible to the first hand to touch any of these things

@boomonster-rawr @dinodaddy so much organization and symmetry…


1 week off of the dating apps (because just tooooooo much ugh) and…

A - don’t miss it

B - wow! I have a lot more free time

Maybe again, when it’s Spring.


Person: How did you get so confident?….you’ve always been confident, right?

Me: No. I wasn’t always confident. Most of my life I was very insecure and had been bullied pretty badly. I was sexually abused by an adult male. I spent most of my life kinda hiding, wanting to be invisible.

Person: So, how did you become so confident?

Me: Failure. I won my confidence via picking myself up, failure after failure.

Truth - If you do the easy things; life gets hard. If you do the hard things, life gets easy…or easier. “Hope” and “Want” are not actions. Lots of failed actions and hard, hard falls were the path to my confidence. “I’ll never let the bad stuff win.” That was a choice. The choice to use the failures and pains to help me learn and grow strong was made when I was 15 - after my 17 year old boyfriend raped me.

Choice and perseverance.

That’s how I became confident.


Hey! Stay OFF the scale until the SECOND week of January. There’s a big difference between weight gained and waste yet to be eliminated. That number on the scale is lying to you right now.


I was writing “gratitude” and accidentally wrote “dratitude”.

Seems like a thing that could be a thing.


Humans are the only animal that needs science to tell us what and how to eat. We are the only animal that suffers because of the choices we make in what we eat - ie obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, fatty liver……inflammation in general.


Happily single.

Unhappily unowned.

It’s a confounding kinda thing.


“I’m afraid of being hurt again” can elicit sympathy and efforts to ensure safety.

The safer response might be, “I’ve been there….Let me know when you’re feeling more grounded in yourself and confident in your decision making.”


Umm sooo….uhhhh….

To a man I don’t know who was being an ass about where I’d parked, I said, “Yeah, I got it the first time. You don’t need to be a dick about it.”

This is way outside my norm and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Kinda proud; kinda not.

Of course, his dickness intensified. The woman with him was trying not to laugh.

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