

confused college peep. 21.

Apartment hunting has shown me that so many kids my age and younger openly broadcast that they are running away from abusive homes and that they are LGBT. I sympathize completely, but you do not under any circumstances need to be on a roommate finder website telling strangers on the internet that you are part of a vulnerable minority with no one back home who cares what happens to you... just say you are moving out, end of. Once you get to trust someone you live with then you can share the backstory. Internet safety is something that still matters.


The same thing happened when Airbnb started as “you got a spare room? why not rent it out to a visitor for a few nights? you get some extra cash and they get a nice place to stay while they visit the city” and it immediately turned into “I’m gonna buy up every available unit in this condo building downtown and rent them out short term, contributing to massive rent increases, severe housing shortages, loud inconsiderate assholes treating places where people are supposed to live like cheap no-restriction hotels, and then bitch and moan when Airbnb gets banned from my building before just continuing on anyway”


ALSO! if you want to know why some of them think that this decision is okay and the so-called “reasoning” behind their votes, here is one guy in particular you can hate:

Some high-level ignorance in the notes, so:

1) lifesaving medicine should be free to all who need it

2) insulin is not expensive to produce

3) people with type 1 diabetes, a genetic autoimmune disorder and nothing to do with diet and/or lifestyle, need insulin daily to live, regardless of their diet and/or lifestyle.


Objects as spaceships, by Eric Geusz


My favorite is the fidget spinner space station. It almost feels like someone designed it first and then fidget spinners came out and now everyone laughs at it… instead of the other way around.


It’s Eric! He was one of my best friends in highschool!

He also does series of space cats, and one of the ones floating upside down and looking at you is based on my cat Ginger :D

The kitty herself, Ginger!

He’s a super cool dude and seeing his art on tumblr is nuts!

God yeah I will hype him every chance I get lol!


You wouldn’t think that flamingoes are extremophiles just from looking at them. It’s like somebody tried to build the vertebrate equivalent of that fungus that lives inside nuclear reactors, and ended up with a gangly pink dinosaur with a spoon for a face.

For everyone in the comments asking how flamingos are extremophiles:

Flamingos can survive in low oxygen, high altitude, high temperatures, low temperatures, high alkaline, they can and will drink boiling water and they can be completely frozen at night and still get up the next morning

Don’t fuck with flamingos


….. Didn’t know most of that

Huh… so that’s why zoos don’t put them somewhere warm during winter.

Oh yeah, this leaves out what I *did* know about them–they can also survive hypersalinity. That is, water so salty it kills practically everything else–water so salty it burns your skin.

American flamingos just drink that shit


(animal death) this is a real undoctored photograph of a dead flamingo on the surface of lake natron, a lake so salty and so alkaline that it’s naturally carbonated like soda and would eat through your stomach lining if you drank from it.

When this photo went viral years ago, most people assumed this poor flamingo must have been killed by the lake.

It is actually the lake where 75% of its global population are hatched. This is a photo from the same lake:

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