
discourse inclined blog

@lesbian-ed-discourse / lesbian-ed-discourse.tumblr.com

A sideblog for lesbian-ed / All questions that may be inflammatory, could start discussion, or generally negative topics should be redirected here.
Anonymous asked:

Hey, what do you think of transwomen who used puberty blockers and transitioned before they experienced a male puberty? Nicole Maines from Supergirl: I saw her on Ellen recently and she seems exactly like a cis woman. Same goes with Jazz Jennings and transwomen who had this similar thing. I dont think i could differentiate them with those who transitioned at a later age- you can tell they are males right away. I want to hear your opinions.

Hi anon, 

The thing is, no amount of dangerous puberty blocking medication, hormone injections, or surgical intervention makes a male a female. Jazz Jennings is a great example, his sister is treated like a brood mare for him, receives absolutely no positive attention from her family, has to go along with the charade that Jazz is somehow ‘just like her’ as a girl. But that’s clearly such bullshit. It’s also bullshit for Nicole Maines. And it’s bullshit for Laverne Cox. There is no female on the planet who is treated with such kid gloves, given as many opportunities, invited to speak for women so often as these males are. While I might not be able to immediately tell that Jazz is male just by walking passed him on the street, any prolonged interaction would reveal it. In a couple years when more of these children grow up and start looking for sexual partners, their partners will be able to tell. Men and women’s skin feels different. The literal way our skin works is different, too. Other things, like fat distribution, hips, legs are all different. The intimate partners of trans individuals, even ones who will later suffer from joint pain and brittle bones from the Lupron, will be able to tell that there is a difference. You can’t biohack being the sex you are not. A woman is not a collection of stereotypes, makeup, clothing, lady brain, internal ‘feelings’ of being female, or secondary sex characteristics like breasts. A woman is just an adult female human. A girl is a young female human. That’s it! 

Mod S

Anonymous asked:

i have no idea whether or not its fine to ask this on the main blog so im not gonna, but okay. so, for the longest time, i thought i was a transman, or at the very least nonbinary, but still attracted to women and i was fine with this but!! now im rethinking my life and i realize im more comfortable just identifying as female and now im kinda panicking cos i feel like i was lying to myself and im just. really stressed. do you have like, a way i could calm myself?? id really really appreciate it-

Hi anon! I have no personal experience with detrans/reidentification. I can help you connect with some people who have if you want to ask them some questions!

Anonymous asked:


Blue hair is a red flag

Stay safe my new friend ♥️

Anonymous asked:

"sex or gender lesbian" (shudder) anon again - YYYYEP, that's basically how it felt! Horrifying. I just panicked and told her "I'm sexually attracted to women" and left it at that, changed the subject, because honestly being a "sex lesbian" (i.e. A LESBIAN) at my uni is like a death sentence. I loathe having to hide who I am

Lesbians are forced into the closet by everyone. Straight, gay, bi, ugly blue haircut.

Anonymous asked:

Does not wanting to have sex with a trans woman because she has a penis make me a terf or a transmysoginist? I don't have any kind of problem with accepting trans women as women because that's what they are, but I never want to have sex with someone who has a penis. I don't want to come across as a terf or a bad person, I'm fully accepting of trans people. I just don't want to engage in sexual activity with what's generally considered male genitalia.

Trans women are male. They've got their SRY gene and nothing can change that. Maleness cannot be changed, it written into males no matter how much they attempt to change their appearance. Lesbians are females attracted to other females only. We see this in nature, it's normal. It doesn't make you a bad person to not want to sleep with transwomen because as a lesbian they are not part of your sexual orientation. The only thing that makes someone a woman is the state of being female. That's it. There is no such thing as 'feeling' like a woman. Just as there is no such thing as 'feeling' like a 6 year old or 'feeling' like you're a different race. The people who tell you differently, that transwomen are women, indistinguishably so, are lying to you. They want your in ate sexuality to include penis. They want you to ascribe to a worldview that requires for you to deny reality. Refusing to be told what your sexuality should contain, how you should forget all you know to be true and be anti science, that's a position that takes a lot of backbone. And taking that position does not make you a bigot. 'TERF' is used to scare you into submission. It's a term used to justify violence against individuals. And it's males that stand to gain. Anyone that tells you you're a bad person for not wanting penis is the bad person themselves. Be strong. Know what it is true. Surround yourself with people who do not bend to radiqueer politics and queer theory. Doing so will help lesbians younger than you know they aren't bad people. Good luckMod S

Anonymous asked:

Ok but, there aren't 2 biological sexes? I mean, my sister is a doctor so we've discussed this extensively and I did, you know, take college level bio class

You, my dear, are a special kind of dumbass. A beautiful one.

Anonymous asked:

I'm not a radical feminist, but... I went on an anti-radfem wlw blog for advice and... they wouldn't tag the q slur! and... they said a lot of bad things. Thank you for providing some real advice for wlw. and for advice on just biological females too. seriously, why would you have a lesbian sex ed blog if you're going talk about male parts?

What is so funny is that on tumblr, and it is starting to be the case anywhere else as well, radical feminist means “being aware that two biological sexes exist”. That’s not being a radical feminist, that’s not being nor radical nor feminist. That’s is called having basic knowledge of human biology.

Of course, for the people who defend the contrary, being a lesbian is a highly political “choice” (while we know it is neither a choice nor political) - that is a way to stigmatized lesbianism, by calling it “exclusionary” and “bigot” and what not. That is a way, for these people, to condition lesbians into heterosexuality. This is the reason why there is so much backlash against lesbians : genderism has become the new fun~ and progressive~ way to hate women, and particularly lesbians.

Don’t be fooled. Don’t cave in.

Be proud of yourself and who you are. The lesbophobes of today are no different than those of yesterday.

Mod C.

Anonymous asked:

i just found out that my crush is a transfeminist and i'm fucking crying bc i really like her but i'm super annoyed at all the privilege that trans women are getting, it's like yea welcome, you say you're a woman, congrats... they've never had to face any of our sufferings. never fought our fight. idk i'm annoyed, i don't know what to do with my crush anymore, i was starting to make moves but i don't want to be called a terf by someone i care about. this doesn't make much sense, i apologize

You have absolutely every right to feel upset. This person is contributing to the very movement which terrorizes lesbians into compliance towards males. Whether she does that out of self-hatred, internalized misogyny or lesbophobia, matters very little. Her actions and speech are precisely what is causing harm.

You have every right to refuse to engage with her. Think about yourself first and foremost - that includes thinking about your emotional and mental health. 

You come first. Lesbophobes come in the very last place, trust me. 

Mod C.

Anonymous asked:

Today I asked this girl her name. She said I could call her Bruno (he him) or Alex (they/them). I can chose either as long as I don't mix them up. I'd never thought I would come across someone like that in real life

Yikes. What has this world come to, honestly.

Anonymous asked:

This may be a stupid question, but are there any studies of the structure/functions of homosexuals' brains? When I was younger someone told me gay men's brains are a lot like women's. They said that "gay brains" resemble the brains of the opposite sex. Lately I've been thinking about how I feel about being a lesbian, and happened to recall this claim. So now I wonder if there really are notable neurological explanations for homosexuality. Sorry for being dumb, lol. Thank you for your time

These aren’t dumb questions, it is perfectly normal and healthy to be curious and to want explanations about who you are.

There is a study that proves that the brain’s response  to certain stimuli in gay males’ brains are similar to the response in hetero women’s brain, and the response to certain stimuli in lesbians’ brains are similar to the response in hetero males’ brains... You can check this out [here]. Notice this denotes brain function, not brain structure.

There has not been any study that has been able to prove actually relevant physical/structural differences between male and female brains, since human brains do not belong to one of the two distinct sex categories, and therefore no physical similarities between homosexuals’ brains and heterosexual’s brains. [x] and more indepth [x]

/Mod A

Anonymous asked:

Re: bisexuals not wanting to call their relationship “het” when their partner is from the opposite sex. So if I, a bi woman, am in a relationhip with a woman, are we in a gay/homosexual relationship?

That’s a homosexual relationship. Still doesn’t make you homosexual tho.

Mod C.


You wanna be radical? You really wanna shake society to it’s foundations?

Consider the idea then that society was created by humans. Human beings decided to categorise people according to whether they have uteruses and vaginas or not. Human beings decided that this was an important distinction.

There’s nothing natural about it, bio sex is a social construct. And yet it can help to determine the course of a person’s life.

Which means social constructs matter. And gender matters. Gender and sex intersect the same way that race and gender intersect.

But nah you keep pretending that your preferred construct is the only one that matters, because then you get to pretend that you’re the most oppressed of all.

You heard it here first folks: humans literally made up uteruses, humans actually went into a room and decided “hmmmm let’s shape this like a-so, and bend that like a-so, and when we’re done let’s rape, murder, subdue, humiliate, and own anyone who we, personally, as humans, decided would have uteruses”.

Female bodies are not a fucking social construct, you sicko. Male bodies are not a fucking social construct. Social constructs are imaterial. Bodies are very real fucking facts of life.

Biology is the study of those facts, which we do in order to quantify them and understand them in terms that actually make sense so us as humans.

Radical feminism is the study of why it is that so-called “uterus bearers” have been historically marginalized and degraded because of their very material, very real bodies.

Just because you have a whole ideology based off of ~feelings~ and ~identity~, don’t project your own stupidity onto others. You’re the ones who like to believe in fairy tales. No woman has ever been oppressed because she ~felt like a woman~.

All women are oppressed because they are women, females, humans with vaginas and uteruses and breasts. We are exploited because of the very objective reality of our bodies, not because we had a creepy autogynephilic awakening like your precious transwxmen friends, who could never have a grasp of what womanhood actually is.

Also go find out what “radical” means. Y'all truly have no brains. I’m surprised you learned anything that isn’t a chant like “transwxmen are women”.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think inclusive tumblr lesbians that say they would date/have sex with transgender males are bisexual or probably lying because not doing so would cause discourse and negative attention?

I think it depends on each person. I think for a lot of them it’s a lie, that they don’t fully understand this, that they don’t even know any trans males IRL, so it is easy to say they would date men, as long as they don’t actually have to. But the ones who do date transwomen and all that, happily and fully... Well there’s no doubt those aren’t lesbians.

It’s hard to know, but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter whether they’re acting out of outright homophobia, or internalized lesbophobia... What matters is that these lies they are spreading and their constant efforts to put males first in every single situation is harming actual homosexual lesbians. The women who are lying about either being lesbians or about wanting to be with men are not just hurting themselves. They should be held accountable for the harm they do, even if they do it out of being mislead, and out of corrosive female socialization. 

/Mod A

Anonymous asked:

Transwomen are men. Truth is not hate. Don’t believe the hype — trans ideology is misogyny and homophobic. Woman is not a ‘feeling,’ a costume, or a performance of a stereotype. Woman is a biological reality. There is no ethical or moral reason to lie to soothe the male ego. Do not cis-gender me. Stop the stereotypes. I am neither conforming nor non-conforming. My preferred prefix is neither cis nor trans. I am a female. Resist Orwellian Newspeak.

Anonymous asked:

1/2 I have a problem. I've got bad anxiety and it's keeping me from socializing with the lgbt crowd. I'm a lesbian. I've never been attracted to males. However for a while I tried to coerse myself to be attracted to trans women. It never felt right. My friends kept insisting trans and cis women are just the same, and I got anxious and felt superficial and guilty. I can see beauty in people despite their sex, but I'm only attracted to females. This seems difficult to understand to some people.

2/2 My problems with anxiety arent all caused by my social circles, since I've had anxiety and clinical depression for a long time. Still, modern discourse makes me uncomfortable. It's like as a lesbian I'm expected to validate the identity of trans wlw. The modern lgbt community doesn't feel welcoming to me. I know there are good people in the community, but I've always felt scared opening up about myself. Nowadays my anxiety is doubled by the fear of being outcast. What should I do? Thank you!

I see women describing exactly this almost daily on tumblr, and I can only call it a tragedy. A major backlash to gay rights and a massive, lesbophobic tragedy. 

Homosexuality is not a choice and not something we can change - lesbians are not attracted to men, trans-identified or not. There’s no difference between a “transwoman” and a man. They’re both men, they’re both male, and lesbians are not attracted to them. People seemed to have understood this, but something changed and now we’re back to square one, only this time it’s disguised in “progressive” liberal politics instead of the good old conservative nonsense. Of course, now we’re dealing with both liberals and conservatives, since the conservatives obviously never stopped being the homophobes they always have been.

The only good news I can give you is that we’re increasing in numbers; More women are starting to recognize this disgusting homophobia for what it really is. Women like Magdalen Berns and Meghan Murphy are calling the trans movement out for what it truly is. Sure, it can be extremely disheartening at times - here I’d like to refer to the anonymous woman with the anti trans movement-plaque at the women’s march who’s facing a lot of backlash and threats. But we are increasing in numbers. Even big youtubers like Ariella Scarcella who’s been supportive of the trans movement for a long time is starting to speak up against the problems in it - she has a large crowd of lesbian and bisexual women following her; Surely at least some of them will start questioning the trans movement because of her, even though she herself doesn’t seem to be all the way there...

Tumblr has a radfem community which is growing daily. More and more women are joining us - and sure, the TRA’s/MRA’s (these are ultimately the same crowd) seem to become more and more vicious, but we are strong. We are persistent. We have arguments based in facts, in science, in actual research - we don’t have to fall back on feelings, personal perceptions of reality, and make-believe. I’m confident because of that. 

For your loneliness: I recommend distancing yourself from the mainstream LGBT crowd. They’re hurtful to us, for the very reasons we’ve both described here. Unite with lesbians - female homosexuals, that is - and focus on that. Find friends online. Do some research in your community; Perhaps there’s radfem meetings being organized somewhere close to you? 

I hope this helps. Take care

/ Mod W

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