

She/Her, pansexual and 22

There’s something about Studio Ghibli’s Water physics that I love

While it is a liquid, it tends to behave more gelatinously

It’s so beautiful while almost being awkward *bloop*

Gravity? Surface tension? No? Well, just let me hug her!!

Not even seeming to make skin or cloth wet


It looks so satisfyingly bouncy

Tell me what you guys think and what’s your fav movie thing about Ghibli


I remember hearing/seeing a post where Ghibli’s water always -looks- like how water -feels-.

Like when you’re crying it just feels like

And when it’s raining it’s like

Like Ghibli has that perfect look of water where yeah, it’s not exactly -realistic- but they capture the perfect feeling.


When you’re old, all you want to do is stare at the scenery. It’s so strange. I’ve never felt so peaceful before.

Howl’s Moving Castle  |  ハウルの動く城 (2004) dir. Hayao Miyazaki


I offered you the world, and at the first test of honor, I betrayed your trust. Please, Danielle. Say it again. I'm sorry. No. The part where you said my name.

Ever After (1998)


Here's the thing about Jareth from Labyrinth right?

He's made up.

That's not necessarily the same thing as not REAL. But he, just like all her friends who show up in her room before her adventure as toys and figurines, exist in relation to her, in response to what she wanted and needed. She told the story and there he was, there he always had been. But she's a teenage girl who doesn't know what she wants yet, and Jareth kind of pays the price.

"but the king of the goblins had fallen in love with the girl, and had given her certain powers." He's an archetypal oxymoron. He's both the dastardly baby stealing villain and the royal love interest trying to relieve the heroine's suffering, Cinderella style. He's fucked either way by being both. She doesn't know if SHE wants to be the villain or the heroine until he shows up and then she decides on the heroine, so he has to sneer and menace and challenge but it's too late for him!! it's too late, The King Of The Goblins Had Fallen In Love With the Girl, he's Cinderella's prince too and he has to try, he gives her a poofy dress and takes her to fucking goblin prom, sweeps her around the room like a music box with perfect posture and room for Jesus.

But it doesn't work buddy, it can't work. You're just a story for a teen girl to grow up in, and as the villain you have to be defeated. He's so complex because his tropes contradict themselves, and he doesn't understand why he has to lose when he was only doing the job he was given. In his last scene he is pale as death with shadows under his eyes, backing away and begging for his happy ending with nonsense mishmash promises that belong to both halves of him.

"I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me." I'm sure you are, Jareth. No wonder.


‘Everything in her life, from the moment she was born, had been controlled by other people. Things happened to her; anytime she tried to exert control, she’d been thwarted at every turn—and she hated that even more than the King of Hybern.’

so sjm is gonna write this paragraph. and then have nesta end up in an environment where her life is under constant control. end up around people who do nothing but control her. end up with a man who feels more than comfortable controlling her.

she doesn’t have a job. she doesn’t get paid. sjm never gave her financial independence even though i (personally) believe it’s one of the MOST important things nesta needed in her life. she’s been controlled through finances her entire life. she’s depended on others for finances her entire life. you’re telling me she’s just okay with depending on c*ssian for it now? i just don’t understand how silver flames was a book dedicated to healing and nesta finding herself. i really don’t.

she can’t even leave her house easily? she needs to either ask someone to get her out or TAKE 10,000 STEPS! how does nesta not despise living there. how does she not despise having her weapons taken from her and controlled by others. how does she not despise waking up every morning to train just because c*ssian told her to! when she was literally threatened into it!

how are you supposed to take nesta’s ‘healing arc’ seriously when she’s ended up in a position that old her would’ve despised. every time i reread this nightmare i find more quotes that make no sense even being in the book when you know how it ends and it makes me just as mad as i was when this book was released.


Elain telling Nesta “All you can think about is what my trauma has done to you” was incredibly ignorant and no one can convince me otherwise.

For some reason, Elain thinks the trauma that had resulted from that night belongs solely to her and Nesta is being selfish for trying to take any ownership of it.

Everything in Nesta’s life, has always been about Elain. She came first and she never stopped to think about how it could impact Nesta. Very rarely does Nesta have the time to face her own trauma and learn to heal from it because she was always in environments/situations that put her on guard to protect her sister. And Elain has always been comfortable allowing her to do so while she retreats to the background where it was safe. She has never thought twice about putting Nesta in these positions all her life. 

When the sisters first come to Pythian, Elain completely checks out from the weight of the loss and trauma she has experienced. Which is completely understandable. But she isn’t the only one to have lost so much. So had Nesta. But at a time where Nesta may have needed her support, she wasn’t there. 

All Elain could think about was what their shared trauma has done to her. But Nesta never cared.

Those first few weeks in Pythian? Nesta was there to check on her. To make sure she is eating. To ensure her wellbeing. To see to her needs. To make sure she is comfortable.

In ACOSF, for the first time in Nesta’s life, she isn’t capable of putting Elain first. But Elain is unwilling to confront the possibility that the trauma they both experienced that night may have affected her sister differently than it did her. As a result, she avoids putting herself in a position where she might have to face the full extent of that truth.

I’m not saying that Elain doesn’t have a right to feel greatly impacted by what had happened to her. She went through alot. But she doesn’t get to pick and choose whose trauma that night was greater and warrants more concern.

Anonymous asked:

HOFAS broke my heart for Nesta bruh. Cassian still can't defend his mate, someone else who literally knew her for 5 minutes had too. A human woman defended Nesta against the High Lord of Night and her own mate can't.

like WTF. My dude can't trust his mate. He should have trusted her when she gave the Mask to Bryce. I just feel for her, no matter what she does she will always walk on thin ice with the IC and it's really not fair. Literally all the main male characters defend their partners wrongs but not Cassian. If anything maybe their bond was faked considering how Cassian never seems to have the overprotective mated male for her. Eris would never.

Because of Nesta giving the mask, the Asteri were defeated AND they got the lost sword of Gwydion back. I really hope Nesta keeps it, but I know that won't be the case.

Thing is, Nesta weighed up the risk. She met an Asteri - Rhys didn't. She knew the threat - Rhys didn't. Giving Bryce the mask gave them the edge over the Asteri. If Bryce lost, they'd use the horn to get to Prythian, bringing war to their door. Nesta isn't dumb. She weighed the risks and knew how much Bryce's parents meant to her, knew how much it cost her to put them in Velaris. Rhys is just pissed that she is making decisions without consulting him. I hope gwydion pulls away from his magic like Ataraxia.

Also Nesta:


can’t believe that

“Nesta made a choice to harbor us— she made a choice to give Midgard a shot at freedom. To give my world hope. What kind of person are you to rip her to shreds for it?”

is a real quote from the book and y’all are still acting like Nesta is the villain here like


People saying they can see why Rhys was so mad and that he’s a new dad and this and that and I’m like don’t you get it though? A man overbearingly threatening a woman simply because she over stepped HiS authority is literally just such a shit thing to do. And then the fact those items are hers. He can get mad about it but the way he handled himself was definitely not it. especially when he has a wife he praises for her ‘human heart’

"Rhys was afraid for the people he loves". People act like Nyx isn't also Nesta's nephew - and her mate and ONLY family are in Velaris too????? She knows what was at stake!!!


why didn’t gandalf just carry the ring to mordor himself with these tongs

like i’m picturing him being really careful and looking at it and carrying it exactly like this while walking or riding through the woods and across rivers and up mountains and through valleys and he doesn’t drop it even once except at the very end where he tidily drops it into the volcano. frodo sam and the crew and even gollum wholly undisturbed. sauron can’t find him bc of the meditative aura surrounding him which is generated by his immense focus on not dropping it

World's most tense egg and spoon race

this somehow became the funniest thing on earth in my head and I had to draw it so

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