
Carcosian Syndicate

@ambrose-fr-blog / ambrose-fr-blog.tumblr.com

Clan of Carcosa, currently of Light. A WIP Flight Rising Lore Blog for the user Ambrose #48359 This is an RP/Joint-lore friendly clan!

Listen not gonna @ anyone but I’ve seen some fr blogs talking about how they hope pornhub buys Tumblr and kissing pornhub ass for being progressive or whatever and like… are y'all for real

Pornhub is literally a piece of Shit. One of their biggest categories is the idea of ‘teen gets fucked’. + exploiting sex workers who get no profit from videos often stolen from them

Not to mention the other horrendous shit videos/categories they profit off of, which is like… obvious ?

Use your brain.

Yes this is okay to reblog


Hey now’s a great time to remind you all:

If you are a pedophile don’t fucking follow or interact with me

If you support pedophilia in any way don’t fucking follow or interact with me

If you’re friends with a pedophile and don’t see a problem don’t fucking follow or interact with me

If you’re not distancing yourself from pedophiles don’t fucking follow or interact with me

I don’t fucking support that shit and neither should you, and if you try to justify it in ANY FUCKING WAY, have a good long look in a mirror and ask yourself what’s wrong with you. I don’t care how old you are, or who you are. You support/ justify this disgusting shit, you get the fuck out and don’t fucking come back.

I don’t care if this is aggressive. This shit is problematic as fuck.

Pedophilia is completely wrong. At all those 15/13 year olds out there supporting Tox, let me have a talk with you.

I’m 13. I get it. The emotional overload is a mess and you’re often struggling to make good moral decisions. It’s not entirely your fault, but you still can’t use that as an excuse because we all make our own choices, and we are held accountable for those choices whether there are other factors in them or not.

Tox’s claims that it’s just “””fiction””” are complete and total BS. If it meows and looks like a cat, it’s probably a cat. Same goes with pedophilia. If you say things associated with Pedophilia and fantasize about relationships with a minor, then chances are you’re a pedophile. And hate to break it to you, but Tox could be lying about who he is. He may claim that he’s gay and certain individuals may think they’re safe and he’s a nice guy, but it’s the internet. He could be lying about EVERYTHING. So just keep that in mind when interacting with certain individuals. 

Of course, everything Rexcallibur’s post above said also applies to my blog and if you have a problem with it then f*ck off.

Hey yeah thats a good addition

Yuck. I hate that this is a thing but I agree with all of it.

Also: Keep in mind that people like Tox are going to try to get all buddy-buddy with whoever they can to make them think that their mindset and actions are acceptable.

Manipulation and grooming are very popular tools for pedophiles to use, especially on minors. If someone supports actual real-life pedophilia and/or is obsessed with NSFW of little kid characters, and tries to talk to you about how that’s all good and wonderful and acts all friendly to get you to like them, that’s… That’s bad. That’s hella suspicious. It’s grooming. Even if the person seems nice, that sort of behavior is extremely creepy (or even literally illegal) and dangerous and you should run away as fast as you can. Report them if possible. You might think “Oh, but they won’t hurt me!”, but… that’s exactly the crock of lies that pedophiles want you to believe.

Stay safe out there, guys. Don’t fall for these tactics.


Unpopular gene discussion time!

Add your unpopular opinions!

I ///love/// smirch, cant get enough of it, honestly, and i love that its dirt cheap on the AH

I can’t stand metallic and alloy! I like the vibrant colors in iri a lot more ; n ;


I only like irishim on new colours - old colours just look desaturated and Bad.

scales is Very Fucking Good smoke,,,,,,,,,, bad,,,,,,,,,

Your XXX white and obsidian dragons aren’t interesting no matter how many expensive genes you slap on them

I’m a huge fan of capsule but I HATE cry/face

Crystal, facet, filigree, and ringlets are ugly as hell

Okapi, Jupiter, Saturn, Vipera, and Hypnotic r underappreciated

Basic > > > > Iridescent and/or Shimmer


Petals and Butterfly are and always have been the ugliest.

Circuit good

While opal is super tasty, gembond is still good

Any gene can have good applications on the right dragon/colors

crackle is a good gene and not uniformly hideous 


Life doesn’t end at 23. 30 isn’t old. Fetishising youth as the ultimate desirable characteristic in a person is actively harmful to both young and old people. Some of us lost our teenage years to abuse and recovery, and can only begin living when we’re at a different life stage.  Literally knock it off, the lot of you.


A NotN Coli Challenge

While everyone’s pretty heavily beaten in the idea of making sure to take care of yourself while taking part of the grindfest that is NotN, I present a challenge to use all that information to hopefully make sure you don’t forget!

  • For every mimic enemy battle, take a sip of water
  • I’d recommend a pretty small one though, there’ll be a lot
  • For every captcha, look away from the screen for a few seconds to prevent eye strain, as well as give your wrists a few stretches
  • For every Strange Chest, take a few minutes to walk around, stretch the rest of yourself and/or do whatever else you may need to do

Don’t neglect yourself just for sweet, sweet dragon junk!


This was fun the last time we did it, so, again: link me to a dragon and I’ll show you a cursed image it reminds me of

Taking a break for dinner, but go ahead and show me more dragons. I’ll continue when I get back.

god bless and thank you for this image


This was fun the last time we did it, so, again: link me to a dragon and I’ll show you a cursed image it reminds me of

Taking a break for dinner, but go ahead and show me more dragons. I’ll continue when I get back.


im too dumb for any glimmer and gloom guides


I hope you don’t mind if I try, too?

This is all about hardmode bc I am used to that one

Phase 1: Row 1-3

If you want to clear row 1 you click in row 2 Clearing row 2 means clicking in row 3 Clearing row 3 means clicking in row 4 How? Clicking on corner stones in the clicking-row flips one stone in the row above, clicking on inner stones flips two of the above. Clean row by row and don’t care about what happens below Phase 2: Row 4

If you have an even number of stones that still have to be flipped, arrange them in pairs of 2 and flip them by using row 5 aus used to

If the number of th be flipped stones is uneven click every single stone in row 4 and then use step for even numbers in row 4

Phase 3: Row 5

If you have an even number of stones that have to be flipped, arrange them in pairs of 2 and flip them by using row 6 as used to

If you have an uneven number click every stone in row 2 and repeat all previous phases

Phase 4: Row 6 

If you have an even number of to be flipped pieces you should be able to clear the puzzle

If you have an uneven number to be flipped, click all stones in row 3 and repeat previous phases.

I’m sorry for bugging if it doesn’t help but I thought I could give it a shot ^^

omg dude you have no idea how much this helps?? all the other guides i saw were super visual and i had a hard time following them, but this is perfect!!

Glad it helped someone ^^

oh man! this is the first time ive been able to consistently clear a map on this game! thanks so much for the guide, it’s a lifesaver. 


Gods Across a Glass Sea // An Instrumental Dungeons and Dragons Playlist

Themes for the Aneski Gods, played in the spirit of their many blessings and many lessons. Let there never be a day without knowing.

Made a D&D playlist for my current high magic homebrew, where the Gods hold forum among their beloved Mortals and are deeply praised in return for their guidance. 


hi friends hello how r u

things u can win!

one (1) person will win 3000 gems (yay!)
also possibly probably a sketch from me :3

how to enter for shinies:

must reblog, likes do not count
flight rising username + ID must be included
don’t have to be following but it’s always nice :3

ends friday september 14, good luck!


Airris #61645

RainbowRooster #205965

Ambrose #48359 


so anyway with all this argument over “rich” vs. “poor” players, i’m honestly wondering what the standard is! like, what actual…let’s say treasure/gems on hand amount constitutes, effectively, the middle class of FR

i’m super curious, please tell me: how much treasure/gems do you usually have on hand? how much have you ever had all at once? how do you usually make your dragon cash? what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought on-site? & of course: how many roundsey tickets did you buy? why that amount?

to start things off, i like to keep at least 1-2mil treasure on me at once, and gem amounts vary, but 1500g is always nice to have kicking around. currently i have 35kg in the vault and ~4.6kg on hand, plus 4.5mil treasure - it’s a little over the most i’ve ever truly saved up. i make my money mostly from art & a leveling service. currently saving for a cog frog, with a light sprite (paid ~42kg) being the most i’ve ever spent on a single item! i bought 100 roundsey tickets, purely for funsies. gotta enter the first raffle.

I have 1g and 9kT total.

I don’t know how I survive in this dragon economy, but my most expensive buys have all been skydancers, at most was 2.5kg


I keep 500g and 500kt in the vault at all times in case something rare comes out and I need the cash Right Now. All at once, I obtained 2mil and 2kg, which was sheer determination. I usually go through my dailies and sell Baldwin stuff as well as fairgrounds, sometimes UMAs. Expensive thing was a WC scroll at 2kg pure. I bought 10 tickets because I’m not that invested in things. :O

I don’t like talking about my current stock of funds but I’m fine with admitting that at this time it’s very, very low.

The most expensive item I ever bought was a skycat, which was 160kG.

I’ve also purchased a bone fiend which was a little more expensive, but partially in items. Each took me about a year to save for! And by save I mean, make accents as much as possible and grind like hell.

I bought 250 Roundsey tickets because I had some things sell coincidentally the day it opened and was like Yea OK


I have 45,000t and 63 Gems as of right now. I’d prefer to have 100kt on me at all times but I never actually lived up to that resolution lol I bought 20 Roundsey tickets this week The most treasure I ever made at once was 180kt My account is just under 5 years old lol

I have about 95,000t and 700g currently. So Tempted to scatter Moneypit so that may not last long. 

The most expensive thing I ever bought was my Light Sprite. I don’t remember what I spent for it tbh. Over 40kg probably? 

That would also be the most money I’ve ever had at once, I paid a lump sum for the Light Sprite. 

I make my money mostly through coli. I bought 50 Roundsey tickets. 


@genonehell i wanna say it was 42kg?? idk it was a long time ago man lol

as for me, i have uhhhhh bout 100kt, 1500g, and 500k in the vault thanks to glitter and gloom. that’s how i earn money, as well as occasionally hawking old accents that no one really wants. and also regretting selling a lot of my older stuff earlier than i should have x.x

the most expensive thing i’ve uhhh bought? i think was a 6kg skin. thing i own is probably my sunchaser’s at this point. at one point i had like the aforementioned 42kg or smth, but as usual i pissed it away on stuff and regretti that. also helps that i’ve tried to quit this hellsite multiple times and thus gotten rid of many things. 

i bought exactly one roundsey ticket because the RNG hates me and I have my already frankly ridiculous money sink of choice, but exactly one ticket is just enough for lols. 


Currently at about 5Mt and 10kg. I’ll go down 1/5 that if I really have to, but this level is nice. The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought was a Bone Fiend for I think 130kg? That was back when I was playing WAY more intensely, and actually Coli-ing instead of just coasting on item sales. I have bought zero Roundsey tickets last round, and tbh probably won’t buy any this round either. Or maybe one ticket purely for fun. Certainly won’t ever try to buy a lot of tickets with the purpose of winning, unless one day it turns out that few enough people have bought tickets that the gamble is actually worth it based on the math.


25milT and 15kG in my vault, which is about where I like to stay. The most expensive single thing I’ve ever bought was probably the Light Sprite for a million treasure back in the first year of the game. A couple of years ago I did a lair overhaul and bought nearly every dragon I owned genes and breed changes which set me back about 30kG and 25milT at the time.

I bought five roundsey tickets last time, and five this time. I mostly make money reselling items when my flight has dominance, and bolster it with exalting.


I’m on hiatus now, but at last call I had 100k treasure and around 1000 gems. I don’t buy accents so I hoard gems for gem genes. Expensive for me is… Gem genes. I mean, it took 2 years to hoard enough for Pluto’s stained. Expensive for me is 100kt, which is how much I paid for my birthday dragon. I also hoard gems because I am looking for art.

I uh, haven’t bought any tickets, to be honest. I haven’t been on the site for a while.

i generally have about 2milT and 2kg in my vault at any given time. Most expensive thing Ive purchased is a light sprite at 42kg pure, which took me about three months to save up for. I tend not to worry too much about gems now, since I don’t have any interest in saving up enough for the KS items :>

I bought about 200 tickets for last weeks raffle. 



ever wanted your dragon to look like a neon 90s outrun-style monstrosity? well have i got the skin for you


oh my GOD please ping Osteophagy for this!!! im enamored

oh my god i NEED this. Please ping me, I’m WrightNDesk on site. 

if this is made, could i get a ping @ Ambrose on FR? this is awesome

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