
listen hobbit pussy could be mediocre (doubtful) but even if it was it's still followed by a 17 course homecooked meal and the kind of weed that would make sauron scared. lithe beautiful immortal elven pussy has no power compared to the simple, hardworking hobbit. and it goes without saying that you cannot handle dwarven pussy.


Translation: What a shitshow. This years Eurovision has gone to hell. And it's first and foremost the EBU's fault.

Also, excerpt from the same article:

Throughout the course of the Eurovision Song Contest, the EBU has acted as if they live in a parallel universe. Eurovision is one thing, the world outside something else. The EBU has stuck its head in the sand. Shoved the problem under the rug. Held their hands over their ears and shouted LALALALALA. They appear to have done everything they can to pretend it's possible to hold an apolitical event in a world that's on fire. We have come together to be "united by music", they say, but the sharpshooters on Malmö's rooftops have nothing to do with us! In its struggle to remain apolitical, the EBU has become like a small fascist state in itself, where the artists' space for expression and action has been reduced as much as the undergarments of the Spanish dancers. It is reprehensible.

Reminder again to BOYCOTT EUROVISION 🇵🇸

Don't watch, don't vote.

this isn't the fucking US presidential election. there is no 'anti' israel vote, that's not how ESC works

and even if there somehow was a way we could all collectively vote to stop israel from winning, all we'd be doing is banding together to save eurovison's reputation and legitimacy. it would do nothing for palestine

if israel ends up winning, then that's EBU's problem, not ours

don't give these ghouls your money


Yeah we're legit at the point where mid-2010s free the nipple breastfeeding is okay feminism is leaps and bounds of improvement


women in nyc can legally go topless wherever men can btw


Wait is that user implying that it's sexual assault to show someone a boob

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