@divinend / divinend.tumblr.com


since it’s hanukkah and people might be paying attention to jewish people for once, some stuff to note

  • don’t call a jewish person a jew unless you know they’re okay with being called that
  • antisemitism is still very real (you’d be surprised how many people ‘forget’ this)
  • goyim (or gentile) means non-jewish people, goy is singular.
  • undermining and erasing jewish traditions is antisemitism
  • if you say to ‘get over the holocaust’ or anything along those lines i will come over and bash your head in with our spare menorah
  • Don’t tell someone they can’t be Jewish because “they don’t look like a Jew.” That’s not for you to decide.

EDIT: this post is going around again and i’m not really sure why. i know it isn’t hanukkah, this was made last year. and some jewish people don’t like being called jews because the word jew is often used in a negative light (“jew nose”, “greedy jew”, etc) and we don’t like goyim saying those things.


                               Blue’s Japanese FC Masterlist!

                                      ᴀ ʙᴜɴᴄʜ ᴏғ ᴊᴀᴘᴀɴᴇsᴇ ғᴀᴄᴇs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴘ

I generally believe there is a lack of Japanese characters in the rpc and more than often, I see people use Korean FCs for ethnically Japanese characters. Therefore I recently started working on a masterlist of Japanese faceclaims to enable more people to be aware of the Japanese faceclaims out there! It includes trans faces, though there are a small amount I know of so there are not many. Everyone is listed with their family name first, then their given name.
This page is being constantly updated by me as there are definitely a lot more Japanese faces to add. But if you have any suggestions please do message me. This list will not include deceased, retired or under 16 faces. As of writing this, the masterlist contains 500+ faceclaims.
If you are an RPH who uses my masterlist for FC help purposes, please credit us as we worked hard on this.
You can sort the faces by these categories:
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Ethnicity (for bi/multi-racial faces)
  • Eye colour 
  • Hair colour
  • Occupation
  • GIF count*
  • RP icon count*
  • My favourites

*includes resources made by everyone! If I missed a resource, feel free to message me and I’ll add it as soon as I can. This is also good because it means you can help create resources for people who have none!

I was inspired by the Vietnamese FC list by thanhpls! Please love and support her masterlist too.

APPARENTLY, the first million times havent been enough for this pedophile apologist transphobe ass to stop appearing on my fucking dashboard, so let’s try again! all of these caps / all of this information is already publicly available on problematicdirectory. my repetition is for posterity because apparently y’all forgot? WARNINGS FOR MENTIONS OF RAPE AND MOLESTATION, AS WELL AS SIMULATED CP.

@affctueuse : i wanna start with this, because this is possibly the scummiest fucking thing about you.

@affctueuse how does it feel 2 be ugly?

@silvaer   !

usin prompto’s #signature monochrome filter n it looks good tbh his eyes r PRETTY!

but this is a res birthday post, not prompto. (though many can argue res and prompto are one in the same.. CLONE FANTHEORY????)

honestly, res, where to start. we met, what, 2 years ago? 3? when i was on thana’s very first blog and you were still on hope. whew. i remember seeing your blog and falling in love with your writing. hasn’t changed! no matter what style of writing you choose to use, it always feels unique, like your writing. because when you do something, be it writing or graphic-making or developing a character, it has your trademark. and that’s really amazing! you stand out in a crowd of a million, and that’s just one of the reasons why i love you.

even when we were just starting out as friends, you were always reliable. i could always come to you for help or advice or just to vent, and you’d be there! especially when i was younger and more insecure, those small gestures of kindness worked wonders. you haven’t changed in that aspect, and that’s good. you’re just naturally kind and empathetic, and that’s what draws so many people to you. being a good listener is a hard thing for some people, but not you. NEVER you. i know i’ve told you a hundred times about how much i appreciate you being there for me, and i’ll tell you a hundred more: thank you so, so much for being my shoulder to cry on. i love you!

and you have changed over the years, all for the better! you’re much more willing to stand up for yourself and other people, and you’re less willing to just take people’s shit. (fuck those anons, man. joke’s on them, you just get excitable!) i’m not exaggerating when i say that you’re a beacon of light and hope on this cursed website, and i know there are plenty others who agree with me. anyone who sends you hate better turn on their location or talk to you face-to-face, pussies! because they need to know that i’ll come @ them. i love you!

you know i’ll ALWAYS be here for you. we’ve been pals through thick and thin, through hiatuses and drama and the plethora of blogs the two of us have made. (raises glass of apple juice) here’s to the rest of our lives! may we always be friends from now to the future, whatever it may hold. i love you!

The FCC sided with Comcast and decided to let ISPs censor the internet. The Internet needs to stop this from happening: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/tellfcc/

Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.

We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.

We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]

This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?

[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304518704579519963416350296

[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics

we’re almost ¾ of the way there!! c’mon guys, every bit counts!


will it ever stop

fucking signal boost




Start a civil war against the US government.

Signal boost for my us followers

I try to keep the things I reblog as blog/mun-centric as possible, but this is something I just can’t let slide.

I’ve been following this cause since last year.  I’ve signed petitions, I’ve called representatives, I’ve been to protests, the whole nine yards.

This right here?  This is not a joke.  This is seriously happening, guys.

Remember the Wikipedia shutdown?  That was to protest this right here.  If you haven’t taken action against this yet, frankly, what is wrong with you?  If this doesn’t get stopped, we’re going to lose the thing that brings us all together unless we shell out huge sums of cash to these corrupt bastards.

Do not just sit there and keep browsing.

Do not scroll past this.



                        DIVINE :     noun.  to feel the godhood in your veins,  to bleed as gold.  know not of death,  only pain.                              “they were a divine death.

                        END :     verb.  to bring what god hath wrought.  to show them your strength as the light fades.                              “become the divine end.

MURDERESS IS A STRONG WORD TO HAVE ATTACHED TO YOU it has a smell to it, that word  –  musky     oppressive,  like dead flowers in a vase .   sometimes at night I whisper it to myself :   murderess,  murderess .   it rustles,  like a taffeta skirt across the floor .  murderer is merely brutal .  it’s like a hammer, or a lump of metal .   i would rather be a murderess than a murderer,  if those are the only options.    
INDEPENDENT SERIAL KILLER ORIGINAL CHARACTER.  multi - verse  /  plot - oriented .  researched   &   cherished by dove !

*「  never close your hands in the face of evil fate ; GET UP AND REBEL AGAINST IT .    ˩    RULES  .   MUSES  . 

HIGHLY SELECTIVE MULTIMUSE , featuring fandomless original characters and canon characters from kdramas and other various asian media. LOW - ACTIVITY, STRICTLY PRIVATE / MUTUALS ONLYPERSONAL BLOGS & KRP BLOGS DO NOT REBLOG OR FOLLOW.


                        DIVINE :     noun.  to feel the godhood in your veins,  to bleed as gold.  know not of death,  only pain.                              “they were a divine death.

                        END :     verb.  to bring what god hath wrought.  to show them your strength as the light fades.                              “become the divine end.

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