you come and go in waves

@goldblums /

leaving me in your wake

people are losing their minds over the fact that the pair of shoes mcconaughey used is not the ACTUAL pair of shoes a 10 year old girl died in... well, i’m sure her family would’ve been delighted to provide the shoes their daughter died in, that were probably covered in her blood... cause clearly that’s the only way a message can get to you


Cinderella (1950) Background Art

“Mary Blair played a big part in the success of Disney’s Cinderella. Her rough color/environment sketches didn’t make it to the screen as such, nevertheless her artistic sensibilities influenced the entire production”
 - Andreas Deja

Remember: toe beans are the sign of a killer.

Funnily enough, I’m not 100% joking. While many animals have paw pads, the particular kind of soft, squishy beans found on housecats are an adaptation for stealth. Squishy beans mean you’re looking at an ambush predator.

These are the beans of a killer, Bella.


You can still be a kind person while saying “fuck off” to those who just don’t care about  basic human rights. If you don’t set boundaries, people will keep on disrespecting you. Saying “fuck off” to someone who knows that they are being abusive doesn’t make you a bad person, a selfish person, or a toxic person. It makes you a person who won’t accept being treated like you have no worth or dignity.

Anonymous asked:

“You know what stops guns? Fucking gun control.” You douchy euorpeans. Know what really stopped the shooter? Bullets to the face.

You do realise that those children were dead before the shooter got stopped with "bullets to the face" right?

Well this douchy European has never ever had to worry as a child if I'd get shot at school.

Oh but sure, of course fighting guns with guns is the solution, right? That's why school shootings never happen anymo- oh wait...

Congratulations, you're part of the problem, dear brave anonymous ❤️


I got thinking about the window seat: how special it is and how it can be taken for granted. These expansive views can be very humbling. Everyone is fascinated by flight, and for now airplaines are how we get to experience it. At some point on each flight I’ve been on, I think about sitting in a chair in the sky, and it seems crazy every time.” - Jim Darling on his ‘Airplane Window’ series 

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