
Craving Comics


Arianna | she/her, artist, 💗💜💙 | Commissions are open! | uni student | Venmo: ariannasays27
Anonymous asked:

I had an AU, that at this point is more of a headcanon for me, that I thought you might enjoy because it's a nice mix of angst, Tim not thinking things are as bad as they very clearly are, and some fluff.

So it's pretty widely accepted that the Bats don't really know anything about Tim's days with Young Justice right? Like they might know one or two small facts, but they don't know that the gang blew up Mount Rushmore, any of the times the DEO tried to arrest them and drag them into Government Labs for experimentation, or that time they went to a Disco Themed Hell with Supergirl. They sure as hell don't know about any of the things that happened with Secret and Harm. Even though Tim would canonically be gone for days at a time (some of his adventures, mainly the one when they were gone for THE ENTIRE WINTER OLYMPICS) with no one noticing. One time they were in space and had enough time to not only go to Darksied's planet but spent WEEKS there and when they got back still not even Batman knows that Tim was even gone.

Anyways, all this to say. If Tim vanished for a month or two and just said he was spending time with Young Justice again while sending in case files and stuff to keep Bruce busy, I don't think anyone would notice. Nor would they notice if he suddenly switched from being Right Handed to being Left Handed and then after months of practice he goes back to being right handed. It's such a small change after all.

So here's the headcanon. On a Young Justice mission, something goes horribly wrong and Tim full on looses his hand. It's simply gone. The reason no one knows or notices is that he got a robotic replacement, a very realistic looking one like Roy Harper has, that he spent a few months learning how to work with and then went to physical therapy for it for years. It's just part of his life now and he thinks everyone knows, after all. How could they miss it? Jason has seen his palm open with a screw driver deep in his wires. Jason thought he was still tripping from fighting Scarecrow a few hours before. Not a single person outside of Cassie, Tim, Kon, Bart, Greta, Anita, Slobo, and Cissie knows that Tim is missing his right arm just below his elbow for almost 5 years.

That is until Tim has been up for 4 days straight and Dick says something about needing a hand with something and in a moment of sleep deprived brilliance, Tim takes off his hand, and throws it at Dick.

Yes! I love this AU/hc. There is a fic that kind of has this situation: "I told you about that... Didn't I?" by weewoow_070603. Jason is the one to find out, though.

I like the details you added in this AU that the fic (as far as I remember) didn't add: Tim being gone is a regular thing, the fear toxin with Jason, the months of physical therapy, etc.

I do think something as vital as this would happen to Tim, and he'd just forget to tell his family. At first, he tries to hide it. He doesn't want to deal with their fretting, the lectures, the scolding, and them getting involved. He has it handled, after all. After a while, he forgets that he should hide it and why he did in the first place. Then someone finds out, and he's confused why they don't know such a common place thing.

I'm also super glad you tied in all those YJ examples that you did. People tend to focus on the space baseball or Santa Clause (which I love those events too), so it was refreshing to see other events as examples.

Anonymous asked:

In the Tim Emperor of Space au, being the ruler of multiple planets, possibly having multiple names he's referred to across planets since they have their own traditions and ideas of what a proper title might be, not to mention that at least a few of the planets came under Tim's hold while he was Robin while others while he was Red Robin, and I don't see Tim as being the sort of person who'd tell entire planets his actual, legal name,

getting off track

Anyway, in this AU, something to make note of, YJ is, for good reason, very co dependent, they had to be since in most cases they had next to no support in their day to day lives and several were in actively abusive situations and they only had fellow teens to help them

So, YJ knows and has always known that their birdie is an emperor, it makes him happy to help people so they support his hobby. Had this been a thing then rather than suggesting Tim get help and accept Bruce's death, Cassie would have instead suggested that Tim go on a royal tour/visit across his planets in the hopes that the time and distance would give him some perspective and the active adoration from his planets would probably also help in her opinion. He didn't but after the Brucrquest is done, Cassie might suggest he go on the royal tour anyway because he needs a break.

Anyway, Bart, Kon, and Cassie, sometimes just one, sometimes all, or in any combination, are considered royal consorts on Tim's various planets, depending on societal norms and attitudes on each planet. On at least one or more of the planets, each of the core four has inspired at least one cult that is quickly becoming a recognized religion across the galaxy. On the planets where any or all of them are the royal consort, their job is mostly to wear pretty things, fend off suitors who want to take advantage of their birdie, participate in charity events, and do their part in whatever convoluted scheme Tim has come up with to help out another planet that wants to be under Tim's aegis. They find it's very much like going as Tim's arm candy to a civilian event but they get to punch more people.

I love the idea of them maintaining various roles for Tim dependent on the culture of the planet. Sometimes, they are his advisors, or consorts, or generals, body guards, religious leaders (for the cult they accidentally started), vague family members, etc. The YJ definitely has fun in the different roles (even retired ones occasionally help out [it's like a vacation but in space]).

Tim has a very helpful spreadsheet (that links to more documents for further information) that explains who takes up what role on each planet. Despite that, they do occasionally mess up. Sometimes, planets even chat with each other. It gets a bit chaotic when that happens


Tim drake ruler of worlds

Ok I am an outsider but I think ppl are focused too much on the brucequest. Imagine the comedic potential of none of the batfam knowing but the loa does. Damian arrives and shows respect to Tim bc even the demons heir knows when they are outclassed (by several planets worth of people). Batfam + jl don't realize this until a force appears that overtakes planets and sees Tim. Tim says "fuck off". They promptly fuck off. What the jl doesn't know is that they only overtake weaker planets without a good defense. Planets Timmy has multiple planets to act as a defense and should not be counted. He wouldn't ask them but the second those planets hear of the threat to their beloved rulers planet???? They shall take this strain from his shoulders!!! He has done so much!!! (What if he thinks we are too much work) We can do this small act for him!!!

They hear of one (1) threat and are like but what does he get from ruling us?? (Mental health boost from millions saying how great he is, stress relief tbh, the ability to take days off while he feels like he's still being useful). We Will Keep Our Overlord!!!!

Better if they have longer lifespans and so Tim being 17 is like.. Smart Baby!! Babey so clever!! We love him!! Earth babies are clearly such good rulers!!! We should recommend?! But wait?? He tries to KILL earth?? THATS WHERE OUR BELOVED BABY RULER IS??

Tim is like people electing a bear to president because it clearly can't make anything worse right? But then he makes it BETTER?!??!??


I fucking love this so so much. I can't with them electing him for the morale boost (baby for overlord), and Tim somehow doing well anyways.

Just planets of people who love their mascot overlord who actually does really good work.

Also, you are correct that Damian (and LoA) knowing about Tim from the get-go would be such a juicy twist! Like, Damian would try to befriend Tim instead. He would try to establish a friendly relationship and connection for the purpose of having him on Damian's side when Damian takes over the LoA or Batman's mantle.

I bet Talia has trained Damian in business relations and how to manipulate people onto your side. Damian would try these tricks (there can still be some conflict with Tim being Robin) and notice months later that they somehow became brothers. Oh well. Tim's proven to be a formidable ally. For those who hurt his family? He's a terrifying opponent. It's truly better this way (and not that he'll admit it even to himself, but he also cares about Tim at this point).

Since Damian knows about the planets and they have a friendly relationship, Tim would take Damian with him sometimes when he visits. He'd show him some of the ropes (training useful for WE or LoA) and implement ideas Damian proposes.

Then! Your whole JL and invading forces ideas??? Fuuuudge. I love that shit so much. I just love dramatic reveals like that


crack idea Tim ruler of worlds It's canon that YJ went to space a lot of times, Impulse even has an spaceship, so during one of those missions on space they accidentally help a planet to overthrow a tyrant, a simple mission they did in less than a week, but now the planet has no ruler and they have no idea what to do, so the citizens of the planet decide to ask YJ for help, i mean they saved them after all surely YJ would know what to do next. Tim who plays Civ V on max difficulty on 4x speed while solving cold cases, decides to rule their planet until they decide on a leader and a new government system, all he needs is a signal for communications to earth and he can visit every couple of months if needed ,after all how hard can it be? the answer is pretty easy, but Tim has a feeling that once his rule ends Civilization V will be really boring to him now, and he doubts it will matter that much, except other planets noticed, and apparently when you have a planet that belongs to you it's easier for those planets to get in contact when they need help, adn that's how Tim ends up ruling a small sector of space, he also played spore till the space stage so he knew how to handle multiple planets. Later when he get's control of Wayne Industries he understands how Bruce managed to pretend to be incompetent while being CEO, he only needed to remove a couple of shareholders and change a couple policies to improve efficiency, profits and employee satisfaction by 50%, it's honestly kinda boring compared to managing his planets. Lucius and a couple workers of WI are very much aware, that if Tim wanted he could completely rule the company with an iron fist, when they heard that Tim is planning to give it back to Bruce some of them seriously considered killing Bruce so that Tim continues as CEO. Meanwhile in a planet far away from earth some green lanterns save a planet that was under attack by yellow lanterns, the battle was hard on the planet, but they noticed that one of the lanterns was a human, they all knew of the prosperity, happiness and the protection that the planets ruled by red robin have, so they decide to ask for the human green lantern to contact Red robin if he was willing to rule their planet in exchange for helping it recover, surely this won't have any consequences.


This is such a beautiful crack idea I'm in love! The potential for chaos, the reveals, the long time secret. It's fantastic.

I am curious how many planets he ends up ruling by that point. Also, Starfire, Diana, Aquaman, and the GLs might insist that Tim be respected as the interplanetary ruler that he is. Suddenly, no one in JL can refer to Tim as anything less than a title of respect fit for someone of his position.

I'm also curious how Tim handled managing those planets while Bruce was gone. How did he keep that type of communication from Ra's?

Add onto Tim's ruined reputation with the JL (if you want extra spice)? What if someone tries to recommend that the JL takes over leadership for Red Robin due to them believing Tim can't handle it despite the many years he's not only led but brought the planets prosperity? That JL member is insisting on an action that will bring about war.

Just so much possibilities and chaos it's delicious. Thank you!


Tim ruler of worlds

The reason why no one of the batfam knew that Tim is a king/emperor is simply because they didn't ask, Tim is almost constantly with a tablet or a computer managing his empire, but he never actually explained what he's doing to anyone outside of YJ, so everyone just assumed that his hobby was playing planet mangement games.

at the beginning Bruce thought that Tim gaming so much would end up interfering with Tim's life, but at the time he was still beginning to care about Tim so he just didn't say anything and left Tim to suffer the consequences of his own actions if it affected his studies or Robin.

But the only thing that happened was that Tim was happier than usual, and let's not talk about the fact that Tim felt better when he was helping a planet full of people who acknowledged him and were openly grateful for his actions, unlike someone who despite everything Tim did, was constantly testing him and barely acknowledging all that Tim did for him.

And so Bruce lost the chance to ask what Tim about his 'game', in fact Alfred was happy that Tim had a hobby and the positive effect it had on Tim, so time passed and everyone 'knew' that Tim liked to play those games and was constantly playing even multitasking while solving cases, the only one who could notice that it wasn't a game but instead a system that Tim made for managing his planets would be if Barbara hacked Tim's game to check it, but she has no reason to do that.

That's how despite not hiding at all what he was doing, no one ever noticed anything, in fact Tim thought that everyone knew about it but didn't care, the closest someone ever got was when Jason decided to mess with Tim by doing something on his 'game', but the second Jason touched something the glare that Tim gave him was so terrifying that Jason feared for his life, after that no one even tried to touch Tim's 'game'.


You went for Bruce's throat in this and I appreciate it so much: "unlike someone who who despite everything Tim did, was constantly testing him and barely acknowledging all Tim did for him."

Let's go!

Also, I imagine Jason would feel so guilty about going to mess with Tim's game if he knew that his actions would have drastically affected real people's quality of life.

You are absolutely correct that Tim would design himself an entire program to mimic the games he usually plays to help him understand ruling the world better. It's genius, even if it's unorthodox. That is part of the reason he's able to assume control so quickly.

Poor Tim probably isn't getting enough sleep with all the worlds he is managing. Though, he probably set up automatic processes to help them become independent, self-sufficient, and less reliant on him. He's still there to help them, but he's not directly assisting everything. My hc is that he went dark from Bruce for a few weeks until the worlds were able to manage on their own. He periodically has to "go help YJ with a mission" whenever he acquires a new world to rule. That stuff is better to implement in person, after all

Anonymous asked:

I had an idea for the AU where Tim is ruler of a dozen or so planets. As someone with an Empire that large, OA would take notice. They sent a few Green Lanturns (not any human ones) to check it out and found Tim to be an actually good ruler. He even willingly came back with them to OA without a massive vanguard (the don't know that YJ could destroy them all if they so pleased) and Tim spent nearly a week there just discussing things like trade routes and taxes on goods and which items were taxed more where and all kinds of things like that which OA normally oversees.

After the week is over, the Guardians respect Tim for being one of the nicest yet most cut throat negotiators they've ever met. First king/Emperor/ruler/whatever in centuries to not get into a screaming match with them at some point or act like a brat at all. Tim was polite and respectful the whole time, just as his mother taught him.

Tim also comes out with much better trade deals and the Guardians owning him a handful of favors by the weeks end and none of them but Tim realize just how Amazing of a deal he got.

This would be absolutely fantastic to read. I want to hc that none of the human GLs were there at the time when Tim was making all of trade deals and chatting. Perhaps they were on Earth or a far away mission. Whatever the case is, they return to OA and hear rumors about the amazing new leader for several worlds.

Identity shenanigans ensue because, after the whole BruceQuest stuff, those human GLs know Red Robin (or whatever mantle he's taken; I'm fond of "Patron" for this AU), but don't know that he's the badass ruler they were told to treat with respect or whatever (space politics?)

Then they find out that a bunch of humans moved to the worlds according the leader. The humans, though, are ex-LoA agents.

Just chaos, ig, with identity shenanigans


I’m imagining that one of the Justice League members goes to one of Tim’s planets and tries to explain that Red Robin has become “crazy” and is no longer mentally capable to rule over all of his planets and then suddenly they’ve got a whole planet of angry citizens who are ready to fight for the right to keep their leader

Tim is naturally unaware of what is happening as he is busy blowing up Ra’s basements and turning some of the League’s assassins over to his side


Any JL member who does that is lucky to leave that planet alive.

A lot of the LoA assassins that defect to Tim end up relocated on the planets. They receive government type jobs where they help out the citizens, guard them, or learn from them. Tim's got the ones who eventually want to return to earth on a contract-like deployment agreement (and everyone who agreed to go to outerspace agreed with their assignment).

The change in scenery, so far from the Earth they know, helps a ton of ex-LoA agents heal from their trauma and seek atonement. The citizens are happy to have trusted allies of Red Robin's assisting them and protecting them. The last time someone tried to invade one of the planets, it took Tim some time to get there. Now? Automatic deterrents.


AU where the real reason Ra's al Ghul has lived so long is because he's a Vampire and they were just lying about the Lazarus Pits this whole time

Ra's is a Vampire, Talia's a Vampire, Damian's a Vampire — Talia never actually dunked Jason in the Pit, she bit him.

They're all lying liars who lie and the League of Assassins is full of their thralls

Why lie? Because everyone knows about Vampires and their weakenesses and this way no one will ever think to to use silver or wooden stakes against any of the al Ghuls


Also, please consider: Jason and Damian trying to hide the fact that they're Vampires from the Bats (and being really bad at it)

Or, worse: Damian not bothering to hide it because he thinks "Batman" is a Vampire, too (and accidentally causing a hilarious amount of misunderstandings in the process)


((Angstier alternative is the Bats unknowingly starving Damian who thinks they know when they most certainly don't, only for fellow Vamp Jason to eventually come to his rescue))


Damian: Father, I am bloodthirsty
Bruce, weary: Yes, I know Damian
Damian: Father, I yearn for blood
Bruce (oblivious): No blood, Damian
Damian: *hisses*
Damian: Why do you forsake me, Father?
Bruce: *sighs*

The idea of Tim and Ra’s having a mini war post time stream brings me joy. They’re not really out to kill, just inconvenience. One day Tim wakes up to a scandal that Ra’s set up and he has to figure out how to fix it and in retaliation Tim hacks into the LoA bases and causes intro music to play whenever Ra’s enters a new room.

One day Dick walks into the manor to see Tim staring at a singular cupcake sitting on the counter. Before he can steal it for himself Tim warns him off with a quick. “It’s from Ra’s and it’s poisoned.”

Dick is confused and flabbergasted and concerned because why is the 600 year old leader of an assassin cult sending his baby brother poisoned cupcakes.

“I snuck on to base and added laxatives to the water last month. I was gonna test the cupcake in the cave but my guess is it’s meant to incapacitate me the same time it took for them to get the water out of their system. Or maybe he’s just sending me a gift for the 2 year anniversary of me blowing up all his major bases. Last year he sent chocolate laced with non lethal doses of belladonna. Naturally I retaliated by hacking his servers and changing the language settings to Pig Latin.”

Dick just nods along and wonders how hard it would be to trick Tim into visiting a therapist. Also they are clearly not keeping a close enough eye on their brother.


cheers to the best duck in the world!! 🥳🥳

img by Silvia Ziche on TL-3315


For decades you've been known as the duck "stuck with all the bad luck." Well not today. Today we celebrate 90 years of one of the greatest careers in cartoondom.

Happy 90th Birthday Donald Duck, and here's to 90 more!

Colors by @toonheads0215


Today I came out to my brother as aroace and he said: "Oh, just like Jaiden!"

The relief of immediate understanding... I've never had that before. That's what why good representation is important, you guys. I'm so thankful for that video she made.


So, I kinda wanted to hop in and subject this tumblr post to Peer Review, because while I definitely agree that there is a big problem in the US regarding poor media literacy, the study featured here is... not a good measurement, and these bullet points make the results seem worse than they are.

Another person in the notes linked an additional article that contained the full study, and these are the questions that were included in the study:

A couple of problems right off the bat. The first one that jumps out is #6: "The Earth is between 5,000 and 10,000 years old." In this study, the correct answer would be that this is a statement of fact, because it is, well, stated as a fact. And according to the paper in question:

  • A fact is a statement that can be verified. It can be proven to be true or false through objective evidence.

That's lovely and all, but nowhere in this study does it say that the participants were informed that this is definition of "statement of fact" that the study was using. It's not exactly common knowledge that "statement of fact" and "fact" do not actually mean the same thing. A statement of fact is when someone says something that they believe is true. A fact is something that is true.

So, anyone who participated in this study who interpreted "statement of fact" to mean "fact" (and also wasn't a young-Earth conspiracy theorist) would have gotten this question wrong, because they know that Earth is much older than 10,000 years.

Another somewhat less obvious problem is in question 2, which the authors of the study address as such:

  • First, as noted by Firey (2018), item 2 perhaps could be categorized as a statement of opinion because the phrase “a significant portion” is subjective. We repeated Pew’s coding on our survey, and solid majorities on both surveys rated the item as a statement of fact. In retrospect, we would categorize the statement as borderline (see note 4 above). By the end of 2017, ISIS had lost 95% of its territory (Wilson Center, 2019). Because such an overwhelming loss would be difficult to deem insignificant, we retain the item as a statement of fact for present purposes.

Yes, I agree that nobody could reasonably argue that a 95% loss isn't significant. However, unless the study specifically recruited participants who were extremely knowledgable about statistics relating to ISIS activity, the participants have no way of knowing that 95% is the amount in question. That "significant portion" could be anything!

Like, let's say that ISIS had lost 25% of its territory. That's a lot! That's over 10,000 square kilometers that were no longer under ISIS control. So one could argue that this is a significant portion. But also, that's only a fraction of their territory. ISIS still has control over the majority of the territory they'd had previously - three times as much as the amount they'd lost. So one could also argue that this is an insignifant portion.

If I had been a participant in this study, I would have marked this as a statement of opinion. And thus I would have become part of the 95% who apparently can't differentiate between fact and opinion.

But, I was not a study participant. So, who was? What does this study say about its participants?

Well, here's what the study says about it:

  • Data are from a national online survey we designed. The survey was fielded by YouGov from March 9 to March 14, 2019. There are 2,500 respondents.

That's it. No information about how participants were recruited or invited to take the survey. Nothing about what quality assurance methods were used to make sure that participants were following instructions, or that computer error didn't interfere with the data.

Nothing about incentives given for the completion of the survey.

Oh, yes, that's something very important to note. You see, YouGov is not an academic research firm. It's a marketing research firm. It functions similarly to sites like Swagbucks or Survey Junkies. And this is how it markets itself to participants when you search for YouGov in Google:

That's exact marketing used by Swagbucks. I use Swagbucks. I'm a pretty active user, in fact. I answer surveys and play mobile games to collect points, then redeem them, usually for Wal-Mart gift cards so I can save on groceries. I know how sites like these work.

And I also know that when I just want to get a survey completed, I bullshit. I just click whichever multiple choice option is closest to my cursor until I'm done and can get the points.

Guess what else I do: I lie. Sometimes a survey is listed on the site that's worth a lot of points but is only looking for people of a certain demographic. And I take it anyway. I give them whatever info is needed to get my points and get those gift cards. I have had a grand total of one cup of coffee in my life and hated it. But whenever a survey asks me if I have ever bought a certain brand of coffee, I say yes, and I review it.

Oh yeah, that's another point: there is no demographic information given about this study's participants. We know that participants were at least asked for their age and political affiliation ("Multivariate models include controls for age and partisanship") but we, the readers, are never told what that spread turned out to be. We just have to take their word for it that YouGov's sampling methodology was sound.

If I had turned in this research paper for review, with this Methods section and this survey, my advisor would have slapped me.

So, what is my point? Why did I spend an hour writing this response to a tumblr post? Well, because the findings of this study may be bullshit, but this whole post brings to light another big problem in the world of media and journalism.

The University of Illinois published this sloppy-ass study that I would have been embarassed to hand in as a 10-point assignment. This survey made it through the internal review board, a process that I know from experience can take months and dozens of rounds of review. It was then peer reviewed by Harvard, the school that people point to as the epitome of academic prestige full of super geniuses, and added to their library. Then it was picked up by a Washington DC online newspaper and tweeted about by a member of the House of Representatives.

And finally, it was posted here on Tumblr, uncritically.

I don't know what percentage of Americans can't tell fact from opinion. And reading this study is not going to give me an accurate answer, because the study's design and conclusions the authors reached are a mess.

All I can tell you is that academic and journalistic instutions alike need to do a better job of reviewing and thinking critically about information they receive before they publish it to the world.


There’s something too on the nose about this… very often, if you’re presented with something that makes the vast majority of people seem incredibly, shockingly ignorant and stupid, there’s more going on with the “study”.


in superman adventures #19, there’s a villain named multi-face who can convincingly disguise himself as anyone, even tricking dna tests and x-ray vision. Superman initially can’t stop him

and the only reason he gets caught is because multiface decides to disguise himself as, of all people, CLARK KENT i’m screaming

why do villains always mess up so badly

Clark Kent attending Bruce Wayne’s yacht party where Bruce told Clark to wear his clothes and……

Sard borken

This bullshit needs to get into the movies, not edgy-grimdark shit

I especially love the fact that, in many depictions, Bruce Wayne somehow ended up looking similar enough to the one Kryptonian on Earth that they can Parent Trap people

*Deathstroke bursts into the Legion of Doom headquarters* “Guys, you won’t believe this, but I think Bruce Wayne is Superman!“

today I learned that Clark Kent is sloppy drunk and I am in eternal gratitude for that

sard borken

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