


26/Female/Co-writer of Hntrgurl13 and TOA. Advid watcher of cartoons of all types. Oh! Occasionally does art.

Introducing: Pak Membrane!

Pak is the mother of Dib and Gaz and wife of Professor Membrane. She came to Earth as a "teenaged" Irken to prove that a dangerous race called "Hoomans" existed. She later met and married her husband and produced two smeets.

As an Irken Invader, she misjudged how long shes been away from Earth and her family, assuming a 9 year trip was equivalent to 5 minutes in Earth time.

Despite resembling Daughter-Gaz, she is closer in personality to Dib and seems to be where he inherits his large head from.

(Bases by Zerna! Tip your waitresses!)

Bringing this back as August quickly approaches. I still can't get over Pak being on Tumblr for almost a year!

I may give her a slight revamp of her 2019 look to celebrate, or just re-do her 2009 look.

Either way, I still plan to celebrate!


To the asshole that keeps harassing and threatening me and my friends in my asks as an anonymous user,

I’ve reported you multiple times.

I’ve now turned off my anonymous asks.

If you want to continue, you’ll have to show exactly who you are.

I’m not frightened by you.

You’re a coward and a prick.

You are nothing special.

You are nothing.


A bitch who is done with your shit


The Battle In Mountains

Playing with colours time :). It's... new.

There's one future story about mountain spirits, where Hazel messes things quite a lot. There the image goes.


I believe we don’t talk about this scene as much as we should.

We all remember this scene, right?

This scene takes place after Po’s training and the battle between the Furious Five and Tai Lung. It was clear who had won the battle.

Here, we see Shifu recovering the Five’s nerves after they were attacked by Tai Lung using his nerve attack (which Shifu had taught him).

This scene absolutely broke me. Because not only can you hear the disappointment in Tigress’ voice when she says, “I thought we could stop him…” but her face also indicates that she feels guilty for not being able to defeat Tai Lung, making it clear to her that she is not the Dragon Warrior. None of them were.

The title she worked hard for almost all her life. The only chance she knows that could finally give her the love and approval she’s been longing for was not meant for her…


Can we also talk about how soft Shifu says "He could have killed you." He's terrified but relieved his students are alive. He realizes that they truly weren't robbed of the title by Po but they were almost robbed of their lives by HIS student/son. He almost lost another child.


Getting emotional. Thinking about Po and the Furious Five's friendship.


The opening in the second movie of them all cheering Po on while he eats bean buns was so wholesome.


Kung Fu Panda Family - The Animated Series 🐼 × 🐯

(not really :v)

Inspired by 90's Animated Cartoon and Anime. Art by @ani-dragmire & Colours and Lineart by @irfoxe

Link to the Original Art: hereherehere!



Thanks Ani for letting me draw one of your art again! 💗💗💗

Oh yeah, and i might post the clean versions later, cya 👋🏻✨


Tigress said she used to enjoy the Winter Festivals. I like to think Shifu would take her to them until she was old enough to join the other Kung Fu Masters at dinner.

You have learned well from our last encounter.
Well, I WAS taught by the best!
Thank you.
I was speaking of Master Fung!
It appears I have taught you well.
No! It appears you have taught me too well!

By Finding Omi, Omi's not even playing coy or denying it anymore.

He fully acknowledges that Chase is his teacher and the reason Omi has come so far and become so strong lately.


Chase's little smile in the 3rd panel is so wholesome. He looks so proud.


This article was super long-winded so I screenshat the important part

the fact we’re responsible for getting doctors to “lower their defenses” in order to literally just do their jobs is ✨INFURIATING✨


In Master Monk Guan, Omi is so wary and distrusting of Chase (for good reason) that he wasn’t even willing to take his eyes off his him long enough to do the type of formal bow that Omi normally does. He kept his head up and glared at Chase, even while he bowed the rest of his body to him.

By Dangerous Minds, Chase asks Omi to turn his back to him and close his eyes, and Omi does so without question and without hesitation.

It’s just one of the many things that subtly communicates how steadily the trust between them grew throughout the season.


And yet Chase has always trusted Omi more than anyone. Even when they first officially meet in the past and Chase initially mistakes him as an enemy, it doesn't take long at all for him to come to trust the little one.

Maybe that's why he was willing to bow fully to Omi?

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